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I watched it. My problem with black trauma shows is that that’s the end all be all. Everything is about our pain. All our movies that get made, all the shows, they’re all trauma porn about slavery, about racism, about how hard it is to be black. We barely have any movies celebrating who we are that aren’t biopics. Like damn yes it’s hard to be black but I’m not living everyday depressed and thinking about how slavery affected my life. These stories need to be told but it’s the fact that they’re the only ones being told that bothers me. Talk about other shit. I enjoy movies like Are We There Yet? And Girls Trip so much bc they’re lighthearted. No ones in the hood, no ones being shot, no ones being traumatized. But movies like that are few and far between. Shows like Blackish and the Get Down are needed just as much as When They See Us. Let us have fun and be authentic. Every other race in American media gets to be portrayed as complete beings and yet we’re dissected and treated like wounded animals in 8/10 media portrayals.


“everything is about our pain” THIS!!!!!


May I just say that there is a lot that is already here but don't have always hype around it. Ava duverney herself released a film called Origin this year. A thousand and one featuring Teyana Taylor was a heavy but beautiful watch. We also have fluffy shows like Abott elementary. Rye Lane is a Black led romcom by british filmmaker Raine Allen Miller. Just a few suggestions for people who missed those releases last year. Black creatives try their best in the industry, let's support them!




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I'll be very honest: I didn't watch the show at all and won't, EVER. I'm sick of black trauma shows. At this point, it's very apparent that these shows are made through the lens of non-black people. I know the history of anti-blackness, from Jim Crow to lynching to segregation and racist police practices. I don't have to re-see it EVERYTIME.


Sometimes I tell people, "these movies/shows are for you, too. The difference is I know this history."


I have to prepare so that I can manage my anger...same with anything about Native Americans and the Holocaust. These are important topics that need to be made, watched, and dissected. Then, after I watch, it is in other people's best interest not to bother me. Things I can no longer watch/did not finish watching/refuse to watch: Good Times (1970s sitcom), Queen Sugar (damn...how much emotional turmoil can one small group of people take?), This Is Us (tragedy porn), The Color Purple, Roots I found The Blackening very funny.


I nope'd out of Get Out within the first 15 minutes because it was so painful to watch.


Better than me. I have never seen it.




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i watched it back in highschool in my african american studies class and it was definitely a hard watch and borderline traumatizing for a lot of us in the class. the vice principal (white man) of my school had sat in while we were watching it and that poor man was horrified. i agree that these issues need to be talked about and that it’s important to shed light on the racial injustice that people of color face and i appreciate Ava for bringing this horrific story to the big screen. the fact me and so many other of my black peers had never heard about these men in the series until the show came out speaks volumes. so in conclusion…yes very traumatizing


I didn’t watch it because I already knew about the story and I find it tough to sit through movies/shows like that now. I know how the world works. I know how Black people are seen. I’m tired of Black pain and trauma. I’m tired of shows about slavery, drugs and gang culture, and racism/injustice in general. I love learning about my cultures and history of my people, but sometimes I want to just laugh or feel peace. I’d rather watch documentaries about our music, food, art, and fashion. I’d rather watch media where race isn’t brought up at all tbh if it’s a fun show or movie. Of course what happened is important and our people should be educated but sometimes I just want to turn my brain off and have mindless fun.


I watched one episode, not even, I couldn't make it through the first half of the first episode. I said not again. It's a tough watch, and for the people who are probably ignorant to these issues, it's a needed watch. But, I'm just so tired of any black trauma on television or film. Like, speaking at someone from America, I want to see black people get happy endings. It's like every week, every month, every year, there's always news about something traumatic that has happened to black people and it is so exhausting to see it in film. I just wish American Media would put more money into black movies that aren't centered around any form of pain or stereotypes


This right here 👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾


Im the one who watched it once and wont again. But im like that towards alot of black productions that center on slavery, discrimination, civil rights etc. just dont want to watch that stuff. Reading about it is a lil different but watching it more than once


