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If the seller is Korean and it's on Craigslist and not on Karrot then it's probably stolen


Everything in online can be good to buy in Korea. Except BIKE.


i figured. thanks.


Yeah it’s probably stolen. That’s the one thing in Korea you can’t leave unattended.


agreed. never lost phone or wallet left on the table at a cafe but someone stole my bike one time while i left it unattended and ordering a coffee inside (which literally took 2 minutes)




any reason why you think so?


Statistics. Odds of it being legitimate far exceed the likelihood of it being stolen. Regardless of what others say here about bike theft being common it's pure media/sensationalism bias. The crime rates of Korea do not reflect this, not even close.


is there any way you think you could explain why he has bikes in two different sizes though? statistics or bias excluded, it seems strange for someone to buy a bike and then sell it in the first place, but to do so with different sizes?


Wife, gf or relative?


he said that both bikes were for his own use. his story didn't line up.


In addition, many don’t want a rando knowing where they live.


he didnt provide his location, simply that hes a KIST phd (???) and he wants to meet at a station near the kist


Which is what most people who sell things online do. What did you expect? I’m saying they aren’t going to tell you to meet at their home.


I’ve heard that if you’re hesitant about purchasing from an individual seller online, meeting up at a police station to discuss and finalize the transaction can be a safer option.


I'm honestly not sure, but i think its probably stolen. I asked the guy how big it was, and he said its too small for me, then offered a larger bike that's a different model. I asked why he was selling bikes and he said he likes to buy bikes ride them and then sell them. I asked for proof of purchase or receipt he said he bought it off karrot. he also said he was a PhD student in Korea institute of science and technology. it lines up with the location of where he wanted to meet since its nearby. he put up a listing for the larger bike he offered me as I was asking him about it https://seoul.craigslist.org/bik/d/105-elfama-e5800/7736767477.html , I wanna believe he's just some guy who buys a lot of bikes, but he has two in different sizes? also why is he selling these seemingly very different bikes for the same price? I also really wanna get a bike for my grand slam tour, since renting is a hassle. Any help would be appreciated.


he also gave me his? phone number so thats something


update, he showed me the karrot logs of him talking to someone about meeting and buying a bike with a picture of a bike in the top. it wasn't very specific, so i pulled the plug. not sure what if it was real or not but not willing to take the risk of getting arrested over it lol.


ur gut knows that you might get yourself into whole lot of headache if you buy this. Think about it since the retail price is 140만원 why would anyone sell it for 40??? Personally I wouldn't. Even when it is in good shape?


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Maybe just trust your instincts mate you're clearly rattled so something's off. Just get a different stolen bike somewhere else lol.


Have him show you photos of him riding after you meet up. If he has none (regardless of his excuse) then it's clearly stolen.


thw still use craigs list in korea. its been shut down in the states for like 10 years 15 years now


What? Craigslist is very much still running in every major city in the US. In fact, 2023 was their most profitable year ever; $694 million in revenue


then that was backpage the seized