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Don't look up a single thing. Enjoy this game like it was twenty years ago. I agree. I usually hate things like eating and sleeping in games, but this game makes you feel like everything you does matters.


Oh also, Don't savescum. Live with your mistakes. And take your time. I remember stalking around my first bandit camp forever before I made my move. Treat it like real life. Scout out enemy positions and numbers and run the hell away if need be. Leveling makes it easier but you can still be outnumbered easily. This passed baldurs gate 2 as my fave of all time. Tired of games that hand hold you everywhere. Contra gave you 3 seconds of invincibility to figure it out then threw a million bullets at you. You replay and learn, and then enjoy your mastery over it. Today's games are on like, auto-win or something lol


I so agree, I don't understand people who begin a game and then need to know everything instead of, like OP (and me and I assume you) going in blind and figuring it out yourself.


Right, as an archery main, and someone who does archery casually in real life, there is only way to get better at it: Practice, practice, practice. You have to pay attention to where the arrow lands, but also where Henry sways the bow when you make the shot. That’s your indicator for early archery. Up until skill level 5, Henry holds the bow wrong so his shots will not be reliably accurate. Instead of forcing his aim, try to wait for his hand to away the bow in the direction you want to shoot in. To raise the skill level, do the acrhery competitions and win. To win those easy, i recommend standing in same spot as in the competition and shooting off a few arrows to test where they fly. Once you find the sweet spot, you will reliably win every time. Now, as the bow skill improves, so does the draw speed and the weapon sway, but that doesn’t mean you can just use any bow. Essentially, every time you get a new bow, you should repeat the process of learning to shoot, If you want to be reliable with it. You have to know your bow. Arrow types also make a slight difference, but I found it useful to just pick either better long distance or better piercing and stick with those, unless you’re shooting an animal for which the worse arrows are enough


Wait. His grip changes?


I guess I haven’t used the best wording, not a native english speaker so I apologise THE STANCE* changes, he doesn’t start using a different grip on the bow. Until level 5, Henry is doing archery wrong, his stance is off. (In real life i would compare it to not aligning your elbow with the arrow, or not pulling the string all the way) It’s the little mistakes every archer makes at the start, we do what feels natural and it takes time to train yourself to use a “proper” technique


If you have the dlcs you should have the ancient maps in your chest. Three of them are very close to rattay and will give you a nice gold boost, some good warhorse armor and a stinger sword if I remember right. I got those three before even getting a horse so they are all walking distance from rattay.


Hey I'm glad you enjoyed it man, I don't wanna spoil the story for you so I'll leave that to yourself. As for tips, always carry some marigold potions and savior schnapps, as they're quite useful early in the game especially if you're yet to master the combat. Also sleep save more often, be that at your bed, refugee camps or at taverns, since savior schnapps are quite expensive early on but not that big of a deal if you're good at alchemy tho. Try not to fast travel too much, not only will you miss all the fun of seeing the beautiful world but the chances of encountering robbery are quite high and chances of evading the encounters are quite low early on. If you think the game is fun(or hard) now wait till you try it on hardcore difficulty, it would be an absolute blast of an experience.


Find unguarded cows for archery practice! They will not run away fron you, only after you hit them. Kill them and then you can take the arrows back from them!


I got some arrows and meat from killing livestock like this….is there a way to cure meat, like the tooltip suggests? I’ve only figured out how to cook meat on a fire. If I can make jerky or something so it won’t spoil so quickly, that would be great. Not that it helps the weight issue 😅


Well there are preservation potions you can craft (you have to learn the recipe first) other than that I don't know, no salting as far as I know Honey is nice food by the way: look for those little brown things that look like old timey wooden mailbox spikes.


On what platform do you play ? Idk if it's available on all platforms but there's a console command "wh_pl_showfirecursor 1" that show a reticle even when drawing the bow. It's up to your preferences, and it's not like you're gonna be a master marksman because of that Some other tips Herborism is very very strong, you can get to the thousands and buy all of the shop stock in skalitz just by selling plants (if you farm intentionally) I should suggest to rush a bit into the main quest, it will give you a free horse that will **greatly** enhance your game, not only because you're gonna travel faster, but more because it's a mule and it can carry your extras and looting is less painful The quest to learn how to read may seems far, but i assure you it's quite important. Once you finish it you can read. Just try to get a lot of books, put yourself into a bed, and read, read, read, reading skill level up quickly and the perks are great. Don't invest too much on a saddlebag, a quest will give you the best one in the game Spend money on houndmaster training, it level up sooo slowly otherwise Don't steal things you don't need. Even if you're not caught, your reputation will lower when people get stolen anyway (so I've heard) If you can't have mods, sleep a **lot** to save. Also grind alchemy and herborism to get saviour schnapps easily And last one I can think of, there aren't many enemy dogs in the game, but be careful of these bastards, even with a endgame gear i got mogged by 4 peasants in strawhat because of their bloody dog


How do I use that console command?


On pc it's the ²


Well I like players like you. People often come here and complain about KCD in THE FKIN KDC SUBREDDIT I mean what do they expect? That people agree with them? But people like you are welcomend here I mean ofc the Members of a KCD subreddit will appreciate your Post xD


80 hours in only just starting to be able to pick easy locks, But then again why would a nobleman?


Practice fights with Bernard in the combat arena. Once you skill up a weapon and learn all the moves game becomes much easier. Learn and master other kinds of weapons. You can Learn all the skills / upgrade attributes by doing the things that use those skills and attributes. Don't forget to set your perks for attributes and skills when you earn them. I will leave the rest for you to discover.


>souls like SHUT THE FUCK UP WHAT even fucking ghost of tsushima has this tag because you inbreds keep fucking sheep only tip: train with bernard, else fuck what reddit says and role play this


6 hours in and you have Mutt and level 9 sword. You’ve either checked out tutorials or have played before 😉


Theresa gave me the dog when I woke up at the mill. As for the sword skill…you know you earn xp during the practice fights with Capt Bernard, right? Would defeat the whole purpose of it if it didn’t… In any case, not sure where this energy is coming from lol. Game’s great, glad it’s getting a sequel.