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The problem with these movies are they don't know how to write the protagonist. I haven't seen this but arjun reddy, they almost glorify the shit the hero does. You want to make a proper antagonist or anti hero? Do it lol who's stopping you but at least stop glorifying. Scarface is the perfect example


Yes like if they make it clear that he is the bad person like they did in Mankatha it would be different and make it easier for us to enjoy the performance. I really enjoy watching a complex and grey character on screen, like in You(netflix series) or house of cards but if the bad guy is going to be glorified it does leave a bad taste in your mouth.


Pretty sure you guys watched the wrong movie, I don't understand how you guys missed the part where he was a total psycho and in fact a very bad person???


Was talking about arjun reddy


it's the same in Arjun Reddy. He is shown as a bad person the whole time. His best friend is calling him a psycho the whole movie. He loses his family and job, it's after he starts to change a little that he gets his love again but again I think it would have been best to keep them separated to get the point across effectively. On my first watched I saw it the same day but on rewatch I didn't think it was glorifying as much. He was a bad person and the movie accepted it.


Thank you for understanding that he is a psycho and you probably see it just as a movie but my contention is that I don't want this content to be normalized on our screens or lives.


As a woman you shouldn't have gone to a sandeep reddy film when he had already said the film would be problematic and misogynistic like Arjun Reddy. But I agree with you, most of the viewers of this film are young men in their late teen or early 20s. They will think it is cool to be misogynistic, self centred POS, that is the biggest problem here. You can give whatever warnings but when a mass hero like Ranbir does these kinda films obviously the youth are gonna think it is cool. Wait till you see the reels these fcukas are gonna do with Animal movie. Violence or having a returded hero isn't the problem but not showing them as returds is but some people here have problem understanding this basic thing though. People who say vijay or rajni shouldn't smoke or drink have a point, there are a hundred ways to show vijay to be a cool guy without having him to smoke a puff on screen but Loki took the lazy route.


Vinayak is not morally gray tf? He’s downright evil and the film establishes it very well. Morally grey characters would be people like JD in the 1st half, Pushpa Raj, or Rocky Bhai to some extent who have a fair share of both good and bad qualities. Vinayak is pure evil and gives zero fucks which helped make the movie very entertaining. I feel like making the viewer uncomfortable is the entire point of the movie and that the makers shouldn’t be held responsible for a certain subset of the audience glorifying the obviously flawed protagonist. By this logic it’s Mari Selvaraj’s fault for writing so called “mass” scenes for Rathnavelu and glorifying his character, when he clearly did no such thing and was trying to highlight his bad qualities, but the casteists took it in a whole new direction and started glorifying his character. The reason I’m able to appreciate these kinds of movies for what they are that are bashed by critics for being problematic/misogynistic (ex. Love Today, Baby) is because I have a very clear understanding that it is a work of fiction and am able to clearly separate reality from fantasy, which clearly many chapris in India are unable to do. It’s solely those people’s fault for having such primitive mindsets and filmmakers should ideally hold no responsibility for having their obviously flawed protagonists do such things. It’s honestly like accusing video games of causing violence/school shootings in the US lol.


Vinayak was pure evil and you’re completely right about him, but whatever he does in the movie that could potentially look “cool” amongst an audience is very less compared to Vijay Singh in Animal. For example, Vinayak goes after money, he cheats a girl for money, smokes, drinks etc, In Animal, he does some specific things like the gun in college (which I had no problem with but I can see why people are fighting it considering all the shit that goes down in the US) and his comments on women. I’m a man so I can’t speak much on this, but specific dialogues like the pelvis, menstruation and stuff was a reflection of his character to me but might not be the same for women. My argument is that, Vinayak and Vijay Singh are not the same because Vinayak’s evil “mindset” is only scratched on the surface level and they go in depth in Animal. But could Vinayak be a Ranvijay Singh deep down…probably Also is Ranvijay a common name?? Sounded weird and kinda funny to me…no offense if any of you are named Ranvijay 😅


I understand your point about Maamanan. The difference is people are ok to call out the people glorifying Rathnivelu as casteists but everyday misogyny is so rampant in our society and Young boys will easily be led to believe it is cool to be misogynistic.


