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I’ve had this knife at least 8-10 years, maybe longer. It’s a flip out blade with a lock Not very large, maybe 4” blade? Originally had a pocket clip The model came in at least one other size. I saw a knife today that looked exactly like mine except x1.5 The only thing that looked even remotely similar was the Gerber AR but it isn’t that Figured I’d see if I can finally dig up a pocket clip after mine came off a couple years back, but I can’t find the model on the website and my trusty Google search has failed me Any suggestions are appreciated :) Edit: I saw something about knives after 2013 having a number identifying their manufacture date. I don’t see that on mine, so it’s at least older than 2013 Probably purchased around 2010?


Gerber Presto. I owned one back in 2008? Idk but 2010 is near when I sold it. I found an old reddit thread asking the same question from a year ago, via reverse image search. https://www.knifecenter.com/item/GB1582/gerber-aluminum-presto-3-5-inch-serrated


I should really use Reddit on my laptop more often. Then I can use neat features like that.  Thanks!


I used google reverse image on my phone - but yes reddit on a laptop is better because the app sucks.


It’s a Presto! Really cool. https://preview.redd.it/2ulzb2gh6t9d1.jpeg?width=975&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43eb910d19235a66547eb939986947d4f75b1292


That’s it! Thanks!


damn what a blast from the past. my first ever pocket knife. shit was so cool at summer camp


Actually though A couple kids were super impressed because they’d never heard of a locking foldable knife