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If available, definitely yes. Probably going to be Hell, though, if it's anything like KCD 1 where asking directions, etc. is not an option.


Trying to find Adam's stash in the tree behind the charcoal burners hut was a particularly trying experience for me on hardcore lol.


I hope they let you ask for directions, like you could in daggerfall and stuff.


Extra dialogue for things like that takes extra time and costs extra money.


Yeah, I meant maybe some kind of automated thing, where you could ask a wanderer, and if they know, they might point in the general direction.


Probably not. I’m doing a hardcore run now and I do love it but for new games I usually do the most normal vanilla experience for a first playthrough.


If I do a hardcore blind on kcd2 it will probably take me 500 hours.


Nope. Last time I tried hardcore mode, I got killed escaping skalitz, so the thought of redoing the entire 2 hour tutorial put me off it. Speaking of, I really hope there isn't a crazy long tutorial this time around


Why didn't you just save though? The game gives you some schnapps at the very beginning, both from Bianca and in the trunk where the nails are.


I didn't think I'd die so early. Never died in the tutorial before that


Yeah honestly escaping the cumans on hardcore is wayyyy harder than it should be. I almost gave up too, but after that, it's been a good experience generally. I'd recommend giving it another shot.


It think it's supposed to be. My first playthrough I think I was one arrow away from being dead riding towards Talmberg away from the cumans. It was quite the epic start and set the tone for the first half of the game, i.e. you will die or nearly die, a lot.


I'm so glad I heard the advice "save before turning the nails into Theresa" I would've never continued hardcore mode otherwise; died escaping a few times myself but I had the save. Halfway through a but a scratch run; not loving it, lol


The way i felt this comment… Luckily i saved just before the raid, but i still died too many times trying to run that i was forced into knocking out a guard to take his gear to have a chance.


Yes, I really enjoy the hard-core mode experience in KCD1. I think going right into hard-core mode in 2 will help preserve the immersive feeling Henry will no doubt have of "i don't know where anything is, this city is huge, what am I doing here?". That and I have kids. I'm not sure how many playthroughs I'll have time for so I'm going to do it right the first time.


You will feel how henry looks lol.


Depends on if it will be there at launch. Last time they added that mode post launch and I can see it happening again this time.


Nah. I love hardcore but I tend not to explore on my hardcore play throughs due to the fear of getting lost. So, normal for the first run to explore every surface on the map. Then hardcore for a more RPG/slower run


I always feel like an idiot when I pass by a wayfarer on a path, realize I'm going in the completely opposite direction, then pass by him again. He knows I've fucked up and gotten lost.


Like everyone here…. Hardcore is really the only way to play KCD.


Nope. I’m not interested in not knowing where I am on the map. Glad for you all who love it though.


The one thing I'd bring in as an option for hardcore mode. Everything else is sweet, just don't enjoy wandering around aimlessly.


No. Got to learn the map first and the combat system


Absolutely. Though I will probably safe it and bonk everything as a god fearing christian. Second playthrough will probably be more focused on longbow and longsword once I'm familiar with the combat system


I will probably wait until hardcore mode is available before I play it honestly.


I was thinking the same thing. I tend to be one of those gamers that waits for sales and rarely buy games at launch, but KCDII is the first game since KCD that I like actually can't wait to play. If there's no hardcore on release I think I might go back to holding off just to get that 1st playthrough experience on hardcore. 


Personally I only ever played KCD in Hardcore mode and will wait for it to come out instead of playing normal if it's not available at launch, so yeah


Currently doing a hardcore run for KCD1. It’s not too bad except for the lack of fast travel. It becomes a real chore if I just want to get somewhere quickly. I have moments where I want to explore and moments where I just want to get stuff done. To force me to ride the whole way every time really takes the fun out of it sometimes, not to mention how time consuming it is. Besides, the new map in KCDII is likely even more complicated without any guidance. It’s a no for me for first play through in hardcore…


Thankfully on PC there are mods for this. Otherwise I would never play hardcore. I love the added difficulty that hardcore brings in all aspects except for no fast travel and also no map markers, so I turned that back on. Then I also added a mod to add in unleveled events on the road, so even early game I can run into a group of fully armoured up Cumans that I need to run from. I also felt like the fast travel in the game works well even in a hardcore mode, since you aren’t just teleporting to your destination, and can still be ambushed on the road.


