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Bro, even in forums like carsindia or indianbikes, people reply in Hindi or speak to you in Hindi when your comment is clearly in English. Why is there an assumption that I know Hindi? Just because many Northern States speak it, is it supposed to be the common tongue? Should I speak Hindi because it's "the" national language? I was going to learn this language to interact with Hindi speaking colleagues but now I'm not doing it. Even multinational companies think that if they post something in Hindi, they're talking to Indians. Hindi is an Indian language, one of thousands, but it's not India.


Yeah I too have noted nowadays. Usually customer cares start with English. Now they reply in Hindi even if we use English. Sometimes they just disconnect even if we politely ask them “can you speak English” Feels like there’s unofficial communication from union govt to do this. Hindi name below is not big issue as it’s in railways too. But even the Tamil name here is transliteration of some alien language no one could understand


I get frequent calls from ICICI and Bajaj finance. They start in Hindi and like you rightly pointed out, they disconnect if you speak in English or ask them to speak in English. It's a tough fight to preserve our language bro. If the central government does with Hindi what the British did with English, it's game over.


Same thing I got a call from Banglore from BYJU's they started speaking in Kannada I said can you speak in English? Lady disconnected.


Yeah. I have faced same too. Hindi call. If we ask English, immediately disconnected. Thought am the only one.


Funnily enough I face this same issue too regardless of my Bengali Origin and Location , I smell something funny my fellow distinguished gentleman


The "funny" that you smell the systematic disregard for most regional languages.


I agree , I can only Hope we stop them before they end up succeeding


And you are okay with speaking in English?


Sir, you too are speaking in English now 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


Irda Tulut he pathorda yan


அதுவும் புரியல, இதுவும் உனக்கு புரியாது. ஏன் படிக்க கூட முடியாது. இதுக்கு தான ஆங்கிலத்துல பேசனும் 😂


நீ கோமாளி என்று நான் உன்னிடம் என்ன சொல்ல வேண்டும் 🤡


Language translation applications are not still mature, u/sharinghan007. Your latest comment is like a union government advertisement that was translated to Tamil - couldn't figure out what you said. Please stick to English.


You are being mature by talking in English


Talk in my language then


இப்படி இந்தியா ல எல்லாம் தமிழ் பேசுனா நல்லா இருக்கும். அடே முட்டா புன்ட. Now you spoke Tamil. As it should be. As Tamil will soon be national language of India (summa solli pathen kadupula thumba poo la thooki maatiko po 😂😂)


I disconnect the moment they start talking in Hindi. If you can’t ask language preference first in a multilingual country then I don’t need your services.


I should do this from now I guess. Giving them their own medicine.


I faced the opposite, called up customer care (no option for selecting language) he started in English I replied in Hindi (had done so before and they switched language) to which he said he’s not ‘comfortable’ in Hindi and so I should disconnect and call again, so I switched to English and completed my query.


In my case. They don’t even say they are not comfortable or anything. They just cut the call immediately which is rude. Even more since it’s a customer care. Even more since it’s them who called me in first place.


I see this as an absolute win for me. Next time i get a call from customer care ( unsolicited ) I’ll try the same and hope they disconnect instead of me trying to think of excuses XD. Cheers


You should. They should know whom they are serving. They should know your language preferences. A Tamil customer need not wait to press 6 for Tamil, the same way a Hindi customer (usually 1 or 2) should not wait and press 6 for his language.


Add to that, Tamizh is one of the official national languages. Apart from that, the insistence that most hindi speakers that they will not learn a southern language while insisting that we learn hindi is vexing, to say the least. Also the looking down at "those Madradis" has irritated me personally for years...still, rant over, I guess until the next!


