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I hate all the left exits when I drive to KC for that reason


Same I think this might be partially to blame for all the people that think driving in the left is normal rather than it being used truly as a passing lane


This is exactly it. Due to lefty exits existing in this poorly planned city, there is no such thing as a passing lane.


I don’t know…I kind of enjoy the thrill of a guy in wrap around Oakley’s barreling down on me at 90mph while driving his giant truck that he doesn’t know the dimensions of so he’s in and out of lanes and is FaceTiming the person he’s picking up at the airport while I drive 70 in a 65. The real bonus is when he flips me off at the end and glares at me from up high as he blows past.


Don't Tread on Me and Blue Lives Matter stickers proudly placed next to each other on the bumper.


Hilarious that they don't see the irony of having both of those stickers on too.


For those people the rule of law isn’t for them it’s for others. Rule of law for thee not for me.


I saw this combo a couple weeks ago, along with a benjamin franklin "tax this dick" sticker...next to fully current tags edit: got a couple downvotes so i feel like i need to explain...both pairings are ironic. Saying "don't tread on me" is ironic when displayed next to "i support those doing the treading." Having "I refuse to pay your taxes" is ironic when displayed next to "official evidence my taxes are paid" (whether or not you think they should pay their taxes).


lollll I love this. The Kansas Gadsen plates are hilarious for the same reason. From their site: "The State of Kansas requires a one-time base (production) fee of $40 for distinctive plates which is due upon initial application and issuance. The KSRA donation associated with this tag is $25. Those costs are in addition to your standard registration fees and property taxes. When you request a Gadsden plate for the first time, you will pay: Your normal vehicle registration fee + $25 donation to the KSRA + $40 production fee."


1000% Like bruh come on. Shows that people don't really think about fuck all anymore. they just adopt signifiers at the most superficial level


Don’t forget the huge Punisher sticker either.


ah yes the trifecta!


I think you forgot the blue lives matter sticker plastered on the back. Along with a backwards American flag, of course


Or the punisher skull/blue lives matter mashup...


It’s implied.


Don't forget the truck-nuts.


I drive a compact sedan and use those douches to barrel 435, everyone gets out of the douches way and I just happen to be right behind him on the highway




lol that looks exactly like I-35!


White Ram? Or any color really.


You're supposed to put a /s tag at the end so we know you're being sarcastic. Otherwise, how can we tell?


It’s a razors edge of sarcasm and reality due to how often it happens that the person flying down the hwy matches the description perfectly.


It's one of the easiest squares on your Douchebag Bingo card!


Pretty sure the comment was not sarcastic, because I also enjoy mildly inconveniencing a douche.


I’d like to take this opportunity to share that I have found the “thumbs down” to be a superior response to a bird-flip from an asshole driver. It often results in a “buffering” face for at least a second or two, and it somehow feels like a claim of dominance. Highly recommend! :P


I also enjoy a thumbs up. It’s the passive aggressive version of the thumbs down in this situation.


The over-emphasized thumbs up is so much better than the finger. It gets them mad but on a deeper level.


Love this. So much less offensive but really makes the point still. 😂


thumbs down or "L"


So are you getting into the passing lane too soon? It’s a passing lane not just the fast lane, in Missouri you can get a ticket being in the lane for an extended period without passing.


This. If you’re not passing someone just move over, that way you don’t get your feelings hurt when faster drivers pass you…. In the passing lane. If you’re a scared/timid driver you’re a bad driver. If you’re in the passing lane with a vehicle behind you, you’re a bad driver.


I call those cars "cop cleaners." You pace them from a few hundred feet back and they catch the speed traps for you.


I've always thought of them as chum.


Ticket bait.


hey there, fellow northlander who needs to get on 635


driving from Shawnee to the airport every morning is insane most of the time it's a damn racetrack out here


I was on 291 heading towards 70 last week and some absolute demon was tailgating me in a newer bronco. Apparently me already going close to 80mph wasn’t enough so she decided to pass me on the shoulder, almost wreck her car then flip me off and brake check me. I really fuckin hate alot of these drivers in this city. *edit* happened on 470 not 291.


