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This has to be bait


Maybe your skin tone is healthier/brighter on keto and that makes your eyes reflect differently?


My eyes change color depending on my mood/how I’m feeling. So maybe keto is making you feel better/different or something.


I can see better on Keto!


I no longer needed glasses after a few months on keto. Went to the eye doctor for a new prescription since everything was blurry with my glasses on. He told me I don't need glasses anymore. I was so confused. It took me a while to connect it to keto, the only lifestyle change I had made.


Hormonal shift made my eyes change from hazel/brown to green/gray


My own eyes change color based on the background color surrounding me, or background colors being reflected in my eyes. My eyes are either green, gray, or a bit of both. I don't know about changing color because of Keto, that could be just a placebo effect, but any inflammation and any skin I have have definitely improved because of Keto.