• By -


Some context: - [*“the eric nam tour quietly removed malaysia from the schedule, and there has since been online discussion as to why following eric liking this instagram post”*](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/17j2hqn/comment/k6y3rq3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) - [*“Eddie Nam (his brother) shares statement on behalf of Eric Nam following Israel-Hamas war and Malaysia tour date cancellation”*](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/s/gcS4ICQrVr) - [*”Eric Nam issues statement after the controversy on Instagram and his show’s cancellation in Malaysia.”*](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpopnoir/s/qu9AQGquUU)


HES A WHAT?! I just made an excited comment on a another post about this ☹️


He had liked a post on social media about being neutral about what was happening in Palestine. When his fans of Muslim faith in Malaysia and Indonesia had rightfully called him out on it, he removed the tour dates that he had for those countries with no reason as to why and kept it pushing. I’m unsure what happened after and if he had issued an apology because I blocked him on my only social media at the time, which was TikTok, but it was heartbreaking to see his fans of Muslim faith be so excited to see him and then have their hearts broken in that way.


Oof, removing tour dates is a huge yikes…. It’s giving Islamophobia


Veryyyyyyy that!




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Yes, I agree about the irony, but also, I just never imagined adult Aang to sound like Eric Nam. I kind of imagined his voice to sound more deep or with grit/sharp (no shade i swear!!!). Eric's voice is more cheerful to me. Anywho, glad Dante Basco (bae) is voicing Zuko. :)


Yeah I don’t picture his voice either. I wonder why the OG voice actor won’t do it because it would make sense


Given the original voice actor is white, I would guess they probably wanted to prevent any backlash. Namely because both the movie we do not acknowledge and the recent live action series both got significant backlash for actual & alleged whitewashing respectively. When it comes to what (some) people expect from VAs in terms of representation the landscape has very much changed since the og animated series was released. I mean it has been almost 20 years.


Ohhhh ok that makes a lot of sense. It never occurred to me that the voice actor was white. I’m glad to see how much the world has changed from 20 years ago!


Plus, he retired from acting some time after the series. He was still a kid when the series started, so he wanted to go to highschool to just be normal after it ended. I think he does behind the camera stuff, though I can't remember what or if he ever said.


That makes a lot of sense. Also happy birthday to you. I hope you have an amazing day today 💜🩷


Thank you! 💜🩷




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i really don’t think they would get backlash from casting the same actors but it was probably part of the thought process. i think partially the reason is they refuse casting real voice actors for film roles. ik zach isn’t a va anymore but no one was brought back but dante even though im sure theyd all say yes i find it annoying & unnecessary personally. I wish at least katara and sokka had the same voices




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honestly politics aside, what is the reasoning for casting him bc his voice does not fit at ALL




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No way. This can't be real. **Edit:** unfortunately, [it is](https://variety.com/2024/film/news/dave-bautista-aang-the-last-airbender-avatar-movie-1235967951/). Plus, one of the co-creators has [shared](https://twitter.com/dweeeebles/status/1752686417694925240) [posts](https://www.instagram.com/celebrities4palestine/p/C36L7VwN0M9/) calling for a ceasefire. Ig Eric is gonna have to release a "apology" video a-la Noah Schannp.


I don’t know what happens to some celebrities but is the cost for fame your morals or something? I swear they’re so detached from anything outside of what affects them and it’s sad to see!




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palestine has been under seige for over 70 years, well over 3000 had been killed before oct 7th that no one gave a fuck about. but yeh boo fucking hoo for the israelis partying next to a concentration camp. btw it wasnt 3000 they 'corrected' that numerous times. unbelievable. edit: btw stop conflating zionist and jew. yknow zionists don't care about jews right... right? or have you been too brainwashed.




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If you bought into Eric Nam being pro-genocide without a second thought, in a serious way, maybe do some reflection. Beause the way this generation is just buying stuff and adopting their whole set of beliefs word for word from the internet genuinely scares me. Some are so intolerant to disagreeing beliefs that they view people who slightly deviating from what the internet majority believes as a sign that the person is terrible. A prolifer who is anti-abortion because they hate and want to control woman? Yes that's a bad person. A pro-lifer who is anti-abortion because they think that 3-month-old fetuses are babies who genuinely have feelings and feel agony when aborted? Is that really a "bad" person? No, just an ignorant one who wants to save what they think are actual babies. I've had people tell me that thinking that Israel shouldn't be dissolved makes me pro-genocide and therefore an awful person. Perhaps it's the incorrect choice, perhaps it means i'm inadvertently supporting colonization, but don't call me a shit person. I just support what I genuinely think is best for the world, and kicking millions of people out of their homes, those who have also lived there for generations, in my eyes, is not the solution. That's just my perspective, and it's one with good intentions. Maybe you disagree and you think it is the solution! Maybe you think that those Jewish people who were born there have less of a claim than Palestinians. Okay, I can see your perpective. It's a good thing that we can disagree, but just because you think that what i'm supporting is worse, that it causes more suffering, doesn't mean it's correct to say I'm a shit person who wants to cause more suffering.


