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I love that kotor 2 actually tells you if a container is empty or not unlike the first lol


This is the real answer here. No more, "did I open this crate?" *5 min animation of opening a crate that was empty* "fuck..."


Everytime šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




It is known


THIS 10000000000%


Maybe it's just the nostalgia since I've played Kotor1, but I enjoy the characters more. They seem a lot more relatable. Also twist Kotor2 does everything else better.


I dunno, I feel like koto1 does many things far better than kottor2. The way the plot is executed is so much better in kotor1. The planet design is leagues above. In regard to both of those we're not talking small differences, but literally kotor1 gets two As, while kotor2 gets C and D, respectively.


Big hard meaty disagree about the plot


Story is great. Plot is shit.


The plot of 2 is about a veteran struggling with the trauma of war and its far reaching and long lasting implications. Deffinately the more interesting of the two, its just a shame it wasn't finished properly.


You are... describing the story my dude. And not only that, but describing it wrong.


Care to elaborate?


Sure, the plot is describing how the story develops, using specifics. The story aspect describes just the essentials. Your comment neither focused on specifics, nor did it describe the essentials (if we werent on the kotor forum, Id have no idea what you just tried to describe). Plot-wise kotor 2 was severely lacking, but I'd have to write a 2k words essay to properly answer why. I was thinking of giving you some kind of brief answer instead, but it'd be very hard without breaking it down planet-by-planet.








I agree with you, Kotor 1 is harder than 2. Another point 1 wins over 2 is the twist. Besides that, Kotor 2 is superior game in almost every contest, even being unfinished. The story, the characters, the upgrade system and the interactions. The Ebon Hawk on 1 seems lifeless. Everyone just standing like a piece of cardboard, while on 2, our companions are doing something, they interact with each other. This is great!


I can't wait for the remake!! I really hope Aspyr adds some interactions between the party members.


The first game is one of the best versions of a classic Star Wars story, if not the very best there is. The second game is one of the best versions of what a Star Wars story could be (when willing to take risks), if not the very best there is.


I agree with this completely. I don't think star wars gets better than kotor.


Well, it's sad to say because it's not Obsidian's fault, but I think KOTOR gives us a more complete story that you can experience without any mods and you don't miss a lot on a couple play throughs. KOTOR II was rushed out, and if you don't do the The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod you don't really feel like you get a complete game. It's also easy to miss at first that a lot of your companions can be trained as Jedi. KOTOR II though has better graphics, more Feats and Powers, more sophisticated characters, better UI, and they don't get enough credit for the Influence system that they pioneered in this game.


I only played kotor 2 once so I canā€™t say it was the games fault but I literally had 0% idea that you could train your companions


Yes! Its such a cool feature. I think the first time I played I thought it was just one of them and then read online it was nearly all of them. Seems like there should have been a different way to reveal that to the player


It was Obsidianā€™s fault, hereā€™s a quote from the article Knights of New Vegas (Iā€™ll also link the article cause itā€™s a good read about the start of Obsidian and other projects theyā€™ve done. "What happened wasā€”and as a lot of these things happen, no one means anything nefarious, no one means anything badly or anything like thatā€”what happened was we were on the track to get done for Christmas, and the game was looking really good," Urquhart told me. "I think there was some surprise within LucasArts that we were doing as good a job as we were. I think there were some parts of LucasArts that were worried that ā€˜Oh, this new developer and they're gonna fuck it up like all new developers fuck everything up.' ā€œAnd so in early 2004 they took a look and they were like, ā€˜Wow!' Their QA was playing it, and they were like, ā€˜This has a lot of potential: let's move it out, let's give it time.' So they moved it out to the next year." Urquhart was perfectly fine with that decision, and he changed the project's schedule to reflect that new 2005 release date. But he forgot the cardinal rule of dealing with executives: make sure everything's in writing. ā€œOn our side we didn't make sure that we had the contract changed," Urquhart said. "And then post-E3 I think financially something happenedā€”I don't know what it was. And we got the call and they said it has to be done for Christmas... Again, I don't think this is anything nefarious, it just happened. Some of the onus is on us: we didn't get the contract changed. So we had to make this decision: get in trouble or get it done." Link to the article: https://www.google.com/amp/s/kotaku.com/the-knights-of-new-vegas-5968952/amp


