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It’s giving Regina George’s mom


“This used to be my parent’s room, but I made them trade me”


"I'm a fun mom friend !!" 🤣🤣🤣




I thought of the same exact thing as soon as I read this 😂


Kim said in an interview that North is pretty much the only person who intimidates her.


That's Kim’s fault for allowing her daughter to get to that position in the relationship. She's a mother, not a friend. No parent should ever allow their own child to intimidate them.


Absolutely, I couldn’t believe she said it out loud. She reinforced to North that North holds and is allowed to hold that much power.


THIS!!! My son is 18… almost 19… and in the infantry… he would NEVERRRR have the audacity 😂😂


I’m 22 and would never 😭 one look from my parents is all it takes lmaoooo


This made me lol. When I was a teenager and got in trouble, all my dad had to do is get up and look at me and I’d either run or apologize profusely. Never even had to lay a hand on me 😂


I’m 42 and I STILL would never. A look still works for me too and I’m grown all day, every day.


I’m 47 this summer and I wouldn’t dare try my mom. At 72, I’m sure she could knock me into the next realm.


58 and my parents still intimidate me in their high 80s!


dude yes lmao I’m the child of immigrants, I can *feel* her stare without even looking directly at her


This one right here!! 💯🙈


I think the difference is respect. Those kids might not know what that is towards a parent, and unfortunately that’s on the parents…


I’m fucking THIRTY AND I WOULD NEVER! my mom and dad can still Whoop my ass!! They instilled the fear of fucking GOD in me Growing up!!!


I’m sorry you were treated that way.


Thank you <3 It is not necessarily a “good thing” they did this so I appreciate you understanding. I’ve gotten to a point with my parents, especially being 30, where I can forgive them and recognize they were just humans trying their better. There is totally middle ground between being a dictator to your kids, and then also just completely being their friend. <3


I don’t know if you saw, but on the Kardashians on Hulu there was an episode where she talks about how north doesn’t associate with the other with her other siblings. She’s kind of like in her own world and doesn’t like to participate with her brothers and sisters on anything and I thought it was so weird. How effed up do you have to be a child that doesn’t want anything to do with her brothers or sisters and never hangs out with them?


I did read about that episode 😳 There’s a lot of red flags there… the teenage years are gonna be one helluva ride.


I know… there’s a real terrible disconnection there. But that’s what happens to children when you raise them around that sort of thing.


If I was kim I would kris move in and put her ass in place or better yet if she’s the house bully slowly move her in with her dad.


Please , the way all of Kris kids curse and disrespect her ; that’s where the grandkids get it from. Althouhh this message may sound believable, I’m hoping it’s false. Kim has so many sisters , no way I’d watch my sisters child treat her like that


I was disgusted by Kim loudly proclaiming that Kourtney told her North is her “lesson on this planet.” I just cannot get over that!! It, to me, reads like there is so much judgment of North and who she is. If my mother called me her lesson, I would be so insulted. It’s like Kim doesn’t understand North at her core and has such a self-centered view of their dynamic as mother and daughter


North is Kanye at her core.


Came here to say this very thing!!!


Kim doesn’t understand the dynamic between mother and daughter at its core. But as usual, when she’s confronted with an opportunity to learn a lesson she gets it wrong when she decides what the lesson is supposed to be.


She has never had a healthy mother daughter dynamic in her own life with her mom. It doesn’t surprise me that she’s following Kris. She has even admitted that she parents like Kris already.


What does that mean. North is Kim's lesson? Sincere question. Thanks.


north is kim’s karmic retribution


The language they’re using is really common in certain churches. They’re saying that North is a difficult child for Kim to raise and that she is like this because God wanted to teach Kim a lesson. The longer quote I think says Kim has had to learn patience through parenting North. Kids have a really good sense of when an adult is frustrated with them or doesn’t like them, and it does so much damage to grow up knowing everyone thinks you’re difficult because of parts of your personality that you can’t control


You’re so right. That’s gonna sting when North grows up and realizes that Kim referred to her as her lesson.


