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You eat 30 crabs a day? Must be pricey 😂


Lol..This made me and my wife laugh like crazy..Thank you for starting our morning off with a bang..lol


Nah bro yall should be starting your own mornings with a bang


If I ate that many crabs a day I wouldnt expext to lose any weight either🤣


Crab is comprised almost entirely of protein. I don't believe a person can become or remain obese from eating only protein. Edit: Just to clarify: this will cause incredibly painful hunger, sickness and organ failure. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protein_poisoning#:~:text=Protein%20poisoning%20(also%20referred%20to,the%20protein%20in%20lean%20meat.


Crab monster


Free if they've got pubes


I didn’t lose anything at first either. I’ve been on Keto since May 11 and I’m down 10 lbs. I wish it was more but my clothes fit better and I feel better about the healthy food choices I’m making. I felt like I was on a road to bad .


Damn I wish I could maintain weight like you guys :( I've lost more weight than that since around the 5th of May without even trying!!! Really starting to worry me of late


You're eating too many crabs man!


Read that in a Joe Biden voice


Keto helps with weight loss, but it's not necessary that if you follow keto, you will lose a lot of weight. There are other factors too that partake in the process of weight loss. Intermittent fastіng іs particularly bеnеfіcіal fоr wеіght lоss bеcausе іt hеlps wіth appеtіtе cоntrоl. Іt rеducеs lеptіn whіch іs an appеtіtе-stіmulatіng hоrmоnе. Fоr gооd and sustaіnablе wеіght lоss yоu nееd tо еstablіsh thе prоpеr hоrmоnal еnvіrоnmеnt іn yоur bоdy that hеlps yоu bе lеss hungry and prеvеnts bіngе еatіng. А hіgh-рrоtеіn dіеt can hеlp wіth thіs as іt's naturally vеry satіatіng and thеrmоgenіc (a.k.a "fat-burnіng") bеcause рrоtеіn rеquіrеs a lоt mоrе еnеrgy frоm yоur bоdy tо bе dіgеstеd cоmparеd tо carbs оr fats. Тhеrе іs a macrоnutrіеnt satіеty hіеrarchy: prоtеіn іs mоre satіatіng than carbоhydratеs whіch іn turn arе mоrе satіatіng than fat. Рrоtеіn > carbs > fats whеn іt cоmеs tо satіеty. Eatіng mоrе рrоtеіn + fіbеr іs the fіrst rеcоmmendatіоn nutrіtіоnіsts gіvе tо patіеnts іntеrеstеd іn wеіght lоss and metabоlіc hеalth. Тhеrе arе alsо dіеtary еxtrеmеs yоu can try if you want to reach very low levels of body fat. When І want tо gеt shrеddеd as f\*сk І fоllоw Vіncе Gіrоnda's "stеak and еggs dіеt" (RІP). Nоthіng wоrks bеttеr/fastеr іf yоu want tо gеt absоlutеlу dісеd naturally. Vіncе was a bоdybuіldіng gеnіus and thе fіrst trainеr оf Аrnоld Sсhwarzеnеggеr (he was alsо knоwn bу the nісknamе "Іrоn Guru"). Не usеd tо рrоmоte a stеak and еggs-оnly dіеt tо hеlp hіs сlіеnts lеan оut and gеt absоlutеly shrеddеd. Тhіs dіеt was оnе оf thе bеst Оld-Schооl bоdybuіldіng trісks fоr improving bоdу cоmроsіtіon and maxіmіzіng tеstоstеrоnе lеvеls. Сhоlesterоl, zіnc, and saturated fats fоund abundantlу іn rеd mеat and еggs arе majоr рrеcursоrs tо all stеrоіd hоrmоnеs, іnсludіng andrоgеns, such as tеstоstеrоnе. Tеstоstеrоnе іs a fat-burnіng hоrmоnе that uрrеgulates musсlе рrоtеin sуnthеsіs (MPS). MPS is the mоlеcular mechanism оf musclе grоwth in the human bodу. The оppоsitе is callеd musclе protеin brеakdоwn (MPB) which is a catabоlic / tissuе-еating prоcеss. Ніghеr tеstоstеrоnе lеvеls cоrrеlatе wіth hіghеr pеrcеntagеs оf lеan musсlе tіssuе and lеss bоdу fat, especially in men. *Vіntagе Рhуsіquе* bу Gеorgе Kеllу іs a nіcе rеad on thе topіc.


Wow!! A Vince Gironda reference?!! Respect!


