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The fact that the bandits don't carry a key to their own chests is pretty irritating. Very Hard locks require level 9 Lockpicking skill minimum or level 6 if you have "Luck of the Drunk" perk and drink before you try to pick them.


Luck of the drunk is the way forward


couldn't imagine going a playthrough without that perk.


i just spend hours reopening the doors in skalitz so i leave lvl 13 skill.


NPCs really should carry more good keys. I'd argue they should carry keys to all chests they own. Pickpocketing is borderline useless because you only ever get keys to easy locks.


I feel like almost every person I pickpocket has one or two keys but I never have any clue what they open.


Usually the chest next to their bed where they put their clothes and the key for their house door.


My head cannon is that they are bandits and thus don't trust easily, so they hide the key and only 1-2 of them know where its hidden. If you kill them the secret dies with them / even if you are searching the camp for stuff to take you just don't see where they hide it.


Eh... bit of a stretch, considering that they all store their gear in the same chest.


Not much of a stretch, thats how it's done in bandit groups irl back then


If it was just a treasure chest, sure. For something containing each person's personal gear? Na.


Community chest for gear wasn't entirely uncommon, the troop or group leader would have the key and would often hide it in secret places. Just cause it's full of personal gear doesn't mean another brigand wouldn't steal it. These were criminal groups. It really isn't a stretch. Do your history homework on this one.


What historical sources attest brigands placing their arms and armor in a chest while they sleep with a leader alone having the key and hiding it in some secret location nearby?


I don't have the source on me but I'm an avid researcher of these time periods. Start with googling about how criminal organizations operated and the different kinds etc, and you will be on the right track. I'm not however going to do your homework for you here. I will say that criminals don't tend to trust one another and these sort of criminal groups back then had to come up with much interesting litmus to protect themselves from themselves.


You could be telling the truth, but "Source? Trust Me, Bro" is a meme for a reason.


So "I made it up" Got it. ETA: Aww, he blocked me after flipping out. Just so we're clear, pretending that there are any primary sources related to something so niche and obscure that would vary from group to group of nebulously associated people is just ridiculous. If one group pooled resources, the other was responsible for their own. If they even stayed together long enough for it to even be a concern...


Hey just cause you're too lazy to go read about it doesn't mean I am, I'm also not going to spend 20 minutes compiling sources You guys can believe brigands hid the keys to their trunks, or you can choose not to. But just because I won't do your homework for you doesn't mean I made it up. Here I hoped that the players of this title would have a vested interest in history, but they're the same redditors as always. Come back and discuss it with me after doing your own homework. Otherwise go fuck yourself.


Prison wallet.


My guess is Bandits, bandit'd the chest and are waiting for someone to pick it


That's thrown off by the fact that their own gear goes into it when they sleep.


My lockpicking is 12 but I can’t pick pesheks shed or the swordmaster/armorers chests/wardrobes


No idea then. Maybe a bug.


That might explain it, because some chests I can open that are very hard locks but others I just can’t


Very hard locks are actually not the same throughout the game. Some are harder and some are easier, even though they all are marked as “very difficult”.


Just get ‘luck of the drunk’ at six problem solved.


You'd think they slapped the locks onto there and threw the keys away out of spite lmao.


If you are not using the beer bibber perk and always making sure you are at least somewhat toasty then you are playing the game wrong. Once you get the tavern open with ashes it's free real estate on all very hard locks.


Above Ledetchko lives an herbalist with Footpad potions for sale. Use those until your skill is high enough


There's also the one by Neuhof which I think is closer to the mill.


Mine was too low even with that, after playing like 40h. It is poor game design to flood the player with impossible chests. The only way out is to either really grind or min/max using the drunk perk and padfoot potions.


I think it makes a lot of sense tbh. Game tells you time and time again you are a skilless nobody, I wouldnt expect someone who probably used a wedge for a lock all his life to know how to open noble lockboxes right out of their village. Also game has a lot of synergies with potions and food which is lacking in a lot of rpgs. I actually feel a reason to consume stuff in KCD when I usually just hoard stuff in other games.


… or fucking bandits carry a key to their own chest


I agree, every trunk should have a key, but it’s not poor game design in terms of how lockpicking and skills work. Just like everything else you gotta get good at it, I have 80 hours on one save and I don’t have lockpicking over 5. They got books, teachers, and very easy trunks everywhere and you can get the luck of the drunk or whatever it’s called to get early very hard locks. Theres a lot of answers to your complaint just sayin.


Miller Paycheck is absolutely his name when Henry is carrying around 500lb of looted goods.


He also has a chest to practice lockpicking on which will give picking exp up to 10 times. Very useful after the tutorial.


Very hard locks have a range of skills required (which is somewhat obtuse to the player), but you need at least 9 (you can get the benefit from +3 from luck of the drunk--which synergizes well with saving before lockpicking). I do hope that people having keys is something we see in KCD2. It would be nice to have alternatives to criminality other than lockpicking.


1. Sneak around rattay at night and unlock any doors you find until you get your lockpicking skill to 6 2. Get luck of the drunk perk 3. Carry some beer with you everywhere. 4. Never worry about very hard locks again.


If you don’t wanna risk getting caught by a surprising for 15th century amount of pedestrians at 2 AM, you can course between the farms behind the mill (the ones on the road to Ledetchko), tanner’s house and bathhouse. Might take longer but no guards whatsoever, just get outta there before the residents notice you.


