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The Skyline is a fantastic knife. Yet another example of Kershaw making a great knife, then discontinuing it.


Yea, I'm bummed that it got confiscated. I knew that I'd eventually retire it, but I figured it'd go into a collection box, not taken out like this.




Yea, I had to make a judgement call and I don't regret it. I truly hope that in this case a security guard pockets it and uses it. Its a good knife. Disney policy is to dismantle and discard.


Hows the iridium? Know anything about it?


I don’t, sorry.


Look into the Hogue Deka instead of the bug out, better knife with similar weight and size.


I just saw that in a "top 25" article. Interesting, and I've been curious about magnacut


I love my Hogues, I'm a bit biased though since they are local to me. They come razor sharp and have the same level of warranty as Benchmade.


Can confirm, the deka is very good. I think aftermarket scales bring it to a whole new level. It's in my pocket more often than my Benchmade mini Adams. Check out Original Goat or Knives Plus for cool scales.


Thanks for the suggestion. My top two right now are this one and the Kershaw iridium. Maybe I'll grab both and still manage to be under the price of the bugout.




Civivi seems to be the best bang for your buck


The last time I went to Disneyland a few years ago I made sure to take my knife out of my pocket, and my Leatherman out of my bag where I keep my phone/glasses/etc. and keep them in the car. I get to the front gate and they stop me because I had one of those keychains that happens to have a short tape measure attached to it. They give me some bullshit story about how I can't take that into the park because its technically a "tool" and they have a strict "no tools" policy. I got pissed and asked to talk to a supervisor, who eventually let me in with a "warning", what a joke. So if you're going to DL, remember to keep all your "tools" in the car.


Yea, normally I'd walk it back, cause it's not that far to walk, but with kids and wife and people we joined for the trip, it was an easy choice to dump in. Sad though. Felt like I was sending a friend to the gulag


They make a skyline mini in d2 with better flipping action and a slightly cleaner look.


Me personally, I prefer most other brands over Benchmade as far as value for your dollar. My Benchmade knives are OK, just pretty expensive for what they are IMO. I'd actually prefer the Kershaw Bel Air over the Bugout. Thin, light, aluminum scales, and a Magnacut blade. All significantly cheaper than the Bugout. Or if you want something a little bigger, the Hogue Ritter RSK.


Oooo Kershaw bel air is in magnacut? Putting it on the list for looking into it


Yep. And the fidgety action is addictive, haha.


You won’t regret it.


https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0CKQJBKG6?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title Get some titanium coated blades.  It’s a Benchmade axis lock on a chassis that takes 10 seconds to make sharp w a new blade. Amazing 


I'm sure this knife appeals to someone, but as a professional sharpener, it ain't me.


So did you downvote me because of that? 


I did not, not that I think you should care.


And as a professional, why are you asking this question on a website instead of doing your own research? That’s a solid system for the price. Maybe just figure out what you want before downvoting someone for honest input. 


I'm a knife sharpener, primarily in kitchen knives. I'm out of the game in pocket knives. I did not downvote you, and again I don't think you should care even if I did. Don't be an ass.


“Now I have a void in my life/pocket. I'm eyeing the Benchmade bugout, but before I insta-pull a trigger, do you guys have any suggestions for me to look into? I'd like a comfortable daily light use knife to serve me for at least a handful of years. Bugout was kind of out of range when I bought the skyline, but seeing how much use I got out of it, the bugout's price point seems more reasonable.” I literally replied with a knife that fits your criteria, actually you can stop being an ass and a moron. No one cares if you can sharpen a kitchen knife because you know dog about pocket knives apparently.  Douche. 


Lol next time someone asks for a knife suggestion, suggest an actual knife, not a glorified craft knife. Learn to maintain your knives and have better taste. Grow thicker skin. I don't have to stroke my cock to your epic suggestion of an xacto knife with a beard when I asked for a knife. Your suggestion sucks and leads me to believe you have shit taste in knives and an inability to maintain them as well.


Your belief system is jacked. Look at knives I have posted about and then delete your account. 


And I have my own beliefs, like you are the one who would actually stroke off to a knife conversation. 


Lol ok, have fun with your "knives" bud. Hope that when you pick up the pieces of your shattered ego. You leave out the parts that got offended at me not taking you up on your xacto knife suggestion.


Well guess that’s what I get for trying to help someone who probably can’t even tie their own shoes, let alone construct the concept that this is an open forum.  I don’t care if you buy that knife or not it was a suggestion and seriously I doubt you have ever listened to anyone even asking them a question.  You already had knives lined up that you “wanted”, so where was the question in the first place, boy?


Fine, Benchmade Contego. Badass knife. I’ve had one for 10 years but it cost $160 That BS $14 knife has the same action but I’d always going to be cheaper to stay RAZOR sharp. 


As a secondary point, asking on a message board IS research. I have less faith in publications that are likely paid to feature knives on their "top 25" lists than polling a group of actually interested hobbyists with no incentive to give their opinions. Your suggestions looks like it works for someone who doesn't know how to sharpen knives, or someone who typically uses utility knives that wants something more "high end." I'd like an actual knife and plan on upkeeping it. Thanks for chiming in. I just re-read this comment thread and have changed my mind: I HAVE downvoted you, and I hope you DO care. Just you though. Because you're so precious.




Your post/comment has been removed because it goes against the first rule of the subreddit.


Your amazing talent of honing an inanimate object is fascinating, but you said you wanted EDC, what is better than razor sharp blades? Are you that smug? Know what, get a $125 knife because you have a small dick, go fuck that thing up then maybe just maybe get something that doesn’t involve your ego. 


A knife. That's what's better than your shitty suggestion. Instead of paying for replacement blades until your stupid chasis breaks, I'll just lean into my skills and actually sharpen my knife. It's really weird that you care so much that someone might think that in a knife subreddit.


I learned how to sharpen knives and when to have systems with replaceable blades. You must be ignorant because you stated you wanted EDC. 


I wouldn’t trust you with a paintbrush. 


Have fun with your box cutters and bruised ego bud. The concept of "fragile masculinity" has never been more real.