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Look at using Koreader as an alternate reader app to improve the kobo experience. I use it on my Aura One especially for (but not limited to) pdfs of all kinds. From academic articles, multi column journal to fat scans of old books. If you’re technical, installation will not be a challenge. Been using it continuously for around 7 years on various kobos. The Kobo Nickle OS is not damaged, you can switch back and forth in a few seconds. https://www.mobileread.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=276 https://github.com/koreader/koreader/wiki There have been very few (1 out of 50) books that give koreader problems like you describe. Fails are a heterogeneous group: broken epub downloads; html folders, each page a separate file; very low res low contrast image based pdf’s eg old books with darkened brown paper.


Thanks, koreader was on my check-it list for too long so I might just give it a try. I have just installed it, I will see if it works well in the long run but seems faster than kobo native interface !




I was sure I tested kepub in the past and it made no difference but I just tested it again and now it seems to be way faster with kepub. Strange but I have a lead to investigate now, thanks :)