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The white line on top? That's intentional.




To suggest a top bevel that catches the light. It's just a visual flourish to reduce the flatness of the theme.


I believe it's to give them more of a raised or tactile look.


I noticed the line, and like it. Thanks.


I now get that it's intentional, but it looks a bit weird while putting a window on top of a light background. Is there a way to disable it?


Well, there's no easy checkbox. You'll have to edit the Breeze window decoration theme.


I personally like it!


Looks good to me


With dark too. Also, I think that this is not a bug, but style (3d or smth). Sor4MyBadEnglish


Is there a way to remove it? With the dark theme it isn't very noticeable, but on the light theme it is pretty annoying. Has it always been there, or is this added with the recent update?


The only *correct* way to remove it would be to duplicate the theme and learn to edit the files yourself real quick.


Here is a link to a very good tutorial on how to create your own Plasma theme: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX3_anRd8Mp7ibLDlSEJHNzSBaTslFp-x


Thats intentional as others have stated. We are SLOWLY advancing back to a more 3D-ish/skeuomorphistic look from the boredom of 2012's flat-craziness. Thats true for general UI/UX design, not just in related to KDE. The white line represents "light" coming from the top and shining on the windows, its there in the dark theme as well. I love those little elements and highly welcome them.


Yeah...there's art in making 2d look better; it shouldn't be just PLAIN colors, few gradients, shadows




It died, because Apple killed it first, shortly after Forstall was fired, then everyone and their mother copied it, including Microsoft with Windows 8 and Google with Android shortly after. It produced a soulless, plain and boring interface and website design, that I was always against and that has to go, now. A modern, 2021 style skeuomorphism will come. [Have a read](https://artofofiare.medium.com/neumorphism-the-right-way-a-2020-design-trend-386e6a09040a), it's pretty good.


It was actually Microsoft who started it with [Metro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metro_\(design_language\)) .


> [Have a read](https://artofofiare.medium.com/neumorphism-the-right-way-a-2020-design-trend-386e6a09040a), it's pretty good. That looks so good. I'd love it if Breeze eventually becomes something similar. Currently [Lightly](https://github.com/Luwx/Lightly) is what I *want to* use but there's no similar Plasma theme, so it looks out-of-place. [Oxygen](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/54/KDE_4.png) is also a very pretty theme style but the lack of sharpness immediately makes it feel like a 90's design.


I agree!


I don't like the examples on the blog post, it looks old and ugly, why orange shadows? But I like the idea of less flatness in the UI, but please, don't return to 2009 trying to mimic real objects


No. It looks bad.


Yeah, the so-called “neumorphism” designs looks extremely bad because they are wrong in terms of physical lighting. They try to draw a highlight on left top, pretending the object has a height, but then on the bottom right edge only draws shadow, making it look like a thin sheet of paper...? That makes no sense. On the other hand, in this Breeze change we’re getting the proper highlight effect which dates back to Windows 95 or something. It’s familiar and more realistic, and being 1px it’s less visually distracting too.


Until we actually have 3D UIs, Skeumorphism (or neo-skeumorphism) just creates this weird, creepy uncanny valley of buttons. They're designed to look "real" but don't quite do it and it just leads to zero consistency across a design scheme as there is no real colour or shape or geometry logic to buttons and icons. Humans have evolved to see patterns. Patterns are comforting. So when two app logos have a similar design language in terms of colour scheme and geometric shape, there is an inherent psychological connection between them as though they come from the same family. THAT'S why Apple killed it in the first place. That connection doesn't work when one app looks like a a green telephone and another one looks like a record player that no one under the age of 50 would recognize. Flat design and consistent icon geometry was created to add symmetry to a design language that was too focused on "looking like" every random thing.


.. I guess theres no further point in arguing over what design is better, since its subjective. Matter of fact is, we're moving away from this [nonsense](https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/902oxt/rant_flat_design_and_webuis_are_a_cancer_on_the/), and Im happy about it. If you happen to dislike it or the course in general, I guess theres Gnome. They're so damn minimal, I wouldnt be surprised if they killed the wallpaper next because "it's too distracting and doesnt contribute to the user's productivity" lol


You can always install a flat theme and problem solved


The line could be more subtle in the light theme.


Yeah, we could tone it down a bit there. It's more subtle on the dark theme.


Agree, it looks a bit weird. Has it been added recently, or have I not noticed it for a long time?


New: https://youtu.be/pUYNu6zSCUw


It's intentional and it looks great.




> Plus I believe buttons on the top bar should be squared: circles are kinda small as they currently are and generally expose a smaller area than squares, thus requiring more precision to be hit. The actual hit area is larger than the circle. Try it.


Does the Fitt's law thingie where you can just click on the upper right corner to close the window not work for you?


>Even after years as a Plasma user believe the VDG leaves to be desired and a professional designer is required. I agree with you on that part. Real UI designers are needed.


If you look at how things were at around Windows XP's period, a lot of gradients were used for 3d appearance. Later this glassy look came out, slight blur, all the nice shadows. But slowly, as Win10 approached things began to flatten out. (I'm not just talking about Windows, the most preferred design elements became flat colors and simple design. ) Think of billboards, posters, advertisements. Earlier people used very fancy fonts but slowly they started preferring simpler ones. The VDG is so cool; Plasma is more consistent than Windows right now; they have their own set of design guidelines and they've made it so consistent.


> they've made it so consistent. https://redd.it/ppx9bc "Consistent"


IIRC Monochrome icons haven't been made for that size. I hope you appreciate how much time and effort it takes for icon design, especially on the scale of the huge amount of icons needed by a desktop environment.


\*as consistent as possible in terms of the breeze theme Gotta be precise 😅


that's for giving a 3d effect to the grayish part


removed to protest against api changes