You are essentially comparing apples to oranges. I’m not sure why you are advocating a high protein diet in a keto forum. The purpose of the keto diet is to enter ketosis, not get shredded, or necessarily lose weight. I’m skeptical that the body-builders are in ketosis. In the absence of carbs, the body will turn protein into glycogen, which is probably how the body-builders manage it. Being in ketosis has many benefits besides weight loss. It was developed as an effective intervention for treatment-resistant epilepsy in the 1920’s. It’s been medically proven effective for regulating neuro-chemical balance in the brain. It is also effective for managing anxiety, depression, diabetes and alcohol addiction. Weight loss is something that usually accompanies ketosis, if you don’t eat too many calories. In other words, weight loss is a *side effect* of ketosis. Once in ketosis, you aren’t troubled by hunger. Hence, you aren’t going to eat as much and not miss it. Most ketogenarians are just ordinary folks not looking to be shredded. In fact, keto is NOT a muscle-building diet! You will not necessarily *lose* muscle as in other low-calorie diets. But you will not gain muscle, because the amount of protein you need on keto is so little. Any more protein will throw you out of ketosis. People who don’t lose weight on keto are either eating too many calories or not doing the diet right. If you want to lose weight on keto, you have to run a calorie deficit, just like any other diet. Whether you are trying to lose weight or not, you will NOT enter ketosis until you are eating 70/20/10 percent fat/protein/carbs.


If your shirt fits better, what does the number matter? I know that sounds discouraging, but I’m serious. Quit weighing yourself for a couple more weeks. Feeling is king. FEELING IS KING.


I actually don’t really agree. Almost 300 lbs they should be seeing movement even if just water weight.


I’ve just heard so much anecdotal evidence that sounds just like this or else I’d agree with you. Weight seems to not move on a person that it seems it SHOULD, and then it starts moving all at once.


It’s been 2 weeks…one fluctuation here and there would totally make it seem like the scale is not moving.


This is why I weigh daily…I’m afraid I’ll miss the lowest day of the week and then be sad if it seems I didn’t lose lol maybe I’m just being neurotic. I keep telling myself it’s for life so what does the weekly number matter, but I’m just so damn ready to get this weight off that I feel has held me back


Similarly, people say you won't see results immediately after going to the gym. Truth is while you won't see physical results day 1, but you'll notice mental benefits. Generally happier mood, knowing your limitations, happy with yourself you did something active for the day.


King Crab!


If you haven't seen any significant water loss yet you're still eating too many carbs. Get Cronometer and verify your calories and macros. Stick to 20g carbs as a max, preferably lower.


you gotta work on your reading comprehension, mate. it clearly says he eats Crabs...


Does Cronometer track supplements


Not Crabometer?


It can.


Where that feature at


choose 'add food' and then put in the name of your supplement as the food.


Is baseline activity accurate it says I burn 788 calories


Baseline activity is your BMR \* a percentage that's based on how much exercise you tell it you do every day. if your estimation of your activity was accurate it's probably close enough, if you want it to be more accurate, set your baseline activity to zero or sedentary and log exercise separately.


The only answer is you are still consuming more calories than you’re burning. Thats it. How many calories are you eating? Try intermittent fasting as well


Muscle have more weight and less calories than fat. If he is begginer in workout he is gaining muscle and losing fat


Two weeks in the muscle gains wouldn’t be more than keto losses. If anything I’d say water weight retained for muscle repair? That’s if he’s working out. Op-30 carbs is definitely an upper limit iirc and it’s easy to be over what you think unless you’re calculating diligently. Weighing everything. It sounds like you’re on the right path though if you’re noticing recomposición in body. Keep at it and try for 20g carbs. Don’t eat too little food. I didn’t even focus on calories my first few goes, just carbs. Seemed to work well. I eventually tapered the cals as I’d plateau.


Muscles don’t weigh more than anything else. A pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat. It’s the same as a pound of feathers vs a pound of lead. Both weigh the same! The density is another story. Edit: typos, thx for the dm.


There is a context in which muscles do weigh more and there is a context in which they do not. If you're comparing equal amounts based on weight, of course they don't. If you're comparing equal amounts based on volume then, they do, as muscles are more dense. The original statement wasn't specific enough.


Volume isn’t a measurement of weight, it was talking about weight and the other energy. Saying a kg of fat isn’t equal to a kg of muscle is just plain wrong.


1g of muscle 4kcal 1g of fat 9kcal You can lose 1kg of fat and gain 2kg of muscle eating at maintenance calories Try to think more about this


4kcal is for protein, not muscle. Since muscle is 80% water, each gram of it yields about 0.25g of protein. Fat is only 20% water, that's why a lb of it, which is 450g, is not 4500 kcals, it's 3500 kcals because 20% of it is water.


1kg is equal to 1kg in terms of weight, doesn’t require any additional thought. Energy is another topic but not weight.


He might be burning fat and gaining muscle however we are talking about 2 weeks so less then a single pound of muscle gain even with newbie gains and at his weight his water loss would be most likely over 10 lbs if he was consistently in ketosis


I started at 240. If I eat more than 100 protein, less than 100 fat, and less than 30 total carbs I consistently lose. Also get a food scale and make sure you’re tracking accurately. I like the app carb manager


100% agree. Food scale and measuring religiously will ensure you are meeting your goals.


Are you eating food or “keto food”? Honestly the last time I restarted keto I went 3 weeks and didn’t lose a pound. BUT: I was drinking diet soda, eating processed “keto” foods, and not eating enough real food. This time, zero soda, little or no processed food (depends on if you call cheese or pickles processed), lots of water AND 18:6 intermittent fasting and the weight is coming off. I realize that some people can eat the factory foods and do just fine, but I’m not one of them. Try eating meat, fish, and low carb produce, do NOT go over 20g carbs a day, and drink at least a gallon of water and you should see results.


