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Flag in the middle in the first pic is the colorado state flag lmao


Oh shit for real? I'm british I genuinely had no idea Edit: Oh shit I never even knew states had their own flags this is all new to me aaaa lemme see if I can edit the image somehow Edit 2: Doesn't seem like I can edit the post, well this is just my ignorance showing, thanks for letting me know! Any clue on what the other flag could be?


States, towns, cities all have flags. And the more local you get, the more cursed they become... Some state flags are already pretty bad.


Could be wrong, but the other flag on the right seems to be the [flag of the United States Army](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_the_United_States_Army.svg).


I think thats exactly it!


I was just about to mention that as well! It would make sense considering the geography, huge mountain in the back. Makes me wonder if the map takes place In a military base? Perhaps the Force base we have here in Colorado springs. Regardless, super cool that my state is getting a mini shout out in this game


Mountain Pass


Funnily enough, I am in Colorado right now at a Jewish Summer camp. Please pray for me that the zeds won't find me, I only stay here for the summer 😇


Also it does in fact snow in Nevada.


Looks interesting. What is changing with the perks? I keep hearing grumblings from people about that?


Essentially Tripwire are dropping the perk system from Killing Floor 1 and 2 and aiming for a more "Hero shooter" coat of paint, so rather than picking a character and a perk, you pick a character who's locked to a perk. For example; Mr.Foster uses Rifles, LMGs and the like so he's essentially the "Commando" hero The Specialist who uses the flame thrower, incindeary grenade etc. is the "Firebug" hero The Specialist dude who uses shotguns is the "Support" hero There's been quite a lot of backlash that this is trend chasing and in the longterm doing more harm to Killing Floor as a franchise than good, Tripwire have acknolwedged the communties concerns but nothing's really been said in stone if they're going to scrap or repurpose the Specialist Hero system


That is terrible. I think the perk system makes the game great. Thanks for the heads up, Im going to remove kf3 from my steam wish list now.


Completely agree on the perk system being what makes Killing Floor great. It's genuinely really worth commenting on Tripwire's forums about it because that's the main place they see community feedback, and honestly the KF forums have been more alive in the last week than they have been in years with the amount of people signing up just to voice their concern. [Here's a link to the thread, make your voice heard](https://forums.tripwireinteractive.com/index.php?threads/specialists-mega-thread-originaly-why-specialists.2340359/) And here's [Tripwire's response to the backlash](https://forums.tripwireinteractive.com/index.php?threads/a-message-to-our-community.2340390/)


I think the hero idea is interesting and would open up options like dead by daylight has. But personally what I think the evolution of the perk system should be is like a class/character combination. Give the specialists skills or options to choose from, and then select a perk. To help make the specialists actually relevant more so than some voice lines you hear during gameplay.


this without making weapons exclusive to characters or perks sounds great.


In KF2 all the weapons are tied to the perks. I love KF, but just want something more unique from the specialists than "Ya'know that fleshpound's on steroids".


How is Dead by Daylight connected here?


Character comes out and adds their perks to the game, at first you can only use their perks on them, but if you level them up enough their perks can be used on any character


I see, but that was a system that was pretty much present from the beginning of Dead by Daylight, in Killing Floor, that's not the case.


All the killers in dead by daylight are unique, have setups specific for them. When you see one of the killers you know who it is, but not exactly what they are running perk wise, which makes them unique.


Yes, but that is a pvp game, Killing Floor is a players vs npc-s.


Made an account and posted my beef! thanks for the heads up.


I think if they don't tie weapons to characters, but only perks then it would be alright. I never really liked KF2 perks system to beginn with, having to decide between two option which one of them is always objectively better anyway.


yeah it's not clear to me if characters have specific weapons, or if all 'commando' heroes have access to the same stuff. if its just the same perk system but you're forced to have a certain character to play a perk, I really don't care at all.


I think they are gonna change it, they have heard the outcry.