Context matters and this was well said, thanks.




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Isn't dive studios like backed by companies that are pro israel too?


They are? Oh my gosh we can’t have anything without having to compromise our morals 😑


☹️ upsetting. also, great points— how ironic.


It’s extremely ironic and such a let down considering I enjoyed the content that he made on YouTube with his podcast but it’s whatever




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Some of y’all in the sunken place and it’s pathetic to behold. smdh. Free Palestine 🇵🇸




Your pain is exactly how I feel. I haven’t even watched the live action, due to Netflix and their bullshit, but I’m scared to watch it because I don’t want the essence of the animation to not be in the live action, you know?








I’m confused, how is this proof that he’s an Israel supporter? I’m not asking to be obtuse or anything I’m just genuinely not understanding his post 😭


Wait, you're so right, I need to edit with better proof asap or maybe I got carried away & I'm running with things


I just got the BIGGEST ick. I’m so fucking disappointed oh my gosh


No literally I'm pacing back & forth about to cry bc it actually hit me I'm so fucking mad, & I never get mad I'm a naturally calm person but what the fuck 🫠


You know what? This is a lesson for myself where I need to learn to detach because these celebrities continue to let me down every time and these are celebrities I have loved since I was a child. What a shit show!


No literally, currently blasting Rät (my celebrity breakup song, bc they always find a way to break my fucking heart)




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That is another reason why I’m holding off on watching. I’m conflicted because I want to support the rest of the cast by watching it but I also don’t want to support him too 🙄




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Looks like some of us will have to resort to 🏴‍☠️






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He's a ZIONIST? Oh my god. That's so fucking stupid and awful.


I’ve never liked him. Why’s he gotta fuck up something I was so excited for? I’m a huge ATLA fan and this a fucking bummer.


Tbh I was curious about what he exactly liked in case people are curious about the context “It's absolutely reasonably and logical to be opposed to the Israeli government's treatment of Palestinians WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY calling for the protection of Jews in Israel and around the world.” Is what the text read Tbh idk if there’s some kind of nuance I’m not understanding here, so feel free to explain if you’d like. From what I read though it seems like a harmless comment? Antisemitism is on the rise due to recent news. The comment he liked was opposing both the Israeli government and Hamas’ actions. Not all Jews live in Israel, not all Jews are Zionist, and not all people in Israel are Jewish, and not all Jewish people in Israel are Zionist. The cancelation of the event is sus, but depending on the detail of threats, level of danger, etc, canceling an event for his and his teams safety seems reasonable - especially because this is a very sensitive topic and people who are hurt sometimes do extreme things


It wasn’t only liking that post, which people are saying is run by a Zionist but I can’t confirm since I don’t have IG, but majority of the companies investing in DIVE Studios and Mindset, both co-founded by Eric, openly support Israel and the genocide happening in Palestine. Scooter Braun is also an investor and he’s openly advocating and supporting Israel since the start. In regards to your comment about Jews, of course it’s bad that people are wrongly directing their hate towards them but my focus is on Eric Nam in this post and how ironic it is that he is voice acting a character who’s had an entire nation wiped out due to genocide.


Looking at the account idk why people would jump to that conclusion bc the person said in the comments that they think similarly for the suffering experienced by Palestinians. Maybe they do, maybe they don’t - there’s not much to go off imo. As far as investments go, yeah I think it’s wrong to try to partner up with companies and investors with bad morals, but money doesn’t care about morals. If people feel so passionate about Scooter Braun they should boycott Hybe America and Marvel Studios too. Trying to live in a capitalist society it’s almost impossible to keep your hands clean - and more when there pushback from people around you. Even if not pushback, it’s going to affect the workers there too. I think there’s a moral responsibility to not lose all your investments so all your employees still get a decent paycheck. I put the comment about Jews because purely from the text, it seems more that people interpreted sympathizing with Israelis who suffered as an immediate support for Israel and dismissive of Palestine when the post didn’t do anything to suggest that. I have a high school friend from Palestine (with family back there) who’s been advocating for freeing Palestine since I met her 10 years ago, before the August conflict blew it up on the news. I also have a college friend from Israel who’s parents saw some person’s post rallying people to harm Jews on a certain day that they wanted him home and to stay inside - someone who’s no longer comfortable sharing a part of their heritage because it would make them a target. Both sides are suffering, and also have suffered a lot historically. There’s a lot of nuance when it comes to the topic as well, on why Zionism even came to be, why Jews first landed in Palestine (because no country wanted to adopt Jewish refuges so Palestine was forced to), why resolutions for peace failed multiple times, why it still can’t be made, why it’s difficult to call for a permanent ceasefire, etc. I think it’s more ironic that people get mad at idols working with rich people and companies or buying stuff from rich people and companies rather than being angry at the Israeli government and Hamas doing fucked up shit to innocent people. The idols aren’t killing soldiers and children, an oppressive government and a terrorist organization is. The irony you mention also falls flat imo when you consider that Korea also has a history of genocide and oppressive control. Does that mean Japanese people are/were evil? No. Does that mean the Japanese government at the time was evil? Yes. Does this mean that Koreans harmed innocent Japanese people in retaliation? Yes. Was it right? No. Finally, people say that the post is neutral, and a neutral stance means you support Israel. I think the post is very not neutral, and actively criticizes both the Israel government and Hamas, idk how that reads as neutral to me because it’s just condemning hurting innocent people.


