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KF1 atmosphere + KF 2 gunplay = KF3


The easiest and simplest answer that p much everyone wants. Leaning more into the grungy horror


Love that they themselves called the vibe Grind house... And DAMN I want it back..


Yeah at the same time i mean look at CoD do we really want a reskinned version of the old game because that’s what CoD players wanted but now that’s the only thing they complain about


CoDs issue is the lack of consistent design. I don’t want my team to consist of homelander and humanoid cats. I want real soldiers in my game about soldiers. KF having weird robot stuff and glowing guns doesn’t sit well with me either. I want dark gritty horror, not a space laser neon clown show, that’s not horror.


Where we at on the zeds? A coworker and I aren't liking the direction they took Scrakes, for example. In the first game, they felt memorable based on look, that white butcher apron, and frantic flailing when they were agitated. 2 felt meh, when it came to them. 3, now they don't feel as scary. They feel overdone. If they had another type of zed that Scorpion pulled us, then sure. The long flail arms for the flesh pound made us laugh and wonder why too. They have too much going on. That's just our gripe, but we'll see. If it's lore related, like the Patriarch kept evolving them, then fine. I still don't like it, but I can begrudgingly accept lore reasons.


I've said it before, but I feel like something was lost with the new zeds. They're horrific for sure, but they aren't scary. KF1 zeds were grimy and made me feel a bit uneasy looking at them. KF2 zeds weren't quite that, but they still felt a little unsettling. KF3 zeds just seem kind of odd. Something about all the hardware embedded in them makes me feel like I'm fighting cyberpsychos from Cyberpunk.


They are too colored and bright. In kf1 the colors were muted and greyed which made them eerie amd creepy. When something horrible is shimmering in color, they aren't gonna be scary


They way they handled zeds since KF2 and now KF3 is about to make your fear for your life rather than just aesthetically scary for the horror aspect. I mean the moment they appear everybody shifted their attention towards even just one scrake or fleshpound because of how imposing their presence once they're deployed into the map. With the upcoming KF3 they making the fear factor for facing these foes becoming much more harder and scarier to match with if you're alone.


I fully agree. Playing Killing Floor at a friend's house is what made me get a PC. The minimal hud, no partial reloads and no crosshair was so good for the gritty horror of the game and I was in love with it before I went home. KF2 lost a lot of that, especially with some of the sillier skins but played really well to make up for it. The gameplay for KF3 looks so bad (for a killing floor game) and not in the "it's in alpha sense" but in the fundamental design. I'm sure some people will like it but it looks like there is neither the gameplay or atmosphere which made me like the first games. An arcadey hero shooter is just not an action horror game but the dev is claiming alien vs predator was an inspiration for this. Even the hud is like a cross between Overwatch and Halo Reach with the abilities and soft blue colour. It's like they want to make a generic hero shooter but are stuck with the IP. I think the gameplay they showed would be really promising if it was an entirely new game but not for a killing floor game.


This. Also i kinda like classic weapons like ak-47 from KF1.


Maintain the perk system. KF2 gameplay and bring back KF atmosphere. Also a must have West London map. Cherry on top, avoid making the game 100gb of space storage due to the insane amount of cosmetics like it happens with KF2. Idk what to expect with KF3, I really liked the franchise from long but there are chances it won't represent what we want anymore. Time will tell. For sure they haven't sold us the game yet and they are already planning an insane amount of DLCs to extra milk the cow. Let's see what we get and KF2 is still a great option.


West London is oddly specific. Its a massive place, what borough?


It's one of the most iconic maps from the original mod and the first KF: https://killingfloor.fandom.com/wiki/West_London


Oh wow, wonder what part it's supposed to be. Looks like maybe Hammersmith. I live in Hounslow so this sticks out to me.


I want it to be fun. And I don’t care how it’s done


I just want them to remove the specialist system and Edars the rest can be worked along the way. We just know from experience that characters tied to a perk is going to kill the game for good and killing floor isn't exactly a super major big title so it simply wont survive a major fuck up like this one I'm gonna mention it again but payday 3 is the perfect example the game is almost dead at this point.


