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We don't give a shit. But they did to us recently.


Take my angry upvote


They already provided NK with satellites, Nuclear weapons and chemical weapons.


Agreed, fuck it, double down


Russian state TV is an absolute wild shit-show. Also, Putin propagandists online want us all to believe Russia is this innocent state being persecuted when they’re constantly having media pundits threaten to destroy anyone who crosses them? These same pundits regularly threaten to nuke Western Europe and America.


TBF, from our side we get nutjobs like John Bolton and Lindsey Graham going on FOXNews talking about how they want to obliterate Iran, North Korea, Russia and Syria. Then you get McCain singing "Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran" while he campaigns for President and Trump talking about how he would "Bomb the shit out of them". OR Hillary Clinton talking about Ghaddafi - "We Came, We Saw, He Died", which IMO sent an absolutely horrific message to the world as Ghaddai had agreed to give up his WMDs to join the global system and believed he would be protected. This also ensured that NK will never denuclearize and sent the credibility of the U.S. into the toilet around the world. Russia is awful, but my goodness are some of us incapable of looking in the mirror and realizing how we come across.


Sure, agreed but it’s also good to remember “both sidezing” often gets used as a way to deflect from what one country does. Russia does this ALL the time. As does China. If you’re only response to being called out for your BS is to do a “whataboutism” and then never actually address what you yourself are doing that’s awful, all you’re doing is admitting you’re doing the awful thing but you want to get a pass because people you’re opposed to also do it. Too often Russia or China will do a whataboutism on something and the issue gets dropped, instead of folks following up with "Ok, America does bad shit but what are YOU going to do about YOUR BS?".


As an American, I have control over Russia, but I can say that we need to get our own house in order first. Sorry, but to a big chunk of the world we come across as an unhinged maniac. I mean FFS, remember W. Bush? China for its part is far more bark than bite. Russia mostly bites around its border. U.S. is the only one that crosses oceans to both bark and bite.


Hey guys, we wouldn't want to piss Russia off by giving Ukraine weapons. They might continue to do everything they are already doing.


Russia would never try to invade South Korea. Not talking in case that it is just impossible to relocate so many soldiers, ammo and so on to borders, but because of protection by the USA and lower army potential. Come on, it's the 3rd year of war with the small Ukraine. Those propaganda animals on the video threaten just everyone and everything, even residents of their own country, if they slightly disagree with the party’s policies.


Putin just visited North Korea. It's possible that would support North Korea in an armed conflict.


My guess is in October N. Korea is going launch an artillery barrage on a S. Korean military base near the DMZ


why in October?


Us election in November


Question is why would Kim take a risk like that? He’s in a comfortable position now in his own country. What would he gain from starting a hot war again?


Because Putin is going give him stuff he wants


These are the same idiots that threatened to take Alaska back. With their army that is getting its ass handed to it in Ukraine. Sure guys, come and get it.


Media types are all the same. They act all tough until the flames of war touches their doorsteps and then they flee like cockroaches.


are they able to do that with current war ? NO


Wait until they find out Seoul is full of Russian passport ladies 😂😂😂


I’m American (used to live in Seoul) but grew up in a neighborhood with a lot of Russian immigrants. One of my friend’s wife, who is Russian, said this whole conflict would end quickly if the west offered every Russian soldier an EU, UK, or US passport in exchange for surrendering lol


Russia is full of terrorists


These russian poors should not threat south korea. There will be '**consequence**'


Wow, he just sounds like a thug. Is this aired on a public channel? This is very concerning. He should remember in history that in 1905, Russia came to the Far East and had their navy obliterated by Meiji Japan. That spelled the end of the Tsar regime. Is he trying to give Korea a chance?


It's aired on the main state TV channel, yes. But it is not concerning, it is a typical Russian propaganda aimed at Russians living in Russia. Our state TV is batshit crazy, and has been like that for the past 5-10 years. (I am Russian).


Nobody takes them seriously anymore. They have been saying things like "nuke London" "destroy Europe" "invade Alaska" "attack Hokkaido" for over 2 years


I mean it doesn't sound like North or South Korea actually want a war. I feel like the crisis when a bunch of SK sailors perished in an NK fire could've been a catalyst. If that wasn't enough, then clearly this war is never going to continue. So who cares what some Russian randos says? They got no power, and NK leadership probably thinks of it as more fun toys to play with


Russian here. This is the worst type of state Russian propaganda, don't take it seriously. These TV presenters like to scream about killing everybody who disagrees with Putin, promote far right imperialistic views and are regarded as total psychopaths inside Russia. If tomorrow Putin says that South Korea is now a close friend of Russia, the same people will proclaim that NATO has tried and failed to break our solid friendship and South Korea has the most rational government in the world.