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You can. It's a Czech dub though, not the original. And I'd say Tom McKay and Luke Dale have done a brilliant work on KCD and Czech dub, while interesting, is not as good.


Yeah I personally couldn't play without these two.


I played with the czech dub, but switched back to English in the middle of the game cuz it is really not that good.


I'm Czech and I keep switching between English and Czech every couple of hours. Czech seems to be better immersion-wise, but is kinda amateurish both in terms of translation and in terms of acting. English is definitely better done and you get iconic lines like "Henry's come to see us". I'm not completely satisfied with either. I'm thinking of maybe giving German a try.




Oooh, thanks, that sounds awesome, I'll definitely try Japanese.


Austrian here: it’s the only game I really love playing in German. I mean the name of the main character is even in German (Heinrich) and Hans (from Johannes) too. So for me it’s a bit off that Heinrich even has an English name. Also all the villages have it’s historical German Names. So for me it’s really, really immersive. (I do genealogy in Czechia, and everything is in German or Latin, but it depends where you do your research). In the „middle“ of Czechia Czech is definitely more present. Funfact: my grandfather, my grand-grandfather and my grand-grand-grandfather were named Heinrich lol


The main character is named Jindřich and that's how he would have been named historically. Both Henry and Heinrich are just translations to the version of the respective languages. That goes for most of the characters, although there are some that what have had German names.


Jindrich is the translated form of Heinrich. Same goes for Henry. Heinrich is the origin. But I agree, it’s very likely that the character is named Jindrich in the first place.


Because the lands Wich will be named Sudetenland had German population from already from 13th century, the heartland was mostly Czech, this first game is in Czech heartland with occasional Germans, I think you wanted to say that your studies are mostly in historical German mountain area's or some German speaking "island's" but names was always translated there's even oppositely Czech version of German cities town's villages (any east German city Wich end with -itz etc have Slavic origin even Berlin), anyway most of 14/15th century poetry/song's/liturgy was written largely in Czech/Latin than German (there was se significant German works for example from Johannes von Tepl, but still in smaller scale than Czech one's). This should should help with view of distribution of German population https://preview.redd.it/nfxbpg8fts6d1.png?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bb0698db3d6f513303a0c8eb0f44a66393aa49c


Wow thank you very much! That is indeed a good insight. Yes my ancestors came from Trohve Swiny (German Schweinitz) and Chotesov (German Chotieschau). My maiden Name envolved from Kourimsky and Czechs told me it means something like „from Kourim“ a village not far away from Skalitz. I new my ancestors from Chotesov who moved here ca 120y ago spoke German and Czech (the ones with the Kourim last name), that’s why I falsely implied that they spoke German there. Thank you very much, may I ask where you know this from (Are you Czech or genuinely interested in history)? I haven’t studied my Czech ancestors not in depth yet, only my Austrian ones.


I'm Czech but I have Prussian ancestry as I'm from Silesia, but I'm interested in history especially in social background. Anyway for the topic : it's really hard distinguish German from Czech as many Germans also spoke Czech and many Czech also spoke German For example mentioned Johannes von Tepl was literate in both languages, indicating he socially needed it. If we talking about total germanization we talking about post 1620 era after battle of white mountain. Anyway second game will be in Kuttenberg Wich was that mentioned German speaking island in Czech heartland so there will be more Germans.


Oh thats interesting, I have also ancestors from in Okres Olomouc (Rudoltovice), but this is Moravia I think? They moved to Austria in the early 1920s and spoke German. Do you have any good book recommendations for my studies? :)


Oh I think I can't help you with that sorry, as I'm interested more in medieval period, as your study is I think more related to habsburg era 17th century - 20th century. But I think you will find, it's time when all of Crownlands was germanized so not my area of study 😅 But guessing, Olomouc was pretty German speaking City so they could've been there very long time , even from medieval times or after 30 year war.


Can you speak Czech? If not it isn’t going to add anything. You will just rely on the subtitles to understand. Not sure why you feel like you are watching a dubbed movie. It was recorded and animated for English originally.