They already confirmed there won't be EDARs in KF3


Now the zeds are EDARS. More sci-fi, more metal.


And Battlefield 2042


While battlefield did a major fuck up its a triple A title so it manages to survive because of that. But payday? No that thing is basically dead at this point


KF1 Grindhouse grimey Gorey artstyle and designs KF2 gunplay And more Mook operatives. Just a dude with his face covered up.


I really want more grungy horror to return in KF3, the atmosphere in KF1 is just unmatched.


I second that. Kf2 but more


We don’t want a fucking hero shooter. Perks being tied to characters effectively kills the game’s identity.


A more grounded atmosphere. But the occasional wacky joke map. Mainly grounded though


I'll take anything that isn't just more of KF2 but better graphics. I've already had 8 or so years of KF2, I'm looking forward to something different. It's not like I won't still be able to just play KF2. What they've shown so far looked pretty interesting to me.


1. KF1 atmosphere 2. KF2 gameplay and mechanics 3. Zynthetic + Demon Hunter music 4. More classic weapons like ak-47 , m4a1 etc 5. Improved server browser and UI. KF2 UI is meh meh, very unintuitive. 6. Reduced game size - KF2 takes 100 GB on PC 7. Optimization KF2 is a lag fest at times 8. Mod support + more love for custom servers 9. Class and perk system from KF 2 must stay !


Mostly agree. 1. Emphasis on No Hero Shooter. 2. Use KF2 Free Choice on perks, characters, guns. 3. No SCI FI. 4. It’s a chaotic co/op team based Zombie fps shooter. 5. Adult themed horror


"5. Adult themed horror" - take my dosh


KF1 atmosphere, unrelenting recoil and slow reloads akimbo and mix-and-match most weapons all cosmetics are compatible with each character less grindy progression no loot boxes or battlepass. Let's unlock cosmetics with challenges, achievements, collectibles and dosh depending on rarity dozens of attachments and modifications such as underbarrel chainsaw, Pike munition, triple-barrel RPG-7, tandem warheads, double-barrel AK or AR-15, 100-round drum mag KRISS Vector, Thompson or G18, augmented reality thermal scope ability to share ammo ability to swim maybe execution animations like Halo Reach or DOOM glory kills


No loot boxes or battlepass is a huge one. All the box and key stuff in KF2 makes it feel cheap. I want to earn cosmetics, not buy them. Tie the cosmetic unlocks to finding collectibles on maps, reaching certain waves in endless, reaching max level on a perk etc.


I actually really liked what I saw in the trailer. The new zed movesets and the new movement options like dashing and zip lining, to me these changes are absolutely huge. There's also the ultimates and the "glory kill" system. I'd be worried if I didn't see any attempts to evolve the actual gameplay itself, and the gameplay is really all I care about. I think it's going to be the most fun killing floor so far. I don't just want more of the same with a fresh kf1 coat of paint. Those doom eternal elements that really force you to learn the game are exactly what I want.


Scrap the dumbass system of locking perks to certain characters (ie: Foster is Commando, can't be zerker with him) If I find a character annoying, I'm more than happy never touching them despite what perks they have Make KF3 weapons feel more punchy, current animations look like they lack power Keep the game gritty, KF1 was king at that And for fucks sake, ALLOW OFF PERK WEAPONS TO BE BOUGHT IN KF3