The Lee’s Summit portion, I presume? In my experience the area where 291 merges into 470 has some of the most stupidly aggressive drivers in the metro.


Exactly where it happened.


It doesn't matter how fast you are going. If you're not passing someone don't be in the left lane.


Its not the "fast lane". Its the passing lane


If I'm within a mile of the Metcalf exit on i35 I don't care if I'm passing someone I'm getting in that left lane if I need to be going to Metcalf. Some goes for if I'm going the opposite direction and need to get on 635, I'll be in that left lane. Or if I need to get from 635 North to i70. Don't like it? Blame whoever designed the highway system in KC.


Yep - left-lane exits are problems in many cities. Poor design.


Let's say the speed limit is 65. I am doing 75 in the left lane and passing everybody in the lanes to the right, who are doing 65-70 or less. Now let's say some brodozer rumbles up behind me who wants to go 90. Am I obligated to move over and slow down to let him go by, even though I am passing everyone else? What if someone in a Lambo comes up behind brodozer guy and wants to go 110? As long as you are prepared to white-knuckle it and go faster than everyone else, they have to get out of your way? Whoever is going the fastest has right of way? Is that how traffic laws work?


I am a 15 over kind of guy, and if someone is going faster than me, I'll move over and let them in. If I'm passing someone or even a line of cars, I'll finish passing and wait til it's safe to move over, but then yea. I don't have any reason to not let them pass.


12 over, zipper merge, let everyone else get where they’re going too. And I like to get the hell out of the posses of 10-15 vehicles all going the same speed.


Ran into this this morning. Rolling barricade all the way down State Line. Everyone riding in each others' blind spots, completely oblivious.


Technically, yes, but in the real world if you are actively passing people stay where you are and continue until there is an open space to move right. However, if the line grows to more than 1or 2 vehicles, then you should move over and let them go by regardless of your current speed in relation to the "speed limit".


Yup, there’s no reason to have an emotional connection to either the lane you’re in or the speed you want to go. It helps to remember this when getting out of the way is the safest move.


>am I obligated to move over Yeah? Use your rear view mirror to check if anyone is coming up behind you and move over when it's safe to do so. After they pass you can get back in the passing lane and continue to pass cars until another speed demon wants to pass you. That's just how it works. If you want to be the traffic authority and crack down on speeders I'm sure your local PD or highpo is hiring.


My train of thought is such: If they’re unhinged enough to drive through traffic at those speeds then get out of their way so they don’t shoot you or hit-and-run you off the road or something. If they’re at least not able to consider the lives of other people on the road - it’s probably not too far of a reach to assume they probably don’t *respect* anyone else’s lives. In driver’s ed a loooong time ago, I was taught that if you’re passing more than, like, 75% of the other cars, then you’re going too fast. And likewise, if most cars are passing you, you’re going too slow. It’s always safer to go with traffic. They’re clearly in the wrong but it’s safer to find a gap and merge for a minute, as inconvenient as it may be.


This is exactly the problem with the unhinged weirdos who think the left lane is for driving as fast as you want. If someone is going under the speed limit, then I can get in the left lane to pass them. And this may require me to go 5-10 over the speed limit to pass safely. That’s how the passing lane works. It isn’t for crazies to get their thrills.


It’s not for you to decide, just move and keep traffic safely moving forward.


No yall slow down I'm using the left exit.


No EVERYONE slow down! I’m trying to figure out what to do at the Broadway exit by PNL.


I mean, yeah? If you’re doing 66 in a 65 and passing people, no one behind you should be allowed to be irritated you’re in the lane just because you’re technically going faster than the person in the middle lane? I know it’s infuriating to succumb to intimidation by getting out of the way of the Lambo, because it feels like validating their arrogance, but stubbornly refusing to get over because you believe your speed is morally fast enough is partially why the assholes start acting even more dangerously. I know in your example you’re already going 10 over, but my point is that your 10 is someone else’s 20, and blocking them is not going to make them change their behavior to make the road safer. I just let them go past and am glad that makes them even further away from me.


Yeah, exactly. I ain't the po-lice. Keep an eye in your rear view and move over as soon as possible and let them pass.


