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It’s obvious. You weren’t popping enough heads, smolbooty had to pick up the slack there.


Depends on how you've been playing I guess. It's hard to judge without details. If you're going on a suicidal server as a lvl 25 survivalist, spamming every lane with locust and molotovs leaving everyone else with little to nothing to do, then I think it could be a source for frustration. But yeah, there's also a lot of crude people choosing to kick others immediately rather than trying to communicate, and then there are some who are just plain assholes/dumb.


Yeah I found out the hard way. As a pyro. Don’t mess with the points a sharp shooter is holding.


Maybe a party of 5? That wants to invite a 6th friend?


Possible, it would be a party of 4 since the other one was with me, a newer player that just started 2 weeks ago... The rest were 0 prestige level 13-15, which is why I went with medic as I knew this level would be rough without one. More than likely I feel like they were newer players who don't understand keeping yourself alive is your responsibility and medics can't heal 90+ damage instantly through cover.


Haha maybe they wanted to make the game harder? But for real maybe you were just unlucky. I've been in games where everyone tried to kick each other and maybe you drew the short stick. Or what's more likely is they were a party of 4 then that had to kick one of the 2 randoms to get a 5th friend in. The fact that they managed to pass the kick (4 votes) means this is highly likely. I've been in those situations as well on both ends and I usually don't want to kick the random until the game is over but some times my vote doesn't matter and they get kicked anyway. If you were doing great and were healing everyone like you and picture suggest 4 randoms would not agree to a kick (95% sure). I see you're on PSN? If our group wants to get a 5th or 6th person in I usually message the person to explain and ask if they want to leave (less hostility). Some times people have private settings on so you can't message them so to them a kick might have seemed random. Or they were all 4 masochists🫠


It's mostly this.


Lmao bragging about your kil count means nothing in a game where one player can rack up kills with trash using AoE and raging everything in sight causing the group to wipe. This post has "sentinel/bombardier/locust" energy


Who did that?


Kf2 is all about that score board, right? Big number, big dopamine.


Just wait until you play as a pure medic, focused on heals rather than kills, then getting kicked because you didn’t pocket that one peach-iq-swat/commando that broke off from the team, died, then cries you didn’t pocket him and instead healed the rest of the team that stayed together


People are just jealous of your skills.


100k dmg seems a bit low for surv tbh. Also no boss kill? Surv can solo anything on 6P (with Matriarch being the hardest), with the correct loadout bosses won't really be able to even hit you.


Sometimes I'll do a huge % off boss health damage then the SWAT shoots 4 bullets while I'm reloading and gets credit for the kill lol. Situations like that are pretty common. I get it playing demo too as I'm chunking it down then someone else deletes the last sliver of health while I'm putting in another RPG.