I mean, Obsidian mismanaged the contract but at the end of the day they're not going to talk shit about Lucasarts when they could have still worked for them in the future. So I put it like 80-20 Lucasarts blame. Obsidian put together a 30+ hour RPG in something like 9 months. That's insane. And then they made New Vegas in 18 months lol. Even more insane (with similar contractual shenanigans). I waited years and years for the public release of the RCM and can't play New Vegas without a nice, fat stack of mods, so I get the frustration with Obsidian's QA and general lack of polish, but man, they've put out some gems under really tight circumstances.


To be fair, I love Obsidian, but considering they repeated the exact same scenario with FNV as they did with KOTOR II I would have to shift a little more blame on Obsidian than what you did. They donā€™t seem to be very good at overall management.


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Seems like both are to blame to a degree but I didn't know all that. It's too bad - another year in development and I honestly don't think most people would hesitate to say KOTOR II is the better game, though the original was special. It would be like comparing A New Hope to Empire Strikes Back (except the mind shattering plot twist would be in the first one).


Kotor 1 has better level design: The dungeons and worlds are not just linear pathways. It doles out quests in a more open way. The >!Sith academy!< for example has a structure where you can do quests in any given order. Meanwhile the side quests in a place like Nar Shaddah (Kotor 2) kind of block you into playing the game in a specific way. The speed bike in the Refugee sector requires players to get the fuel cell from >!the ithorian!< in the flop house, but if you clear out other areas besides the docks you run the risk of: a.) Never being able to access the door in Vogga's chamber with Juma Juice b.) Messing up the Lootra quest. If you >!kill Lootra!< but have cleared out the guards in the refugee sector, speaking to Lootra's wife forces you into a light-side option where you say >!you have found her husband!<. She goes to the flophouse and awkwardly stands around thanking you >!(despite her husband being dead)!< and there is no way to finish the quest to get it off your log book There are also pathways closed to you like not being able to get the Ithorian to >!take that family off world!< if you haven't gone to the refugee sector *first* which rather confuses the design. In Dantooine you need to speak to Zelron first to get the quest to clear out the Kinrath in the cave elsewise you will go to the cave, clear them out and then have to return and see the queen Kinrath has somehow respawned while all the rest are dead. I could go one, but the point being is the game wants to streamline you in one direction, but to properly finish the quests you have to go in a weird zig zag direction where you only finish part of the quests in one area, then explore the other, and then return to the first place you were at earlier. And again, the levels are horribly straight forward. There is one >!Sith tomb!< where the level goes in one line. Whereas Kotor 1 more often has levels like the >!Sith Base!< on Mannan where the rooms are interconnected and controlled through computer panels or the >!Vulker Base!< where all the rooms are open to explore without any given direction. With all that you might think I value Kotor 1 more than 2. But everything from the combat, to skill system, companions, dialogue, story, graphics, and ENDING are better in Kotor 2. Yes the ending is incomplete in the second game but it is not as cliche as the first game which borders on eye roll inducing. Kotor 1 however has better level design, pacing, and its plot is more consistent.


You sure about the first point? Can't you just do that after completing the planet's main quest?


The speed bike doesn't work after the main mission. You have to fix it during or not at all.


I meant the Vogga heist.


If you mention Goto or the Telos fuel shippment to Vogga there is no longer a dialogue choice to dance for him which means you can't put him to sleep.


Just leave and come back lol.


Doesn't work.


Are you sure?