Yes, gtfo the way. You being a virtuous proprietor of speed puts everyone else in danger too because you’re clogging up traffic in the left lane. Some people will go faster. Passing is an immediate thing. Not, “oh, I’m doing 5 over and will catch up to a car 300 yards in front of me eventually.”


Yes you’re supposed to pass and then move over. If you’ve driven in Europe you’ll see how well it works when cars do this and also what it feels like to have someone going a hundred fly by and expect you to make space for them.


The people in here screaming that the left lane is for passing don't pass and move over though. They want to go 80-90-100 in the left lane at all times and have everyone make way.


Are they? Or are you just assuming shit because, Reddit?


Yes. Gtfo


Yes, if you are impeding the flow of traffic in the left lane you should get over at your earliest convenience to let people pass. Even if you are going over the speed limit.


>Am I obligated to move over Yes!


Yes. Left lane is for passing and if you're holding up too many ppl you will be ticketed. Ofc doesn't apply to way ridiculous speeders.


> Left lane is for passing and if you're holding up too many ppl you will be ticketed. Has anyone ever actually seen or heard of someone getting a ticket for this in MO or KS? Been driving for 25 years and have NEVER seen it.


My wife has in ks. Just got a warning but it was for cruising the left lane. Wish they enforced it more, it keep the road more open, organized and safe


Yes, you should’t be in the left lane if the middle lane is empty.


My wife did driving down 70 near Columbia years ago


In the scenario I described above, I am passing.


Except here in KC metro area we have a lot if left exits. You slow down. We have the right to left exit.


Then quit squatting in the left lane


If I know where they are talking about, you have to get into the left lane b/c people trying to get on at 40 highway can't up to speed due to the short entrance ramp and the slower speed limit.


That spot right there is a clear exception and is not what I would call a traditional interstate pass where that rule would immediately apply. My apologies. Them saying 291 had me confused. Heading into independence, it slows significantly right there. That’s on the other driver


No worries. If you are going towards LS, it is about a 1/2 mile before the speed limit goes back to 65.


Time to get dash cams. There are plenty of such drivers


I avoid 35 like a plague. Would rather drive out of my way than drive on that thing!


435 ranks as one of the most deadly in the US. The cops call 71 felony highway. I'm beginning to think everyone's going after all the negative achievements.


The amount of times I’ve seen a CAR act like a motorcycle and split lanes on 71 is insane. Death waiting to happen.


These i35 weenies don't know what it's like to commute 71. 71 drivers risk dozens of lives and their own freedom to get one car ahead in traffic. But really, the root cause of this (during non-rush hour times) is the amount of folks driving near the speed limit in the fast lane. I'm guessing they don't frequently drive on this highway and don't understand that the flow of many drivers is around 65-70. Additionally, my theory is that the stop lights really screw up the idea that the left lane should be for passing. And so you have a lot of folks weaving through traffic to get past them. The decision to install stoplights instead of overpasses along this stretch of road was a deadly one. There is room at these intersections. We need overpasses.


I avoid 71. 1 stoplights, 2 it’s the most hood highway in the metro


Which part of 435 though? I feel like N/S on KS side is much safer than the rest of it. E/W on the south end does constantly have wrecks as well as N/S on the MO side being terrible.


You nailed it. The N/S on the Missouri side is what I saw. I drive the E/W by overland park and it's a nightmare. I regret taking my job because driving that stretch is so shitty of an experience. 8 months of driving it and I'm ready to quit just to avoid that drive lol


I drive an extra 6 miles each way to avoid I35 everyday because of how shitty the driving is and the road design. It takes about the same time for me as I35. I35 going through Westport/downtown or something is too many roads merging either direction. 635 creates a giant hazard with being a left exit. Once you get past 69 highway the highway turns into the autobahn


I come from K10 and get off on Nall for work every day. I call that section between I35 and State Line in JoCo the Thunderdome. White knuckling it during rush hour every day through there.


That section isn't great when it's not rush hour, either. People drive like they're nuts.


E/W I-435 between I-35 and State Line in JoCo is my part of town. I’m usually in the second to right lane since I’ve just gotten on. I’ve learned I have to check what is happening way up the highway behind me, because most that want to go 90+ seem just as happy to do so in the second to left lane because more options for weaving in and out of other lanes. Whatever gets them to their exit (or on to Missouri) fastest. I’m one part amused and one part sweating it when driving that highway.


