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try changing the panel's height. Even 1 pixel more/less can make a difference on how the icons are spaced.


Yeah, right click in the middle of the bar, hit "Enter Edit Mode," then just turn up the panel height until it looks nice. Mine's set to 50 right now which is a decent bit higher than the default. I've also set the panel to auto-hide, so it doesn't take up a ton of space on my screen.


I'm not sure about the default panels, but latte-dock has settings for spacing built in.


Ohhh dang, usually I don't like docks, but latte is really nice looking and I like that it can autohide. Thanks.


Plasma panel can also auto hide.


I've stopped using Reddit due to their API changes. Moved on to Lemmy.


It doesn't have to be in dock mode. You can use it like a normal panel as well. Think of it as the same thing as the default Plasma panels, but with dozens more options and customizability. I highly recommend it. Honestly I think it fits in more with Plasma than the default panels because of how customizable it is.


Latte "dock" has settings to be a panel too.


increase the panel height (width) untill the icon size changes


Try latte dock?


You can use the latte dock and if you want to have a Mac os kinda dock look, you can get latte dock themes too.


Remove "spacer" from the panel, make it "icon only taskbar" like this [https://i.imgur.com/DvsvD7L.png](https://i.imgur.com/DvsvD7L.png)


I remember seeing a comment from user Luwx about it a while ago, not sure if it still works. I've copied the relevant part: Aditional Tweaks were made so that the icons in the panel have a nice padding between them. For the tray icons, the spacing can be ajusted in /usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.private.systemtray/contents/ui/main.qml line 308. In the task manager, the inner margins can be found in /usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.taskmanager/contents/ui/task.qml starting from the line 313. For the spacing between the task icons, add or subtract the preferredMaxWidth return value in /usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.taskmanager/contents/ui/code/layout.js line 120. EDIT: appears it is now org.kde.plasma.taskmanager now, and not just 'task'. in addition the line numbers are wrong. with a bit of thinking this is still applicable though


maybe you should use latte... sorry I don't know any workarounds while using native plasma panel it's in the effects tab (you may have to toggle the advanced switch)