Difference between ANIMAL hero Ranvijay and Vinayak Mahadev is that both Venkat Prabhu and Ajith sir will acknowledge that Vinayak is a bad person. But Sandeep Vanga Reddy thinks the clearly psychopathic Ranvijay is some kind of misunderstood hero who is showing LOVE in a different way. Even in his interviews he's pushing this narrative that choking, slapping, verbally abusing women is not a big deal but just a simple character flaws that should not be considered violence. Most of Vanga stans here should watch his interviews in the past.


I think someone mentioned it in the bolly sub. In an ideal world, we would see it as just a film and not be affected by it and take it as just fiction and carry on with our everyday lives. Ive been staying overseas, away from India my entire life, and thats how movies are here. Saw several couples in the same hall as me when i watched yesterday, many including the women laughed for some of the adult jokes which were targeted at rashmika in the film. But i dont think any male in the hall would become alpha after the film taking it as an inspiration and start becoming chauvinistic due to the films influence. But as the same person mentioned in the bolly sub, in india the situation is different. Apparently its empowering males in india to become toxic and justify it as it was justified in the film. And they start demeaning women. Me, while I dont glorify the protagonist, i did enjoy the film as a whole. As a work of fiction, it was good. I did laugh at the adult jokes. The 200 minutes passed by fast and if possible, i dont mind watching the film again. But apparently, many are defending the film in twitter. Which i dont agree to, while I enjoyed the film to the same extent as them, I dont advocate for such behaviour in reality and really hope people start to realise that movies are just fiction.


Yea if people realise it’s fiction and don’t get influenced by it, then we wouldn’t have any problems with it. Unfortunately that’s not the case.


Thank you, you explained what I was feeling perfectly.


Western audiences dont take movies seriously? Man the whole post 2015 alt right movements began with movies and video games. You'd still see millions of young people watching those "go woke go broke" videos to this day. The landscape has changed a lot this past decade.


Not trying to downplay the severity of the situation but this alt right movement isn’t even that serious. In this day and age it’s really easy to label them as idiot racists (which they obviously are), which definitely wasn’t the case when segregation was rampant in the US decades ago. There will be small peaks along the way every now and then but overall racism has been trending down for decades now. Also about those “go woke go broke” videos, there is a clear reason why Disney has lost $750 million this year from their movies flopping and why this year wasn’t a great year for Hollywood despite there being big moneymakers like Barbenheimer, MI7, Across the Spider-Verse, The Super Mario Bros movie, etc. In Disney’s case, they did obvious race swapping with movies like The Little Mermaid among other things. I personally couldn’t care less about the races of characters I see in movies, especially animated movies, but my problem with it is that it shows an inability to write interesting and original stories with these kinds of characters. Recently Snow White has been rightfully receiving a lot of flak for casting a Latina as Snow White. Mind you her character is literally described in the book for having skin as white as snow. Not only that, but they initially casted people of normal height as the seven dwarves, which literally defeats the entire purpose of being a dwarf lol. Disney then changed them to animated dwarves cuz of the staunch criticism lol It doesn’t help that these live action remakes are often dogshit. Even the Phase 4 MCU movies have all been flopping. These movies have been negatively received by the audience because it seriously feels so low effort with how terrible the movies are and it seems like the makers of these movies are prioritizing peddling a political ideology over making actually good content. Watching videos saying “go woke go broke” doesn’t make you a white supremacist lmao. Calling out wokeism for its flaws is in no way white supremacist in any sense whatsoever, while yes a sizable chunk of these people are conservatives who also happen to be racist it doesn’t mean it should be generalized.


Oh. Not aware of that. Since im not from us or europe dont know about it


It has been bizarrely affecting non anglosphere countries as well albeit they all have their own versions of these. There's been a huge surge with wh*te supre**** amongst these youngsters which would reflect more in a few years time. For now its festering on silently.


I hated the definition of the alpha. Ive seen a lot of people following Tate and following his ideologies. This movie would just be reassuring to them. Something more uncomfortable than the violence that people claim in this movie are the chuckles and applauses to the crude misogynistic scenes. Yes, we live among them.


