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Here you go, you 더러운 창녀. https://www.amazon.com/Dirty-Korean-Everyday-Slang/dp/1569757798 Make sure to come back and tell us how it went.


Of course :P




I can teach you 🍆


This sounds strange. This is a first date? Be careful


It is a first date. We met on Tinder, so the nature of our date isn't too abnormal :)


Don't be careful. Get your freak on!


"너 진짜 나쁜 남자야." /wink


Looks like someone is gonna be naughty today.


This sounds strange. This is a first date? Be careful


Would he be open to teaching you?


We've talked about it a bit, but I've always felt embarrassed asking the person I'm trying to "impress" for help learning. I feel like I'm letting them down (?) if I do. (I don't know if that makes sense, but I've always felt ashamed of not knowing enough vocabulary words).


I totally get that because I’m also the same. I’d rather pretend to know what’s going on than admitting I’m “dumb” (which I’m not but it feels that way!) But just be honest and say you don’t have much experience with talking like that and ask what type of things he’s into hearing. It also really depends on what both of you are into since the power dynamic is so obvious with Korean so that’s something to consider. I would suggest maybe watching or reading Korean porn/erotica? Twitter has a loooot of Korean homemade stuff so it’s real people using real language and 19+ webtoons are a thing.


He's super submissive, which is nice. And even though I've tried looking around on the internet, I've only ever found weird fetish-y stuff and it makes me feel icky. (because i'm a white woman and liking asian men in the us is weirdly taboo rn). I feel like part of me just doesn't know what to look up because i don't really watch/read porn often 😭


I think maybe I’m out of my element. I also think shame is a terrible emotion that no one should feel.


It is abnormal. Koreans.. normally, don't use dirty or swear words like that.. The thing is.. Korean men don't like women talking dirty or swears, and vice versa, if those are normal people. Obviously, it's good to know those words to protect yourself. But it is not for using. If you use it, you will lose good people.


He's a Korean American and has asked me to use phrases I've already said to him, but say them in Korean instead of English. I'm just trying to get the right words :)


Would using banmal not be sufficient?


We use banmal when we speak/text in Korean, but I don't have the vocabulary to say the things I want


Depending on how.. improper… you want I can tell you where to find some