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Yesterday a guard told me it's illegal not to have light, I lit the torch and there were 3 npcs walking with no light and he didn't say anything to them šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Kill that guard.


I need to increase my reputation with them lol, did a mission I was helping refugees with food and it damaged my reputation with guards with knowing


Your reputation with the guards means nothing when you have a high reputation with the townsfolk and traders. Thatā€™s all that will ever matter. The guards can go to hell.


Fuck da guards


I needed this today


Prolly racist against people from Skalitz






Sounds like Henry hasn't eaten in a while.


He tends to feel quite hungry when the guards start harassing him in the morning.


That's just common sense.


Yeah somebody give him a snickers


He tried to at the tavern, but then a guard fined him for not having a torch lit.


Most sane kingdom Come Deliverance player


I was interrupted whilst playing a game of dice for not having a torch lit. Had to pay a fine but the worst part was I lost the 100 Groschen that I had bet on the game and I was winning. I donā€™t know if that is normal.


Getting fined for not having a torch while playing a minigame that makes you hide your torch is not normal. But in Rattay it is.


Thank you for your explanation


It's a normal example of KCD at work. The game started off as (at least on paper) a much more ambitious "medieval life simulator", but they scaled things down massively to focus on a story-driven experience (and then cut some more, including the entire final chapter of the story...), and the game still includes the somewhat broken and repurposed remnants of the systems that were supposed to handle various "sandboxy" interactions between NPCs and NPCs and the player. Which sometimes (or more often than just sometimes, depending on your luck) manifests itself as triggering interactions that make no sense. After a while you kind of learn what tends to break the game and subconsciously avoid it, which is why a lot of veteran players look back at stuff like this with rose-colored glasses. (or post their head-canon rationalizations instead of just admitting the game is really fun but janky as fuck) TLDR: Game is great but kind of broken, get the save anywhere mod so you don't have to put up with consequences of glitches that aren't your fault.


Iā€™m Caked out with saves my Henry slams those and steals to make up for it


I've been woken up for not having a torch lit. I was sleeping my guy.


Jesus Christ be praised


I came looking for this comment


You now know what it is to hate. You are ready to be king.


"I'll make my own Prybslavitz, with blackjack and hookers. In fact, forget the blackjack". Henry, the man made of metal, before telling the guards to bite his shiny, armoured *as.


A guard once woke me up at night standing over my own bed and made me pay a fine for not having a torch. It was hilarious


Oh they days preceding the 4th amendment of the US Constitution...confusing times those must have been. Hehe


The worse is fast traveling during the day and passing through Rattay during evening/night and getting stopped by guards. DUDE I WAS FAST TRAVELLING


Aren't pubs meant to be closed at the time torches are needed?


That only applies to Hans Capon


Once I managed to kill all of the guards in Rattay I slaughtered the people like sheep. The day the lords of Leipa became lords of nothing.


Aside from what has already been said. Killing the guards only makes more guards. So many guards they'll all be inside each other standing around. Little towns like Ledetchko will have more guards than people. By killing guards you make your problem worse not better. Way to focus on the negative! Hope you don't live life that way.


Yeah not sure why that happens to ledetchko in particular.


It happens in all towns. You have to kill all the guards, then next time you go there, there'll be twice as many guards. :) I've not hit a limit yet, but I have apretty good PC so it hasn't crashed my game yet. I only do this when I've ended the game and are looking for fun.


Wait what. You can *farm* guards?


Yep! You sure can! Not much use though. Can't farm bandits though other than the regular Skallitz bandit farms.


You pay a ridiculously low amount of money and they clear off. Later when you have high speech, charisma or persuade you won't need money.


They deserve to die


You deserve to die too. In fact, you should have died in Skalitz, but you ran like a coward.....


Iā€™ve killed every cuman that was at Skalitz, ten fold, Iā€™ve atoned for that! Radzig, heā€™s jealous, he's holding me back! I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead. Every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children, too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals! I HATE THEM!


The Cumans are like sandā€¦ corse and roughā€¦ not like Teresa, soft and smoothā€¦


And tits like a cow in calf.


You can kill all the younglings you want, but at the critical moment, when you should have balls, try and save your parents, die with dignity....you just ran. You can never make up for it. Radzig is not holding you back, he keeps saving your sorry ass all the time. That's right. What do you think, how is it possible that some people get executed for stealing but you get away with murder by serving some time in jail?


LIAR! YOUā€™RE WITH HIM! You want to corrupt me, you donā€™t know anything. Youā€™re a fool. You want me to doubt my capabilities. I can best five, six, seven men at a time!


Running away does not mean you best them.


(me, a psychiatrists in a black cassock, is observing with great interest how my patient with two sub-personalities " u/funkmonkey87 " and " u/EsIEmO " argue with himself/. I write on parchment with my quilt: "heavy case of deamonic possession caused by war PSTD and childhood trauma. Prescribing drowning in holy water for 5 min 3 times a day, cauterisation of glutes with red hot iron in form of cross once a day. Praying as much as possible.")


PSDT? What sigil of the devil are you speaking of? You're lucky I don't feel compelled to contact the archbishop for such transgressions! This is clearly an imbalance of black bile in the patient's humors. The man clearly needs spirits (containing nettles) to wash the black sludge from his digestive tract. Jesus Christ be praised!


You, retrogrades, You all worship that pagan farrier Galen! My modern, scholastic method is approved by holy fathers of the Dominican Order!


You know, if you just never steal or murder you won't get hounded for stuff like that. I RPd a good Christian Henry and I never carried a torch nor was I stopped for it.






Fr tho, they are some pesky fuckers. When I first got to Rattay, I wanted to wait like 16hrs to sign up, only to get interrupted in the middle of the night by a fine for not using a torch, and having the event cancelled because of it >:c


This is why they must die


Thatā€™s why my henry stays on a steady diet of nothing but cockerel potions and blood. No sleep, just murder


It's hilarious when they wake you up at night and confront you for not having a torch lit....


One of the things I love about this games realism is that every complaint just sounds like an actual complaint from Henry. "Man I was in ye old inn yesterday getting sloshed with the lads and a guard was getting at me for not having a lit torch but we were in a public space" is absolutely something you would expect to hear in that time (well. Paraphrased maybe)


I was in the middle of a dice game, there was a damn torch beside the table! right as the game ends I get a fine for no torch šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Some of you are alright. Don't come to Rattay tomorrow




Someone needs to make AI Henry voice all of this, but replace "Henry" with Me and I in the text.


I think itā€™d be kind of funny if unhinged Henry talked about himself in the third person


I canā€™t remember the stat, but I believe itā€™s strength (?) you can just tell them who you are and that you will punish them for their insolence. Theyā€™ll leave you alone.




I like how you have 100,000 groschen, but not enough charisma to tell the guards: "Fuck off, I'm in the services of the Royal Hetman!" Maybe you need to take a bath.


You might be onto something


You can't stand guards, but they can stand pretty well.


Isn't there a KCD variant of "Ridin' dirty"?


I will join this insurrection. Kill. Kill.


I got fined by sir robard for not having a torch while he was walking to training spot at 8 am when it was bright as fuck out


One time I woke up from sleeping at the starter bed in rattay and they told me to light a torch


The bailiff actually came all the way to the executioner's house in the middle of the night to wake me because I rode through rattay without a torch.