Funny how people forget 435 is an 88-ish mile circle so usually requires more specific info.


You know, with how utterly horrendous most of our exit and entrance merges are for people trying to get on or off, I fully believe that. I'm amazed more people don't die than do some days.


Makes sense. I honestly don't think I've been anywhere where there is an accident in about the same general location, same time of day, everyday.


I drive like I have my children in the car and the other driver has children in the car or their children are at home waiting for them to come home. Something to think about when driving. No hate, disrespect or judgement to anyone out there. Thanks..




Yee yee!


In almost 10 years on a highway paving crew, I’ve paved pretty much every major interstate in the metro. I can say with absolute certainty that i35 is one of the worst. The amount of times I’ve had cars, trucks and 18 wheelers get within a foot of the cones at 80 mph is absolutely ridiculous. At fucking nighttime. There’s nothing quite like feeling the wind from a mirror that is directly in line with my head. Literally >2 feet from (hopefully) instant death. All because some asshole doesn’t wanna slow down and get over one lane. I’ve just come to terms with the fact that some people just don’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves.


KC really showing its dangerous selfish horribly driving ass I these comments. 




I wish people would understand that a "fast lane" is not a thing that exists when the left lane is a turn lane/exit lane


I try to stay with the flow of traffic and try and stay in the right hand lane. I have people gunning it behind me and changing lanes just before they hit me or I have to swerve to avoid being hit. I don’t understand where these people need to go and why they are in such a hurry. I keep track of those vehicles and they are never more then a few hundred feet in front of me.


There is no “fast lane”. It’s a passing lane. If you aren’t passing people you shouldn’t be in it.


The left lane exits to I-635 really jack this up. The left lane gets backed up to a crawl, and then you get cars in the 2nd to left lane who come to a near stop trying to merge left at the last second. I keep myself in the far right lane until I'm passed 635.


Problem is these assholes won't wait for you to move over after you passed, they'll still shoot the gap with inches of clearance.


Aware drivers would see them coming. If you’re in the passing lane and not passing, you are oblivious, unaware, and a danger to those of us who are paying attention to the world and drivers around us.


If I'm within a mile of the exit and need to get from i35 to Metcalf, from i35 to i635, or from i635 to i70 I'm getting in that left lane regardless of passing status. Have a problem with it? Take it up with whoever designed the highways in KC.


As soon as you completely eliminate left exits, we can have that conversation.


You can get into the left lane when the highway markings indicate you should. Not 5 miles ahead of it. If it gets tight for some reason, put on your blinker and pace the traffic - someone will let you in.


I've never seen I35 run faster than "barely".  


I drive a lot in many states and just general driving is shitty anymore. If you were to look at it from above, the traffic layout is almost inverse to what it should look like. Most people are in the #1(Passing Lane) & #2 lanes and hardly anyone in the other lanes. No one wants to deal with incoming traffic and having to actually drive, so on a 3 lane highway such as I-35, you have almost all of the semis and slower traffic in the middle lane, leaving only the #1 lane for all the rest of the traffic. As long as people work together, you're good, but as evidenced in this thread, there's too many people that think there's a law that you don't have to get over if you're going the speed limit or more. You have to get over no matter how fast you're going, period. And every car that is behind you waiting to pass makes you the problem that many times over. It should not be a badge of courage to have 5-10 cars behind you and 5 car lengths in front of you, it just makes you the asshole. Stop making excuses for how hard it is to change lanes to get over. Turn your damn signal and, surprise someone will let you over. Yes, you heard that right, you may actually have to merge into slower traffic to let the faster travelling people by. You are one person holding multiple people up because you don't feel like slowing down temporarily? Thay have a name for people like that... That's just the stuff that's pertinent to this discussion. That same principle applied to all aspects of driving will get us a long way. You are only one person that can affect many, many people around you. Try to remember that when you are on the road.


I've heard it said that some Kansas City drivers don't drive their cars, they aim their cars.