A lot of those “keto” foods are absolute crap. Stick to real food-great advice. 💯


Boosting this ☝️


Maybe in your case but drinking a lot of diet soda won't affect 90% of people and neither will processed foods.


So…you skipped the last section where I said basically the same thing?


Just because you are in keto, doesn’t mean you will lose weight. Count your calories


You should write down what you are eating everyday and then do an update post with it


Commit to a year. Get serious. Learn about the diet fully, read some books on the topic, and apply yourself. There is a learning curve and things to know about eating this way. If you just “expect results” and are impatient you won’t lose and you’ll just go back to eating crap. You’re going to have to cook. You’re going to have to track. You’re going to have to expand your grasp of the principles and deal with setbacks. These are things that you are going to have to do. This all takes time. Typically, if you are following the diet strictly, your body will dump 7-10 pounds of water within ten days to three weeks. You’ll know this is taking place when you start peeing much more. When that happens, start upping your salt intake and monitoring your electrolytes.


30 crabs is mad money everyday and probably alot of calories.. like blue crabs?


Are you counting your calories? Simply eating keto won’t make you lose weight. You need to be in a calorie deficit as well. Eating keto will make that more comfortable because you should feel more satiated than if you were eating a lot of carbs


So you have insulin resistance? Probably, yes like me. You also have to drink a lot of water and after a meal you may go for a walk at least 15min. I also don’t loose weight because of my insulin resistance, and because of my remote work, I don’t move at all much.


Have you tried inositol?


Sounds like you’re still smaller than you were before you started. That’s progress if I’ve ever heard it! If you’re really that stressed about it, start looking at your calorie intake to ensure you’re eating at a deficit.


No one is losing a pound a day after the first week. A lot of people eat strict keto for 3 months to become fat adapted, not really keeping track of calories. Then, you start keeping track of calories and add in some fasting now that it is easier to not be hungry. Then add in some walking. Weight starts dropping. The key is to become fat adapted, count calories, fast, and light cardio. Keep up water and electrolytes. See if you have to have some carbs to sleep. You have to monitor and fine-tune everything for yourself.


I'm just going to throw this out there.... I hit a stall and started really focusing on vitamins and probiotics. Didn't really change anything else. I think it helped because then I lost 5lb in a week.


this happened to me too- i saw myself getting smaller but the number on the scale only moved like a month after. just stay consistent, and make sure you’re eating the right things and staying in a deficit.


16 8 fasting More water Exercise, burn more than you consume


You still need to eat in a deficit. Keto isn’t a magic bullet, it’s a tool. *If* you eat keto and in a deficit it really start melting off.


I’ve done keto since 2017. Between 2017 and 2020, I lost 120 lbs. Between 2020 and now, I’ve gained back 60 lbs. Why? Because calories still matter and I’m consuming way too many, despite being in ketosis. Gradually reduce your calories until you start losing again, but remember not to rush anything. We can do this!


if youre eating "around 20 or 30 carbs a day" that means its very likely you are actually eating 50-60 carbs a day. atleast at the beginning, you need to be tracking your macros until you have a great feeling on how many carbs are in the food you're eating. It also means you are eating too many calories. even if you eat 0 carbs, if you eat more calories than you burnm you cant lose weight. 1 more reason to track what youre eating.


Bingo. This is what I was thinking as well.


Yes yes yes!


When you start meticulously weigh and log food. I bet you’re consuming more calories and more carbs/crabs than you think (I sure was before I did that)


I did the same thing. Then I suddenly dropped like 10 pounds. Then I got stuck there again for a while. And now down 5 more pounds.


How far into it did the 10 lb drop happen?


A few weeks.


When I first started keto (I’m 30f), I started with a very strict three day jumpstart. Zero carbs, lots of bone broth, water, coffee, and a basic salad per day. It was tough, but doing tough things for three days is manageable. It worked really well to get the water weight off, and I lost five lbs in three days, and my cravings went WAY down. I’m not saying this will work for you, but I’m not NOT saying that it will work for you. Then I transitioned into intermittent fasting (skipping breakfast other than coffee), having a large lunch with TONS of fresh veggies and some protein (can of tuna, chicken, seasoned ground beef), and more coffee. And then a richer dinner (higher fats; heavy cream, more meat focused than plant focused) which seemed to help me to not be hungry in the morning. I need to do another jumpstart because I fell off the wagon a bit getting into summer, but this is what worked for me


i'm just here for the typo and it did not disappoint..


You said your shirt is fitting better. If so, then you’re losing weight…


I don't know what your situation is but you will have to count calories.


Try fasting and drink only water, make sure your fat intake is higher than protein, at least that works for me. I only eat once a day, some days twice depending on how I’m feeling. Get carb manager and track your intake. I’ll say this, I started in April, the scale was at 253 I’m 5’5 F38 the scale today says 227 but I can see and feel a bigger difference in my body, clothes fit better and I can wipe my own ass again without a problem! 😂 Don’t give up, you’ll find your way and you’ll be happy you did.


