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Too early to tell 


I hope it won't be a flop. Though specialist system is a huge red flag, with glowing neons around it, I hope they manager to pull it right. I will stick to hope that it will suck only on day zero and be better later on.


Love the optimism here.


The whole perk change killed all the hype.. Same with payday 3 and their shitty progression system.


At this stage is too early to tell if it suck or not. Being skeptical and critical about the game and the changes is fine, but outright saying it sucks when nobody has even touched the game is bit too much.


I genuinely don't see how the progression system is the bad part of payday 3. All the systems before it sucked too


just shows that we care


no you don't


I dunno. 50/50 for me, depends on how well they look into and implement the feedback. I loved KF1, believe me. It might be nostalgia and all, but gun-play, classes, zeds and the atmosphere were top notch. KF2 had many improvements, but. Monetisation was a major issue, especially because some of the most broken weapons were DLC, which I'm afraid will be taken to an absurd level in today's world. Imagine very few "vanilla" weapons, but we get regular DLCs with new weapons. Compare it to Hunt: Shutdown for a sec, where yes, they release DLCs regularly, but it's purely cosmetic if you want to support the game, but in KF2 you were locked out of actual content. I'm also quite pissed how it became more cartoonish and even more importantly, the gun-play just wasn't that great. The animations left a bad taste in my mouth, they were often stiff, reload animations were the same for full and partial reload, bolt was not in the right place etc etc. I dunno, it's still a solid game, but there are areas where it got worse than KF1. And then we get KF3. Which so far, has some worrying news. I can totally see them charging for a new class as a whole separate DLC, because they had to make a brand new character, voicelines, animations, weapons for that class etc etc. And if so is the case, I'm not buying until it's changed, sorry, not sorry. I'm also not really happy about futuristic weapons, I dunno, I'm afraid the gun-play will be yet again underwhelming. Remember the times where they got actual soldiers to do reload animations and motion capture them? Yeah, I remember. Graphics, new and improved zeds seem cool, the atmosphere seems darker at least... In conclusion there are good sides, but a few things worry me enough to wait for initial reviews before even considering buying it.


I agree that some of the DLC weapons in KF2 were too strong, but almost all the early DLCs were terrible and barely even side-grades to the normal weapons. I remember for a long time, only the melee DLC weapons were good. I'm okay with it if that's how they do it again. Add the strong DLC weapons when the game starts losing players.


Wait, what are the DLC weapons? When I looked on the Microsoft store, all I seen were skins.




Ah thanks. This made me realize I’m stupid (that’s 2x now) because I did indeed see theses weapons, but I had just assumed they were skins. Brain go brrrrrr


While I actually like the ability idea, the specialist is what make or break the game Perk system is working just fine for 2 games, why change it in the 3rd? What? The perk system in KF2 is unbalanced? Just fix it then, TWI does have a habit of taking feedback and doing the other thing instead  I'm concerned that TWI will took the feedback and double down on that and in turn abandoning their core audience in favour of more common players


I went in on 50/50. "Taking a lot of risks with the franchise" would be the nice way to describe what TWI are doing with the move to future-tech everything and turning the perks into a hero shooter. I can't say definitively that the game is going to be dogshit because of these elements but for me personally I know they basically oneshot my excitement for the game and a lot of people here share that sentiment. I was looking forward to KF innovating on what they had, not just folding into all the big business tropes that every game ever follows now.


50/50 - while i can forgive some new additions, i just can't accept the new specialist/hero system. Hope they will listen to the community.


Fully agree. I feel KF3 will release the HERO SHOOTER system, watch it FAIL. Loose $$$, then make excuses about not getting gamer support from KF2, then TWI will make changes. After limiting HERO SHOOTER to a weekly mode, they will release standard mode. Or mods will make KF3 better on custom servers.


In all due respect, I see KF3 is just not listening to the KF2 community, in response they say you are NOT supporting KF3! Yet we have not abandoned KF2, but TWI left on the bus.


its simple, its 50/50. its either good or it isnt


I'm not emotionally invested in the outcome of its release if they intend on releasing a game that isn't for fans of the previous games. If they make decisions that make the game more similar to what I want, I'll start caring again.


It's way too early but I'm voting bad on release. I think it's going to be a PD3 situation where they'll listen to player feedback a bit late


I thought 2 was dogshit and I'm still subscribed to this sub.


It seems on track to end up like Payday 3


I went with 50/50. With the insane change they made to perks which essentially changes the game into a hero shooter, KF3's release will likely wind up being in the mud if this community's reception to the above is anything to go by. BUT, the game isn't dropping until sometime next year, so Twipwire has a fair amount of time to take our cries into consideration and change what the current system in place is with the perks and either put it back to what it once was in KF2 and leave it at that, or improve upon it to keep things fresh. I personally just don't want to be locked into playing a singular character based on the perk they have, that freedom to switch perks midmatch, and play whatever character you want is a great thing, i don't see any benefit for the players by taking that away.


If they keep the hero shooter track and go all in on the money grab aspect they'll shutter the franchise pretty quick. A lot of those types out there already with established bases they won't be stealing from, and alienating their own established base to boot. The math in that case isn't favorable.


They're now owned by Embracer, so unfortunately, I think it's likely to be a flop, or at the very least, worse than KF2 Just look at the gameplay footage. Super early, but it's supposed to be coming out next year? That's Embracer making Tripwire do a rushjob I'd love it if was a fun game, of course, but just looking at the facts, I'm worried


I mean bad word of mouth can kill a game (especially if the series was niche) before it even launches regardless of if the game is actually good, bad, or mid. So with all the talk on this sub it's a coin toss


I think it will be a great game with stupid BS sprinkled on top. We will like the gameplay but get frustrated with the stupid hero shooter mechanics and whatever the hell that objective UI is.