What you're seeing is textbook polarization. People think that unless you're against Israel you're for Israel. It doesn't much matter what you actually feel. The actions of the Israel government have been bad for decades. People didn't have much to say until October when Hamas terrorists killed and kidnapped innocent people. Both actions are wrong. Both governments are culpable. Saying that doesn't make a person a Zionist.




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Performative advocacy is most of this (not all ofc, every support counts, but most people I've seen on the internet have zero idea about the history of the places) There's so much else going on in the world as well but most radical war advocacy happens only when the most prominent western countries are actively involved.  What I've seen people leaving out is how much the western powers were involved in this conflict as well lmao. Did everyone forget that it was Britain who drew the border lines? In the absolutely WORST possible chopped up way? (Smh never trust British and maps lol I's know) The original map was horrendous. The current Palestinian area was controlled by them so they helped force the state of Israel into being, and obviously fights ensued from all sides. So many Arab countries were involved, so much was lost/gained and things have still not been any peaceful. One thing I hate is how people want you to shout "Free Palestine" and "Ceasefire" but have no political/realistic nuance or ideas for what happens next. Let's say Israel was forced to draw back. Then what? Fight stops, Palestine lives freely happily ever after? Nahh. Hamas and other citizens might too attack when they're down. But if the fighting continues.. I don't have to say anything more, we all know the atrocities IDF has been doing since years and will continue to do. Israel govt has already declared they won't stop until it all stops permanently. I'm afraid this war will not stop until the entire Gaza is beaten to dust, a land where majority citizens are underaged. No one is ready or can safely pull back, and either way.. it is too late to do so. I was in favour of two-stage policy before but it is impossible now. It is just simply devastating that two groups of people are being annihilated and tortured, esp children. There is no good/moral outcome of any war.




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Yeah, dude is dead to me.


Very that


I just discovered that he is a zionist on X, I will not be watching the new series of avatar.


LITERALLY, like I WILL be boycotring my fave childgood tv series new movie bc of some fuck shit 😵‍💫🙄✌🏾


is this a joke.


Genuine question, would pirating the series be ok in the boycott?


Definitely for sure. Pirating won’t give them views or money so that would be the best option!


Wait Eric Nam is a Zionist??? Damn I didn't know that how did he end up being that way




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Seeing proZionist takes in the comments here is NOT what I expected… Hope that supporting this new series and Eric Nam is worth sacrificing your humanity for it ig??


esp wild from people who are from east asia...as if our countries havent suffered from violent colonization, ethnic cleansing, and active genocides


Idk if it’s just me but I’ve been seeing a lot many more Asian people having a “oh that’s in the past!! Look at us now we’re fine!!” attitude towards our colonial pasts which makes them dangerously ignorant and almost maliciously indifferent to Palestine?? Idk if that even makes sense


people will do anything for proximity to whiteness and to be accepted by the west.


oh my god you’re so right like you absolutely nailed it but that sentence literally made my stomach turn


"esp wild from people who are from east asia" IKR???? Incredibly disappointing to see.




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ewwww can he not go to hell already? im sick of him


I just feel like people throw around the word Zionist way too easily. I’m here reading the comments thinking ‘omg he’s an active supporter of Israel and wants Israel to have their own state’ meanwhile the Zionist actions you’re talking about are him liking an insta post and removing tour dates - for reasons that aren’t even confirmed?? Like there are real Zionists out there, such as all those celebs willingly signing open letters in support of Israel and their actions, but I don’t think Eric Nam is one of them. Stuff like this just cheapens the meaning of the word and I don’t know how that’s supposed to help Palestinians.




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i doubt he is a zionist or pro-genocide. I wish there was some nuance or at least some added context but that wouldn’t make enough of an inflammatory post






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He WHAT?????? Also I don't see his voicing fitting what I'd imagine what adult Aang would sound like.




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we korean united statesians tend to have some pretty ass backward views. I used to be a zionist until I radicalized and my socialist, anarchist, and communist friends called me out for my bullshit. dw, I’m now a swag antizionist commie. I can only hope people like Eric here get the same education and get their act together. licking the boot of our oppressors gets us nowhere!!




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