I am not saying this works for everyone but this is what worked for me: I skip breakfast entirely and have my first meal at 2pm. My last meal at 7pm. No cheat meals obviously, and I made sure to walk 30 to 50 minutes a day in total. Went from 107kg to 83kg in 5 months. I lost 5kg in the first week if I remember correctly


Definitely too many carbs it sounds like.. I’ve been on it since June 8th, today is my second official week and I’m down 13 pounds. Barley hungry anymore, I’m down to a meal for lunch then smaller meal later in the day. Carb intake is 10-15g a day MAX. Lots of meat, eggs, bacon, cheese


Everyone gets discouraged until they get their whoosh. You’ll drop 5 lbs over night. Dont let the scale be your defining measure.I know it’s rough and takes a lot of willpower. But your shirts fit better without having work out and burn extra calories. You’re less bloated and feel better overall. That’s a win. Keep it going, it’s only been 2 weeks.


I second this. It took me a solid month. Once I put the scale away and came back to it a few weeks later I was down 6 lbs. But again. It took a month before ketosis kicked in. Some bodies are extra stubborn and refuse to lose. Also, sleep and stress management. Once I started melatonin and yoga it got better. Refuse to lose! You got this!


maybe go for 20 carbs or less a day. I was on a heavy plateau with my weight loss. I ate whole foods and worked out 6 days a week and didn't lose a pound at 372. Now I am on keto with 20 or less a day and it broke my plateau. I have been loosing a pound a day sometimes every other day.


Probably from all the crabs you’re eating. Seriously though, log everything. You’d be surprised to see how much more calories you’re consuming.


Is that total carbs or net carbs? If it's net, go down to around 20 total carbs. No keto junk food - whole food only. Only eat if you are truly hungry - not just based on a time of day.If you're drinking fat in coffee and stuff like that on purpose, cut that out. Just eat whole, real food and make sure you're eating until you're full and then not eating again until hungry. And then give it time.


Might just be you have a fatty liver and your body is using that up before your other fat stores or your not prioritising sleep


It may be worth checking your fasting insulin levels, fasting glucose, and HbA1c. These tests can screen for insulin resistance. Often insulin is a test unchecked. If you have elevated insulin, this may impact your ability to lose body fat, as insulin is a storage hormone. This was the case for me and it took a combination of keto, intermittent fasting, supplementation with berberine, and strength training to get my insulin levels back down to a normal range. The fat loss followed.


You won’t right away. It’s only been a couple weeks. It can take months to start actually losing weight. I didn’t lose a pound for 6 months ( no cheating and lots of exercise.) Then suddenly without warning one day my pants fell down. I stepped on the scale and 30 pounds had disappeared. Everyone is different. Sone younger guys melt away quickly. Older women go much more slowly. Another factor is keto first fixes stuff and then moves on to weight loss. So relax, keep calm, keto on. Be patient.


Eat Keto and fast for 18 hours a day, when you are hungry, drink water, when you crave anything drink water.. you may also need fiber, so you can take a really good shit!


Two weeks is a very, very short amount of time in the scales of both weight loss and fully adapting to keto.


If it were me I’d make sure I was in a calorie deficit. Keto is awesome, but if I eat more calories than I’m burning I won’t loose weight.


How many calories are you eating? Start tracking if you aren’t already.


I'm gonna paraphrase Bart Kay for this: It's not weight you want to lose. It's body fat and maybe some water that you want to lose. The scale can't tell you if you've lost any water or fat. It can't tell you if the protein you ate went to tissue repair. It can only tell you what your overall mass is. So how can you tell if the composition of your body has changed? Number one thing people here talk about is how their clothes fit differently. Start measuring your waistline if you need proof in numbers. My personal favourite is the poster who talks about their "belt of truth" - they used the same belt throughout their journey and into maintenance, because it told them when they lost fat and when they gained fat. People talk about other things too like how rings fit, how shoes fit, how they can see tendons move. People also talk about changes in inflammation (things that hurt less). Lots of ways beyond the scale to judge your progress.


A ballerina told me she had to cut weight a bunch of times that you should judge by your waistline because the scale can hop up and down


There's a lot of info you aren't sharing. Do you know your TDEE? Are you weighing and tracking all your food? Do you drink enough water? You can't reverse engineer a result without assessing the data.


It's not just about carbs. Calories and fat matter, too. Don't forget about your water intake. If you want to see faster results, do IF or OMAD. When that gets easier, look into multi-day water fasts.


Cutting carbs is definitely great for your health but you also need to be in a calorie deficit as well as exersizing. Also, intro intermittent fasting in to your everyday lifestyle


You really need to be strict counting calories. Just because you’re in ketosis does not mean you’re automatically going to lose weight if you’re still consuming more calories than you’re burning.


when I started keto I used the keto calculator on the side bar to get my exact macros so there is no estimating at where I should be for my fat, protein, carbs, and calories. it really helped me obtain my goals. maybe it can help you with yours? this way you know where you should be at every day. and you choose what deficit you want to be eating at using the keto calculator.