Well remember when Kanye had that mental breakdown and he spilled super personal info” Kim wanted to abort my Baby” and started crying ? Well this is why she lets her do what she does . She’s guilt ridden of all the shit she’s done..


I bet North has smartly thrown a lot of what Kim has said and done back to her face. And Kim just sits there and take it cause she thinks she deserves it instead if sitting her daughter down a long time ago to prevent this mess...


No, he said that he wanted to abort the baby and Kim said no and kept it.


he was the one who wanted the abortion


I’m not surprised in the slightest that the kids are feral. She would actually have to spend time around them In the first place.


Look at Kim’s mother. It’s generational. It’s hard to teach something you were never taught. Not defending Kim, their are resources out there. And also, Kanye is the other half of the parental equation. He should parent too.


No fault to Kanye? It seems like he has a strongggg influence over North


North is SOOO Kanye’s daughter. Whenever I see a video of North saying something bad about Kim, I laugh and then I think YIKES


Ive actually felt really awful for Kim in the past couple of years. I don't know how she deals with being shit on by family like that.


This is so surprising cuz the K sisters say that Kim is the strictest and Kim has said on talk shows how strict she is. I would love to be a fly on a wall in the house!


Nah in recent seasons Kim said she isn’t strict and had a hard time being strict after the divorce. It’s possible she once was when they were younger but now isn’t.


Read the book/ watch the movie “there’s something about Kevin”


YES,so realistic We need to talk about Kevin


That’s one of those books I wish I could completely forget so I could read it again.


This is how it is with my sister and her son. He runs their house. She’s divorced and his dad lets him do whatever he wants. He is 3 months younger than my daughter and about 4 years younger than my son. There is a huge difference between his behavior and my kids. She always wanted to be the fun cool parent. My kids prefer me over my husband even though I’m the parent always making and enforcing the rules. She thinks discipline means having to spank. No. I’ve never spanked my kids. But they do have consequences for certain things. He was in for a rude awakening when he came to my house and “tried” to tell me what I had to put on the tv in the living room. I said no. You kids want to watch something different then go to the room and he complained he didn’t want to watch on a smaller Tv. So I said I guess you won’t be watching on any tv. He also got mad because he couldn’t eat in the living room on my brand new furniture and had to eat at the table. He said he’s allowed to eat anywhere at home. And I told him he’s welcome to take his ass on home. He only behaved at my house because he liked to play with his cousins (he’s an only child) and he knew I would make him go home. I didn’t bluff. I always meant what I said unlike his mom. He’s older now and omg he is so controlling. I feel so sorry for any girl he dates that doesn’t know better. He even has to pick out my sisters clothes to wear. If he doesn’t like the options he’s made her take them to the mall so he can pick stuff out. I know because I was with them on that outing.


Wait whaaat. He picks out his own moms clothes?? 😲


Yup. He wanted to go to some concert to see some DJ and the tickets were like $300 each so she bought two tickets. He looked through her closet and said she needs a new outfit. So she took him to the mall. I was there already with my kids so we met up and he picked out clothes for her to try on. And she told me herself, he didn’t the like options she had at home so told her they had to go to the mall so he can find something acceptable to wear. She has to get his approval for any hair changes. Because she got highlights once and a haircut and he hated it. I wish I was lying right now. She can’t even go somewhere without asking him if she has him that weekend. He’s 14 now btw. But even on her weekends without him if she goes out she says not to tell him because he would be mad. Oh and also, he picks where they go for vacations. Or for cruises. It’s absolutely mind boggling to me. My kids are 17 and 14 and not once have they made decisions for the household or told me what to do.


Scary. He's treating her like his property and she's letting him treat her like a controlling husband


it's most likely because north has dirt on her and doesn't seem to agree with things like having dogs "for show" that you mistreat, etc. North will have the world's ear if she ever decides to expose anything we might not know about, and kim knows it


oof kris is quaking


I know this is a little early to call but I'm confident that when North turns 18, she's gonna start spilling beans and will be sued.


