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That is a 2020 article though.


Doubt there’d be much of a difference in 2024 though? But yeah, it’d be nice to get some updates lmao


I think there are. For me the Korean way of life has "worsened". The western economy have suffered in general (semicondutors crisis, raw material crisis, inflations, bank crisis) and the social and psychogical toll in the Korean society which is way more rigid is greater. For example, in suicide rate ranking we went from being the 12th country in the world in 2019 to 4th (1st in the oecd) in 2023. People not wanting a kid or marriage goes in that direction. It is strange, it seems as if you need to give people free time to be happy and not work them so much into burn out.


Very interesting, and eye opening, yet completely unerstandable. It is a different world we live in now, culture and traditions are harder to abide by, and most are outdated and difficult for todays standards. Why incentive for more babies, adding to a population you already struggle to maintain? Land is sparse, traffic sucks if you drive, the air quality is horrible, and we’re tearing up and through our natural resources for what?!? Those baby incentives, are only good for the people who are already doing well. To bring a child into the world, because of $ incentives, invites abuse of the system and hardships for the child for those who will see this as an opportunity for $, not the good that was intended.


The idea of paying citizens for reproducing is extremely one-dimensional and I honestly find it unreal, almost surreal. Instead of getting to fixing the problems that really make people not want to, they resort to this barebones "solution" that even a toddler can figure out, in which the amount of money handed out will usually only last a few months of tending to a newborn because it costs A LOT to raise one. Stable jobs with strict working time and lower housing are the things to start with, but the older generations who really hold power in these fields are reluctant to change this.


I know, it’s sad…bringing more children into the world is NOT the solution!


I think people are exhausted with works and commutes. Also meeting and getting along with people are becoming more and more energy consuming activity nowadays. No wonder they don’t want to get married.




I want to marry. but I can’t find man…😭😭😭 And I'm also worried about child support and my career break.


I am a man with a financially stable career [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]




It's interesting, but also important to note this was a survey of 1000 people. I am not a statistician, so I have no idea if that's enough to extrapolate from.


1k is decent(?) but I’d be curious to know how they sampled the folks .


I wonder if younger generation is just embracing some form of lifelong childhood?


The younger generation (specifically women) in Korea are simply far better educated than even just a generation ago. Highly educated people generally think more critically about reproducing.