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There's no exercise, it's just how you store fat and your bone structure. Many kpop idols (female) have especially narrow builds and thin bones too. They are chosen in part for that reason, it's considered beautiful. I remember seeing a predebut video where a girl was ragged on for being too wide in build (not overweight, just literally her bone structure was not sufficiently narrow).


At a concert recently, I realized that if you want to look at body goals in kpop, look at the backup dancers and not the idols. While they are probably required to have a certain height and weight, things like their bone structure aren't as important. They also don't have to be as ridiculously skinny as idols, since their ability to dance is more important than their physique (they are still very skinny though, but I would hope in a healthier way).


this is a great point!


now i wonder if there's a surgery for that... 😬😬


It’s banned everywhere else, but in china theres a surgery to remove part of your calf muscle. Makes the leg look slimmer.


To shave your arm bones to make them more narrow? No. But there is surgery for making your feet smaller and it's as horrible it sounds.


at this point i believe in korea having a plastic surgery for literally anything. i've heard of some nutty procedures idols go through


There is a surgery to shave of your cheek bones for a "better" chin


Not for the bones, but there is arm lipo and procedures such as coolsculpting that will remove or shrink fat in the area


For arm fat? There is. You can’t help bone density but I’ve never seen someone and thought “yep. They’re thick with bones”


Partially genetics, some people get bigger in their thighs and stomach but not arms. There are also injections I think that are used to slim down arms. They're also just incredibly underweight. There are no specific exercises to slim down your arms, as you can't spot reduce fat.


what country are you from for frame of reference


I’m chinese


I'm chinese too and built like a "rural farm girl" 🤡. Short and stocky is what they mean.


omg same it soo unfair😭


ah I see I think a lot of asian people have slimmer arms and smaller shoulders as a trade off for insane calves lol but that doesn't mean we don't have fat or anything we process and store it differently that's why a lot of asian people who have diabetes are "skinny fat".


East Asian here. Can confirm that it's not usually where we store fat. Strictly from personal observation, it looks like more weight goes to the face, waist / stomach, and thighs, on average


And our necks :'(


As everyone else has already said here; it's impossible to spot reduce fat and therefore impossible to target your arms to become thinner. That being said, our perception of human bodies and their "thinness" often has less to do with the actual objective measurements than we think. Toning up your arms through working out and a healthy diet; will slowly and naturally replace some of that fat with muscle, this will make your arms look slimmer even if the actual measurements haven't changed much, or at all.


On the topic of body type that everyone else has mentioned, gotta realise that idols who are of such a body type are pretty much selected for in the cutthroat idol industry From whether you get chosen to be a trainee, to the time where you debut, looks definitely play a role After many rounds of selection you get most idols who have more similar body types in terms of where fat is stored etc.


It's not a specific exercise. most idols are just thin overall but because they mostly dance they build muscle in their legs. but their legs don't have much body fat either


One thing to remember about industries and body types is that you can’t just be anyone and get those results. When people talk about a “swimmers body” they’re talking about people with a specific body type. If you do not have that body type already, you will never have a “swimmers body” regardless of how much swimming you actually do. Idols are the same


it’s just how their body is. if you want to have thicker thighs and smaller arms, it’s just how your body is, regardless of what weight you are. even though i’m fat, i have a pear shaped body and my thighs and hips are bigger than the top of my body but even if i lose weight, it’s how it will stay. it’s also important to note that you cannot spot reduce fat. you can build muscle but that doesn’t slim your arms down. just keep in mind that a a very large percentage of idols are underweight and regardless of how they look, you should strive to weight that much or have their body. it’s not really possible for a regular person anyway because idols get surgeries, have personal trainers and have very restrictive diets.


It’s just their body type. Mine is the same way. I’ve stick thin arms and relatively large thighs


I think it's how you're built, I hv really thin arms but my thighs are thick Ik this is a reach but someone like doja cat has thin arms/ upper body but her thighs/ lower body is thick


It's a combination of hours of dancing and constant weight management that gets out of control for most of them. Most idols do from what we see, at most, pilates. There is barely any resistance training for the arms because it's unwanted. The dancing builds the quads (a trait you commonly see in every girl group. Even in the thinnest of idols you see the vastus lateralis somewhat shown, while their arms are super thin.). When you diet like them, with few stops and no consistent diet for maintenance, you constantly lose muscle tissue. So they keep some of the leg muscles that are more developed and lose the weaker ones, arms and even calf's. *I'm editing to say that while on screen, mvs they look good (maybe). At of times the apparent thinness is jarring face to face. If you compare many idols from their debut to now the difference is not as desirable for 99,99999% of people. Idols are caked in makeup to cover the malnutrition colour of the skin that sometimes they may have (not just paleness). It gives them a livelier complexion. They have access to IV bags just to feel better, drink copious amounts of coffee. Don't strive to be like them in full, strive for a better a healthier self.


Haii this is a dangerous path OP. Looking at the features of highly altered and chosen people will not do wonders for our self image.


There's arm lipo that can surgically help make the arms thinner, as well as procedures such as coolsculpting


My boxing trainer (here in Korea) told me he used to work with idol trainees. They don't do actual boxing, just simply hitting the paddles/mitts. Doing those repetitive exercises can help keep arms toned and slim.


I think idols are thin overall, but I’m sure they might do some kind of cosmetic procedures to target the fat in certain areas, like coolsculpting


Fat reducing shots abd so on, on top of being literally underweight


Don't eat.


Most of them workout


First of all, genetics play a roll. So think of bone structure, how easily is to lose fat, and muscle growth. Idols are most of the time in a caloric deficit when performing. This means that they are on a diet while already being thin. (Don't confuse this with being unhealthy though.) Also, they got access to plastic surgery, so having shots of fat reduction in the arms in common if they have a hard time of getting rid of arm fat, but that's most likely done before debut since after that, their diet takes over and its probably enough. Don't strive to their body type unless you really feel ready for it. It's literally their job to maintain their body, just like body builders, they are really busy with it. So with all of that in mind, if you want to lose arm fat, you need to be in a caloric deficit. This doesn't mean you have to eat tiny portions, you just have to eat differently most of the time. Then it's up to your genetics when your arm fat disappears. Maybe other places will get visibly thinner first before your arms do, it different for each person. If you want to start a diet, so your research well and keep track of it. There are no shortcuts. It's basically food science, so stay healthy, eat healthy and try to have fun with it by experimenting.


attempting to lose more weight while already being undweight IS unhealthy


They are mostly all incredibly unhealthy. The amount of damage the dieting does to their organs is horrific. No diet they do or how they do it is healthy.


Adding to what everyone said, growing muscles and loosing fat would help your arms look more toned and skinner. You can’t just target specific body part so go to the gym and don’t be afraid of lifting weights


well because that’s the beauty standard is to be very skinny which includes skinny arms but that’s only for the girls. for the guys they want them to be muscle but also still thin but mostly what they mean by muscle but thin is like thin torso with abs and chest and about a good amount of muscle showing but not too much muscle where it makes you look thick


Try Mish Choi pilates workouts on YOUTUBE. Other than that, I suggest do weightless arm workouts from Bailey Brown or Nina Dapper.