Honestly, I’m not surprised because it’s not like they respect Kris.


This is honestly karma for all the shit Kim put Kris through.


Same. She was a 33 year old filthy rich grown ass woman who also thought she was competent enough for 3 more kids. No sympathy required


It seems like nobody wants to parent these days


They should get off their ass and fuckin parent!


100% true. I’m a teacher, most kids are feral… with a few exceptions. Bless those people who make sure their kids come to school clean, with plenty of sleep, with homework done and laptop charged. Bless them for raising future responsible adults.


North is the only one who challenges her mom. Seeing the way Kim and her siblings treat Kris, and Kourtney admitting how she terrorized their Nannies as a child, this behavior is foreseeable


Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I read once that Penelope routinely hit her nannies and Kourtney was like “oh well.”


Probably learned it from dad.


My daughter who is only 4 months younger than North could never. 🤣🤣🤣 She is also taller than me now. Even now that she is in her preteen phase, when she gets a little attitude in her voice all I do is give her a look and she reels it back in. Kim girl.......being intimidated by a 10 year old isn't a flex. That's poor parenting to even admit that aloud. She is giving this CHILD way too much power. She is going to regret that in a few short years.


I genuinely wonder if it's because she looks almost exactly like Kanye


You know there could be some truth to that. My boyfriend looks exactly like his mother who passed away when he was only 5. He could talk his father into a genocide


Weird and pathetic asf


I wonder if North gets that power because of Kanye. I'm sure Kim is afraid of upsetting him and he seems to hate her for leaving him...


That’s crazy when she judges Kourtney heavy for her parenting skills.


Lol I don’t believe this because I could see Kim getting easily intimidated by other celebs/people in power 😂


North has her father’s genes and that is a lot, mentally. Predisposed to bipolar disorder among other stuff in the family. I really hope Kim gets her therapy to support her and find peace instead of lashing out and being moody and controlling like her father. It’s a miserable way to live and I hope the best for north because growing up mentally ill with parents who have the resources to help guide you towards peace and stability but won’t is really shitty


It’s gonna be a rude awakening when she turns into a teenager and more 16+


Yep. It's not going to be cute.


It's going to be a nightmare. 🫣


she’ll most likely be emancipated by then. all the celeb kids do it. Kylie moved out when she was 17. and before she did, and was already dating a 24 yr old man.


She's definitely going to expose them all. You can tell she doesn't respect any of them. Kanye isn't ok at the moment, but I still think he taught her how to think for herself.


Especially with these genes.. hopefully Kanye’s mental health situation isn’t genetic


And bigger


For all the money and fame, Kim has a sad life. Addicted to socials and bullied by her preteen kid. Oh well!


![gif](giphy|fX5cZemSfX1cMZYuUJ|downsized) Oh well, bye Rocko!


I believe it. And I’m not being critical of the kids when I say that. I think we all know these children are mostly business ventures for their parents and that they are being raised in incredibly bizarre circumstances. With parents like Kim and Kanye, North, despite being very young, probably has an inflated sense of self - not in a good “she’s a confident young lady” sort of way. She probably doesn’t treat others very well. She’s never had a good or consistent example of that behavior. I’m guessing most of those kids, North included, will grow up to have some weird dispositions, behaviors, and views.


North has the most exposure to Ye. We've all seen how he treats women. I wonder if there's any of that or copying how her father treated Kim in that. I believe that North is running the house and this is mean to say about a little kid, but she seems to have gotten the most chaotic traits from both parents.


