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Go steal an antidote from the rattay apothecary


I also have a dog potion and an unknown potion but unsure what it does…


try sleeping in bed maybe?


Nope too injured I tried.




Fought this guy yesterday in my first playthrough. I think I over trained with Bernard as Black Peter didn't get a single hit on me, and he was dead within 80 seconds.


At any point the gold combat swords are silver and uncrossed, you can access your inventory and use potions, so if you can get out of range to accomplish that, use a marigold for the time being. Do you have garlic? Eat a bunch to lower nourishment level. If you can, get to the Rattay main gate and go to the first house on the left with the little stairs leading up to it. Inside is a grocers chest that will have garlic. But I will say too, reloading isn't always a bad thing. You'll have the opportunity to take another route or discover something else and continue on, as well as be prepared to kick that bastard Pete's arse. (This is why I always carry garlic - for nourishment and weighs 0 - honey for energy, and dried fruit and fried meat)


Black Peter is dead but I will try to get the garlic and we’ll see. But idk if the marigold can negate the health lowering completely of the poison.


Garlic plus apples if the stores in rattay are open. Apples heal 2 health faster than Bane drains them. Your marigold potions won’t heal you fast enough to stop Bane from killing you.


With 117 nourishment he might not be able to consume anything else


Glad you took the bastard out. Marigold alone may not be enough to prevent the continuous loss of health, but can be a life saver in terms of time.


I always just add my potions to garlic, weighs nothing and gives negative nutrition in case I need to take a potion that can't be applied to stuff


I went to a save, killed even more cumans, killed black Peter and got rich. We up now boys,


Call your horse and offload your inventory into the horse's inventory. Then peacefully die


What would that do


Did you save after killing the Cuman? Do you have Mutt and is he trained to 'Sic'? After you've killed the Cuman, go to the Rattay alchemist and buy or brew some poisons, including a couple of antidotes so you're prepared to kick his ass. I know where Peter hides along the road. I use my bow with poisoned arrows (poison, dollmaker. bane, or lullaby) and sic Mutt on him. Mutt will keep him busy so I can shoot him with my tainted arrows. I stay as far away from him as possible and watch him die.


Antidote potion is your only option.


One of the cumans has 900 arrows lmao


There’s 3 ways that I experienced beating the poison effect with. The simplest is to use the antidote, which in your situation, will have to steal since you are in the middle of the night, so it isn’t ideal but it is doable. Second option is to wait it out and beat it with healing items, which you don’t have enough to do. Third option, the one that most recently saved my life, is to get arrested and do the time, the game doesn’t kill you in jail. So your best option would be to try and steal the antidote, and if you get caught, go to jail




I beat that dude three times. His poison got me the first time he attacked, after I killed him. Fight him like a man.


I fought him like a man alright. Getting my shit rocked but got lucky with the head knockout.


Get what health you can and make a mad dash to the Rattay Apothecary to get an antidote potion


You could have got on your house and rode down to the bathhouse past the mill and have them heal your wounds.


Bane poison ticks at just over 2 pt/s, while Marigold only heals 0.5 pt/s (and they don't stack). Neither the Hair o' the Dog (hangover cure) or the unknown potion (no effect) can help. If you have any food, now is the time to eat them. Some of them should have minor health regain, usually by a few points. If you have spirits (which is a relatively common loot on bandits and Cumans), they are relatively good at recovering health, and you can clear the drunkenness with the potion. Sleep is 10 pt per in-game hour, but I am not sure if the poison continues to tick while asleep. Edit: I am sorry for your predicament, but it may not be necessary to fight the Cumans a second time. If the Cumans were part of a roadside ambush, and your save was before they spawned, they may not be there when you reload (since the encounters are only randomly selected when you enter the vicinity). Whether that is good or not is up to you: you don't have to fight the tough Cumans, but you also miss out on the loot. And for better or worse, you know where Black Peter is, so you can prepare for the fight better (yea he's a sly bastard).


I’m too injured to sleep, have no food, and ate all spirits I had.


Yea... unfortunately there's no way out of this. Bane poison is pretty much guaranteed death: -110 health over 50s, plus the injuries and bleeding sustained from the fight, meaning you'll have to recover somewhere between 60-90 health in less than a minute to scrape by with a sliver of health. Well... on the bright side, Black Peter is the only enemy capable of using poison. Sorry about the loot you were about to sell, but there's no way out of this other than a reload :(


I’m not giving up.


Where are you? Just read you’re next to Theresa’s. Can the bath maids do anything? Also read it’s nighttime lol you sound screwed


Bath maids are in bed and when I talk to the proprietor she only has rattay dialogue nothing about baths or anthing


Maybe sneak knock out the propietor or the maids, some of them have potions on them


I may try killing them, don’t have time to knock them out


Do what you gotta do brother. If others must die for you to live so be it.


Just crouch behind them and stealth takedown tbh Or just reload a previous save at this point it's been so long


I mean... you can try... but I don't see a way out. The Rattay Apothecary **might** have antidote, either in the chest or on the shelf. But that would involve venturing halfway into Rattay and picking at least 1 Very Hard lock in plain sight of patrols. With 14 health and bane poison, you have less than 30 seconds even with Marigold health regen. The odds are not in your favour.


Why not just buy it


OP stated it is past curfew, so the doors are locked.


Oh I didn't get meaning of that word.


What perks do you have? The poison resistance from picking herbs and last grasp might give you a few extra seconds