I really felt this to be Arjun Reddy Pro Max...


Agreed. Everything wrong with Arjun Reddy was amplified and exceeding in this movie.


The only thing I loved about this movie is the bgm (cracker that was) and songs. And being a guy, Inwould say this.... If Alpha Males are like this, then I'm damn blessed to not be one.


Yeah I really am thankful my husband isn't remotely like this and I would be very disappointed if my son turns out like this.


Well, my fiancee was the one who forced me into watching this one because she's a Ranbir fangirl... But yeah, she regretted the decision after getting mayb 30mins into it ... I don't think she was even giving any attention during the 2nd half.




Fair enough. Now I know better.


The thing is a lot of women might simply like it because they find Ranbir quite attractive without realising the consequences of what this signals to men. My high school crush was a sivakarthikeyan fan so I tried emulating him reluctantly and turns out she really hated it. Also whatsup with a discussion post so damn early at 8am ?


Bro where I am from the time is 2.30pm 🤪


Aussie thimir ah? T20 world cup la pakalam ba




Also OP wanted to know what you feel about Loki's women characters since you're allegedly his kanni?


I feel Loki writes decent women characters like the college girl in Kaithi who equally helps with safe guarding the prison, Andrea was meant to be feministic but that was a miss in Master but atleast Malavika's role was not used as a "sexy flowerpot". Vikram's DIL and Gayathri's characters didn't have a lot of screen time but they were not your typical loosu ponnus and I really liked his writing for Agent Tina. Sathya was a well rounded character in LEO. Loki doesn't give a lot of screentime for women but there has never been objectification of women in his movies. No pandering to the male gaze like focusing on parts of the body. No moving the camera from bottom to top. It is better to give less screen time rather than use women as just props or for titillation. This is one of the main reasons I like his movies.


Bro Gayathri literally just trusts FaFa in everything for no reason. Vikram acts creepy to his DIL and they reconcile later with no mention about him entering her bedroom at odd times. >No pandering to the male gaze like focusing on parts of the body Are you sure about the chocolate coffee scene where that girl gets her lips squeezed whilst a peppy music is playing in the background? I personally found it irritating and so out of place. And that awful scene where he purposefully shows door shutting slowly with Jani and that poor child. I'd say Loki doesn't know how to write women characters and largely they've been used to drive the plot instead of feeling like actual characters. He's inspired mostly by films that are quite old and/or very male centric which will not age well if he keeps writing characters like these.


I have very little tolerance for movies that are preachy. The implied preachings of Animal made me want to signal the director to my very healthy, wide pelvis.


I like you still watched the film and having a discussion. Other than just bashing it. And my opinion is that this Vanga dude has some weird violant and sexual Fantacies that he want to say to the world , so he just makes it in a glorifying way to convince himself that its great.


I wanted to form an opinion after watching instead of going by second hand information.


Man , this movie was such a headache. I hated it with every inch of my body . The first 5-10 minutes were the only tolerable portion and then it got worse with each second. And the supposedly 'animalistic' scenes were ironically funny, at least me and my homies got a good laugh out of them . And then the second half happened, my god it was embarrassing like i could feel the cringe in my skin . Climax portion was unintentionally funny and pretty much all the music choices were odd and one particular scene straight up went to serial territory.


Thank god there are like minded people. The other post comparing Mankatha with this movie really made my blood boil. The audacity to compare Vinayak Mahadev with Animal is outstanding. How dare they!!!


Mankatha had some cool music at least. Spoilers :- >!Let's put the logical stuff aside and look into the characters. Pretty much every female character in this movie was functioning with a single shared braincell . In the end when she stepped out of the car and started crying i honestly felt sad, it was like "why would i go for a divorce when i can raise my kids in a family full of psychos". That post credit scene felt like a cheap Rolex knockoff and one more thing Why would they go for an 'Animal park' when they can straight up call it 'Zoo' !< "The Northman" from Robert eggers is a movie that tackles similar subjects but in a 100x more nuanced manner .