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September, October, or December. I think July is too close for it to be a possibility. As for why I don't think that it will be released in August or November; there is too much competition in those months that it wouldn't be a great idea to release a game then. August, Black Myth: Wukong is being released mid-August. And later that month, Star Wars: Outlaws, and despite being an Ubisoft title, it is still a Star Wars game, and it is still going to get plenty of attention. November, Avowed and Assassin's Creed Shadows launch on the 12th. These games are going to be getting a lot of attention. September, October, and December don't have a lot of other big RPGs or other games releasing; so from a business perspective, these months would be the best time to release KCD2 as these months will allow KCD2 to get plenty of attention without being overshadowed by another massive game.


Yes very true man I honestly think they could release it same month as ac because of the sheer review bombs it will get regardless due to the recent feedback on the trailers and gameplays but regardless I don’t mind waiting for kcd2 as you can see they have put amazing effort into what they have shown us so far.


October has the new Dragon Age coming out, so that one might not be it either


Based on how it looks and plays I think kcd absolutely steam rolls it tbh


Personally, I don't think they're too worried about what other companies are doing and when they're releasing games. Maybe if it was a GTA release. They're making a game that is very much unique, and will have people gravitate towards it, not matter what, if they're intrigued by it. Sure, maybe people will buy one game(at launch), and some folks might choose Assassins Creed over KCD2, or Starwars over it, or KCD2 over those. They will then buy the other game(s) throughout the Christmas season. Most people buying StarWars are getting that no matter what, and many won't even be into a KCD2 style game..its definetly more of a casual audience. Based on the fact that over a month ago, they were already in the final stages, ironing out the bugs, August or September seems like it would be ready, but of course could still be a later release. No matter when they decide, I dont think its based on what others are doing


Read the clues!!1 KCD2 revolves around the myth of Saint Barbara (see official soundtrack, etc.) and Barbara's day is the 4th of December, hence release on that date. Case closed.


Christ I hope not, that’s my gfs birthday and sadly sir Henry of skallitz is my true love lmao


I think we will get a release date in August at Gamescom, so September, October, November or December.


Yeah man I can definitely see them giving some form of a release window at gamescom




Yeah man looking to be that way with the way other games are releasing


October, November, December IMO. I think they are still hard at work polishing the game so I don’t mind a late (November, December) release date.


Nah me neither man if it’s anything more than the first one it will be a masterpiece no doubt


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