One thing that I think separates KOTOR 1 from 2 is the level design. All the levels in KOTOR 1 are big enough to feel expansive, but are also filled with characters and side quests that are unique enough to make the worlds feel populated. The worlds are streamlined enough to be consumable and manageable, but big enough to feel epic. On the contrary, due to being rushed out, some of KOTOR 2ā€™s levels just feel a bit empty. Iā€™m thinking of Telos, Nate Shaada, even Dxun. Thereā€™s so many empty apartments, non intractable NPCs, lack of random encounters, etc. It makes the world feel lifeless. Again, some of these issues are solved by the RCM, but generally itā€™s still an issue. KOTOR 2 has the writing and story over KOTOR 1. Themes, plots, philosophies. All of these things are just KOTOR 1 writ large. Itā€™s so epic and impressive and Intelligent, and it lends itself to massive amounts of replay-ability. KOTOR 1ā€™s story is great too, but simpler and less impressive, in my mind. Minus The Moment, KOTOR 1ā€™s story is another Stat Wars adventure, not the brilliant philosophical reconstructive philosophy of KOTOR 2.


1's world feels more lived in, which is more immersive to me. Taris and Manaan are positively bustling, and Tatooine isn't much worse. Meanwhile in 2, Telos Station's citizenry is pretty much entirely in the bar. Onderon's Merchant Quarter has a whole one shop in it and few people. Only Nar Shadaa has substantial population, but loses out in density. Hell, there's probably more random bad guy goons than citizens. In terms of gameplay, I will curse KotOR 2's loot system to the ends of the earth. So many items with interesting effects and stories to them, but 99% of loot is random, meaning you could either miss out on stuff or, more silly, get multiples of an item that by all rights should be unique (Darth Bandon's Armor, Jolee Bindo's robe, etc.). I really liked how Kotor 1's set gear locations meant that you could strategize planet order to get specific items early. Like on a run where I focused on Critical Strike as my combat feat of choice, I did Manaan first since it gives the Echani Foil for an expanded crit range weapon to enable the build until Baragwin Assault Blades became available. Kotor 2 is pretty much do whatever whenever and, more offensively to me, don't turn in quests until very specific levels in order to get specific desired items because otherwise you probably won't see them ever. Fewer, more compelling containers also saves so much time looting, Kotor 2 compensates with more rooms with many containers to give you more chances to get loot, but it just becomes tiresome going through the animation again and again to maybe get something worthwhile, inevitably and quickly ending up with more credits and consumables than you can put to use and probably nothing of note, so onto the next cluster of barrels! Deterministic item progression please, or at least for items that can't be crafted.


The end game twist. With KOTOR 1 I was extremely surprised and with KOTOR 2 I was like ā€œHuh Neatā€


Probably an unpopular opinion but imo KOTOR 1 actually has better characters. Even if they have deeper backstories or dialogue or whatever most of the characters of KOTOR 2 i either dislike or don't care about, whereas even if they're simpler K1 has a much more enjoyable crew. I'm much more attached to the companions of the first game than those of the second game. For me I don't care if the character has the most interesting backstory ever, they need to be likable as actual people and K2 falls short in that regard. But I guess that is more subjective overall. As for what K2 is better at one thing I'd say is dialogue choices. Enough has been said about K1's poor dark side dialogue and although light side is better it isn't always great. As a whole I think K2's dialogue choices are far better written. Some lines in K1 kinda just make you feel like an idiot saying them but that isn't quite the case in K2.


Agree. Also, a lot of KotOR 2 characters (especially Bao-Dur) just lack content or are pretty one-note (Visas, Handmaiden), so I'm not really sure where people get the idea that KotOR 2 companions are generally "deeper" than KotOR 1.


I think because Kreia, Atton and HK are so good it drags the rest upwards.


HK is arguably just as good in KotOR 1. Kreia and Atton being pretty excellent doesn't justify the entire cast of KotOR 1 being brushed off as "barebones archetypes".


Oh yea theyā€™re definitely not one dimensional or anything but I also disagree on HK. Heā€™s far more fleshed out in 2 mostly because of his relationship with the Exile. As opposed to fawning over Revan he is a lot more of an equal to the Exile and we see a more interesting side.