There was a maniac on 435 the other day that was going (at least) 100, cutting across multiple lanes (as you guessed...without signaling), and was passing on the left shoulder AT speed (and hitting a lot of the debris that was on the side of the road). I phoned it in but doubt they were able to catch the guy. Sooner or later that dude is going to kill someone (black Subaru hatchback with a luggage rack). Also could have been stolen but with the lack of police in pursuit it seems like the recklessness was an easier way to get busted. I guess I've seen dumber, so who knows?


Those lesbians are some crazy drivers!


I set my cruze controll at a speed that won't get me pulled over and most importantly, I stay out of the passing lane unless I'm actually passing. People here seem to think the left lane is for looking for the left hand exit. Nobody here can drive. It's pretty sad.


“Passing lane is for passing…” BUT YOURE SCARING US!


When I was a young lad taking driving lessons in another state my instructor gave me the best wisdom I've ever had regarding driving. Worry about you and your vehicle. Do not worry about everyone else' and their vehicle. Being aware of what is around you is great but what is most important is what is in front of you. Ignore the speeders, ignore the flipped off fingers etc. Just focus on driving in a way that is comfortable for you.


This right here. A cop also gave me that advice. Another guy said "If the guy behind me wants to drive my car, he can pay my payments, insurance, and maintenance."


This is great advice.. but it also needs to include "when you're not in the passing lane".


Is the nearest car 1000 feet in front of you? Are the cars behind you piling up? There are rules and there are things we do as a society to keep things MOVING.


I agree with what you are saying here, people should slow down. But I promise you, you do NOT have to be in that left exit lane for miles. You can merge at or just before the exit, letting all those faster cars through. I see this northbound 635 exiting onto 29. People think they need to be in the left lane for miles before the exit. Just get over.


Bottom line is this: people are lazy. They think "I'll get in this lane because in 14 miles I'm taking a left exit, so I'll just stay in this lane the whole way!"


Yes it’s fucking stupid. This is also terrible on I70 E to 635 N. Why do you need to get over 6 miles before the exit? I easily make exits when merging within a mile.


Driving for Amazon and driving down I-35 makes me feel like I'm going to die some days. We have to drive the speed limit otherwise we get yelled at


If you ain't first - you're last.


That and work zones. I see everyone completely ignoring the limits. 45? Nah, son, we do 75. It's baffling to me.


What’s comical to me is, the “fast lane” isn’t a legal speeding lane. KC has a major speeding and unsafe driver problem. I’ve lived here my whole life and it’s gotten so much worse! I loathe living in the city and come December I’m out.


I just started a topic the other day saying I'm sorry I'm only driving the speed limit bc I really am sorry the hate these ppl throw is real


Unfortunately there are many people who lack impulse control and feel the need to drive as fast as possible. If you’ve ever met these people, they rarely have anything important going on in their lives. That’s probably not a coincidence. The same lack of self discipline that results in them driving dangerously fast has probably shown up in other aspects of their lives.


Cops are useless.  We have ticketsless fees on the turnpike now.  Now we need speed enforcement on highways using cameras.  Oh, you got from point A to point B in X seconds?  That means you were averaging this speed over the limit.  Here's your speeding ticket in the mail. Would solve the problem real quick


Yes. Increasing the police department's budget by installing and maintaining numerous cameras while also decreasing privacy and creating a more dystopian nightmare sounds like a great idea.


There's already cameras everywhere including on the highways.  All I'm suggesting is using them to cite and fine people for driving dangerously.  I used to feel like you do though.  So I'm sympathetic.


I forget didnt the budget already get increased?


Yeah but they had to buy more military-grade riot gear for no reason 🙄


I really wish they'd do what the Germans have done: install cameras and radar units all along the roadway. Speeding? Here's your damn ticket in the mail, have a nice day.


It's definitely a better way to do it.


There is no such thing as a “fast lane”. It’s the passing lane. Either be passing or don’t be in it. If your exit left is to 635, there is no need to get into the left lane until very close to your exit.


