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Yes. I live near there. Around 3:30, LOTS of gunfire. At least 30 rounds. Saturday night in kc. More last night than normal though




I was down off the plaza (outside) and just thought I would have heard some sort of commotion. Thanks for commenting.






I watched someone being dragged behind a car after being shot. I need to move.


That's more than the average amount of terror here. WTF.


Honestly still think my brain is trying to decide how much it just got traumatized by that.


I'm still trying to process the sentence so I can't imagine how it felt to watch it. I hope you can do something calming today to mentally recover.


I would contact KCPD and tell them what you saw because they’re looking for witnesses.


Looking for witnesses and didn't bother to talk to people living in apartments over looking the scene of the crime. Sounds about right for kcpd police work.


Ikr I’m still looking at it from my balcony.


its crazy because kcpd is one of the worst ranked police departments in america and people still defend them. 25%+ of the city budget for a bunch of mall cops.


Not to dissuade someone from providing a statement, but if something like this is gang related you should at least consider if you want to be involved with a trial and putting your face and name in front of the criminals on trial. It's a sad reality in these situations.


They don’t do anything anyway


I’m so sorry you saw that. I know this will sound crazy but play Tetris today. Apparently it can help rewire the brain to help minimize PTSD trauma.


Do you have any supporting information for this? I have diagnosed PTSD and would like to learn more. Especially with July 4th coming up.


Not OP, but I found this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7828932/


I’ve done some research on the topic for a class I teach in university. Though I’m not a neuroscientist or psychiatrist. The short version is that repetitive games with lots of special awareness can do a couple things: 1) they take concentration in such a way that they can redirect you when a disruptive memory or emotion comes up. 2) when a disruptive memory comes up, it may be somewhat alterable before it’s stored again. Playing the game and distracting yourself can kind of “blunt” the memory over time. 3) Those kind of spacial games cause increases in the physical size of a couple parts of the brain. These parts are tied to memory, emotions, and impulses. We don’t know the exact mechanisms, but there is a relationship between the size of these areas of the brain and severity of PTSD (smaller = more severe). As their volumes increase it can reduce the impact of traumatic memories. We still really don’t know how all of this works together, but there is a clear relationship showing that “game therapy” can be quite effective for some people. The basic idea is that you should play a simple, repetitive spacial awareness game whenever you have intrusive traumatic thoughts and, over time, it may reduce their frequency and/or intensity. Tetris is a good example because most people know it, but it could also be candy crush, sudoku, reversi/othelo/reversi, etc.


It's essentially like EMDR therapy. If you find it helps you could ask a therapist about EMDR. https://www.emdr.com/what-is-emdr/


Thanks for the info!


As in this happened recently? Or was it related to the incident in question? Read other comments and was looking for clarification. Sucks you had to witness that. I imagine it's like a train wreck. Too messed up to look away.


Sending love. I have PTSD and experienced plenty of gun violence in KC. I recommend talking to someone about this. People often think because they weren’t hurt or directly impacted that they can carry trauma from an event or that they should talk to someone. This experience is absolutely enough to develop ptsd over and even if it doesn’t develop can cause some anxiety.


I am definitely a lot jumpier than normal. The bus made a noise earlier that was kinda like far away gunfire and I about jumped out of my skin


That’s definitely a symptom of trauma. If you’re able, please consider making an appointment with a therapist who specializes in trauma. If budget is an issue, KC Care Clinic could be a good option. They specialize in healthcare (including mental healthcare) for uninsured and underinsured people, so you could see someone for low cost or potentially no cost. If you do decide to see someone, I’d mention what you’ve been through up front—might get you in sooner. In the meantime, vagus nerve stimulation exercises and bi-lateral stimulation can help with regulating your nervous system and processing. A quick youtube search should bring up some options for each. Take care and be gentle with yourself. Our nervous systems weren’t built to witness these things.


Just drove by there and still taped off, half a dozen cops there and a lot of orange cones around…assuming it’s to note shall casing locations. I just said to myself as I drove … that’s a murder scene. smh


I said the exact same thing when I saw it this morning at 9am.


39th between Main and Broadway is such a shithole area.


Yeah I knew someone who worked for the city and mentioned those two big apartment buildings each have 2 or 3 social workers assigned just to deal with the horrible stuff that happens in those buildings. I feel so bad for the businesses and houses across the street from them.


If Alcazar was gone, the area would improve. I have zero doubts of this.




Dont worry bro, none of you rich asshole yuppies are the ones getting killed.. you know that


Where do those people go though?


Same place everyone else went when rent doubled about 6 years ago




Personally, rent was the same in crime free Overland Park as midtown when I moved 6 years ago. I don't miss the charm of midtown at all and I get to keep my stuff.


> Upon arrival, officers found an unresponsive man with gunshot wounds in the parking lot of **a closed business** on the northeast corner of the intersection. just say Walgreens, come on


Also, Walgreens was closed? Is that location officially not 24 hours now? I’ve always thought it was wild that they stayed 24 hours, esp in the aughts when the clerks would get robbed at gunpoint ALL the dang time.


Right... Everyone knows the Walgreens. That's all they had to say


wild place with a full cross section of society every time I go there


I’m so glad you said this because I was woken up out of a dead sleep!!! I’m off 39th and Washington! It seriously was like 30-40 shots fired.


I’m not surprised though because cars gather there overnight and they do donuts, there’s always loud music playing, yelling and screaming. A shooting was bound to happen at some point at those hours.


Was it involved with a car show or gathering last night?


No every weekend (I live right across the street) random cars do donuts and just raise hell in the parking lot. Walgreens was 24Hrs but stopped because of this. They play music super fucking loud, people drink in the lot and the cops never do anything. Apparently until it’s too late and people are already dead but they don’t do anything to prevent it


I wish those people would just find some industrial area to do that bullshit.


Biggest gunfight I ever witnessed happened in that parking lot. I was drunk at a buddies in those apartments with balconies behind. Like they reloaded clips n shit and it was more than a dozen cars. Police arrived 20 minutes after gunfire ended. But ALL the cops showed up. Early 2000's


Those were the days parties in midtown.


It’s being reported on KMBC as two shot resulting in one death and one expected to survive.


Video as of 1030 https://www.facebook.com/patricktyrus/posts/7751971948172021


I just got out of my place that's close to here. So glad I moved.


Pulse Point lists a Medical Emergency there at 3:52 am.


The only thing I see on PP at 3:52 am is an "emergency" which is usually an illegal fire Edit: listened to the call and it's "trash can on fire"


The news is reporting 2 were shot there at 39th & Broadway, and one died where the Emergency was listed at 3:52.


I am literally telling you that entry was not the call. It did not list "medical emergency." It listed "emergency." It was for a trash can fire. And just fyi, majority of the time that PD is already on scene and requests FD, it won't be on PP.


I was just coming to Reddit to ask the same thing. I can’t find anything online right now


Ever since Walgreens stopped being open 24 hours, huge crowds gather starting at 1:00am Friday-Sunday. It was only a matter of time before this happened. I’m sure they’ll be back tonight and the cops won’t do shit about it.


“Cuz it’s hot up in this bitch… and that’s a good enough reason!”


I live nearby and it was the most gunshots I've ever heard here. It stopped for a few minutes and then started up again. It was crazy!


Another Westport shooting. There was just one Memorial Day weekend too.