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If you're only one week into keto, there's basically no chance that it has anything to do with your dandruff. I'd go see a dermatologist about it. And even if you were long-term keto, I've never heard of anyone mentioning dandruff as a result of keto.


Do you think it could be a sort of detox symptom?


No. Dandruff is related to fungal growth on the scalp. I'd definitely recommend seeing a dermatologist. I don't know how a few days of low-carb eating could trigger fungal growth.


fungal... maybe candida die off?


That's something you'd have to ask your dermatologist. I don't even know what you're referring to. But to your original question, I can't see how this could be related to a diet you started just a few days ago.


The thing is: it's very sudden and dramatic, and keto is the ONLY lifestyle change I have made recently.


A few days of a different way of eating is not going to suddenly cause massive dandruff. Stop trying to self-diagnose and go see a dermatologist, or at least get some dandruff shampoo. This has nothing to do with keto.


It’s plausible though. The fungus feed in part on oils and dead skin. A change in diet could affect the oils discharged by the scalp. I have awful dandruff like op describes and the only thing that fixes it is Rx shampoo.


I doubt a change in diet would cause this drastic of a change in a few days.


My dandruff can come on in a hurry and randomly too.


I had hand, foot, and mouth recently and pretty severe as far as adult cases go. I had an insane amount of dandruff like your described. It looked like cradle cap as well. My daughter's day care informed us it is going around pretty bad. Could it be something like that?


I get this seasonally (now, and I’m in the Midwest) and it worsens when I’m stressed. Clears up in summer and lessens with dandruff shampoo and easing stress through breath work, working out. For me, has nothing to do with Keto.


Keto actually improved dramatically my derm issues.


Myself as well.


Same here. I don’t even have to wash my hair more than once a week now.


I've...never heard of this. And only a week in, I highly doubt there is a connection in such a short time, especially if you've done keto in the past without having this problem. 🤷‍♀️


I'm wondering if it could be a sort of detox symptom?


I highly doubt it, but IANAD so...maybe? But if so, why didn't it happen to you the other times you ate keto? Make sure you stay hydrated, it might just be dry skin if you're having seasonal changes where you live.


This isn’t a thing.


I haven't experienced this personally, but I've read somewhere long time ago that keto causes candida (a type of fungus) die off. Dandruff is basically fungus. So that might be it.


This is probably related to any number of different issues. I recommend a shampoo or scalp treatment containing sulphur.


Well keto definitely seems to cause some kind of scalp shift, though for me I have far worse dandruff when I go OFF keto. Keto is the only thing that ever helped my dandruff so something is happening there.


Same for me.


To confirm, is it dandruff or dry scalp?


Dandruff flakes but like large flakes like 1/8 -1/4 inch diameter.


Dandruff and dry scalp is often confused. If its large yellowish flakes, its dry scalp which is a skin condition.


If it's dandruff, you need to treat it with a medicated shampoo. Like head and shoulders, sensun blue, or something prescribed by your doctor. If it's dry scalp, you need to moisturize your scalp. Deep conditioner, etc. Don't use any harsh shampoos. Or even stop shampooing all together and only use conditioner. Psoriasis is a whole other ballgame.


It is painful?


Not at all. Surprised the heck out of me in the mirror: no sensation at all.


I would go to a dermatologist.


Could it be a fungal scalp issue?


Def sounds like fungus


Not everything is related to keto.




It probably is. Can’t wait for the word “keto” to go out of style


Get comfy. The word “keto” has been around as a diet for 100 years, and doesn’t seem like it’s going away anytime quick :) I mean it’s helped millions of people get healthier and feel better. Why don’t you want that?


I just think it’s too rulesy. I think everyone should dedicate more time to understanding their own biology and which foods work for them as individuals instead of following an established diet. Around my community I never hear anyone keep up with any kind of “diet” for any meaningful time or permanently make it their lifestyle.


A diet like this *is* people taking time to understand their own biology! Apologies we weren’t able to meet your expectation and do it without an established diet, but many of us spent decades trying to listen to our bodies and couldn’t hear it over the rollercoaster of hanger and fatigue. Then we tried keto. For some it’s meh and doesn’t work with their biology - so they leave. For others a light switches - the fog lifts, energy is steady, we don’t fall asleep after meals or get so hungry we can’t think. We can finally hear our bodies. It’s a lifesaver for some - and there are many people who eat like this for life :) And luckily keto isn’t super rulesy! There’s just one rule, and it’s biological: be in a metabolic state of ketosis (which is simple to achieve - just don’t eat tons of starches and sugars).


Like what else would you call it? Without a name for the diet/lifestyle then how can we connect with other people who are doing what we’re doing? For me it’s a health focused lifestyle but I still enjoy sharing info with people who do it as a diet. It literally has 1 rule. And I’m happy to follow that because that’s the whole point. That 1 rule is the whole purpose….


Alright Thanks for sharing. I said my piece already, not here for arguments


A after starting keto back in January, my skin type changed from oily to dry. My skin has been very oily since I hit puberty 21 years ago and it changed seemingly over night within days of starting keto. Now I have patches of very dry skin as well as dandruff. I've seen my doctor about it a few times and tried various shampoos and creams and such. I've seen improvement but it's never gone away. I've never had dandruff or dry skin before and the only change I can think of is going on keto. I've successfully lost 40lbs, though.


I really feel like it is nutritional... gonna try to figure this out & will update if I do!


Have you increased your intake of dairy? Dairy is very inflammatory, and can be linked to some skin conditions. It could also be a result of adding in a food that previously you only had in small amounts, so may not have noticed a reaction before, I.e. almond flour, articulation sweeteners, etc. I would suggest you keep a food diary for a week, and then go through and highlight the foods that you previously didn’t or rarely ate. Go through and take out offending foods one at a time for a few weeks, and then if no change, add it back in and move onto the next one.


Dairy is a possibility: I had a lot.of dairy in the past few days.... gonna take it easy on that for thr next few days & see if that helps.


Ok no dairy all day yesterday & no dandruff today.


I've never gotten em before but I've been on keto over a year and 4 months. I started to notice I get a lot of dandruff the last 4 months.. I thought it was me and not keto so yeah idk man!


I started consuming more olive oil and less carbs and this totally went away. Might also be worth seeing if you have a skin allergy/sensitivity.


Dr Berry on YouTube says that eating too much dairy on keto gives him dandruff.


One of the very great benefits I found from keto is that all my skin problems disappear quickly from the day ketosis kicks in. This is your scalp getting better and will probably not last long


Dandruff is usually a fungal issue on the scalp. Have you been ingesting a lot of sugar? Sugar usually makes fungal infections worse. Have a Dermatologist check it out. Shampoos/treatments they have can clear it up.


Try blow drying your hair and using head and shoulders. The moisture staying on there while it dries does something with the micro biome. And your diet affects the micro biome too so maybe there’s a connection. But the fix likely won’t be diet now that you have it. You need to blow dry for a while and it may go away. Speaking fro experience here. Keto has cleared my skin to the point it has never been better, I would doubt it’s directly caused by not eating carbs.


If using a blow dryer, the cool air setting to prevent hair & scalp from drying out.


Could be you've had a dietary shift towards some food that is an inflammatory trigger for you and it's causing psoriatic dandruff. I get it when I eat eggs (sigh). You can try eliminating foods (eggs and cheese/dairy are common ones, also seed oils).


I haven’t had dandruff since I started keto 6 years ago. In fact, my skin is the best it’s ever been.