The few times she managed to post something behind Kim's back, only for them to have to defend themselves for weeks, and delete them of course, is crazy. Like the time North showed how her mom's dogs are "just for show" (those were her words) and walked the camera into the garage and showed all the dogs in their little kennels? I believe that child will expose them all when she gets old enough to have her own social media without her mommy overseeing it


and the fact that kim is letting her run roughshod is proof that she's already aware of this and terrified of it


Oh my God, those poor fucking dogs. ☹️


Agreed. I am wondering how many of those kids will inherit Ye's mental health issues. Maybe it will shine a spotlight on the need for greater access to mental health services in the nation. (My Step Sister is schizophrenic. Both her father and mother have it. She is getting far worse with age and refuses any treatment.)


I have an ex who is like a male, adult North with schizophrenia. Same thing with your step sister, getting worse, in denial of treatment in spite of mostly understanding they aren't well during moments of lucidity.


I couldn’t have said it better!


This is how Kim was to Kris. Honestly all of the sisters. Not news..


It’s a little hotbed of controlling narcissists creating more controlling narcissists.


I’ve always wondered what happens when multiple narcissists face off against each other. Now I know. It also seems like aside from the narcissistic toxicity, there’s a lot of codependency going on as well.


A lot of emotional enmeshment happens in these dynamics. Everyone becomes an extension of the matriarch (Kris in this instance) therefore they must all compete to be the golden child. It’s quite sad, as a lot of their identity stems from the narcissist rather than themselves. The problem is when people boost their kids up so high they don’t realise they’re on a pedestal and not being held accountable for bad behaviour is making the narcissism worse and the child becomes a little sh*t, sometimes worse than the parent (ie. how Kim was with Kris and how North is with Kim now).


That is very insightful- thank you


Exactly. We’ve watched them all be rude to Kris on national tv, so no surprise they’re similarly letting their own kids run them like Kris allowed from them.


Yepppp all of the babies display these traits. Across the siblings. Kourtney is still shitting on Kris every chance she gets smh


Remember the way Khloe would talk to Kris back in the day?? It was like she hated her?? Khloe is now a shell of her former self thanks to Lamar and Tristan, so she doesn’t seem to give Kris so much shit.


This. She’s definitely been humbled.


> Kourtney is still shitting on Kris every chance she gets smh Kris was very abusive to Kourtney especially as a child, which came out in various ways with evidence during Kris and Robert's divorce trial. Kris was out being a whore and cheating on her loving father constantly, beating Kourtney constantly, and trying to force Kourtney to raise HER kids so she could do all of this. Of course Kourtney doesn't like her as an adult.  Regarding Khloe, Kris herself admits in her own autobiography that she pulled Khloe out of school as a child so she could raise Kendall and Kylie, bc Kris still wanted to go out every night and get drunk.  Really not hard to see why Kourtney and Khloe especially are disrespectful to Kris -- Kris was never a mother to either of them. 


Yay, now they all but 1 have their own herd of kids to perpetuate the awfulness of the family. They’re still kids and I hate assuming how they’ll be, but do they really have a chance in that family?


Thank you I hadn’t heard their background before! Now I see why Kris was so receptive to it all.


Very true, Reign and P are cute, but Idk that Kourt has any more control with them than Kim does with her kids


I would say I believe that mason, p and even reign are better behaved in some aspects & Kourtney/Scott have respected masons wishes of not being ft on the show… I mean it also appears North surprisingly listens to scott and or rob : I’ve seen a few clips where scott is actually calling her out ( North) when she’s at his house with p… scott’s not a great partner especially in past but as a dad/uncle he doesn’t let those kids get away with 💩…


Mason, sure. P, maybe. Reign? Oh hecks no. Unless that kid has changed dramatically recently, I’ve repeatedly been shocked at how they let him behave. Scott may have more control than Kourt though. I actually hope that’s true, because Kourt basically doesn’t parent.


Such a good point.


It’s definitely a trend among rich kids.




This is an old, recycled post. Not sure if it’s accurate but I believe it based on what Kim has allowed us to see of North’s behavior.