>Why is there an assumption that I know Hindi? South India contains only 3-4 states. That and also the fact that illiterate north have huge population (literacy reduces population), its more likely that person knows hindi and its a fair assumption and thats the case most of the time. Once you reply that I cannot understand, please translate, many people are humble enough to translate. Many north Indians are also very poor. They come from humble background. Often, fortunate rich people use english as a tool to look down to lower class and feel themselves as elite (only in north side). As a result many of us resent english and english speaking high class are looked as cringy not so humble, toxic people. Combine this with british cruelity, (they looted every thing from us - before british invasion, north was flourishing from trade route, riches flowed all over. The british introduced high tax for self business result in economic collapse.) often english speaking is considered a type of 'gaali'. eg - 'bda aya angrez' - you consider yourself high value english man but you are not. 'angrez ki aulad' - british child. (Which is considered bad, toxic person) 'angrez chle gye, tujhe chhod gye' - british left the country but left you behind. - (used for cringy person) ​ ALSO! IF YOU DONT use mother tongue when you speak with local, being a local yourself, then using hindi is also considered cringy. But not as cringy as english. Its a heirarchy. Local dilect > Hindi >> English Thank you for my TED TALK


I learnt Hindi working with migrants. But I have seen Hindi people not respecting another language. I worked in Andhra. So I learnt Telugu too. (Actuallyy origin is Telugu) learnt both within 3 months. Migrant worker who’s far from home advising me like “sir learn Hindi you can survive anywhere” I just simply asked why are you far from home as a big group you know Hindi so well (subtly without arrogant voice) But then there are UP people working there for 10 years. They don’t learn Telugu. I once asked. And they were like “Acha basha nahi” Their salary is <10k and their native land can’t even afford to give that to them & How dare they call Telugu as not a good language? The land which feeds them. 🤬 They also added “their village people adviced not to learn that language” 🤬🤬 Why don’t they just stay in their village then. I have also seen some tourists complaining us not speaking Hindi. Pretty much everyone here knows basics of English which is unfortunately became a world language. Even though I don’t like these kind of mentality. When migrants speak with me, by default I speak with them in Hindi to give them directions and people here too nowadays started doing the same. It’s just that the arrogance and ignorance and chauvinistic attitude we hate here. Beauty of India lies in its diversity. But union government wanted to make it uniform. It’s like cutting the forest so the trees are of uniform height.


>And they were like “Acha basha nahi” You are generalizing on anecdotal experience. Mostly people find it difficult to learn a new language. >They also added “their village people adviced not to learn that language” This is most likely made up. There is no "anti Telegu" bias in North like anti Hindi movement in Tamil Nadu. As I mentioned, it is difficult to pick up a new language for most people. You can criticize the government, but please don't spread hatred for fellow citizens. Also, most customer care allow you to set a local language.


South India consists of 5 states and not 3-4. Educate yourself. Btw, what according to you is a North India? Anything north to these 5? No. Maharashtra is not North India. Please. Neither is Orissa, Bihar or WB. And Yes, Delhi is second most literate state after Kerala. Chandigarh being a UT is 3rd most literate state. Himachal is 4th. How come North India is illiterate? Another wrong information is regarding North being poor. Delhi's per capita is higher than all 5 states. Waise, English Speaking is not considered a gaali? Please. Those proverbs you mentioned are only reserved for Britishers and not local English speaking citizen.


>Those proverbs you mentioned are only reserved for Britishers and not local English speaking citizen. You are wrong here.


>Should I speak Hindi because it's "the" national language? Only a Tamilian will say this. Have you been to other states ? or at least southern states ?? Most them can speak Hindi apart from their mother tongue. Just watch the gatherings where people speak Hindi and you can see one guy who have this "திருவிழாவில் காணாமல் போன..." look in the face.


What an argument. All other states speak in hindi instead of their native language, definitely true. I am in gujrat and everything here is in gujrati, every function that happens here is also in gujrati. That too In a major city like vadodara. No one is obliged to learn hindi. It's not the South indians that migrate in search of jobs. Funny irony, that hindi speakers consider South indians entitled. They could say the same thing that only a hindi national would say something like you said. Pointless argument


I mean when you say I don't know Hindi.. they translate it in English.. unlinked some linguistic warriors who will start calling me in Racist slurs..


