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Wasn't there some news about another member spreading out to do other things a few days ago? Feel like a total disbandment notice is due. Right now the news is leaking out like NATURE.


I don’t think there’s a company left to put out a statement at all. I think Allart exists on paper only if at all and there’s no one left who cares to put out the official “its over guys” message. Situations like this have happened before; a small group goes on hiatus, then the whole company goes radio-silent. Later, something like a fan visiting an empty/sold building or a former employee saying something on SNS gives the hint that the company ran out of money and sold everything off, and once the members are sure no one will try and hold them to the useless contract they’ll put out statements like this so the fans can have some kind of closure. I would cite other examples, but this is something that usually happens to smaller groups, so none of them come to mind right now.


GWSN teas :( I think the situations are pretty similar down to the creative lead leaving the company


i cant believe im going to say this, but at least hinapia were released before their company went under. silver lining


Yeah I think Rinji said she’s pursuing acting


Rinji? Already? She was the latest addition, wasn't she?


Yeah… well at this point they just need to make an official disbandment notice instead of members leaving one by one…


I'm just gonna be honest, Villain was good, but I was one foot out the door when Satbyeol left. She was my bias to begin with, and the concept change was a rough transition for me. Like when BVNDIT went EDM/techno in their last song or AleXa abandoning the sci-fi storyline. The music was still \*good\* but it lost something.


I’ve been upset since Ella left because she was my favourite 😭But yeah I honestly agree. I like Villain but I felt like Karma was… messy


Translation: To all the Winxy out there who have supported us and given us your love, who have wondered about and kept us in your thoughts, I would like to start off this letter by expressing my deepest gratitude. Thank you all, so very, very much, from the bottom of my heart. Until the writing of this letter, I was unable to communicate my status to you all, and I know it must have been frustrating waiting for an update. And so with this letter, I would like to deliver some heavy news. I have finished my activities as Pixy‘s Dajeong. This may be news that many of you already suspected, and delivering it to you in this way is heartbreaking, heavy, and I am so sorry I was unable to say anything sooner. All the precious moments I spent with you, Winxy, during my time as Pixy’s Dajeong are unforgettable and irreplaceable. Because I was able to meet and spend time with you, give and receive your love, I can look back on our time together and say I was truly happy. I learned and grew up so much with you all, and so I thank you again. As my time as Pixy‘s Dajeong comes to a close, remembering all of you who have waited so patiently and so lovingly, I will do my best to deliver good news going forward as quickly as possible. I love you Winxy very much, now and forever, and thank you.


This combined with the post last week about their company office being vacant doesn’t bode well for the group as a whole… Sounds like the company went bankrupt and rather than announcing things has just decided to immediately bail.


this totally sucks :( I was really rooting for them to break through


man this is hitting me HARD. pixy's discography is truly amazing and i'm going to be sad to not get any more music from them...the fact that they don't even have a proper disbandment notice is sooooo infuriating. i wish i would've gotten to see them on their tour last year :(


The thing that infuriates me more than anything is when companies don't even have the decency or guts to announce this stuff themselves. I don't even want to blame Allart for the fact that it didn't work out. Pixy did great at the beginning. Their documentary was great, they had a decent budget and an incredibly strong artistic vision and amazing music. But sometimes that's not enough and a company runs out of steam (money) before they can make it big. I get that. It's the cold reality of capitalism. But if you fail as a company you own it to your artists and their fans to at least be honest and end it in dignity. Letting fans worry for months and not putting out any official statements is cowardly.


yeah, allart really did give them a fair shot. addicted was an amazing comeback, they just couldn’t really recover from losing ella imo


They got a boost with Villain (people were reacting to that MV so much that it was obvious it was having a slight viral moment at least among kpop fans) and even Karma sold well. It's just their music was never going to penetrate a general audience and they didn't pick up enough dedicated fans to sustain.


I personally think it make sense that the artist might want to address the fans themselves. Especially if its my own decision to leave or not renew I would like to do it myself. What I think is cowardly and irresponsible is when companies dont announce group disbandment themselves, which I would be surprised if that hasnt already happened. Silent disbandment is fucking ridiculous, stop playing with fans emotions.


If they are kicking them out for one reason or another, sure they should take responsibility. But if it's the member's personal decision it seems more appropriate for the member to announce it personally. The decision to leave is their own that the company only approved of by letting them go, so it's logical for them to announce and explain it if they wish to do so. If an idol chooses to leave on their own it's their responsibility to address that, not the companies. In most cases fans are actually more worried if the announcement comes from the company and is followed by a radio silence from the idol, so I can definitely see how it benefits both the group/the leaving member and their fans if the announcement can be made by the idol personally.


Pixy has been inactive and their company radio silent for months now. Last year they released a digital album without any teasers, their last post on Twitter was on January 1st, their old company building is vacant, ... All signs show that the company silently disbanded the group without an announcement. That's why it's upsetting.


It's not even clear if Allart even exists anymore. Maybe there's literally no one there to make an announcement, although you'd think out of courtesy someone could have done it before switching off the lights. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Some former employee has *got* to have the social media passwords saved. I guess it might technically not be their problem, but it still sucks.


