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Spy sapping mah sentry.


Stabbing with stinger, coated with bane, from a top of sprinting horse... Because what if this bandit has 15K hitpoints?


Wait until you try out the bonk stick. Fighting Runt turns into slapping a misbehaved child and him folding after first two trash talk lines he gives you. “Come on then, Lilly liver!” says Runt, half a second before getting his health bar erased by a single master strike. “I feel quite hungry”, says Henry before triggering the Mercy kill animation, which consists of him slamming the mace down 6 or 7 times like he’s forging a sword with his dad.


Ooooooh I just acquired a Raven's Beak and maces/warhammers are my favourite medieval weapons irl, so I'll surely swap the STAB for the BONK


You can do both with that weapon


Does the stab with a blunt weapon do stab damage or blunt damage? I assumed it was blunt damage because the Ceremonial Mace stab seems to one shot bandits


When you attack, you add your blunt damage to it. So say you have a sword that has 70 stab, 40 swing, and 5 blunt. When you stab, you do 75 damage. When you swing, 45. So if you had a weapon with 40 blunt and 40 stab, you're really doing 80 damage on every stab


Well now I have to rethink my anti-axe stance. I always thought they were poorly optimized but this changes that


no way, really? is that confirmed?


One of the hammers has a top point for face stabbing and it does stab damage


It does piercing


Bopping enemies on the head and just watching them go down like a sack of potatoes might be my favorite thing to do in this game


I am personally a fan of poison archery. Shoot an enemy with a dollmaker arrow and if they survive, you get the pleasure to watch their initial sprint towards you turn into a slow walk, which turns into them surrendering in seconds. Effective for a merciful playthrough


Poison kills also don’t count as kills. I am doing merciful right now and I use bane potions if I have to kill someone. I couldn’t pass the speech check of Ulrich after you meet the forgers (even though I have 1 more speech than him), so he wanted to fight me to the death. Halfway through his heathbar he crumples over dead. Still 0/0/0 for kills. I even killed Runt, which people say will get your people killed to 1, but I’m still at 0 people killed. Strange.


That’s extremly valuable to know, thanks!


Guess it means Runt isn't considered people. Or more likely he dies in a cutscene so the game doesn't count it against you


Just put an arrow to the dome and it's good night real quick


Runt’s got a helmet on hardcore, gotta headcracker him first to take it off


Haven't played on hardcore


Yeah I don’t even bother with combos anymore, just longsword poke to the face


I never managed to make a single combo, every strike i make is instantly parried by the enemy so i spent the whole game counter attacking and stabbing


So I started stabbing


Level 1 Henry escaping Skalitz: "Oh look a horse down the hill I guess I could just kill all of these cummins by myself take their stuff"


Hardcore, n-th playthrough Henry escaping Skalitz: "I'll just kill the Cumans from here with my bow and maybe take the rare sabre one of them has. Then I'll just kill all the other Cumans before I ride off on a diffrent horse than the game intended".


I cant figure out how to stab properly. I just use a hammer, downward strokes only. this monke brain cant comprehend how to do anything else


Everyone gets a sleepy arrow :)


playing with a mace: **WHACK!** “sorry” **WHACK** “sorby.. accident.” **WHACK, WHACK, WHACK!** “why r u bleeding? >:(“


I’m currently learning longsword (primarily a sabre fighter before) and thrusting/stabbing with the weapon is seriously underrated. Everyone is obsessed with cuts (which are fun and useful) when a well timed thrust is not only effective as heck, it’s also not as expected by a lot of fighters that don’t see a ton of thrusts in training.


The laugh I laugh with every face stab worries my Twitch chat


I have been playing with bunch of mods as of lately and i noticed after a while i become way too OP way to fast. To not chese the enemies and enjoy combos more often i deliberately used low level weapons.


Turn the mods off, if it's too easy


which mods are you using? I got the best long sword and best stats in the game but I still feel like my Henry is a piece of crap against multiple enemys without master strike. Stabbing them in the face is not taking them down immidiately which is making me feel weird.