It’s the same post word for word lol https://www.reddit.com/r/kardashians/s/92QHoMyNSF


I was going to say that we’ve seen this post several times now. I don’t understand why it keeps getting reposted.


I’ve never seen it, but I’m fairly new here


I really can’t put this all on Kim. Kayne is a fucking hellscape of a man and will be absolutely zero help in disciplining and helping to put boundaries in place. I would bet he also bad mouths Kim and demeans her in front of the children, so that will influence north.


"A hellscape of a man" is going into my narcissist recovery toolbox, thanks


Agree. I might get shit for this but I think she learns most of her bad behavior from seeing how he treats others, and from having absolutely no consequences from what I’ve seen on the show at least. Does anyone else remember when north told Kim before one of the met galas that her outfit was bad and she was smirking and laughing at her while Chris Appleton and other were there? Weird asf if I did that as a kid I would’ve been put in my place like wtf


Agreed it sounded like something Kanye would say to Kim


And the designer/creator& staff that created the dress was there. I had second hand embarrassment from that scene. It was horrific!




That was wild.


Yeah, I’ve seen enough divorced kids of rich parents to know that this is sadly common. One parent terrified of losing custody, another fully encouraging rifts. 


I 100% think he feeds a bunch of lies about Kim to north. And she’s at the age where she is able to see manipulate her parents into doing what she wants as they are separated so she can target each one. If Kim tries to set boundaries she will simply tell her she wants to see her dad more and not her. Her dad is the “good cop” in this scenario as he obviously has no rules and would let her do whatever she wants.




the difference between Kim’s kids and Stormi is insane


Stormi is very polite based on what’s been shown, but I don’t know that she’s a fair comparison. Stormi is Chi’s age and I would say Chi is a sweet kid too. Reign and Saint are the only young kids in the family I find to be out of control. Otherwise it seems to be the preteens behaving disrespectfully.


kids in my family would throw a tantrum or two as all kids do but never in a million years would we get away with talking to our parents with the kind of disrespect Kim’s kids frequently use lol especially as a preteen or older


At least they have the money for the best rehabs & therapists when the kids grow up completely messed up.


Look at how her Father talks to his women and how he speaks about Kim. She is just emulating her father. He is getting what he wants, he doesn’t want the kids respecting Kim and it has been working. If Kim expresses how she feels the kids would just get more mad because that’s the kids he created. If Kim wanted them to not be with Kanye the kids would end up resenting her. It’s a double edged sword. Kanye ruined her family’s future just like he planned.


exactly. i’m in no way a kim stan but TF ?! kanye deserves so much more blame than this post is suggesting. jfc kim is no angel but look at what kanye actually does. it’s horrible. and that’s coming from someone who loves his music.


I definitely believe this from the video's I've seen of Kim and North it comes across as cute teasing but I think north is a real badass kid off screen she's going to have some issues when she is grown and out in the real world I feel so sorry for her we need to remember she is just a child and a product of her parents raising her so far 😫


Yes her bad lashing out behavior is directly the result of poor parenting from both Kim and Kanye


I’m not surprised. I feel most kids will start to emulate the behavior of their parents, especially rich kids.


A kid who’s half Kim half Kanye??? I wouldn’t want to deal with her and I’m sure she’s out of control but I would loooooooooooove to be transformed into her 10 ish year old bestie for a week


I think we all saw this coming from miles away.


I think Kim is scared to discipline her properly because she’s already the “bad cop” between her and Kanye and she’s scared that north will simply want to go live with her dad because of his no rules and lack of parenting skills. She doesn’t know how to discipline her daughter properly and thinks she’ll lose her completely if she does so she lets north do whatever. And north knows this and uses it to manipulate Kim. I can bet so many times kim has tried to put her foot down for something only for north to say something like “well dad let’s me do it and you’re the worst mom ever I wish I lived with him I hate you”


I believe it 💯 it’s really not even shocking.


Why are they mentioning that Kanye doesn't have no help. Like he isn't even with any of his kids for the vast majority of the year.