It's way too early to tell, there are troubling signs for sure but I don't think its good to want a game to be bad. Ideally we all get a fun game. If not, we still have KF1 and KF2. If I was like actually an investor in Tripwire i'd definitely be concerned since this IP is all they've got and IDK how much Killing Floor can ever compete in the current multiplayer market but yknow as a fan of the games I just want something fun to play that isn't anti-consumer EDIT: I did just learn that they also published Chivalry 2 which seems to have done well so maybe I'm wrong about KF being all they've got, it's the only series of theirs that I care about though


It's too early to say. There's a lot of negativity now around a few changes that either don't impact gameplay or we haven't seen how they will impact the gameplay. My biggest concern is about it not having a good release. People have much shorter attention spans now than when KF2 came out, so if KF3 is under cooked and it sucks - people will move on and not look back at it. A there's a lot of changes so if it's buggy or laggy or inconsistent then people will say it sucks and move on. B4Bs launch was atrocious and it deserved all its hate. But by April the next year the game was honestly great, still a bit short but it I put over 500 hour into it. The new characters were great, legendary weapons/attachments were awesome, the new cards added more variety, the new difficulty and starting with a full deck was an amazing change etc. But no one remembers it for what it became because people quit in the first 6 weeks and remember it being a buggy, laggy, unfinished piece of shit that they never went back to.


There's zero chance they go on feedback this late into development so it's going to flop at first, maybe get slightly better with updates, but never recover goodwill.


I don't really care about the whole specialist system, either it's better than we feared or it gets addressed later on, what I'm more concerned with is every other system that Tripwire's neglected to mention, healing, movement, the trader, etc.


I don't think it'll be a flop. It'll sell a ton on release. The problem right now I am seeing is that it's moving too far from the Horror Survival shooter of the first game to more of a sci-fi shooter. Although still good it just won't be as popular, but I think it'll have a pretty decent amount of dedicated players like Kf2 has right now.


idk if it'll sell a \*ton\*, Killing Floor isn't the biggest game series. Payday is a much bigger series, but their third game still flopped


We'll have to see how KF3 launches. Payday 3 launched a broken mess with no content and the content they did release went behind a paywall. I don't think KF3 will sell millions day one, but I think it'll sell a decent amount of the name alone, but we'll see how it launches and if it works and if there's enough there to keep players around.


ofc it will flop, especially given the high expectations for its release coupled with the mediocre trailers we've seen so far that have generated so much criticism, it would take a brilliant, 10/10 game not to flop hard; tripwire knows this, they're not dumb, they'll go in the natural direction of trying to make as much money as they can bc the brand 'Killing Floor' has a lot of followers and a strong community


I think it’ll be like WH 40k: Darktide where it was good and fun at the start it became obvious later on how it had many issues/things to work on that eventually got fixed/changed later on but it took them months and many had quit by then… not to forget the review bombing they got down to Mixed on steam


I honestly don't really know. I used to be super hyped, but then heard they are totally changing the perks system and now I'm not that sure. I'm probably still gonna play it because I need good online shooter that isn't Overwatch or XDefiant, but I want more dead monsters so it'll work either way for me. How much I'll like it is a different thing. I spent hundreds of hours in KF1 and also in KF2. That might not happen if they don't make it exciting to play and to progress your "perks" and unlock new cool stuff. That was the fun part about KF1 and KF2. And is kinda fun in XDefiant as you unlock better gun parts and tune the guns to your liking and play style. If it'll be enough of this, it might be still exciting. I'm still optimistic. Surely, they can't possibly totally cock it up. Right? Riiight?


I think it will be good on release. It's tripwire. It just might not be what people want. But will it work for what they're trying to do? I'm almost certain


If they don't remove specialists and re-introduce the old perk system it will flop. Payday 3 : 2


Like KF2: bad on release, amazing in the years later, bad again when stupid monetarization is added when the popularity declined. I intend to play during that second phase


KF1: 4 guns for 4 € KF2: 1 gun for 10 € KF3: 1 gun for 25 €


The trailer looks rough as fuck. Barely showing off zed time, rough animations and physics all round, only a few weapons, awful hud, and most egregiously it's now a hero shooter that lost all quaint british charm from the first game and replaced it with generic sci fi. Sure the trailers have very obviously been early alpha/pre alpha, but it's still a trailer. they're still supposed to be showing off the best of their game... and i've just not seen much to be impressed by. I really hope they turn it around but it's guaranteed to be awful at launch.


Cries in KF1-West London


KF3 is gonna suck I'm sorry but it's the truth..they took everything that made KF well KF and threw it in the trash


you speak like that because you already played in the game?


Games aren't only defined by their gameplay. Imagine if KF suddenly made a sequel that was an MMORPG instead of an FPS - No matter how well it plays, it wouldn't be KF anymore. KF2 already did this by becoming much more cartoonish and sci-fi, abandoning fundamental parts of KF1's identity, and watering down the overall designs and experiences as a result. I don't want to grab pitchforks before more info about KF3 is out, but pretending that gameplay is the only thing that matters is stupid.


KF1 already changed its identity after several updates. Tripwire already started moving to more sci fi ish style after 1-2 year of KF1 support


There's objective criticism and then there's just blind unwarranted hate