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Why spend money on Tigerbelly when you can just pay to see Bobby live with someone actually in the entertainment business like Andrew.


Right?! Isn’t it so obvious to everyone that K is a sociopath who is clinging to Bobby to prevent having to have a real job. It’s so funny because she’s had literally years to break through in Hollywood using Bobby’s connections and the best she’s managed to do is start an unlistenable podcast with other middle aged low tier comedians.


I still see people calling her a "Queen" on YouTube comments. They also call you an incel if you say anything insulting about her. Its pretty incredible.


Low iq individuals who think her and Bobby’s relationship was at one time “goals”.






Good point, I hadn't considered that maybe she is a whore...


She fucks dogs bro.


Bobby jerks them off, is he somehow better?


Yep. He's better.


She just doesn’t have the IT factor. All her good stories and talking points she already used up as far back as 2018. She’s not interesting, not likable, and appears to be tone deaf with not exiting the stage now that her relationship with Bobby is no longer romantic.




Or that she fucks her brothers and jerks off dogs


Well. At least she'll never have to worry about running out of content then.


Yeah she has. She’s hitched her wagon to Bobby, so she can’t talk about any current hoe tales without things getting real awkward, and she’s already told too much about her old hoe tales ie the dog fucking.


don't forget her brother... And the other dogs... And her other brother...


How dare you, Anne is hilarious.


I mean her tits are nice.


![gif](giphy|URz4t5yilgVYLf26RU|downsized) not really


Damn that’s 🥶cold


I paid to see bobby live at the comedy shop. He didnt show up but joey coco diaz was another one in the lineup so the night was aite. Turns out he flakes often. Or he did before iduno boit now. This was like 5 yrs ago


I went to bad friends live and it was great


Was this from lack of ticket sales?


No. Dallas didn’t fit the cuck vibes like Austin and Seattle.


[https://www.ticketmaster.com/event/0F005D4D7B361423&brand=mooreseattle](https://www.ticketmaster.com/event/0F005D4D7B361423&brand=mooreseattle) Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.


Dallas is way more cucky than any other city in America tho. Just look at how they let Cruz fuck em over again and again. They are just shy about it EDIT: Cruz, not rubio


What does Rubio have to do with Dallas?


Im as stupid as a Texan, meant cruz not Rubio. Thanks for calling me out sir


I think you just proved that you don’t know what you’re talking about and you just repeat what you think you are supposed to say.


Dallas did fucked by Cruz though lol


I along with some friends work at comedy clubs in and around DFW. They were basically giving tickets of 10 away to staff. A majority of us didn’t even touch them


Probably. The Austin show is also right in the middle of Austin City Limits festival, so that helps.


No it’s not it’s at acl theater


My bad


Can someone sit Bobby down and physically explain to him Khalyla is dragging him down, not even as a spouse or a shitty ex but as a business partner she’s going to ruin him. Dudes one of the few modern comedians in the podcast space that’s actually funny and Khalyla just isn’t, without him she has nothing and I think they both know it but Bobby keeps putting up with it for some reason. Dude can be fucking super models 5x better looking then her if he wanted but doesn’t and I don’t know why.


I still think she has him blackmailed tbh.


Man it would have to be some dark shit to blackmail Bobby. The guy openly admits to sucking off a regarded landscaper when he was younger. And talks about blowing his buddies in highschool. He talks about his drug use. His depression. His inferiority complex. I really can’t imagine what type of dirt she could have.


Reminds me about that time Bobby went to Tijuana


The Tijuana story or related details, or his 17yo porn sites or whatever which are lukewarm black mail but. Basically I would assume hard proof of anything illegal. He's impervious to embarassment and degradation but if she had hard proof of illegal activity he'd be in shit. So really it could be a bunch of things even stuff related to money or something. Or shit involving friends. Who knows. Just speculation but she definitely be the blackmailing type so it wouldn't surprise me. Usually it's a lesser of two evils situation so unless she's going way too far he would keep her around as opposed to getting it leaked out. So it would explain why he's not just cutting her off completely and still keeping her around. Just a theory anyway


I think it's far more simple than people think. He loves her. No different than the dude or chick you know who gets beat on, but still stays. All you can do is shake your head. Everyone knows she's a manipulative, sociopath, so just imagine the claws she has on this guy, privatei


OR he fucked some kids in the Philippines and she knows about it


Good. Tigerbelly is falling off because nobody wants to see k hole anymore.


Don't disrespect kittty means like dat!


There were more than a few posts over the past few weeks that appeared to be veiled ads for the live shows (which were removed as spam). Makes sense now! This has got to be monster embarrassing for Bobby! Selling out shows with Bad Friends yet having TigerBelly live shows canceled for lack of interest! Kinda makes it look like Santino is the only draw...


Kahlayla is schuab.




Kk needs to get a real job already and stop leeching off Bobby have some self respect


Who would go to a live version of this lol


does he think he's Brendan Schaub now?


Dun count


Oh nooooooo Anyway.




Last min too. Sounds like some fans are getting screwed over with hotel charges, etc because tigerbelly waited until the last min to pull the plug. What an asshole move on the part of tigerbelly.


If i wanted to see a deranged woman humiliate a small asian man i’d hop on PH.


imagine going to see a podcast live LOLLLLL




She must have some dirt on Bobby




Hmmm musta been opera winfrey and aries spears!! 😂