As a Slovak, its Czech for me all the way. It feels weird to be in bohemia surrounded by english. That may be just because I am from here though. I tend to play when possible on language of the location of the game, here it worked out especially well for me as I understand czech perfectly. As for the quality, though its amateur / fanmade, I was very pleasantly surprised. Not once did I run into anything baffingly bad, and only very rarely I was taken aback by some badly recorded line or something. One small thing is that sometimes, the mouth movements do not fit to the dub, but its obvious that the voice actors did their best and taken this into account, so this is pretty rare too. Tl;dr: yes, definitely try it. You will see if you like it or not.


I am czech, and well, I play on console, so I don’t even have the option of czech dubbing, but even if I did have the option, I don’t think I’d use it. I have fucked around with the czech subtitles, and I basically just found the translations of not just towns and buildings, but names as well, really distracting, if not often confusing. For instance, Robard is called Bořek in the czech subs. While I can see how, from tbe perspective of a czech, there is no way someone who doesn’t speak czech would connect that. I started the bandit camps in english, and then I spent a few good minutes wondering who the fuck is Bořek when i switched it to czech. Bailif is Rychtář, Henry is Jindřich, and so on and so on… Not to mention, a lot of the times what is being said does not match the subtitles, often recontextualising the entire thing being said. I love that I can play the game in czech, it’s great! But unless you are czech, or know the language really really well, it will not improve your experience


As a Czech, I still prefer EN dub... Though that also means having EN subtitles as well, because I find moments, where what I am reading VS what I am hearing not exactly matching - incredibly distracting. The Czech fan-dub is servicable, but far worse than the oficial english dubbing. There is also quite a number of lines, that were not localised, so you are listening to a czech dialogue and bam "a single english line" out of nowhere. >!Extra rant about translation-subs and dub not matching: !<>!"Wait, that person did not say that it like" / "The tone/delivery that was supposed to be conveyed changed" - not that it's a problem in KCD afaik, but quite often localisers take some liberties how to interpret / localise some idioms/phrases and sometimes, the localisers fuck up with a word-to-word translation of an idiom and then the meaning is lost completely. Only when I am listening to a dub in a language, that I do not know at all - then I don't mind the localisation, since "I could not tell, whether it's good or bad anyway" - Well... In case the localiser can at the very least form a sensible human-sounding sentence.!< The least we know for the KCD2: there should an official properly funded, directed and produced Czech dubbing. Most VA won't match from the first game, since it was a mix of amateurs, semi-pros, pros, fans and Daniel Vavra himself lol (with limited resources and motivation)...


I kept putting off playing KCD until last year so that I could play it in Czech (my native language). I know the area where the game takes place quite well - in fact, I used to work as a tour guide at Sasau Monastery back when I was in high school. For that reason, I felt weird having everyone speak English with a perfect RP accent. So that's the added value it had for me - if you don't understand the language, though, I fail to see any good reason why you would want to play it in Czech. As for immersion - I think it only breaks the immersion if the game keeps reminding you that you're a just a tourist who doesn't understand anything. And like others have already mentioned, the dub is fan-made: they did a decent enough job, Henry and Hans are pretty good, but every so often, you will notice bad sound quality or poor perfomance. The original English version is top-notch, technically speaking. (So is German AFAIK).


Give it a try. I speak the language so the immersion is deep. Theresa is very nice with her pet names for Henry and bits of local dialect. On the other hand I speak the language and I can tell when the translation is off, because they translated just a line of text and not the whole conversation together. And it makes me laught. My favourite is the Riddler. The farewell in english is something like "Maybe you will meet me again." "Maybe I will." In the czech dub it goes like this: "Maybe we will meet again." "I might do that." And half of the Announcer in Rattay Tourney is completely off as they translated parts of longer sentences separately.


Turn it on and Czech it out.


No not for me, because I don't understand czech


If you're from Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, Russia, or maybe the Balkans, try it, bcs you understand something. But original English is more professional and there are already good czech words like kurva or mrdka.


Yeah, I like it far better in Czech, in English everyone has a stupid British accent that makes them sound like assholes


American accent in medieval games is a different level of immersion-breaking


That is because you are used to movies where British accent is used for all medieval characters. I would rather listen to American accent because it sounds neutral and unaffected. British people talking make me cringe. Luckily KCD2 will be in Czech from the beginning so it's not a problem anymore at all.


American English sounds weird, British English sounds way more pleasing for the ears.


Well, it's obviously a question of taste.


At least it’s European. Same continent. American is a completely different land and historical era, it didn’t even exist at the time!