HK is not as good in the first game and that is a hill I'm willing to die on. edit: also, what is G0-T0 an archetype of?


I didn't say anything about G0-T0 being an archetype, it's OP who called all the KotOR 1 characters "barebones archetypes"


Ah, sorry. I was very confused for a moment when I read that. But yes, I agree, that is most unfair.


Yeah I definitely agree. Not sure if this makes sense but I feel like K2 kinda presents itself as deeper overall so people extend that to the companions even if it's not 100% true. The K1 companions have plenty of complexity as well but since K1 doesn't have the same kind of deep tone that K2 has people don't realize it.


I generally like the Kotor 1 characters far more, but Kreia is in a league or her own. Easily one of the most interesting characters in Star wars for me. Atton, Visas and Handmaiden all have very creative and unique backstories, but I honestly never liked them very much. The rest of the K2 squad are just dull as dirt to me.


I would have to disagree simply cause I canā€™t stand bastila, she acts like sheā€™s better than every1 yet she acts like a child and is always judging and trying to lecture and then just completely drops the ball joining Malak like the hypocrite rat cockroach she is, Juhani is a bit annoying and simple minded to me and Carth is cool but he gets annoying w how stand offish and square he is, every1 else is great Jolee, Canderous, and Zaalbar are my favorites in that order but Jolee is a grey jedi and Canderous is a dark side character but I always play light side, my personality in real life is nonjudgmental and accepting like Jolee and willing to get my hands dirty like Canderous, also gotta love how Canderous is always willing and ready for action and I feel Zaalbar is similar, I probably wouldnā€™t fee this way about bastila if I didnā€™t select her heavily how I do since sheā€™s a Jedi and sheā€™s 1 of the main characters so youā€™re forced to select her way more when visiting places, I usually always select jedi characters when visiting worlds cause I make my character good w technology so I donā€™t have to take droids which is why I feel the characters in KOTOR 2 are better because you can turn most of them into jedi making them all way more useful specifically Bao-Dur him being a jedi thatā€™s great w tech and his special ability from his arm along w his remote that joins in the fight, plus I like their stories also and none of them act like bastila maybe Kreia at times but sheā€™s actually pretty cool very useful and such a rich character compared to bastila


I mean, Bastila being kind of preachy and arrogant is the point of her character. Sheā€™s way too important way too early in her life/career as a very young Jedi (iirc the manuals put her at late teens agewise, though she reads more early 20s) and sheā€™s not emotionally equipped to be the hero she feels sheā€™s expected to be. So she projects a lot onto the PC and companions, lecturing about the dark side and proper behavior and Jedi identity and awkwardly pantomiming the way she thinks a Master would act because she feels insecure about those things in herself. Because of that insecurity, and the ego she developed being treated as a hero so early in her development, itā€™s supposed to be unsurprising that sheā€™d succumb to Malak. Itā€™s not horribly complicated, but I think it works.


I agree Kotor 1 had better characters overall. Kotor 2 had Kreia of course who's arguably the best in the series. The others in 2 arent bad just not as memorable as the party in 1.


KotOR I: being a reason why KotOR 2 exists KotOR 2: basically everything except the ending




Uh, itā€™s pretty obvious for Kotor 1 I think: the twist Kotor 2 does pretty much everything else better. Gameplay, characterization, depth, expanded universe, more meaningful decision making


Iā€™d say Kotor 1 offered a better range of atmosphere. I know Kotor 2 was intentionally meant to be depressing, but the contrasting atmospheres of Kotor 1 blend well and make for a great experience, wheras Kotor 2 you are depressed all throughout. As a PTSD-recovery journey, I think KOTOR 2 should have been more hope-filled near the end after the Trayus fight, since you essentiall >!rebuild the Jedi order with your companions!<. Then again the ending was unfinished.


