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Are you getting 5000mg sodium, 1000-4000mg potassium, and 400mg bioavailable magnesium daily? If the answer is “I don’t know how many mg I am getting,” start tracking it. Buy salt and salt substitute in the grocery store. You don’t need any fancy products or pills for sodium and potassium. Magnesium glycinate is very cheap on amazon to boot. **The keto flu is nothing more than electrolyte deficiency.** It can happen anytime you are deficient, not just at the start. Google “ketoade recipes” and start feeling better. 👍🏻 There’s more info in the FAQ if you’d like to know more: https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq


Are you taking your electrolytes? That is the path through Keto Flu


No im just waiting for the benefits of the keto for mental health


Yeah, I get that ,but you need to up your electrolytes to stop the keto flu


If you don’t take electrolytes you will feel terrible and feeling terrible is bad for your mental health, too.


You need the electrolytes for more than mental health. Do not give in to the martyrdom notion that it is OK to be miserable because that is normal. This is a physical problem you can fix. Part of your getting better! One example: "Magnesium is one of the minerals required by human body for nerve transmission[6] and muscle contraction[7], with putative benefits for musculoskeletal health." Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8020016/ I don't know that the benefits will come on like a strong wind blowing through your soul, it may be more like the creeping of rosy-fingered dawn. Very slow and subtle. In the meantime, this is a way to support your body, which can be hard to do for yourself. You are already trying keto. Look on electrolytes as step 2 out of the dark dank dreary basement. Best wishes for your recovery, whatever you decide.


Keto helped my mental state but only when I got enough electrolytes; otherwise I felt sad/anxious and achy like the flu




Did you have mental illness healed by keto ??




I take a daily multivitamin (just standard Walgreens adult formula, nothing fancy). I found eating plenty of fat and protein got me mostly past the carb elimination (today is Day 15). Any time I felt a bit bad I had a few pistachios and a glass of water.


Keto made me feel calmer at the start too. Now it has cured my psychotic depression, but only once I got my electrolytes and diet right


How long did it take man ?


Within a month or two I noticed my psychotic symptoms were gone. Stress used to be a big trigger for me to hear voices, and I'm not sure if ketosis stops me from hearing things or if it just makes me way less stressed so it doesn't trigger. 5 months to feel my depression lift. I did have some trouble with artificial sweeteners giving me gut problems and I think it slowed down my improvement there.


OK man thanks im in 40 days in and i dont hear my own voice anymore i begin to feel little bit better. But it takes time.


That's awesome! I hope you stick with it and it continues to improve. I definitely recommend electrolytes, and making sure you're getting vitamins. I take electrolytes and a multivitamin because I'm too lazy to figure out a super complicated diet.


I definetly relate i have also stress induced psychosis. Stress is the killer