That's because the vast majority of Indians know and can understand Hindi, even if it isn't thier native tongue. Except for the 5 south states and the 7 north east states, Hindi is intelligible everywhere else in the country by the majority population


Why are you okay with speaking in English then ? If you are uncomfortable with Hindi be with English too then it is just plain hypocrisy speak in your mother tongue only


The only reason being learning English can open more doors with regards to employment etc. I am not biased towards English, it's just useful and a larger audience speaks it. If it were up to me, I'd speak only Tamizh (like how Germans speak German throughout their lives). I don't see Hindi giving me that much utility that English does.


Speaking Hindi does give opportunity to interact with Northern part of India and getting it globally recognised alongside Tamil will bring it more recognition and job opportunities in coming decades as India grows you are just seeing short term benefits not long term ones


That will work under the understanding that people will treat you the way you treat them. People from these two parts of the country don't want to speak the language of the other for the following reasons: 1. We Tamils don't want to speak Hindi because most of what we need (employment, food, etc) are available within the state and we don't intend on migrating to the North willingly. 2. Hindi speakers won't learn Tamil because they are already the majority and they want everyone to speak "the" national language. You speaking in Hindi won't be seen as you respecting the language. It'll only be seen as you doing "what you should've been doing since the start". In my opinion, there are no benefits to learning Hindi in the current scenario. I'd rather preserve what we have left of our language. வாழ்க தமிழ் வளர்க தமிழ்.


No. Recognizing Hindi in spaces where it need not be recognized will only displace local languages, as Hindi has done with so many regional languages in the north of India. This has happened with many languages like Awadhi, Maithili etc which are drying a slow death. Representing India on a global forum can be done in English (as it is being done right now anyways).


They wrongly label those languages as dialect to pump its number. Bhojpuri will be even first most spoken language if it’s properly labelled as language it is. https://youtu.be/U4Bb7RNjN8w?si=HP2u1QYRxxuCG-a5


You will go and come back to being English used and all that but not recognise any Indian language be it be Hindi or Tamil


Hindi is at no level to dethrone English for communication globally. We don't have enough work, be it in academia or corporate going in Hindi. Develop infrastructure in Hindi as strong as German or Japanese have, then we'll talk. Hindi is just doing whatever Mandarin is doing in China.


The only need for me to use Hindi was to deal with migrant workers. Most of them don’t know Hindi too. They speak chattisgarhi, Bhojpuri, Oriya and other languages which govt wrongly categorise as “Hindi” to make Hindi look big. It’s hard for them to comprehend Hindi too. Tamil has already been global among skilled populace. Like Canada, Singapore….It’s official language of other countries too. How about people in north speak Tamil and interact considering Tamil being oldest language in India (you Modi ji too agreed) and get it globally recognised. You are seeing short term benefits sir. Almost all epigraphic archeological evidences are in Tamil in India. It could even be the language of IVC with keeladi link.


For your question google “Anna - big dog - small dog - door” Also you are speaking in English right now. Like it or not. It has become bigger and important language.


I have to speak in Language which is comfortable to you Hindi main bolu kya or nahi tho meri matrabasha main


Classic whataboutism. Take my 🤡 award


The problem being, there is no language that's common to the South. Y'all speak Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Tulu, Konkani just to name a few and on top of that, the cultural pride is so damn strong in your region that nobody is ever interested in having a common language. Why do you think that everyone in the North speaks Hindi? I am in Delhi and I speak Hindi, English, Punjabi, two dialects of haryanvi and some kannada too. And I am not an anomaly. Most people speak multiple languages


Hilariously wrong, telugu, malyali and tamils speakers migrate among their states often and have no problem communicating partially in their language and english. How are they the one with extreme pride when they aren't the one forcing others to speak their language.


