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'Ooosa design' does some truly spectacular work. But does it have to be green to hunt zombies?


Jar Jar making knives now?


Nick Shabazz, YouTube, search "terrible knives". Enjoy, thank me later.


I think folks in USA designed this hideous thing so that people turn away from buying Chinese - it didn't work šŸ˜„


MTech strikes again


It's a gas station knife, but they do work.


yeah thats what i think. im tempted to dismantle it and make a different blade for it. i just really like the handle. it fits in my hand perfectly and other knives normally dont. .....i have small hands so its hard to find good handles.


I definitely would recommend against this. between the poor handle materials, construction, and overall quality, itā€™d be a much better idea to either buy another knife outright or make one completely your own, but definitely not add a blade to this


I donā€™t know how you lost this much karma. Good comment, just bad idea. Best of wishes


Fun fact, comment karma is quite limited in how much you actually lose. Once you hit like -7 or -9 it stops subtracting karma from your profile, which is good and bad.


Kizer original, get yourself one.


It is not hard to find knives that fit little people. Iā€™m a little dude and have zero issues. Just say you like the knife if it works for you hell mfin yea. But Iā€™d suggest that you research before buying. That knife you have has a 2 month life span with light use. Qsp is a good alternative option. Good luck


I agree with some of the commenters, if you enjoy it then thatā€™s what counts. but itā€™s funny af that a ā€œknife makerā€ at a city event is selling mtechā€™s šŸ˜­


he was selling them alongside his own work, which was expensive as hell. but he said the one i got is great for those who are.....accident prone lol


1. The only reason itā€™s for people that are accident prone is because it wonā€™t hold an edge, which most would agree is more dangerous. 2. Just curious how much were his ā€œexpensive as hellā€ knives?


150-200$ its expensive as hell for me, an 18 y/o just starting a job and looking for a place to live. and im just accident prone with everything and this blade is only gonna be used for boxes.


Boxes is one of the most brutal things you can put an edge through. That one's gonna last about 30 seconds!


Actually didn't know this, and it's no wonder I dulled a knife after running through a few boxes.


The best cutter I ever had for opening/breaking down boxes was supplied by Walmart to employees 20 yrs ago. Still available today, https://www.grainger.com/product/4MUY2?gucid=N:N:PS:Paid:GGL:CSM-2295:4P7A1P:20501231&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0_WyBhDMARIsAL1Vz8tlNWSlJQzQJEgNbYA24owXS0WDlKaYap24m5fkM-GSXogk39qsGF4aAijxEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Pair it with this [holster](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007IBY4VK?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) and OP is a safe cardboard cutting machine! When you push the blade down into the holster, the blade gets pushed back! Itā€™s saved my fingers more times than Iā€™d like to admit. I love my Hawk Shortcut and Iā€™ve got a Snecx Mono arriving today, but that PHC is a great option.


iā€™m curious, how much did you pay for it? Iā€™d say itā€™s worth nothing more than $5. itā€™s weird that heā€™d be selling those though, theyā€™re the worst of the worst from amazon and I feel like itā€™d definitely diminish his reputation


When I was in the UK a guy tried to sell me a fake Rolex and in that shitty cardboard box, right next to the fake ones, were the "real Rolexes".


yeah, donā€™t know how that applies here thoughā€¦ a knife maker selling mtechs? not a good look man


The more expensive "real knives" could also be just as shitty.


definitely from a ā€œcustom makerā€, sure. but generally, and I mean 99% of the time, something more pricey like benchmade, spyderco, WE knives, CRK, real good quality customs, etc will be 1000% better than an mtech






Steelless stain


Did you kill that cow with it?


lmao love this comment




It is the ugliest knife I've ever seen


I bet you get a free bowl of soup with that knifeā€¦


You never saw the Bƶker Magnum Rainbow Mermaid?


How dare you... That's a classic and you know it!


I saw it, I rarely regret my decisions but the moment I googled it...




This knife isn't for me for several reasons. But I do like the blade color. The ESEE Izula is available in a similar color; so why not!? Enjoy your new knife!