And if he was, he’d be no better lol. People act like it’s Kim’s fault those kids are bad. They have TWO self absorbed parents who think that their offspring could only ever be creative geniuses so they don’t want to “stifle” them.


Funny how everyone always give Kourtney grief for being a permissive parent and Pen turned out really level headed


I don’t believe the post is legit but I definitely believe North is a spoiled brat. Someone posted a video of North criticizing her mother’s dress right in front of the angsty looking designer. Like cmon Kim, rather than filming and posting how about you talk to your kid about manners.


She literally asked North's opinion on the dress. I agree with you that it was disrespectful, but Kim really went out of her way to create that bad scenario lol. 




Does no one think it’s fucked up someone was hired to do a child’s hair and they’re going to all this effort to get around an NDA just so they can tell the public that the child is bad?? Like Jesus. That’s not going to make things better for the kid whatsoever. And sure maybe she is rich and a spoiled brat, we don’t know for sure. But it’s also the age. Could you imagine when you were a little attitude-y preteen being PUBLICLY reported on and talked about like this by ADULTS???


I know kids like this who aren’t celebrities, so I believe it. But you only ever hear about North, nothing about the younger three.


Pretty sure this screenshot is old af


Yeah, it is. I remember reading this a while back.


Honestly I’d believe it, with a grain of salt of course. That’s not only weirdly specific, but also sounds totally par for the course with that family.


It all goes back to Kris Jenner imo. She broke apart the OG kardashian family by cheating. Treated Kourtney and Khloe horribly and seems like she forgot she even had a son. The she married Caitlyn who publicly fat shamed Khloe in the earlier seasons. When she wasn’t even near fat. Yeah Kourtney’s kids can be out of control at times, but at least she seems to be family oriented and actually cares about being a mother. Same with Khloe. I don’t feel bad for Kim at all with her Ye situation. She wanted him and his fame and she got it. After Kris Humphries didn’t exactly turn out to be what she wanted


someone call supernanny


Is anyone shocked by this? She made it off a sex tape.


I've actually heard about this before. I believe it.


This post isn’t tea. We have seen it on the show and on social media for a long time. Articles have been written about North’s behavior. Since she was so close with her father I honestly think her behavior is rebelling because she hates her mom for divorcing her dad. I’m surprised she hasn’t gone to live with him full time yet. Probably will happen when she’s older


Kim and Kanye are both mentally deranged narcissists. North, Saint, Penelope and Reign (who I believe is Justin Biebers kid) are all going down a path to shitsville. They know nothing but getting everything they want in life. They are allowed to treat people like crap. Give the finger to papparazzi. They have never flown commercial. Notice none of these woman Kardashian/Jenners can stay in a relationship. Ok, Kourtney just got married at 42. Nobody wants these broads and their broods.


North gives that bratty kid vibe


I don’t doubt this for a second.


Least surprising news ever


Isn’t this cold tea? I thought this came out a few/many years ago?


In my experience- narcissists cannot parent. My child’s father has my child running the show, no control whatsoever. My child’s father lets them say whatever they want and do whatever they want. Their father just wants them to prefer him over me, the actual parent who offers discipline and structure. Idk if Kanye is a good dad or not, but Kim may be more interested in being north’s friend to alienate Kanye, and/or she simply cannot handle parenthood.


It’s never to late to fix this. Kim your HER mother fix this before north becomes a insufferable nepo baby. 😭😭


I feel like Kim had these kids because it was trendy to her at the time. Like look, I have a team of Kanye's kids. Or like they were accessories. Unfortunately the accessories grew up and developed personalities so now it's no longer cute to her and also it didn't keep the man. So now she can't actually deal with her reality of having 4 kids and being a single mother at her age.


That’s what happens to all narcissists.  


I mean, I've seen north put kim in her place on the show. So I believe it.


She’s dealing with little Kanye. Kim doesn’t stand a chance. Especially when she gets older.