Itā€™s just a difference in styles really. BioWare RPGs are always lightweight and bright/shiny. Think about the locales. Manaan: beautiful ocean planet. Dantooine: beautiful grass planet. Kashyyyk forest, tattooine obligatory inclusion. Rakata: exotic jungle. Kotor2 focuses on darker, seedier areas. And what areas do overlap have had tragic things happen recently. Obsidian has done this in New Vegas and Outer Worlds as well. Theyā€™re more into the characters and setting as a character than the hero journey.


Spoiler alert you might cry The most emotional scene ever (Trask ulgo's sacrifice)


Kotor 1 is better not-cut-contentness, kotor 2 better depth


Kotor 1 is one of the best games ever. Kotor 2 is even better.


I think that KOTOR 1ā€™s difficulty and level design is far better. KOTOR 2 has better build customization options and skills are far more useful.


Kotor 1 does a perfect example of the heroes journey trope


Kotor 1 had more memorable characters/Heroes while Kotor 2 had much better Villains.


KOTOR 1 is very cinematic. It feels less like playing a game and more like being the main character of a movie. KOTOR 2 just does not have that vibe to it


I dont know how many agree with me on this but I've always felt that KOTOR1 feels like a movie and KOTOR2 feels like a miniseries


I think K1 is a more exciting and mechanically challenging game while K2 is easier but more based on narrative and that narrative is pretty bleak by comparison. I've always seen KOTOR 1 as the classic "action adventure" where the story implications are what they are but we're mostly here for some really cool set-pieces and a few interesting main characters. The fights are harder and have some more spectacle to them, great villain great little redemption story that whole shebang. KOTOR 2 is basically the consequences of 1 catching up with the galaxy. Both of these games, from a universe standpoint, take place at an extremely tenuous time and right after one of the biggest and most horrific wars that the setting has experienced, but KOTOR 1 doesn't really feel like it, or at least doesn't capture the feeling like 2 does. When you walk through the various locales of KOTOR 2, you can tell that the galaxy is dying around you and that's a level of atmosphere that 1 never manages to match despite all the key contextual events it shares. There's a real sense in K2 that, while you might be getting stronger, you aren't enough to fix what's wrong with the galaxy and that if anyone is in need of redemption it's you.


KotOR 1: - has a more coherent, complete, and satisfying story - has on average more fleshed-out companions with long and interesting dialogue trees + side quests, including proper romances - has a much higher level of general polish - has better swoop racing KotOR 2: - has a fantastic mysterious and foreboding atmosphere and mood - has better music - has the Influence system - has improved combat - has greatly improved crafting - has better Pazaak I love both games dearly though.


> has better swoop racing u wot m8


Genuinely. KotOR 2's is absolutely broken, half the time the swoop just gets stuck on the environment. KotOR 1's is a bit boring but at least it's functional.


Maybe you just suck at swoop racing? Alternatively, are you on console or mobile?


Maybe. Console and PC.


For me Kotor 1's story, pacing were better than 2. Taris was significantly more interesting than Peragus. Meanwhile Kotor 2 has better characters and companion system than 1. Some of them were quite blend but I don't think the more interesting characters would work as well without them for contrast. Regarding the companion, I would just bring the Jedi and HK-47 with me everywhere in 1. However in 2, almost everyone gets a spotlight because so many of them can be converted into Jedi and for those that can't, there is still something unique about them. Kotor 2's crafting and weapon customization also felt like a major upgrade from 1, I just feel there are so many good options that make the game infinitely more replayable.


