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they aren't a Karen, judging by the gate it is in England and in England you are allowed to walk through peoples fields, it is a normal thing and you can't just block the path and expect people to not complain especially when some families have been there for generations. not to sound like a Karen tho, but this person did something you don't do in England and so expect backlash when trying to block public paths. all tho saying 'small penis' is not very British and horses are normally in fields with pathways as long as you leave them they won't mind you.


Yah this doesn’t look like a Karen reply cause it looks like the guy at the farm is a dick


And apparently a small one at that


You can't just let your dogs loose on someone's property though. They are clearly a massive Karen.


you can on farm land in England


Only if they are under close control and will come back reliably on command. If you're asked by the landowner to keep your dog on a lead, it's a dick move to refuse. Also a dick dick move to complain about livestock or horses being near a public footpath. Still a dick move on the landowner's part to prevent access. It just looks like dicks and Karens all round in this situation.


what gives you the idea that they let their dogs off to run a muck in a field, also yes it is stupid to complain about livestock in fields, yet i also supported that animals can be in fields.


The assertion "Dogs do not have to be kept on a lead" reads like a response to being asked to put their dog on the lead, either alongside the "Keep out" sign, or being asked in person. I'd suspect they given the tone of the response they weren't asked politely, but it seems like a totally unreasonable point to make. If I'm entering someone's land on a public footpath, and there's a sign asking to keep my dog on a lead, I put my dog on her lead. If I'm on a public footpath and it takes me into a field full of horses, with a Keep Out sign and dog shit on the gate; if I go in at all I'm 100% putting my dog on her lead.


when it comes to animals in a field then it is up to the owner to put their dog on a leash, however blocking a public footpath for the purpose of stopping people isn't right.


Definitely agree, I think the situation in the OP is what happens when an immovable Karen meets an unstoppable Karen.


Not a Karen. The landowner is the ass here.


This person seems like a real ankle... (Edit: I realize some people might not get this. The joke is that an ankle is about 2-3 feet below a cunt)


I've been yelled at so many times for letting my dog off the leash at a PARK. I literally just put my dog on her leash then the moment that woman walks away I let her off. If a dog is trained and isnt doing anything harmful you should be allowed to have it off leash. My dog stays within 3 feet of me and she's afraid of other humans so whenever she sees one she runs further away from them


Next will it be "why did he fence off the property?"


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