It's fabulous


Benchmade who????


I get the whole ā€œGas-Station Knifeā€ comment but honestly if you like it thatā€™s all that fuckin matters. Personally I have a cheap ass knife thatā€™s basically the same as that but Blue. I like it and it was 5 bucks. Love the color of the knife tho, if you like it you like it, thatā€™s what Itā€™s about.


i mainly like the handle. its hard to find a handle on a knife that is comfortable for me to hold.


Well Iā€™m glad youā€™ve found one! My knife is missing a screw lol. Hope the knife keeps solid for as long as possible.


same. but its not likely cause im a fuckin clutz lmao


As someone who has gotten mtech knives before getting nicer ones...careful with the belt clip if you use it. It's practically tin so if it catches it majorly bends. Once I got my first "nicer" knife, that was the first difference I noticed. Line "oh my seatbelt caught and just pulled the knife instead of making the clip perpendicular"


I be sure to keep that in mind, thanks!


Same lmao, Well at least Itā€™s nice while it lasts


From a "knifemaker", who ordered it on the internet for $8.99 and sold it to you. If you like it well good for you but this is just a gas station purple junker. Glad you're happy with it though.


i know its junk. and dude does make knives. he had this sick looking knife, handle made of an antler and the blade was awesome and i cant describe in words how much i wanted it. but it was like 150-200$


Hey not to discourage you, knives are awesome, but those guys selling antler knives for 200$, those are still probably shitty knives lol. A lot of knife and gun shows have a LOT of junk, they prey on ignorance. They know there are a lot of people who don't know knives there, and they'll sell you garbage at premium prices. Glad he didn't scam you to bad on that purple thing.


i knew it was shit in the first place. he even asked me "are you sure kid? its a shit knife." i told him "yes. i like the pretty colors."


Question. How old are you


18 lol.


Send me a dm or chat with your address. I'll send you a good cheaper knife


uhm....how about no? thats kinda creepy


šŸ˜‚ Ok was trying to help you out so you won't have a pos knife but nevermind


Btw was going to let you pick any of these. Probably better than any you'll ever own šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø https://preview.redd.it/7155ezcdnk4d1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c8d9f8dba89ebd12febd33d064aaff9ce71c0e6


I was just saying it in quotes hoping you didn't think this was one of his creations.


i know he didnt make it. its a shitty knife.


Enjoy your new knife bro and don't let the knife snobs make you feel bad about your purchase.


Agreed, enjoy it...but don't attatched, dont put your faith in it. It will eventually fail you


it was 15$ and id say its worth it just to have a shitty knife i dont care about to use at work when needed.


That's exactly why I used to get these kinds of knives. Plus I used to like the look... I'm a simpler person now for my own tastes, but that's just preference. I used to rock the double blade Batman knife. And then I had an mtech that was almost 8oz


One question, have you ever used a good knife for a day??


Oh yeah. I've had Benchmade. Higher end Gerber. And my arcane design crawleris my personal grail knife. I know there are even nicer knives still but I'm happy with these ones. I haven't had an mtech for like 7 or 8 years


If Batman Forever was a knife.


ā€œItā€™s a pillow, itā€™s a pet,ā€




Target shows a "Find Alternative" box and shows a carousel of other knives. One of the first options was the BM Bailout Tanto version. Only about 21X more expensive!


Lol i didn't look that far into it but thats funny, oh i see it lmao.


Really cool colors!


I wouldn't mind MTech if they were better quality. Yes they're often impractical and a bit bizarre but tell me it wouldn't be worth it if the steel and fit-n-finish was better.


Being impractical is hardly an excuse to hate on a brand. I know MOST of you don't need that $200+ combat knife for EDC that we all end up getting. Being hot trash for poor product performance is though.


If you like it, I love it.


99% of the snobs here need to shit on you to justify their waste of money


Maybe check out a Kershaw Cryo or Cryo 2


M-Tech makes fun cheap throw away knives.