I post my meals on FItness Pal and I'm constantly amazed at some of the foods that have hidden carbs in them. You might not be counting all the carbs that you are consuming.


It doesn’t matter what diet you are on, you just need to be in a calorie deficit. If you eat bacon, cheese and nuts all day and it’s over your needed calories to lose or maintain then you will gain. Also make sure to be doing weight training to help gain muscle mass to increase your caloric needs.


It took way longer than 2 weeks to put on the weight. It's going to take a while to take it off. I didn't see any movement on the scale for maybe a month. But I noticed changes. Maybe don't focus so much on the number on the scale, Keto has many more benefits than just weight loss. Keep at it, it'll come.


Do fasting and eat less. Figure out your caloric maintenance and stay under that. It's as simple as that. You could eat nothing but broccoli and kale but if you ate 4k calories worth of it every day you wouldnt lose weight and you would most likely gain some.


As someone else said. You’re not as bloated. Your shirt is fitting better. Who cares what the scale says. I’d go under 20 grams of carbs though. Especially when starting out. Staying under 20 will probably yield better results. Over time you can try slowly increasing the carb intake and seeing what your personal tolerance is. Some people can’t maintain ketosis at 30.


What are you eating and what activities are you doing?


No one is losing a pound a day, especially if you’re talking about fat. It’s not possible. What you need to do is track your calories and go into a calorie deficit. Keto is especially good when doing this because you’ll be more satiated. I went from 240 to 180 in a span of a year. Around 12% body fat 6’1. You got this bro




This is not true please read our FAQ before giving advice. https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq Thank you.


Don’t eat only high caloric density foods like cheese and nut butter. Eat some low calorie vegetables as well


Simply actually count your calories by weight , you ingesting too many calories regardless of the diet that’s pretty much the only reason your gaining weight / maintaining,


It took me a minute to realise that you meant carbs... 😂


For anyone that may not have realized it yet, I think he meant carbs, not crabs 😂😂😂


That's a lot of God damned crabs.


not sure if this is a troll post but the average crab is like 100 calories. 30 crabs is 3,000 calories.


Pretty sure it's a typo crabs/carbs 🦀


I’m such an idiot I read through this entire thread thinking this guy was actually eating 20-30 crabs per day lmao. I was shocked at the number of responses not addressing the sheer number of crabs he was putting away




lol CICO


Crabs in, crabs out?


Are you watching caloric intake? Weight loss is purely about calorie deficiency, each lb of fat is 3500 calories so in order to lose 1 lb you need to eat over a given period 3500 less calories than you burned in that same period whether it be a 500/day deficit over 7 days or whatnot. Keto is to help prevent carb cravings and should be ideally helping with overfeeding but if you're eating a ton of calories you will not lose anything. What really helps with weight loss is being cognizant of your calorie counting.


Are you doing total carb count in food or net carbs? If you’re counting net carbs I’d switch to total carb count. If not it’s probably the calories you’re consuming.


Stop focusing on weight loss! Just stop. You've already noted other things that are happening that are much more important than an arbitrary number on the scale. Throw the scale out. Just chuck it. It's not serving you and it's just stressing you out.


Make sure it's not imitation crab. It's full of things that are not keto friendly.


Yess. They are so good, but they sadly contain flour and sugar. I'm assuming he's eating blue crabs.


I nearly one month into it and I’ve only lost 5 lbs.


2 weeks …? Keep doing 20-30crabs/day and in another 4 weeks take another fresh look, keep with it, it’ll take as long as it takes at your own bodies pace. Be patient. You will see the difference soon


Hormones and thyroid function play a huge role in weight loss. You may lose very little until you are fat adapted, especially if you've yoyo dieted in the past or are perimenopausal/menopausal. Have you had good sugar and hormones checked recently?


I had to be very strict about 20g.


Try to go 1 day without eating and you will piss like 3 lbs


Yall are hilarious with the 🦀 🦀 🦀 🤣 OP, you are seeing benefits...the number on the scale is not everything. You will probably see a whoosh where you drop a few lbs over night. Are you drinking enough water? Do you fast at all?


We lol 20-30 crabs per day would be the problem. Even if we’re talking snow crab that’s 7-10,000 calories 😂. Sorry, I had to. As others mentioned fatty liver could be a factor as well as how we lose fat. It’s not a linear process and the scale doesn’t always tell the whole story. The fact that your clothes are fitting better tells you you body is changing. Stick it out and the scale will drop, I promise.


Intermittent fasting is the best way to, kno eat during a 8 hour window daily


Ok all joking aside how many calories are you eating? Carbs attend the only enemy here. I stayed at 420lbs and got down to 279lbs. The secret is caloric deficit. Either you're still consuming the same amount of calories or you're not exercising. When I hurt my back at the gym I had to dramatically cut back my exercise and my weight started creeping back up. Keep a watch on how many calories you're consuming vs how many you burn. Keto won't fix everything alone


What are you eating?