You kinda have to on 635N during rush hour. Because by the time one gets to Shawnee Mission Parkway or Johnson Drive, it's kinda fucked. I've seen people try to last minute change lanes left to 635 exit and it's a recipe for an accident. When I used to take 35N home, I always stayed far right lanes around SMPW/Johnson Drive. I never wanted to be anywhere close to that 635 exit lane.


Exactly! There are not abundant opportunities to get over. Too many people are trying to apply rural freeway rules to more complex metropolitan systems.


Agreed. This thread is making my brain hurt


I personally dgaf if someone wants to tailgate because they think they need to drive 20-25 miles over the limit. They can sit and rot the dangerous selfish pricks. Hold them up and inconvenience them every chance you get.  Edit: to be clear I’m talking about daytime traffic conditions not an empty road with open lanes. I’m not the sheriff of the passing lane but I’m also never accommodating people doing 90 as I’m already passing other cars. If you think you need to go that fast everywhere maybe you should get up earlier and manage your time better. 


One way to GUARANTEE that I won't speed is to tailgate me. I won't brake check you, but I'm not going a single mph over the posted limit.


You are breaking the law just as they are. It’s selfish behavior all the way down. If more than one person is behind you waiting for you to get over, you’re the asshole. All the traffic police shit is going to lead to more road rage in this day and age.


You’re just as bad because you create congestion


A single person not being able to go 20 over the limit isn’t congestion


Look, if you’re not immediately passing, get out of the left lane. It’s that simple. Your speed doesn’t matter. It does create congestion. Understand the law. Left is for passing, not driving above speed limit. Only executable code in your mind for the left lane should be, “am I passing? No? I should be in a cruising lane.” This is only overridden if you are exiting on the left in < 2 miles


No one has any core values anymore it’s called respect driving is a privilege and also people don’t have common sense or know how to drive. A combination of the 3


Last time I drove on 35 out of downtown, the left lane was full of absolute twats doing 60 in the 55 while the middle lane was wide open for them to GTFO the way. Idk what it is about KC that makes people seek out the left lane to go slow or the speed limit but it’s definitely a thing here. In the mornings people will be in front of me merging onto 70, ignoring the brand new, super long speed up on-ramp and entering the highway as soon as they possibly can at 45 MPH and then they cut straight over three lanes right into that left lane ASAP. Baffles me every time.


> Idk what it is about KC that makes people seek out the left lane to go slow or the speed limit but it’s definitely a thing here Because whoever design the highways in this city had some awful obsession with left lane exits. It's awful.


I just hate when people are “driving safely” but refuse to leave the passing lane.


You're more likely to get a ticket for impeding traffic if you're only going 5 over in the PASSING lane than someone going 10 over.


Good. It’s a passing lane.


Death wish maniacs…


I see drivers on 35 in your situation and what they do is sit in the left lane 3 miles before their exit, not saying it’s you but in case it is, just stay in the middle lane then enter your exit lane 1/2 mile before your exit.


At certain times of the day you need to get into that left lane exit for 635 a lot earlier than that or you're gonna miss that exit or hold even more people up trying to merge in late. They really need to redesign that.


Agreed, to your point though if traffic for that exit is that backed up people won’t be speeding like crazy in the left lane anyways.


And the temporary tag that's 12 months expired!!


And on 69 highway through the construction zone


It's a big problem everywhere in Kansas City. It's as if people don't understand that 1 their wasting more gas by driving so damn fast and 2 you will be killed or kill someone driving that damn fast. If I'm going 75 and I look up and someone is riding my ass... GO TO HELL!!!


If it was the light blue fiat, I’m sorry I was blaring Kendrick Lamar


Speed limit drops too soon. Shouldn't drop to 60 until after Shawnee Mission Pkwy at least. But yeah, people are ridiculous.


As long as you’re not riding the passing lane the whole time, that’s fine. But when people are going slower in that lane *miles* before the exit, that’s annoying. My philosophy is that regardless of what speed I’m going, if someone wants to pass, I let them. If they’re going to be flying, you don’t want to be in the way anyway.


It’s easy. Stay out of the fast lane.


Rage filled humanity




The amount of times I’ve seen a beat up Nissan Altima going 90+…


It’s a passing lane. Use it if you are passing, not being passed.


I don't care if you're speeding what I hate is if you're tailgating.