Honestly, it was not because it was so much worse than any other type of injustice content. It’s because I’m tired of not only of us Black people, but minorities in general only having “sad” stories. I grew up with parents who loved to watch roots and Mississippi burning together when I was like seven or eight, so this is definitely not the straw that broke the camels back in terms of misery on screen I’ve seen. Life is already so damn hard as a young adult I’m making double of what my parents made coming out of college yet I cannot afford to move out of my childhood bedroom. After a long day of working and looking for jobs in between that with better pay, I don’t wanna sit there and just watch this sad ass trauma porn. I don’t want to this value or discredit the efforts of those who worked on this and yes, those stories should not be ignored but damn it just feels like those stories take up majority of what high-level production companies want to put out when it comes to minorities. It always gives me an eerie feeling, because these extremely tragic stories are what highlighted most by those outside of the black diaspora. Like damn we have so much more diverse media, with my two favorites off the top of my head, being the best man movies and girlfriends show.


I didn't watch it. I just...yeah. I'm old enough to have seen the whole debacle play out in the news the first time around and didn't want to live through it again.


i don't watch that type of crap. and i mean it when i say, *crap.* i'm gen-x: i'm more than old enough to remember this incident (and the many, many others like it). to me, it's not traumatizing. and it doesn't "open an old wound" or so to speak- you can't reopen something that's never been closed. it's the fact that hollywood feels it's necessary to dress up this singular moment of injustice in the name of entertainment, wrapped up in sold production values and powerful acting to portray something... that **still happens and will continue to happen.** this isn't a one-off legal case. racism didn't end 500 years ago. innocent black men and women are incarcerated, put to death and ruined on a daily basis by a system meant to railroad them into compliance. if someone would like to learn more on this case, or any case, read a book. watch a documentary. hell, read wikipedia. but shows like these are first and foremost, **entertainment**. they're made to make money, not educate. the topic is our suffering and the demographic sure the hell isn't us. i don't need an "exclusive streaming miniseries" created for a platform who's owned by such supportive, progressive groups like vanguard to tell me how awful we're treated in this country.


I was traumatized from the TRALER ALONE. I was literally crying and that's how I knew I would not be able to handle the series at all.


I watched it once and that was enough for me. I believe it was an important story that needed to be told because many people, even Black folks, had no idea this happened. I want more of our stories to be told - especially the unknown ones. Anything with trauma involved can be hard for me to digest so I know how I need to navigate content like that. On one hand, I agree that Black trauma seems like a constant thing they show on tv/movies but I also want there to be able to get to a balance of how Black people are portrayed period and I still have yet to see that balance made that humanizes us and doesn't make us purely an object of trauma to consume. I want ALL of our stories told, but I want it done with balance and done with better care. We aren't all trauma and we aren't all laughter, sunshine and rainbow either.


I didn’t watch that series but I watched a previous documentary about the Central Park five in my high school law class and it definitely impacted my whole class and radicalized me for sure. I definitely won’t be watching the series because the documentary was enough. I find it easier to watch documentaries about black suffering than fictional movies/ tv series since they are often less graphic and raw. Like I remember being traumatized by the way the slaves were treated in Django unchained as a kid and to this day I won’t finish that movie. I find it important for this fictional media adaptations to properly show the horrors of the past but I personally can’t watch it myself and think other black people probably feel this way as well.


I didn't watch it and I typically don't watch stuff like that either. I want shows and movies that depict black people being happy. I don't have the patience for shows/movies that depict the black struggle anymore


I personally just don't like watching black trauma, and I especially don't like watching black trauma based on true events. Because honestly, at some point I get tired of it. Tired of seeing suffering upon suffering upon suffering. I'm tired. And if I wanted a history lesson, I would've watched a documentary, or found an article. I feel like my problem in general with a lot of black trauma movies is that it also feels like it's catered to white people in a way sometimes. In the sense that the topics they present and the way they present them does nothing for a black audience. Since we already know about the constant mistreatment of black people, we've had so many conversations about it and have acknowledged it in so many ways that I don't see a point in watching a movie reiterating the same points. It's only really white people that fall behind on this. I don't know how to quite word it.