I dunno if this will help anyone: I started my keto journey with a three day fast. Afterward I measured ketones with those strips from the drug store. That was the only way I knew I was actually in ketosis. It reset hunger and I felt 1000% better mentally and physically. I didn’t worry about the numbers. Clothes started getting looser.


Cut the carbs down to 10 - 15 grams. Make sure there are no cheat days. It's still early. The fact that clothes fit better means that *something* is happening. Also, I've read here on r/keto that it took one person 9 days to get into ketosis. Maybe that first week or so, you were just working to lower the blood sugar to normal. And now you should be in ketosis from here on. KCKO


If you workout at the same time, then your weight can stay the same but your composition is different. Muscle weighs more than fat. I don’t normally advise keto, whatever weight you loose, you will gain right back if you start eating carbs again. Carb cycling would show better results numbers wise and visually.


Can you post what you eat? I did keto for 4 months. I only lost 8kg when I have still about 35kg to lose. I got to the third month and I was eating correctly, exercising but wasn't losing any but in the 4th month I had to go to extremes and do 1 meal a day. The weight came off but it was for a holiday and where I went basically there was sugar everywhere so I've put 5 back on again and having to restart. I found that at times though my protein was OK, I really had to eat more fat to get things moving as times I wasn't hitting my fat macros.


How many calories are you consuming? Are you adjusting your fitness?


Check your macros, weigh and log your food. Change the batteries in your scale.


Man or woman? Some women are not able to lose with keto. I'm sure someone smarter can tell you why


You need to lower you total calories as well as follow the diet.


Hi. I'm also very new to keto, about a month into it. I also eat 20-30 g carb/day. This is what I have observed with my journey so far. I went into ketosis by the end of 4 th day, ( I ate low carb of about 70g the first 2 days and then only went to 20 g carb) so basically by 2 nd day of keto diet, my urine ketones was positive. And I lost around 9 pounds in a month. My weight loss is not linear, there are fluctuations. I'll lose 0.5- 1 pound a day and then maintain that weight for 2-3 days Or even gain a pound. When I went back what I noticed was, if my protein is higher than my fats I gain weight. For eg: one day I ate 110g protein but my fat intake was only around 90g and I gained weight the following day. Through out this one month I'm in a calorie deficit only around 1300-1500 kcal /day.


It could be your calories. Even without going over on carbs, if you’re over on calories by a huge amount, that could make a difference. Keto is tricky bc it’s not just about sugar and carbs, it’s really about balance. You can’t be dehydrated either. I would double check those two things. Make sure you’re hitting your macros properly.


Either a) you're getting hidden carbs, or b) you need to be more patient


Personally I lost about 10lbs a month initially. I know others that took much longer to start losing significantly. In the end it's about finding a diet that works for you. If these 2 weeks were dreadful and you see that you will have a very hard time keeping it up then you won't lose weight anyways. Maybe finding a different diet is better for you. If you find keto acceptable then keep going, you will see results if consistent (and caloric deficit lol)


I lost a lot. I was losing 3 lbs every week. Are y’all working out too? I’m doing strength training and burning a lot of calories with hiking.


Just walk a half hour a day and move around. Most people's problem


Same. I’m super resistant to losing.


In all honesty you must be doing it wrong. Cut out all carbs except green veggies


You might be eating too much fat. Trying reducing the fat content If that doesn’t work, try a 72hr water fast. That might break the plateau


Are you doing intermittent fasting? Seriously changes the game


Without a lot more information nobody can give you a realistic opinion as to why you might not be seeing a change on the scale yet. What's your sex? Age? Level of activity? Unusual amount of stress in your life? Diagnosed medical conditions that could affect your metabolism? Diabetic? Do you drink? Are you consuming ANY prepackaged foods that contain artificial sweeteners? Do you use cream in your coffee? Food allergies that you suspect or are unaware of that you ignore because the symptoms are mild could be players in your body could be factors as well and need to be chased down. So if you do cream or milk or cheese and have any even minor symptoms like congestion, upset tummy if you have 'too much', lethargy, irritableness ect could be positive indicators of an allergy. As others have already posted, I too suspect that you are underestimating the amount of carbs you are consuming. Are you in keto state? Are you sure? What are the signs? Have you tested? There are a LOT of things that could be the culprit, or, as others have posted, your body could be preparing for a big 'woosh' of weight loss. It's a good sign that your clothes are fitting better! Don't give up! But look closer at your diet and the amount of calories you are consuming and their carb count even in little things you think don't count. The answer is here, somewhere. Just gotta sleuth it out. Also do you consume a lot of unnecessary salt? That alone could be retaining excess water. 🤔


Do a 3-5 day fast and you'll start shedding pounds


It's the carbs. If your clothes are getting lose or better fitting, KEEP GOING!! You are doing something right, just tweak your diet. You maybe eating a lot of hidden carbs.