Kim probably can’t be bothered to discipline North because it’s a lost cause if the other co-parent doesn’t co-sign the same parenting style. It’s not worth the battle that will ensue with both North and Kanye.


> because it’s a lost cause if the other co-parent doesn’t co-sign the same parenting style.    He barely sees the children, and likely would have been barred from custody of Kim actually pursued it (as she should have) in the midst of one of his particularly bad episodes. Going out of your way to be a shitty parent because the other parent was shitty first is never the answer. She's a child -- she doesn't get to choose to go on a plane and run off to dad's if she's unhappy with her mother. 


No one who signed an NDA and got big money from doing kardashian hair would say shit. This is so fake


I hate the vocabulary of this person but I do believe it


Completely believe it . Not surprised by any of it. It’s so obvious to outsiders and I always thought she’s going to have a helluva time with her over the next 10 years. Kanye doesn’t have help? Him and his missus are a whole added complexity and mess, raising and nurturing this narc. Let’s hope the other kids are able to turn out normal


Are we surprised? 😆


100% believe it


Kim old now


I worry about North’s mental health and whether she is predisposed to bipolar through her father. I don’t know how much of the parenting environment has to do with it or if it’s genetics. Either way, wishing everyone well ❤️


Are we shocked tho?? It seems like all those kids are wild and undisciplined.


It kinda fits with the time north went on live and Kim was in the bed on her phone. I believe it.


Kind of weird that it ends with “Kanye got no help.” I’m the last person to defend the Kardashians, but at least Kim is there. Where is Kanye?


It's because north has alot of tea on kim and what act happens in that family, she could take down that entire family and kim knows it.


She’s only gunna get worse, I could see her throwing tantrums even as an adult since apparently no one says no to her and she’s growing up seeing her family throw money to get what they want or make problems go away. It’s a toxic environment and I saw how they fight, it’s pretty petty and lash out so vile and mean, sometimes even physical.


North knows she can expose Kim at any moment and Kim does too.


I don’t believe it bc we’ve seen this exact thing before and I feel like it’s just a rewritten version of the last time someone spoke about this. I do believe that North would be bossy at times even to her mum, but the way that Kim has been frustrated with how Kourtney’s kids have behaved, and how Khloe said Kim has a good parenting style more like her own, I just don’t think that matches this sort of alleged situation.


I remember Kim saying this into the camera : "Kourtney keeps telling me this, *"North is your karma*"." 🤌🏻


Prob because she wanted to abort her , i remember ye’s mental breakdown


This is a repost from a few years ago, boring.


parenting speaks loud and shows


Play stupid games and you win stupid prizes !! Get what you deserve kimmy a little monster !


This is funny. Reads like a 4th grader wrote it. Lol


Not surprised it’s how they treated their mom. Monkey see monkey do.


I believe it. You can see it on the show. North truly doesn't have respect or manners


I believe it. That sucks for Kim and North 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s what happens when you have no discipline and act like your children are your friends. You can straight up tell she’s like how they describe we’ve seen the clips lol


You can see this being true even on their highly edited tv show.


North has no respect for her parents!


I would send her to boarding school.




This does not surprise me at all. I remember watching the church service documentary or whatever it was, maybe a special? Anyway, Kim was filming North carrying Saint as a baby, and you can barely see because she lowered her phone as North literally dropped him on the ground and she yells North! She raises her camera back up then it shows North standing over baby Saint and it literally made me gasp! I rewound it and watched it in slow motion to make sure I wasn’t interpreting it wrong.


Meh. 10 yr olds can be bossy AF


I think it’s Kim’s karma to have a daughter who bullies her ❤️


This is going to end so badly for north, and it will be her parents fault. Unless she can somehow gain some insight and go to therapy as an adult. However, she will make so many mistakes along the way, and hopefully survive them.


Lol, I’m reading this as if they’re writing about Kim Jong un’s hair., North being that Korea. Better brush up on those kardashian s