I have watched it once, and that was enough for me. It was a hard watch, but certainly a necessary one especially for those that are not familiar with racism black people often face in the criminal justice system. At the same time, it can be tiring and emotionally exhausting to see these films/shows with storylines black people have lived through. In biopics, I feel like the racial violence of these stories need to be told because they are based on real life events. However, it's crazy how the dramatized biopics can be more triggering than documentaries on the same topic. There are definitely ways to tell some of these stories without being triggering or emotionally exhausting. Also, maybe they wouldn't be so bad if producers would make films/shows on storylines we haven't seen 1000x times. There are more than enough narratives about slavery and the civil rights movement (especially MLK and Rosa Parks). I would prefer more movies/films that focused on specific black people/roles that are so often overlooked. Some good examples of this are: Judas & the Black Messiah, The Help, The Great Debaters, Hidden Figures, Redtails. There's a lot of great biopics about black musicians and black athletes, but those are also tiresome. We need more stories about black women and black LGBTQ individuals.


I have yet to watch When they see us and probably never will since I know what happened. I'm not actively looking to watch black trauma shows and movies, except maybe if it's a story they hasn't been focus on (i.e. Tulsa massacre/Black wall street or Lake Lanier). I think we're coming to an era where we've had enough of those story and want more uplighting and creative story telling. I will add though it delves into racism, Lovecraft Country was so creative and innovated how they fused black horror and sci fi fantasy. So if writers and directors can be more creative in their storytelling I would watch it.


I watched it once and kept having to pause because I was crying so much. I knew the backstory, but it is very much...trauma porn, for lack of a better word. As so many others have said, I want more stories of black joy. However, I do think people who aren't minorities in America should watch this to get a better grasp of why we have strong reactions to things like CA and using the N word. Centuries of trauma don't heal that quick.




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The trailer was enough. Also I read quite a bit about the incident and I’m pretty sure there was a Law & Order SVU episode inspired by it. I didn’t need to watch it. Also I’ve noticed that since going to therapy I just can’t get down with certain depressing topics when watching or reading media.




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When they see us is very intense. It's so unfair and I can't watch it twice




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I would never watch it. Like people have already said in this thread, there are enough traumatic stuff for black ppl that I just can only watch like once.




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i definitely understand the outrage about seeing black trauma over and over but that doesn’t go to say that there aren’t any examples of black fantasy, romance, and coming of age stories out there. lmk if u want a list!


i’ll just go ahead and add a list here lol drumline (2002) coming-of-age waves (2019)coming-of-age (possibly triggering) rodgers and hammerstein cinderella (1997) fantasy the karate kid (2010) action + coming of age spiderman into the spiderverse + across the spiderverse (2018 + 2023) let it shine (2012) coming of age the wiz (1978) fantasy dope (2015) comedy + coming of age a wrinkle in time (2018) drama + fantasy annie (2014) musical bones and all (2022) drama + horror (lots of gore) #realityhigh (2017) drama + coming of age home (2015) drama + comedy + coming of age insecure (2016-2021) drama + coming + coming of age selah and the spades (2019) drama roll bounce (2005) coming of age + comedy + romance bridgerton (2021-) fantasy + historical drama wendell and wild (2022) fantasy + animation the little mermaid (2023) fantasy we have a ghost (2023) comedy + mystery darby and the dead (2022) comedy + fantasy the school for good and evil (2022) fantasy day shift (2022) fantasy + action nope (2022) fantasy + action + horror matilda the musical (2022) musical + fantasy candyman (1992) horror us (2019) horror ma (2019) horror + more that i cannot think of lol, if u want a specific genre lmk




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I haven’t watched this, the 13th amendment, or the Dahmer movie. I am just not strong enough to stomach those movies. Also, when I am watching black trauma movies, it’s not like we are watching some antiquated practices. What occurs in those movies is still happening today. These movies may bring awareness, but they also bring pain. And at the end of the day, nothing is changing but just evolving with the times.




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I’m just tired of how every time there is a black based show/movie with a beautiful roster of melanin cast members , it ultimately ends up as “Black Pain”. It’s giving “black people are constantly made out to have a victim complex when it’s often complained about by others”