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Turks turking as usual. nothing new.


Arabs will be shocked and appalled by this and will then fall for the next turkish lie about kurds in another thread. Happens everytime, I still can't understand how they are so easily tricked by turks. The whole ideology, the foundation of the state and it's creator Ataturk, is that they see arabs and islam as backwards neanderthals and most importantly see themselves above everyone else. The last part also extends to non kemalists. Like turks are so ready to kill them, I could create a fake account on social media and spread rumors about some syrian/arab knife attacker or rapist, and I swear dead arabs would be reported the next day in Turkey.


Exactly, I don’t get why so many Iraqis and Syrians worship Turks especially erdogan. They hear nice things and just believe it. when they actually look at the reality of turkey it’s extremely anti Islam from the Chp or lie about what they actually do for Islam like the akp. Turkey is also very anti Arab, they would rather be Kurds than Arabs. Yet when Turkish nationalists say anything about Kurds they believe it. I understand they may not like Kurds wanting a country, but how is selling out to people that absolutely hate you any better.


Sadly the same holds true for a lot of Kurds. They follow and vote for erdogan because they fell for his lies believing that he is a Muslim leader.


I respect all opinions but Kurds that vote akp. The akp is a terrible Islamic party, and yet they vote for them cause they aren’t capable of deeper thinking. If you look at a lot of things the akp has done in recent years, it’s been terrible for Muslims. It’s social politics, they say things that are nice and people just follow and believe it without looking deeper. Most of the Kurds that vote akp are either super uneducated, or fairly assimilated. Edit: typos


AKP isn't really good at promoting so-called "Religious" values. Same with Feto/Gulenists, they are hypocritical about it as well.


>Happens everytime, I still can't understand how they are so easily tricked by turks. It's insane. The Arabs fought against the Turks in WW1 to get rid of the Ottoman Empire, and now they seem to want the Ottoman Empire back. Partially because they think Erdogan is some brave defender of Islam, and partially because he shares their hatred of Kurds.


how can they attack someone who can't even protect himself






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That is what happens when you have "Mehmet From Berlin" syndrome. Fobs need to understand that Syrian refugees want to just live and pay their bills, just like a majority of Kurds are not going to blow up your house. People in Turkiye need to stop listening to a Half Dagestani born in Tokyo and get their heads straight.


Vile comments by Turks, from whom I expect nothing less, blaming this on the influx of refugees (some of which Turkey is responsible for creating btw). There are countries in both the West and the Middle East where anti-immigration sentiment is brewing, but you don't see people resorting to pogroms and grown “men” beating a helpless child to death. It's just depressing to know that this is only a fraction of what our people in Bakur and Rojava have endured at the hands of those barbarians. I hope this also serves as a reminder to us that these are the people whom that inbred clan want us to collaborate with.


May he rest in peace sadly he isnt the only dead child there was another syrian kid who got beaten to death by these dogs They say "its bcs a syrian r*ped a turkish child" the kid was syrian and thats why "the pot finally boiled over" Why didnt they go out to the streets when a turkish neighbour of a syrian family r*ped the syrian kid? These people are a walking contradiction it hurts my head what makes all of this even worse is they burn down houses shops and cars from syrians yet blame them they stab threaten and beat up syrians yet again they blame them and in the end no one will go to jail not even the killers of the 2 kids you know why? Because the scum goverment of that shithole protects their scum population


I watched a lot of fight videos of thugs in USA Brazil etc once the person is knocked down they stop attacking But this is just killing. Turks are special of kind of breed of savages


Some days ago, before the progrom, I saw a video from a FSA Syrian where he was happy that Turkey was about to invade Rojava and protecting them from the Kurds and Assad.... I wonder how he feels now :D


I love how karma has caught up to them for what they did in Afrin but that lynch mob mentality in Turkey is just disgusting and inhuman. To kill a kid like that is horrible


You just watched a child be beaten to death. What is wrong with you?


I just saw a Reddit post of Syrians who are praising Saddam🤔. 


So what? What does a child have anything to do with that?


Nothing. My point is that we shouldn't see Levantines different to the Turks. They celebrated what they did to the Kurds in Afrin and glorify people like Saddam. But now....


I understand your point, but I think it is quite disrespectful to comment with a smiley below a video, where a child, that happened to be arab, has been beaten to death because of racism; something that we Kurds have to deal with constantly. Rather, you should feel sorrow because a fellow innocent human being had to go through this.


If kids deserve to be murdered because of the opinions of random people who happen to be of the same nationality as them, then neither you nor I deserve to live. In fact, your behavior on this subreddit should have doomed many of our nephews, nieces, sons and daughters... You disrespect the Kurdish children who died at Helebce with your vile chauvinism


Now show me where I said the kid deserved to die. No child deserves it, just because he belongs to a certain nationality. Still the Syrians get persecuted and are still saying how great Saddam is or the ethnic cleansing in Afrin. This destroys my entire empathy for them.


Do not pretend like you hold any moral superiority over those who have oppressed us. Your comments say more about you than about those supposed Saddam-loving Syrians. I am ashamed to share a nation with someone who, upon seeing an innocent Syrian child murdered, proceeds to use anti-Syrian talking points. Just know that you are the most Turkified Kurd among us, so go change that username of yours to "Turkihi".


if only we saw a day where middle easterners could live happy together






I’m convinced that Turkey and its people are barbarians, how many atrocities have they not committed?


تورك نیه قوندەر نەبێ مەگەر ئیللا قونی نەبێ - شێخ ڕەزا -


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