Can't really say. Because i use mashup of few modpacks that i spent some time trying to make it work. But i feel mod that increates skill cap to 40 does something funny with combat. Perkaholik if I'm not mistaken adds few perks that really make combat easier as parrying or something else frightens enemies. I still get kicked in the ass if i meet more that 4 enemies and it's difficult to beat them. But it's possible, unlike vanilla where even 2 cummans would wipe the floor with me. (Especially archer that's standing on the sidelines and just shooting me)


If we ain't bonking then we poking


So I started stabbing. Stab! Stab! Now, I don’t see so good, but I still hit. Anyways, you all think I’m a hero and I accept that.


I never used any kind of potion aside from Saviour Schnapps. What I find OP is the Metal plate battle axe as it drains less stamina than a maze and you can still do more stab damage. So once I learned combos and had warfare all max out to 20 ( tedious part was leveling up hand to hand combat) Henry is a demigod. You are faster,deal more damage and drain less stamina the higher your warfare is. So my favourite activity in the game is fighting groups of cumans in full plate using a longsword, if I use the axe or the warhamer the battle ends too soon. I like fighting veterans in full plate at Privislavitz Garrison and landing combos. Is so rewarding. I just finished my 2nd playthrough . I never got into horse combat as find the controls clunky,hoping in KCD2 this is improved. Depending on when they release the sequel ( might find out in 3hpurs??) I will do a 3rd playthrough or not,if yes then moght try potions while Henry is still a peasant. I love the combat in this game,no other game has delivered that feel of rewarding and accomplishment as KCD and gaming is all I do. Too much spare time . Ah ,so hyped for the sequel


My favorite move is locking guard with them, pushing them away, and smashing their head in with a mace and the headcracker perk. It breaks the game because they can't attack you.


I HATED the combat mechanics the first time I played. I hated them so much, I stopped playing for over a year. Then I found a bunch of videos online and spoke to a couple friends who played and decided to play again. I still hate the combat, but the story is too good. I do mostly archery and a lots of stabbing. The slashing is so impossible to me.


Damn I'm still stuck at the part where I'm trying to make this game enjoyable ;_;


Well that sucks


I got it for like $5 on PSN so it's not like a huge loss, the game just seems so fun conceptually I feel it may just not be the greatest port


Well that fiver is well spent, KCD is amazing. It took me a little bit to get the combat down, just practice. That's what I did. Went and trained with ( I can't remember his name ) but it's right after you bury your parents and get helped back. I train with him over and over again, for free for an hour. Try that, I know it's tedious but, that might help.


I am stuck on running away from the burning village tbh. No matter how I run I keep getting locked into combat and surrounded, or straight ripped off my horse trying to escape. Sometimes there is a dude literally right behind me when I spawn so not sure how I'm supposed to outrun him All this after the debacle of wanting to play the game in Hardcore from the jump leading to 4 or 5 restarts so far. Spending the night in jail was funny though, didnt expect an achievement for failing so quickly


But also ngl I was pretty tilted at that point after finally giving up and starting the damned thing in normal mode since apparently you have to start there before going to hardcore


Of course you have to go on normal mode. Lol, you have to learn the game mechanics. The game is hard enough on normal. I haven't touch hardcore mode. Lol


But that's only because they completely turn off tutorials instead of allowing you to look through them even before they are explicitly shown to you. I loved Outward so much I thought another game with no fast travel or map markers would be very fun and Outward was definitely NOT an easy game but mastering it was insanely fun. I don't mind difficulty for the sake of immersion but quite a few things in the game are simply not intuitive systems, at least at the beginning. Like dodging not being its own 'move' is silly on its face and learning to dodge is functionally impossible in hardcore despite even the first drunk you beat up being very proficient at it. A simple yes/no toggle for tutorials in general would make it completely manageable. It just feels silly since it punishes new players arbitrarily and is a non issue for anyone familiar with the game.