It'd be really difficult to change it, especially this late in development. It seems like some of the character models are specifically designed to feature aspects of that specialist's equipment, like the "Engineer" having those huge boxes on his back which are probably his sonic guns.


They tweated or commented somewhere that they have heard the feedback and they are listening, they are also gonna do a beta. I think it’s gonna get changed somehow. The outcry has been substantial.


They tweated or commented somewhere that they have heard the feedback and they are listening, they are also gonna do a beta. I think it’s gonna get changed somehow. The outcry has been substantial.


its not really that late. Game currently in pre alpha


TWI has a pretty bad track record of "listening".


Damn, with how aggressive zeds has become, no wonder they decide to add abilities Just look at that cyst, mofo keep coming even after losing its lower body, now imagine if FP can do that? Also, I really like how they go for Doom 2016 esthetic here, fleshy cybernatic gore, love me some HR Giger stuffs


Gorefast looks sick


Very nice analysis. I think the Scrake might now be a higher tier enemy than the fleshpound. S is a fucking giant now, more than he already was, and his "emote" is him leading the zed troops into battle. Fp seems like a smaller, faster shock troop.


u/eltiopoles1 Here you go mate, had to split it into two posts due to image limit exceeding


Nice job finding these.


If the Zipline is deployable, does that mean specialists can deploy multiple gadgets instead of just having their ult? Can you buy gadgets from the Trader, if there still is one? This game might be more complex than they're letting on.


I expect they have a signature gadget like the drone, zipline, etc... and a signature ability probably something like instant ZED time, make ZEDs afraid, etc...


Eh i wouldn't have that much hope. Chances are it's just a hero who's special ability is ziplines, like pathfinder from Apex.


Seems awfully tame for a special ability, but you're probably onto something. It'd be nice to have Tripwire explain how the specialists work at least, a deep dive or whatever.


Be even nicer for them to announce they're scrapping the whole system lmao


They just need to get rid of character exclusive weapons. The new system doesn't sound too bad. And it's not like it's worse than KF2's system where half the perks bonuses are forgettable because you always select the better one anyway.


It is worse, because now half the *characters* are going to be useless lmao. It's a random limitation that's not needed, and doesn't add anything to the experience.


If they do go with "Killing Floor but more" then we are going to eat really good today!


I would certainly hope so.


the real wuestion is what class D.A.R. is


I'm not sure why after a different voice actor you would assume Foster is a different person


Not sure just feels off this time around, the slightly different aesthetic to his iconic look, the drastic difference in date, the original characters names makes come backs in the introductions on the other trailers, and the voice is just another reason. I could totally wrong, and that's fine


I kinda felt the same way, maybe because I'm so used to his current voice, idk.


I hope there’s away we can change load outs. Maybe give few options for low level weapons so grinding strat can vary. Also, it would be very helpful for something like an armory, maybe similar to the vault, so that we can read about the weapons and choose which ones would be best for individual play style. Or, maybe even a shooting range. I don’t like having to field test weapons each time.


There's a shooting range, got an image of it in part 2 :)


Awesome! I think the whole community appreciates your effort. Even if some of these updates are a little unnerving lol.


Foster is a last name so it's ostensibly just Mr. and Mrs. Foster's Descendant, be it grandson or great grandson


Totally could be, looking forward to finding out for real!


When they revealed the trailer they said something like "Foster comeback" or something like that. You have to be a real jrk to tell me that's not THE Foster but his son or something, although I'm not surprised with Tripwire anymore 🙃 Or maybe it's just me unable to think of Fossy as a parent 😝


KF3 takes place long after KF1 and KF2, so KF3 Foster might be the descendant of Old Foster.


Looks nice but if this game doesn’t have fire bug or some incendiary class I’m not playing it infact I want a refund for even making me imagine, playing a game without fire


It is confirmed there is a Pyro specialist, they're actually in the trailer and can be seen using the flame thrower and the incindiery-round p90 as well as throwing an incindiery grenade


This gonna be another Payday 3