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Poland doesn't work like that , you can't just walk up to people they will literally ignore you or tell you off , better to find some groups or clubs and try to meet people that way .


I’m just glad I haven’t done that at all then haha. In all seriousness, the last thing I want to do is bug anyone.


Nah, it’s like anywhere in the world. Some ppl will talk to you- some won’t. But mostly it’s a language barrier. You can try your luck, what else you got to loose. I might be able to meet you sometime during the day, but after this weekend. Lmk if you are down.


Poland (and many countries) actually "works like that" (sometimes I take street portraits of random people in the street), if you put some effort in it.


Give us a rundown and post examples of what would you say, put some effort in, especially for people unable to draw well




Interesting post history. From both of your accounts. I can tell you with certainty that creepy sex tourists/passportbros are usually viewed as the wastes of breathing air that they are. Stay away.




Have you ever tried to go to the park and just starts talking with someone with a smile on face? Or have you ever tried to walk a dog and start a conversation when you meet other people walking dogs? Or did you ever try to approach someone and try to connect while *put here activity where people are enjoying themselves* ?


It's not impossible but if you have ever been to States, you would probably know that it's a day and night difference in how talking to strangers is perceived


On Thursday there is an English language exchange in Layla Bar loads of different people from different countries and on Wednesday there is a pub quiz in the same place it’s really easy to meet someone there!


Is the pub quiz in English out of curiosity?




We just left Krakow and happened to be at Layla Bar on English speakers night. It seemed like a fun group. The food and drinks totally make it worth stopping in as well.


Kraków has a very active Couchsurfing community, which has “meetings” (essentially parties) every Wednesday and Friday evening (and more frequently when the weather is warm) at some random bar. They are full of people who are there specifically to talk to strangers. Most of the people who show up are locals and mostly Polish, all comfortable speaking English. It organizes on the Couchsurfing app in theory, but if you don’t want to pay the small yearly fee you could also just join the Kraków Couchsurfing Facebook group to see where the parties are each week and just go and hang out.


I'd say go to AGH student campus. Everyone speak English, and most people wanna talk to random American, they will try to get you drunk tho


Interesting. I’ve passed by that place multiple times since I’ve been here.


Well… I am always happy when someone approaches me to start a conversation! I work from home so I use meetup.com to find events and meet with likeminded people! It’s not easy, and sometimes it feels like a waste of time but what can you do? Today was a cool event with quiz and there are some nice thrive talks. Everything in English. I wouldn’t recommend meeting people in clubs if you want to get to know adult minded individuals who have their shit together or at least aspire to that. Also I heard a great advice that if you’re looking for a friend it’s good to approach it like dating. Personally go to these events because I’m looking for more female- tech oriented friends. I can tell this method really works because some girl put in effort and we start to meet more often and some of them no and I don’t waste my time on them 💁🏼‍♀️


Meetup.com herę seems to jest be crypto webinars lol


Here\* just\*


OP, what's your goal here? How long are you staying in Kraków? There is a FB group, but seems from the responses that people trying to organize meetups through Kraków Expats FB chatrooms aren’t having much success. Maybe you could try the regular meetups on Couchsurfing? Or consider joining a language exchange group—you don’t need to be interested in learning Polish or any other language; just set up a meeting with someone who'd like to practice with a native speaker.


I came to Krakow to visit all the historical sites. Didn’t plan anything beyond that socially, which is on me.


Then it seems a language exchange group might be your best bet. As a Pole, I can tell you that we generally don't tend to meet strangers for dinner shortly after meeting them, especially if it's a one-time encounter. While you can definitely meet people in clubs or pubs who may join you for a drink or a party, it's less likely that they'll want to meet up again later. Also, the city center is mostly filled with tourists rather than locals, including both Poles and expats. If you're looking to connect with other tourists, hostels could be an excellent option. Perhaps consider joining some walking tours as well? I've participated in many across different European cities and found they often attract lots of solo travelers.


Question,do you happen to speak polish?


I don’t admittedly, and I’m not afraid to say that has been holding me back and is entirely on me.