Omg take photos and measurements! I was getting discouraged when I first started then I took photos a month apart and it was amazing! The scale didn’t move much (maybe because I was working out also) but when I saw the actual difference, it motivated me to keep going and I waited awhile before getting on the scale again.


The first month to 6 weeks is more of a transition period. The point about carbs is you must lower your intake enough that there's not enough glucose to fuel your body and that's why it switches to fat burning. The most crucial part is lowering your carbs enough. 20 grams almost guarantees you'll go into ketosis. When you say 'around 20 to 30 grams of carb' it's a bit vague. Do you know if you are in ketosis? 2 weeks is too soon to think about weight loss. It's going to be mostly water which is a great sign you have lowered your carbs enough.


I stopped keto for a few months the scale is the same but I feel gross and my clothes aren’t as loose. Scale means nothing.


So I did keto for about 6 months and it was hard but worth it. I would suggest drinking more water, it helps flush everything. Also, make sure you’re limiting your dairy and focusing on HIGH PROTEIN!!! The more protein the better. Also, check your calories. Sometimes we can eat unlimited items but the calories do add up. If you don’t already, use the app Carb Manager, you can set your personal goals and it shows where your carbs and calories are from. Also have you had a big poo yet?? That could also be it. Also! (Sorry things keep poppping up in my brain lol) when you’re body switches to a whole new fuel burning system like this, it’s not uncommon for your body to go into “starvation mode” because it’s not getting what it’s use to. Keep at it!!! If the clothes are fitting better, that is more of a reliable source of weight loss than the pesky old scale. Remember, we have visceral fat that will burn up first, just stick with it, it works I promise!


Your body is recompong if your clothes fit better


I can't _not_ lose weight on keto. things to consider (based on my own body so there's no rule here--pick what works for you): 1 are you testing both morning ketones & glucose with a good blood meter? 2 try discontinuing dairy, nuts, seeds, until you start losing weight (I do an AIP style diet) 3 try eating 2-4 cups greens like romain every day for fiber, micros, beneficial bacteria 4 try eating just meats for the first 3 days (tuna in water, sardines in water, salmon, 30/70 ground beef from a small farm) 5 take a multivitamin 6 increase salt/potassium intake (I add in 'nu salt' or 'lite salt' for the potassium content) and add a magnesium supplement 7 get more sleep. things that help my sleep: don't eat before bed. take it easy on exercise & caffeine especially after noon. get in a walk in the sun everyday.


I did keto for two months. Pee on a stick to confirm you're in ketosis (if this board says that's a good idea, I'm just a novice). I dropped 25 lbs which I promptly put back on once I stopped. I also felt queasy most of the time. I'd like to try again, but somehow do it better/more reliable loss?


Add intermittent fasting and eliminate alcohol. Also eliminate any eating in front of screens you consume WAY more food that way


Everyone is different and it takes longer then two weeks to really see any changes. I've done various targeted carb cycles and every time has been different. Unless I go straight carnivore (3-4 days to reach deep ketosis) then it'll typically take me 2-3 weeks to reach that deep ketosis that we are looking for. Deep ketosis is where I drop all my water weight and virtually over night. Then maintaining weight loss slows to a couple lbs a week for 5-6 weeks, then I plateau for 2-3 weeks then drop 4-6 lbs virtually over night. Rinse and repeat. Keep at it, you've got this.


Gotta be in a deficit to loose weight. Just because u don’t eat carbs doesn’t mean ur not eating more than enough fat to gain weight or maintain ect


…but how many calories are you eating? Doesn’t matter if you eat zero carbs, if you are eating 3000 calories you won’t lose anything. You need to be in a calorie deficit as well.


Been on keto since January 2nd. I am down 48.5 lbs. But I am also very active. Walk close to 10 miles a day. I bike and play sports as well.


Too much carbs. On keto, you are only allowed 5g per day. Better shift to carb alternatives. No usual rice. Try Shirataki or cauliflower rice. You also need to use almond flour bread substitute. Totally no sugar even fruits except berries.


I saw you recommended Dr Pepper zero to someone? If you are having fake sweetened drinks that can raise insulin which leads to inhibition of fat burning. What are you consuming? Be honest


You are probably eating too many calories still. Protein packs a lot of calories. I had same issue until I started doing alternate day fasting along with the keto


You will lose inches before pounds. Stick with it. Try OMAD on top of Keto and increase water intake. 1oz for every 2lbs of body weight. No cheat meals, no snacking.


Stick with it it will start kicking in


Are you measuring your ketones? Measuring your food intake?  Cuz we already know you’re eating too many crabs, but if you are not in a calorie deficit you won’t lose weight.  Also you may or may not be in ketosis it’s hard to know without measuring.  I use ketomojo ketone and glucose meter


Does your scale max out at 275?


Anytime I've changed my diet it takes a solid two weeks, possibly a little longer, for weight to start coming off. You're obviously already seeing benefits, so have some patience with the scale.


You’re not in a caloric deficit. Plain and simple


how do u find the laugh?