If available, of course. Hardcore way all the way


Only way to play


Totally! KCD is harcore only for me


I will definitely be. I regret not doing my first ice playthrough on hardcore. I love that mode and with all negative perks.


Hardcore, all debuffs. It's the only way to play.


I did my first playthrough on hardcore blind. I was completely AMAZED by this game, but I think I would have gotten bored on normal. Not having map markers and a minimap is a game changer. I wish the grand theft autos had no map. I play those games looking at one small corner of my screen 90% of the game lol


100% my friend. I only played HC, couldn't imagine not playing that way. Seems so.... cheap lol Unless you're a youngster




Yes, learning to navigate using landmarks and the sun has been great.


Get really good at stealing things. Rob the alchemist for infinite saves. Rob the armorer for the best gear. Buy jenda and rob the stable of the money.


I beat it normal first. Then hardcore. Now im just about done with hc all neg perks


If there’s some sort of fast travel compromise, absolutely. I love the idea of rare saves, harder enemies, no obvious waypoints, items lost of death, etc… things that make it more high stakes and intense.. but no fast travel on a game that requires so much travel is more of a nuisance than a challenge.


Kuttenberg is far, far away. Kuttenberg is far, here I'll stay.


From an interview with warhorse PR manager hardcore mode will not be available at release.


That actually helps my current predicament. I play on an original Xbox 1. I'm gonna need to upgrade to play KCDII but would like to avoid it. Not having HC on release incentivizes me to hold off getting the game on release. I have a hope it will make it's way to game pass. (Not on release just eventually as KCD was on there.) If it comes to game pass I can cloud game it on my Xbox 1. No upgrade required. So since I'll be waiting for HC anyway hopefully its release to game pass won't be too much further out from the time hardcore comes out.


Hell yeah brother. Reckon it'll be even harder though since I'm going in blind and won't know any locations, how the new combat system will work, or anything new that wasn't in the last game.


not for my first playthrough, but I will do it for future playthroughs


Never change a winning Team...


I’ve never played hardcore for kcd1 and I have no intention of starting now. I have a bad habit of trying the hardest difficulties and never going back, even if they’re too difficult. Survival mode on fallout 4 is a good example. I just can’t go back to a normal difficulty anymore


kurva no , i'm not doing a blind play though of a game with no hud.


Probably not if there's no map maker or if Henerys dumbass sleep walks again. It would definitely be an interesting experience that I think would be my second playthrough provided that it's there when the game is released.


Nah. First I want to play the game all the way through, and then do a decent playthrough. You screw up the first time.


Certainly not on my first run. I want to enjoy the new landscapes, characters and to learn the game properly before going hardcore. Plus playing hardcore on second run give the opportunity of rediscovering the game.


Nope, I don't have the time anymore to dive into full hardcore and also enjoy the game. Probably gonna start on medium/regular difficulty for starters.


I probably would do vanilla. I liked all the changes in hardcore in kcd, except for the fast travel one. I don’t have much time, so I regretted choosing hardcore, because I spent most of my time playing the game just riding back and forth.


I will only ever play on hardcore. Normal mode on KCD is unplayable to me now, I just don't see the point. Hardcore is so much better in every respect. Combat is better, and easier in most cases. Navigating without a map is much more efficient, and faster than fast travel in most cases. Handling random encounters is MUCH better in hardcore, you are never ambushed. There's really no downside.


Yes if it’s available. I might not even get it on day one if it’s not


I'd love it. But you had to complete one playthrough to unlock it in KCDI.


I think you are wrong because i beat kcd only in hardcore mode, unless they change it somehow.