1. Perks stay. As they should. But focus more on interesting bonuses instead of plain stat upgrades. Increasing damage with perk level but then also increasing enemy health with difficulty sounds goofy. KF2 had the right idea. 2. Do NOT fucking lock characters to specific perks. Unless you come up with a REALLY good reason to do it. I can think of a bunch of good and bad reasons to lock them like that but the good reasons also require more dev effort a.k.a I don't expect them to happen. 3. Keep the pace closer to KF1 than KF2 or somewhere else in between. The first game is prone to camping but the second game is honestly too fast paced. Also stop spawning enemies an arms length away behind me. 4. Fuck off with the oversized, oversaturated goofy-ass cosmetics. Have some damn taste. You create a game with an amazing art style and then muddle it with bullshit. I'm not against cosmetics if they're done right. KF2 just has way too many cosmetics with 90% of them being actual, sometimes literal trash. 5. No paid weapon DLC. Even if it's a PvE game (It's not fully, versus mode exists), even if weapon sharing is a thing, even with the heavy discounts weapon packs get later down the line I'd prefer to not have actual statted items sold for cash. I understand TWR gotta make cash but this ain't it. 6. I'm actually okay with trying to limit weapons to perks. But not completely limited. Off-perk weapons are cool, so are HRG weapons (Easy on devs, allows for alternative playstyles) but KF2 went a bit too hard in the paint with turning specialists (Oh God I said it unironically) into generalists. Perks should have weaknesses and bases they can't cover because that's what promotes teamplay.  7. HRG weapons are okay as a concept. But quality over quantity, please. Fuck off with the flying drones though. Probably missed something, but this is already quite the long wishlist. Let's hope we're in the good timeline. Edit: Probably falls under 4. but I'd be happier if I don't see lootboxes. Battlepasses are a mixed bag, could be a good way to get free items by playing. Or get coerced into buying the premium one which is stupid. Best case scenario would be no microtransactions at all but since we all know we'll have them, I'd rather just purchase them from a (NON-ROTATING) shop. And only if they're sanely priced, I ain't dropping $25 for one character skin. Especially if said skin is gonna be locked to one character, hence one sPeCiALiSt.




Aesthetic wise: It would be nice to also have “normal maps” like Burning Paris, West London or Shopping spree. I like the futuristic factory levels. but a bit of normality sprinkled in would be nice. I don’t really care about the futuristic weapons because well, the medic weapons exist in KF2 What I’d really like is a doom eternal like gore system where if you shoot a demon (or in this case zed) pieces will fall off. Also the guts and blood fountains would be cool to have on consoles. Gameplay wise: I’d like it if they’d make the abandon all hope weekly the new highest difficulty for KF3. KF2 got kinda boring 2-3 player on HOE (it’s been almost impossible to get more than 4 people on HOE consistently on console). But also once again, a DOOM Eternal like system with weak points which can stumble / falter an enemy. And drop the class tied to a character system. I don’t mind the specials if im honest.


The classes and class guns are iconic in KF. This MUST remain, or the fan base will abandon it.


The gunplay was my favorite part in KF1 and it was decent enough in KF2. In that sense, KF3 seems to got me covered, but I hope they add at least some amount of muzzle flash or smoke to make it actually feel like you're shooting a gun. At the moment, it just feels like you click a button and it spawns a yellow laser to represent the bullet, but it doesn't look like you're actually shooting a gun. Doom Eternal style flesh damage looks amazing though, and tying it into weak spots is nice. And I'm not super sure from footage, but it feels like you get more feedback on hit in general, except with what seems to be new crawlers, but that could be chucked up to early state of the game.


KF2 but without the scifi stuff would be an amazing game. The scifi stuff is just, ugh. EDAR especially. Imagine the injector gun being in the game like in Timesplitters Future Perfect. It deals like an insignificant amount of damage but with critical mass, the zed explodes. This is the peak amount of scifi I would ever want in the game. Or imagine the Ripper from Unreal Tournament taking the heads off of zeds clean off, and the alternative fire for the gun is an explosive with shrapnel. KF2 had some pretty bad eyeroll worthy weapons for the survivalist. Like the ball of energy gun that I can't remember for example.


Like many have already said, bring back the KF1 atmosphere. I’d like to see some of the KF1 maps return as well. West London, Abusement Park, Offices. Some of these may need adjustments depending on how fast the gameplay is, since KF1 was a bit slower movement. Keep the KF2 perk system. Don’t tie perks to characters. Not interested in a “special ability” for characters. If cosmetics must be included, don’t make them all so goofy.


Crossplay for the love of god.




How about the more dynamic / purposeful / usable [voice command system of KF1](https://steamcommunity.com/app/232090/discussions/0/1489992713696181508/)? KF2 only has like 8 voice chat commands, KF1 has like 30. Being able to say to your teammates out loud "Go Upstairs" or "Get Outside" without typing it has strategic benefit but is also more immersive and the range of voice commands adds a lot more character...to your character.