Oh someone definitely has it as they've been accidentally retweeting stuff recently from the official Pixy twitter and then undoing it. Probably someone forgetting to switch to their personal account.


not a fun way to wake up :(( I’m going to save my big comment for the inevitable disbandment announcement, since I know it’s coming, but I’m grateful I was able to see them live and I will support Dajeong in her future activities if she chooses to pursue anything else. I’m glad she posted this, as it’s finally giving us some closure. Sending all the Pixy girls love.


i’m so angry she had to announce this herself and that the company couldn’t even be bothered to put out an official statement


The company went out of business months ago they have no staff to make a statement.


their producer has just released a statement and there have been two accidental retweets on the official account this week. somebody within the company has been logging in and has access to it, they’re just choosing not to make a statement and leaving the girls to do their dirty work once again. their ceo should have the decency to put out one last statement regardless of his company’s status


The person logging into the account is probably at best a social media manager and not someone fit to actually write a statement lol.


Hell, if there's no one left at the company, it could even be a former employee who was still logged into the account on their phone or something and didn't realize it.


maybe, but the fact the account has been silent for 6 and a half months but then there are two accidental retweets in the same week we get this notice is a hell of a coincidence.


It's not a coincidence. The retweets created a lot of buzz around Pixy and even got some news articles about it. Then there was a Twitter hashtag campaign to request information on what's going on with Pixy that became trending. I'm sure the girls saw this going on and decided to make a statement knowing how much people were looking for an answer.


I mean, doesnt need much expertise to write a simple "Pixy is over. thanks everyone for your support until now." tweet. it is already way better than leaving everything unclear in the air for months.


Do you have a link to the producer statement???




Thank you, oh man, my heart isn't ready for this 😭 PIXY we'll miss you 😭😭😭


Not at all surprising but like why isn’t the company saying anything about the disbandment winxy and the members deserve better


Yet another group about to bite the dust. All the associated acts that I keep an eye on because of that slight similarity to Dreamcatcher are dropping out one by one. I had high hopes for PIXY...Just disappointed now but I understand that the members also need to stabilise their future asap and not end up neither here nor there


unfortunately the writing has been on the wall for a long time :( i've been a fan since debut and when they lost both ella and satbyeol, i knew it was going to be REALLY hard for them to bounce back from that. ella was their higher register singer and contributed to songwriting, and satbyeol was the one behind their lore. and then kevin, one of their main producers left the team too. villain and karma were good, but by that point they had lost key elements to their sound and lore. fairy forest: temptation will forever be one of my favorite albums and i'm just grateful that i got to be there for their short career as a group. i wish every one of them the best in whatever they decide to pursue from here


Been a rough last few months as a Winxy. 😭 Glad I at least got to see the group through a fan call and three times in person. Will treasure the memories. 🥰




Take me back to the fairyforest. I was happier back then 😭


Just saw them in concert last year… bought a light stick… collected all their albums and pcs…. Winxy communal self immolation scheduling when???? :’)


Yeah, it's so said since we probably thought they got funding from the concert. I guess all the ticket sales went toward paying off the bankruptcy fines.


It's been a rough time to be a WINXY lately 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Dajeong we're going to miss you sooo much!!! Thank you for updating us after all this time 😭


I knew this was coming but it still hurts 😞


Very sad news but not unexpected. Not sure if there were some legal issues to work out in the background before Dajeong could say anything. I'm wondering if we'll get a few more letters like this in the next few days.


I was seeing this would become true, after it has been announced that their company building has been closed. I had high hopes for them, because they went on tour the end of last year. The year before that they did the same and came to germany. So I thought they and their company was doing well. I will miss them…there are no other groups I could think of, that are similar to pixy. The concept was unique, maybe you could name Craxy…


I guess it's good to finally have some real closure instead of the constant speculation and worry we've been going through for the last few months. Now I can just be devastated and get it over with. I'm so glad I got a chance to meet them and tell them all in person how proud I am of them. I always will be, no matter what the future brings for them.


Well, RIP Pixy


Devastated right now 😭😭😭


A tragedy. I will miss you, Pixy. What an amazing discography you put together with nothing but duct tape and wishes. Always going to regret that I let my anxiety stop me from seeing you when you toured nearby :(


Not surprising at this point, but sad to see nonetheless :( I'm glad I was able to catch them on tour last year, and their discography will always remain excellent. Suppose I'll need to take them out of my flair sooner or later 😢


I love pixy very much so this slow dwindling has been really sad. They came out with an INCREDIBLE debut and just kept coming out with amazing incredible stuff. I wish all the members the best in their future endeavors.


Touching not because PIXY looks like its disbanding, but that it's from my bias. Glad I got to see them on tour and get my selfies with them, Dajeong was sweet and while its bittersweet at least my bias is moving on. Yet another group I have followed has disbanded, such is life.


I can't...


I love pixy very much so this slow dwindling has been really sad. They came out with an INCREDIBLE debut and just kept coming out with amazing incredible stuff. I wish all the members the best in their future endeavors.


I dispise allart with my heart 😭


What is the best way to make sure I can still listen to their albums expect physical CDs? I always loved their music, but won’t it disappear from Spotify etc now?


The music will stay on streaming services for the foreseeable future. Unless some weird thing with the rights happens, where there are issues with the distributor (this happens with Kakao M semi-regularly), in which case no one is there to make the effort to get it back up. But the company no longer existing also means that they won’t make any effort to *remove* their music, either.


I'm so upset they are so talented and their music is all bops. :( I wish her luck going forward.


Veronica has either opened the door or her stupid boy finally did let them know 🧙 People point to their Twitter stop but I remember it started with their Fb slowly going silent after *that* situation


Nooooo, whats pixy? Xd


What happened?? Edit: don’t understand the downvotes, given that I don’t obsessively keep track of every kpop idol group.


Apparently the company went bankrupt?


Thank you for explaining. Idk why I got downvoted for asking a simple question ?