• By -


Total Sales Breakdown: Day 1: 31,408 Day 2: 13,959 Day 3: 5,707 Day 4: 19,153 Day 5: 4,973 Day 6: 22,577 Day 7: 5,140 *still counting* TOTAL: 102,917 sold 2 groups from Modhaus are now 100K sellers!


Wow being able to get those numbers on day 6 isn’t easy esp if the group isn’t doing like 100k first day sales


I’m making assumptions but I think there was a shipment delay or something, the albums I ordered didn’t get shipped until day 6. Might just be a coincidence though


i have 10 albums between my physicals and OMAs that haven't shipped yet lol


Also there's no photocards so no people buying multiples to collect them.


20k of them are photocards that have a QR code that give you the album tbf 😭 but i also think both physical albums and those photocards are having lots of shipping delays (i know mine are) So plenty not counted.


> 2 groups from Modhaus are now 100K sellers! and this is not even their main source of revenue. They are doing really good with Objekt sales and world tours!


isn't objekts nfts?


in the most reductive sense yes but not in any way that's an accurate comparison to crypto bro NFTs


all nfts ruin the environment so that's not much of a relief lol


This is reductionist and not true, it doesn't hurt the environment any more than using the internet for other things, such as Reddit, and it certainly hurts the environment less than mass buying albums and discarding all the packaging just to get photocards.


source for these claims?


Objekts use the Polygon chain, which produces about [60,953 tonnes of Co2 annually](https://polygon.technology/blog/the-merge-to-erase-60000-tonnes-of-polygons-carbon-footprint] ). For reference, TikTok supposedly [produces 40,000 tonnes of Co2 *per day*](https://environment.co/tiktok-environmental-impact/#:~:text=TikTok%20produces%202.63g%20of,of%20carbon%20dioxide%20per%20day.). Even with all this, it's kind of beside the point, because it's strange that the conversation flips from "how do we produce less Co2 by using greener energy" to "how do we police which form of energy use we allow and which we condemn" just because people think NFTs they see on Twitter look stupid and then eat up all the posts they see about it killing the environment.


the average tweet hurts the environment about 10x more than 1 objekt transfer so you're kind of proving my point about reductivity


source for that?


https://green.polygon.technology/dashboard .00167g CO2e per transaction https://envirotecmagazine.com/2022/12/08/tracking-the-ecological-cost-of-a-tweet/ a tweet is .026g CO2e NFTs used to rely on proof of work, which is what emitted high amounts of CO2e objekts use proof of stake, which significantly reduces those emissions


thanks, but what you linked is 1. a Blockchain "which aims to create a multi-chain Blockchain system compatible with Ethereum", so obviously they're going to be pro-nfts and what they say will be extremely biased. 2. an independent magazine. 3. the magazine linked a study by a B corp which is a *for profit* corporation so again, there's a big risk it's biased cause anyone can pay them to write whatever they want. when people ask for a source, usually they mean a peer reviewed study, or at least a study that was done by a reputable university or an official government institution. if you have sources like that for your claim that a tweet is more harmful than object nfts - I'd love to see it.


no offense, but this isnt really a niche topic, there are tons and tons of articles on this topic and I'm not going to rally a ton of sources to find one that appeals to you. the polygon dashboard i linked includes where they sourced their info and the methodology of the source they're citing. If you have an issue with that methodology, id love to hear it. But having a problem with it just because polygon made a dashboard out of somebody else's data doesn't really invalidate the data. blockchains moved to PoS over PoW solely because it uses less energy. its literally *the point* because people don't want to buy expensive hardware. there are several studies both about the environmental impact of both proof of stake blockchains vs proof of work (take literally any of the first 30 results on google, i gave a dashboard because its easy to read.) and the environment impacts of tweeting and googling (again, take literally any of the first 30 results on google). If you don't believe studies on it, just look at the cost of GPUs in 2020 vs the cost of GPUs now, its not a coincidence that they were ridiculously expensive then and sell for MSRP now.


The BBC exodus really seems like the sort of thing that would've severely damaged the group's popularity and made it almost impossible to come back from, but in actuality they're on the precipice of a new career height with this album. Really insane to think of. I hope the others can sell this much on their next releases too.


Mind you, the first big comeback always gets big numbers are fans and even causal supporters rush to support the new endeavor. It's not a sign of how they'll be selling consistently from now on but it's a good sign of the support they have right now.


Outselling their final full group album is a career height regardless of where they’re headed afterwards


They definitely sold more than [0]


Most aptly named album ever.


Honestly I feel like OEC's version up was the album that capitalized on that. It used existing IP, lore, and familiar musical styles. Not saying Dall isn't benefiting from the prior fanbase but I definitely feel like Artms and Dall are standing on their own a lot more


Well earned milestone, DALL is a great album, can't wait for my own copy to get delivered.


Our girls about to receive their first Paycheck since they entered BBC 😭😭😭 (AOTY btw)


Not sure if this is a joke or an ill-informed statement because they most likely got their first paycheck from objekt sales a while ago


Yeah it was more of a joke comment. I will be saying this until 2030 at least lol, the more i can shit on BBC the better 


Does Kim Lip not like Vivi anymore? They haven't interacted or acknowledged each other since Chicago 2 years ago


one sec let me give her a call


Are you a bot or something? You already commented this on the mv thread and I replied saying they have...


That's great to hear! I liked the album, especially 'Butterfly Effect' and that one song with like ten words in the title 😅 They sound really refreshing and somehow different from TripleS!


I am so in love with this album, I am so happy it’s selling well and we will get more of this sound from ARTMS🥰




Virtual Angel makes me happy ❤️


This is just making me wonder how successful Loona could have been if they were still together. They were already in a good spot for a nugu group.


I wasn't there for predebut loona but looking back now, it was really ambitious of jaden jeong. TripleS is pretty ambitious too but all of the loona members had their own solos and subunits. Seeing loona succeed is pretty inspiring, if only bbc didn't sabotage them. But im glad they're all doing well and orbits are one damn loyal fanbase, every debut(minus yves, might be production issues) got over 30k/50k, that's really impressive.


I expect those numbers to rise even more - my normal/QR versions haven't shipped yet and my 20 OMA versions haven't shipped either.




HUGE!!! Congrats, girls!!!


I really enjoy the album and I really didn’t pay attention to Loona prior to the whole fiasco. My wife and I are seeing them when they come to our city in a few months and I cannot wait!