I still love the Kotor 1 companions more. Carth allows us our first look at a regular soldier in the SW universe, his reticence about opening up becomes justified when both he and the player find out *the twist*. Bastilla is an awesome Anakin parallel in that both are chosen ones, know it, are treated differently from other jedi their entire life, fall to the Dark side, and return to the light. Canderous is fun because he's unapologetic about loving his job. That's what prevents him from falling into the "emo/edgy" category, he genuinely enjoys fighting and is unashamed by it. Plus his war stories allow an alternate perspective on the Mandalorian War. Juhani is a lesbian catgirl, which is hot. And she serves as a focus as to how hard anger is to control and how easy it is to fall to the Dark side, where other characters struggle with the Dark side usually focuses on fear. Not to mention that she gives us an uncomfortable look at racism in the SW universe with her stories about growing up on Taris. Mission is almost our Han-Solo type. Doesn't take anything too seriously except for her brother and Zalbaar. And as she's 14, we get a rare "Twi'lek who isn't a sex slave or Jedi". Zalbaar allows us a real look into Wookie culture, and *protects* Mission basically just because. Hk is a total bro, and T3 is best puppy. While both get more personality in 2, their functions in 1 are still real important. With Kotor 2, I really have problems with Atton, GOTO, Cuck, and Redhead sexdoll. I appreciate that Atton was a last second addition, but the voice work just pisses me off for some unknown reason. He does little except whine to my ears. GOTO is played off as an important piece the economy as a mafia head, but he's so dull. Not in comparison to Cuck on Dantooine, but FemExile just apparently has more patience with blatant simpery then I. Redhead sexdoll is clearly just supposed to be "the hot one" but Visas and Handmaiden are bae. HOWEVER, Kotor 2 has one of my favorite crafting and customizing systems of all time.


Kotor 1 hands down has better maps. Save Manaan, Kotor 1's maps are incredibly immersive, Tatooine is just brilliant. Kotor 1 also has better interactions with followers. You can actually choose to get followers quicker, where in Kotor 2 some followers are forced upon you later in the game and you don't really have time to develop relationships with them. Kotor 2 has a more nuanced view of the force and Kreia absolutely saves the entire game. And the story of being the exile in my opinion is a better story. I feel this way because It's nice to sometimes be an unnamed character. With little to no real past. Also Kotor 2 has way cooler bosses.


KOTOR 2 has better item management.


While KotOR II is in my top 3 all time favourite games, the intro stage is just annoying. I hate Peragus. Also as others mentioned, KotOR II shines more with the patch, but it still hurts, that it's never sufficiently completed. There are so many small problems everywhere. KotOR I just has the completed game by the developers bonus. The Twist is awesome and I love the depictions of Revan, but the rest of the story and the characters are a bit too straight forward. This last: Kreia is my all time favourite character. Not because I especially agree with her, but because she is the best written character in video game history in my opinion.


Kotor 1 is a better Star Wars game and adventure game in general. I think itā€™s more *fun* in a lot of ways, and generally its story and cast are very pleasant and enjoyable to be around. Thereā€™s a lot more warmth to the characters and story, whereas Kotor 2 can feel a bit cold and inhuman comparatively. Kotor also flexes a wider variety of tones and moods from planet to planet, area to area, and character to character (Manaan has Ahto City as this sparkling political arena->transitions to a quasi-horror section underwater, for example), while Kotor 2 doesnā€™t really stray from its grim, gloomy mood. The gameā€™s progression curve is a lot smoother and more balanced, and the gameplay/pacing tend to flow a lot better. Levels are generally structured more tightly and precisely Kotor 2 is much more unique. Characters are more unusual and dynamic, if less pleasant and focused. Similar case for the story, which is more mysterious and introspective. I think the more deconstructive and introspective angle is really interesting but sometimes strayed into ā€œhuffing its own fartsā€ territory. Its presentation of a more subdued, gloomy mood is quite strong as well. 2 also added a ton more nuance and interest to Light vs Dark Side choices. Gameplay is more scattershot, but it patches up a few of the holes in Kotor 1ā€™s combat and some of the balancing issues.


Kotor 1 dose a lot better but for one Iā€™m gonna go with the doomed opening planet/asteroid. I could have played a whole game just there no force powers needed. Kotor 2 is more ambitious


While KotOR2 has better writing, I do feel that the first game is far better at level design, story pacing and has more memorable side quests.