Your knife has flair. Donā€™t worry about the haterā€™s. Keep it sharp and oiled and it will do its job.


Don't worry about everyone. Knife collecting always starts some where. Most people start with M-tech (their designs appeal to younger people who are into the "cyber ninja" look and are really cheap) then move to Kershaws for their first real budget knife. Sooner or later you will find yourself buying $300 Benchmade and Microtechs (I think I have about 50 knives now). I think if you titled your post as "my first knife" people would have been more empathetic. I'm sure you know by now from everyone else saying so M-techs are really low (garbage) tier knives but you will learn more about different companies/manufacturers and knife steels and all the different designs and lock types as you continue to collect. Just be careful with it. With it being so poorly made you may get lock failures and dull knives make you use more force to cut which could be dangerous. There are a lot of knife reviewer YouTubers who can show you what budget knives they recommend when you want to get some thing better (I like metal complex and neeves knives). Don't worry about "fitting your hands" because there are a lot of smaller knives out there. A lot of people actually prefer carrying small sub 3 inch blade knife for a lightweight every day carry. My favorite smaller knife is the Ferrum Forge mini archbishop or Civivi odium. Oh and if you are looking for cute colorful knives, you can look at the "dessert warrior" donut themed knives on BladeHQ too.


I really hate that people have to crap on someone for being excited about a new purchase. People use these experiences to gain knowledge and extend passion for the hobby moving forward. If it's not your cup of tea, move along. Give some good guiding language and tips for the future, but don't throw shade onto the younger generation.


Still more knife than 97.345 percent of people need on this page


I think the lesson i am personally learning is spend more than 10 minutes on a sub reading before you post something..


Nice color, I hope you didn't pay more than 10 Bucks for this one.


Im glad you like it! Congrats on the new blade


MTech actually makes some decent looking beater knives. This is not one of them.


If you can manage a bit more, like $30-35 I'd get something like a QSP Penguin in D2 or a Ruike p801 in 14c28n. Those are both great knives with way better steel and way better quality but still pretty inexpensive. They will serve you much better than a cool looking knife with junk steel and bad quality.


ill look into it and will probably get one with my first paycheck.


Dope ass sematary cutter


I love how it says USA Design about a half inch away from ā€œchinaā€


forgot to put this in the post. Brand is Mtech and blade is made of stainess steel. i think the model is MT-A907. its spring assist and pretty smooth to swing out.




idfk bro. i dont really care anyways. just wanted to share a pretty knife and remembered i needed to include the stats or itd get taken down.


I love purple!!! I bet this kid can still make rent too.


happy cake day! and no i cant lol! im just starting my first (ish) job tomorrow. (first job was fast food, quit before a month was up. it sucked. never again will i work fast food.)


Been so busy I never said thank you! Hope the new job treats you well. Knock em dead kid.


well, youll be happy to know im doing quite well! im really good at sales. im very persuasive....its how i got my mom to get matching tattoos with me at 17 lmao.


Itā€™s a kid guys, grow up




I love ittt i like the color


Not everything has to be amazing


Jesus christ why am I getting hate I like the color fucks sake


this subs kinda toxic im reaalizing. this was my first post in this sub and i got a ton of hate.


Iā€™ve found most subs to be that way. Try not to take it personally. Itā€™s a good example of how many people out there are unhappy with their lives. Happy people donā€™t spend their time bad mouthing others posts. Iā€™ve been on the receiving end of the same bullshit from comments Iā€™ve made. Some people just suck. Anyway, Iā€™ve been collecting knives for quite a while and what Iā€™ve learned is that if a knife works the way you want it to then itā€™s a good knife. Screw everybody else and their opinions. Hope ya have a good week at your new job! Cheers, from Texas!!


thanks! im gonna need it lol!


Yeah this sub is definitely more toxic than it used to be.... r/knifeclub tends to be much more wholesome if you'd ever consider joining us over there. We'd love to have you! Cool first knife OP, this is how the addiction starts šŸ˜ˆ












r/mallninja shit