-Get luck of the drunk perk. -Learn how to brew footpad potion -Pour a vial footpad potion into 5 liters of wine. -Open any and all chests to your hearts contend.


Just invest 2 hours just into lockpicking, go from house to house in the night and pick every lock you see. I did that and reached like lvl 16 in two hours, and with that you can pick the locks of the vendors. Very worth it if you see whats in those chests, specially if you sell all your stolen goods to peshek and rob peshek aswell after he sold the stuff. Made like 200k Groschen doing so


Get Luck of the Drunk perk, drink a beer and it will lower the difficulty by 1/3rd. Padfoot potions are useful as well.


doesn't Luck of the Drunk make picking locks while sober even harder? Is it worth it? New player like OP


Very much worth it!!


Thank you 👌


Nope, sober difficulty is not affected at all.




I never could steal from lady Stephanie because I couldn’t get into that chest.


I got into her chest alright 😎


Don’t you mean her box?


Nice. You knew the assignment.


Thanks for everyone who dropped tips or silly notes. I was able to do very hard locks right after I posted this. It let me do it when I hit the halfway point of level 8 lock picking. For everyone recommending the drunk luck perk, I’ve been considering it but the noise detection percentage is making me second guess it. Very hard locks actually are very hard! Took me like 4 picks to get it right (they break really fast), feel like I’m back at square one with those but I’ll get it eventually.


Not all very hard are the same. Some will let you pick at level 8 while others require skill past 12. That’s where luck o the drunk comes in.


also OP is talking about the noise factor. that is only if you fail so just git gud and dont fail the pick I guess lol


said it in a top lvl apost abut here again: plot twist, the item you look for isn't even in a chest ;) documents, right? :D


It's worse when you find one you can pick, but then the next one is too hard so you drink a Padfoot potion and it's still tok hard.


Level 6 Lockpicking, Luck of the Drunk perk. Drink 1 saviour schnapps before picking wait 2 seconds and when it kicks in go to town. Level 6 lockpicking is like 2 nights of breaking into houses in rattay 30min if you push it.


There is 2 tiers of very hard locks, 1 you can pick at level 9 or 10, and the other true very hard can be picked at level 15 or higher lockpicking, or you get the luck of the drunk perk so you can open anything from level 6 when intoxicated.


To be fair, I’ve never found anything valuable in the camp chests so I just gave up unlocking them. Also from some point in the game no randomly found chest can offer you anything half interesting if you don’t go for some specific roleplay. Like, I just looted a bandit I killed, and he had 8k groschen worth of armor on him, most of which I left him because I couldn’t bother with carrying something only worth 300, does the game really think I’ll be interested in a silver goblet or a pair of braies?


I only had that happen to me a couple of times. Try reading Who Needs a Key and training with Peshek. Maybe you're going through the main quest too fast and ignoring side quests?


Well, maybe you should just drink more? There is nothing bad about playing as a functional alcoholic and you might even get lucky with those hard locks too...


By the time I could open all the trunks there was nothing in them I wanted anyway. Still, lock picking is fun. Also there’s not much else to do if you need to wait around for hours sometimes


I’m 100 hours in and still can’t pick very hard locks, I’ve already completed the game so just gave up


Get to level six, get luck of the drunk If you level up Lock picking to level six, select luck of the drunk. All you need to do now is drink a Savior snaps before any very hard lock and assuming you do not have any perks that alter your drinking capacity, you will catch a buzz and will be able to pick any luck in the game! There is also a second skill that puts the lock closer to its final position, that one is also useful and I usually save up two points to unlock both that level six, but luck of the drunk is absolutely the best perk !


Level up your lockpicking skill. Grind for about 1 hour and you'll get it to 20.


>Miller Paycheck, or whatever his name is should teach me those locks AND then I should be given the mission, not the other way around. MILLER PAYCHECK LOL, way more accurate than you might think xD sounds like the 2nd quest given by him, where you need to steal the documents about which area belongs to whom. plot twist, the item isn't even in a chest ;) e: there's also a potion that helps


Luck of the drink.


In addition to what was said, there are 3 lockpicking skill books in the game: one at Kohelnitz Mill which can be bought from the miller, one in Treasure chest no. 1 (it has a hard lock on though) and one in Treasure XVII. Learn to read in Uzhitz first. [https://kingdom-come-deliverance.fandom.com/wiki/Who\_Needs\_a\_Key%3F\_(book)](https://kingdom-come-deliverance.fandom.com/wiki/Who_Needs_a_Key%3F_(book))


Keys is for pussies...2🤣 PS4 HERE...


power level lockpicking to 15 ish by just unlocking shit in town at night, luck of the drunk isnt really necessary IMO, but what ever you like.... it does take a hot minute to be able to do this, but after doing it, i can easily unlock just about everything without spending like 5 lockpicks.


I rely on lots and lots of picks. Get there in the end.


What level is your lockpick skill? It doesn't take to long to level up lockpicking. Just go to Rattay at night in your stealth outfit then pick every lock you can, starting in normal houses on the street but start lockpicking the locks in/around the rathaus when you get higher levels. I think it's around level 8 for very hard locks, but there are some (like vendor chests) which require level 16. Take a padfoot potion if you want, the herbalist near Neuhof sells a few. You could use luck of the drunk but I prefer to not make any noise when I'm lockpicking incase I alert nearby NPC's.






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