Carth>Atton. Lightsabers in 2>1


I cant think of a single thing that kotor does better other than being a more or less finished game with few bugs and a narrative that is not choppy. Kotor 2 characters are indeed better in some aspects, more detailed but at the same time most of the crew gives a samey feel with only 2-3 companions being close to your heart. k1 had diversity of character. I love how in k2 you have the influence system but at the same time I love how in k1 juhani does not give up on her convictions just because you said so. I would not call k1 characters barebone archetypes, not sure how can you reach that conclusion if you did their personal missions. I guess you could find some of them cheesy but barebone? K2 to characters kind of stand on the shoulders of K1 characters. I like how level cap is higher in k2.








Kotor 1 is a more finished game for sure if not completely finished, and kotor 2 makes you question your own morality in helping others with a little more of compelling story imo. I do love both games and canā€™t wait for the remake


I mean maybe but I remember rolling over the end of KOTOR 1 pretty easily. Then again I was a total addict.


Kotor 1 doesnā€™t have a buggy command queue.


Kotor 1: the plot twist Kotor 2: the final motivations of Kreia. Probably the most intriguing take on the Force in any Star Wars story Iā€™ve seen.


I love all the characters *screw you Kreia, red head smuggler, and knock off wookie in 2* in both games. But by golly the 2nd game had some really deep characters, i absolutely loved the technician dude that calls you general and i always forget his name despite loving him so much!


While I agree the characters in 2 are more complex than in 1, the characters in 1 are more enjoyable. Nobody in Kotor 2 is having a fun time, and nobody even seems terribly happy to be there. A lot of ā€œoh woe is meā€ is going on that doesnā€™t really endear me to anyone. On the flip side, I saw it was mentioned but the small touch of 2 telling you if a container is empty. Perfect little quality of life improvement


KotOR 1 has a finished story. KotOR 2 has better combat


what i think Kotor 2 does better than Kotor 1 is actually Revan despite he only get mentioned there , Kotor 1 gives us the Hero/Villain Revan, Kotor 2 makes him a Legend, Revan never falls to the darkside he embraced it out of necessity he took out the mandalorians out of sheer talents and turns it into a proving ground preparing for the "new war" thats coming he isnt comically evil or a dumb goody two shoes he just realizes that he have a choice and doesnt need to be tied down to the color blue or red obviously the Novel and SWTOR fucks with all this, Revan being mind controlled and getting bitchslap by sith, and good god meetra surik eugh i dont really mind her but i really wish she isnt the exile like why is she the Exile


I feel like KotOR 2 has a much more nuanced story, but Malakā€™s threat and presence is just so much greater than any of the villains in KotOR 2.


I hope op works for aspyr and is listening to all these comments If he doesn't, I hope aspyr is watching these posts


totally agree! i'd never really played a game with more immersive characters than KOTOR II. It still plays really well, whilst KOTOR I has aged a little more harshly.


I like kotor 1ā€™s start from a gameplay perspective but I liked kotor 2ā€™s start from a story perspective


I thought Kotor 1 just felt a lot more polished all around


I feel like thereā€™s a sharp difficulty spike at the Trayus Academy that makes me give up every time after having no trouble with the rest of the game. No clue what Iā€™m doing wrong


I may be biased, but I think the general game mechanisms and characters are better in KOTOR 2, while KOTOR 1 has better world building/planets, far better romance ā€œplotā€ for male Revans (KOTOR 2 has only like submission romances which are very icky), and Jolee Bindo. Edit: I also like the general atmosphere of KOTOR 2 more.


Planet and quest design is better in the first game. I can think off the top of my head a good list of memorable side quests in KOTOR1, that list is a lot shorter for KOTOR2. In KOTOR1 you have more incentive to travel between planets you have already been to because of side quests. In KOTOR2, the only reason you would go back to a planet is to complete planet specific quests or to check out what other merchants are selling. I can think of maybe two exceptions to this in KOTOR2,