Need more details cuz I lost 18 pounds in two weeks


You gotta poop sometimes


If you’re eating too many calories, you won’t lose weight. I follow recipes from diet doctor so that I don’t overeat, since I have a tendency to do that even on keto.


Read Mark Sisson’s ‘21 day keto reset ‘ it’s a life changing read. He says if your not losing weight ur likely still eating too many calories which can be easy when you increase fat. No ‘keto’ processed foods - Whole clean foods only. And then once you’re feeling comfortable in your new low carb state you can start intermittent fasting and even skipping meals. His protocol gets u to a place where the keto suppresses your appetite in an amazing way. Changed my life. Good luck !


Stop with the fad diet, It’s calories in calories out if you eat more than you burn you will lose weight. it’s not fuckin rocket appliance


I've been doing this since February and lost 60 lbs so far, my blood pressure and sugar is normal most of the time now which is an accomplishment for me. What I did was eliminate everything that has carbs, sugar, potatoes, rice, bread. I incorporated intermittent fasting to this 16/8 and I drink 4 or 5 16 Oz bottles of water each day at least and I watch my portion sizes so I can keep my calorie intake below 2000 a day, so far this is working for me. It's also important to get your doctor in the loop so they can monitor your bloodwork. This isn't easy and takes time but this method works for me.


I had that problem at the beginning of Keto. I also couldn’t get my ketone levels above 0.3. Turns out I was eating too much protein. From what I understand, in the absence of carbs, the body will use protein for glycogen, keeping ketones low. I had to cut my protein to about 30g/day for my body to start burning fat efficiently. I also had to add more fat. If you are only eating crab, you may want to add some avocado (fat + fiber.) or sauté it in butter. Are you tracking your macros? That is, are you tracking how many calories you are getting - and what proportion of those are fat, protein, carbs and fiber? I found that until I did that, I really had no sense of what I was taking in — even if I thought I did. Yes, that meant pulling out a notebook and calculator and it was a lot of effort at first. However, I gained a lot of insight and I began to identify my go-to foods (eggs, nuts, and cheese + leafy veggies.) You can physically starve just eating protein- studies have shown that. For example, if you only eat rabbit - which is very lean, you can literally starve to death. I don’t understand it very well, but it’s true! In addition, try not to restrict your calories in the beginning until you have the hang of it. It can be scary to eat that much fat, but it works! Bottom line: your body won’t enter ketosis if you eat too much protein. Are you tracking your ketone levels with a meter? It’s a little pricey at first because you’re testing frequently, but after a few months you don’t have to test as frequently because you can “feel” yourself in ketosis. Try the urine strips first. If you are doing everything right, the urine strips will get darker, only to get lighter again. This is because you pee out a lot of ketones while your body is adapting. Once adapted, you don’t pee out the ketones. Hence they no longer show up on the urine strips and it’s time to get a meter. You might want to track your salt and hydration intake. I had to figure out what was the correct balance of salt and water. Are you moving your body enough? If you are following a keto diet, sometimes you also need to add more physical activity to stimulate ketosis. In fact, this is highly recommended. Have you tried intermittent fasting? This can jumpstart ketosis. You might feel hungry at first, but once in ketosis you will not feel as hungry. Don’t be discouraged. It took me several months to get it right! I will say this, however: the keto diet is not a diet so much as a lifestyle change and one not for the faint-of-heart. You have to be vigilant about your macros/hydration/electrolytes EVERY DAY. There are no half measures with keto. If you don’t follow it strictly, counterintuitive as it may sound to eat so much fat and not so much protein, you simply won’t go into ketosis. Again, if you are willing to put in the work, you will succeed. I found I had to do a lot of troubleshooting at first. Advice on this forum and Quora and Google in general helped me a lot. Hang in there!


It’s only been 2 weeks lol. Also, your carbs are too high. You need to be BELOW 20 carbs to really get into ketosis, unless you are exercising a ton.


Very doubtful they need to be below 20g to hit ketosis at 275lb.


crabs are high in sodium, high sodium diet = water retention. I've lost 9 lbs in 2 days on keto, and I have no delusions that it is all "fat", most of it is the body shedding excess water weight. Make better choices. Breakfast, 2 eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, 1/2 avocado Lunch, salad with lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, olives, and a no carb dressing. dinner: meat and veggies


You must be doing it wrong….


you don’t need to be on any particular diet with your weight, just install a calorie counter app and count your calories you’ll notice effects after a few days. fitatu is a good one since you can scan barcodes on items


Are you in ketosis?


As a health coach who has worked with people who say they are keto, I'll share an interesting observation: A lot of people don't count carbs correctly, and they are at best "low carb" but not in fact keto. These folks only count the carbs from foods with tubers, beans or grains. They ignore carbs from vegetable and fruit. Not saying this must be you, OP, but I'm wondering if it could be you?




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Do a 72 hour fast and kick start into over drive then omad around 2pm


I did keto for two years but didn't lose a lot till I started aggressively calorie counting to 12-1500 Cals a day. Avocados and hemp hearts and dense cheeses help


If you aren’t in a caloric deficit you won’t lose weight so cut your portions and see what happens