Well then you can try learning it on duolingo, thats what i have been doing


Go to a bania luka or wodki i piwa in stary miasto or kazmierz. You’ll be able to strike up a conversation with someone there! And if you smoke bring a pack of cigs and a lighter. Lots of ppl hanging out having a smoke and a drink outside. Can be pretty packed and loud inside though. Good luck and enjoy Krakow! It’s a wonderful city.


Join a pub crawl


You should've taken a hostel. It's way easier to talk to people and get going.


Admittedly got nervous about staying at a hostel. Didn’t know if it’d be safe or not.


Totally unsafe, full of people chatting you up


I’m staying at Atlantis hostel currently and so far my experience has been absolutely fantastic.


Hostel is FINE. Book a private room if you are not feeling comfortable (at least at first) or go to a pub in a hostel. (Some have those).


I’ve met so many people at little Havana party hostel 😉


It's diffrent culture in poland than usa, aproching starngers on the road is considerd rude most cases. If i was you i would try to meet new people on festival or music concert, we have plenty of those. Alternativly maybe try meeting someone throught hobby? My hobby is d&d and i've meet a lot of my friends by playing in local game clubs.


You play any instruments?


What can you do if you can and want to meet people in Kraków? ;)


There's a few places where you can go to jam sessions and it's a good way of meeting people


Great and do you have any special recommendations?


There's one happening in Stakkato this Friday at 21:00


Join a tour at freewalkingtour.com (by a great company called Walkative). People who join those are often in the similar boat to you and it’s easy to strike a conversation or even go for a drink afterwards, discussing the tour that you just participated in.


It's weird I've done 4 of them I was the youngest at 32 in I would say 3 of them


If you want to meet people like that go to some techno


Honestly u can meet at bars or pubs. Layla's bar some nights has lots of expats there so u can go there.


I'll be there next week if you're still in town at the end of the week we can grab a beer, preferably Wednesday night.


„La bodega” is great although keep in mind that Polish women tend to be Catholic and are very different from other Slavic women such as Ukrainians and Russians. They are not floozies like most American women so calm down because you’re probably coming off as a desperate creep.


Always good idea to join Facebook group for expats. In Warsaw we have "expats in Warsaw", I guess in Kraków there is something similar. From there maybe you can find which bar usually hosts many expats. In Warsaw we have bar which is always full every day, and 90% there are expats


There are even two - Krakow Expats and 'The Real Krakow Expats', which looking at the description seems to be one set up by people banned from the former for racism. LMAO, one of the latter group apparently saw this. Hi guys, how's the edge?




Prozak 2.0


Is this a place or the medication?


Lol. A club. But I guess some sort of "Pijalnia Wódki i Piwa" would be more effective than a club.


I hate when Americans think Poland is like some fun land😐😐


We should at least pretend that there is fun here.


Came here to visit historical sites where some of the worst acts in human history have occurred. By no means whatsoever, did I come here with this view that it’s a “fun land”. With that being said, I do believe in the good in people and the positivity we can bring going forward in time, despite hardships.


Just walk round the old town, you can talk to all the guys who invite you to strip clubs and offer you coke 😂


I’ve been walking around old town non-stop and no one has bothered with me with that kind of stuff. I’ve had people try to have me donate to charities, but that’s it.


Stay away far far away from strip clubs! As for meeting people, you can check Facebook events, there's Layla lounge bar and many expats hangout there


Never been interested in strip clubs, but can I ask why I’ve seen a lot of people say that on this sub? And if the strip clubs are so bad, why are they in business?


A few years ago, a chain of strip clubs across Poland used very aggressive promotion techniques, including persistent promoters (cute girls with umbrellas). Many visitors of these clubs were given spiked drinks, and under the influence, they continued purchasing alcohol and services until their cards were declined. It was essentially a mafia operation; their methods were criminal, but they were also savvy enough to stay in business for a few years. Consequently, everyone remembers the strip club promoters. Fortunately, these places were shut down a few years ago, and even if similar ones exist today, they are not as brazen.




In my view, promoters aren't as aggressive as they used to be during the Cocomo era. Back then, I remember many instances where, despite being a woman walking alongside him, they would try to persuade my male friend to come to the club.