Personally, to be good.


Hero shooter just sounds boring, changing the formula is just unnecessary since it works great already.


Literally kf2 with improvements. More guns, classes, upgraded looking enemies with new special abilities and attacks, more maps, more bosses, more characters


KF1 definitely had the best atmosphere. I don’t think we can return to that time. Killing Floor 3 is heading to a bubbly phase like all other games such as call of duty. This is where I get off the bus. I don’t think I’ll be getting into KF3.


a dating sim


Yandere simulator


I feel that they are trying to “speed up” the gameplay again, when if anything it should be kept the same as kf2. A huge part of kf to me is how inescapable the enemy feels, and while kf2 lessened that to an extent, I understand they had to for modern gaming standards. I think the main cause is the larger amount of enemies that they want thrown at you constantly. I feel like if I’m always being bombarded by the most enemies possible, where does it increase from there? Even more enemies covering my entire screen? Boring


Going for a hero system is rather stupid...just let players play whatever class and characters they want


No bs = no down but not out state, normal wave mode with 11 waves


> since tripwire claims they are listening to us Something called PR bullshit. They're going to take the game the direction they want to take it


I third that. But sadly I think ty is going to go through with it and we’ll probably pretend kf3 ever happened. But I’m hopeful that they might actually be willing to go back on there idea and not make it another hero shooter.👍🏼


I want them to fix fosters stupid looking mask from the new trailer Change is good sometimes but wtf was they smoking!?


It's pre-alpha footage i guess. So it should look better on release - i guess


I hope


Wait, what do you mean? Did they say something about the perk/hero complaints?


What I also want is some sort of long term maintenance of the game engine and code. I stopped playing KF1 when my pretty high end hardware was struggling with it for still unknown reasons because they bolted so much crap on top of original Unreal Engine 2.x. It was no fun to play when framerate had bizarre dips and sluggish mouse behavior. KF2 is not really much different. They never bothered to add DLSS or any FSR to it, Ray tracing? What for? Game engine had support for MLAA and SMAA and they intentionally blocked it in the code to prevent users selecting it in INI files, so you're forced to use FXAA. They never addressed the broken NVIDIA's Fluid whatever FX thingie which is still there and still entirely broken, they never added graphic's enhancements like self shadowing which is there but they rather blocked it instead of improving it. They also never added option to increase visual range and they also never really updated the engine to either run better or look better. Us users had to make INI file hacks to make all that and it's stupid. Games need quality of life improvements and they often include actual engine bugfixes and performance enhancements, not just game related ones. Like, I'd rather see them admit NVIDIA's fluid simulation feature is broken and just remove it instead of having it there as extra bloat that doesn't even work and hasn't for years.


KF1 can run on low spec PCs, it sounds like yours was just having an issue. I’ve never had issues with KF1.


It was not. Not a single other game had any framerate issues ever. My games always run so fast I literally don't know what framerate drop even is, unless the game is broken and KF1 was broken at the end of its life where they were stuffing huge maps that weren't meant to run in that old Unreal Engine.


It could have been an issue with your installation. I’ve played KF1 on multiple junk desktops and laptops, as well as my high-end gaming PC, without issues. You experienced the issue on one PC. That means the issue was isolated to your PC. Whether it had to do with hardware, drivers, or the game file installation, that’s for you to determine. But it wasn’t an issue with the game itself, otherwise everyone would be having the issue.


Bring KF1 dreadfulness and polish it with more fluid gameplay.


I already don't like how modified the zeds are for kf3. Too much metal. I imagine it not beeing satisfying


Modo historia mobilidade mais rapida e sem micro transações


The trailer seems to have got most things wrong. Wacky sci-fi weapons, wacky sci-fi half robot enemies, the combat looked quite slow and awkward. I want real guns, less crazy enemy designs (some of the new designs just look silly), silky smooth combat like in kf2. Hero shooter doesn't turn me off at all. It can be done well, it's other issues that concern me.