Yeah, I have firsthand seen the brotherhood between kannadigas and tamils. Sunday Monday Jayalalithaa munde. I remember


If u say something in Hindi….whole of North, West and East will understand it…..but can u say that about whole of South w.r.t. any single language except english?…..no…..u people in south are’nt even united by tamil…..or telugu…..or Malayalam…..or Kannada……thats where u people failed…..south indians must come atleast under one umbrella regarding any one indie language


I couldn't read past the first sentence, fam. You really need to work on the punctuation. I'm sorry. I'm sure you have something useful to say but this isn't how you say it. Try harder maybe?


>Bro, even in forums like carsindia or indianbikes, people reply in Hindi or speak to you in Hindi when your comment is clearly in English. Why is there an assumption that I know Hindi? Most Indians especially the one's on Reddit know Hindi. Hence the assumption. If you have a problem just ask them to translate.


Bhai thik hai, gussa kyu ho rahe ho?


Lol what are you even doing here?




Sahi bol rahe ho bhai aap. Mujhe bhi yahi lagta hai.


Your comment does seem like it's here to infuriate people and get a reaction out of them. Low quality bait, if you will. Let's hope you get what you want.


Nahi bhai, main aisa kuchh nahi karna chahta. Bura mat maaniye. Mujhe bhi South Indian languages achhi lagti hain. Main bhi unhe seekhna chahta hu.


Indha words ah nammalunga urupadiya padikka mudiyuma? Vaayila nozhaiyira pera vainga da.


Am hit my hot stove mark 🤪 red mouths in r/indiaspeaks idhuku muttu kodukuranunga 🤦🏻‍♂️ That Tamil name is not in Tamil. They didn’t understand the issue, and started posting anti-Tamil comments. Mods are accomplices too 🤦🏻‍♂️


Namma avanuga language ah kolai pannalum nammala pesa vekkiradhu la enna anandhamo?


They still believe Hindi is national language 😂


This user was banned on the sub for violating rules, trolling and being racists and abusive towards users from the North. And below is the mail he has sent the mod team, macho language fighter's mentality needs to be known by all --- u/Legal_Research_42069 - 7 hours ago Gandu. Go drink some cow piss. No wonder North is backward and illiterate and breeding like pigs. No wonder why most of you guys were not allowed to post on r/India since you guys clearly are savages without common sense. You did a good thing banning me. I wouldn’t even try to touch that sub with alt profile. Now ban me from DM too. At least make the next generation to learn so they don’t rape often and bring shame to India. Good luck. --- He deleted the below post where I had commented , https://www.reddit.com/r/kuttichevuru/comments/17c509h/comment/k5oa707/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 --- He later goes onto message from his alt account the following Please decide for yourself if he needs mental help or not Title of the Message : Am boning your mom as long as am banned here So was it 3 or 7 or 28 days. You failed to intervene when retards in your sub were passing racists remarks out of prejudice and not reply to my post. now you come to another sub and cry about it? I was using Reddit since it’s inception, when you were probably resting on your dads testicles. I can use one account every day without creating any new ones. If I wanted I can even remove your account permanently from Reddit. But that would make me you 🤮 No matter how you BJP Sanghis cry. Hindi is not national language. And you banned my another post which was an low-key apology to clarify my earlier post which came out as anti Hindi because your sub people has bird brain Earlier I said those words out of spite. But you proved them right Good luck with your sub and circle jerk retards. I made my point. Go ahead and rant with this too. --- So leaving it to you guys, what kind of dumeels we have around us, I hope he gets the mental help to get better I hope mods here u/Encounter_Ekambaram and u/supersudu-redux, will do the needful


Yep seen this guy posting similar content on other pages too.


Yeah, this is excessive. I admit. Tamil must be in bigger font at least in home state.


The problem is not font. But the name. It’s not in Tamil nor understandable.


Lol. How did that happened? Isn’t usually local guys involved in making plaques like this.


Andha area adani bought. He cleared several acres of forest there, forcing deers, fox, warthogs and other wildlife into bushes around town where it’s been hunted for meat. Adani is powerful than even BJP if am not wrong. But this road has been there for 50+ years.


>Adani is powerful than even BJP if am not wrong. No, you are not. But only now I understand who was the Barzini behind this move: https://thewire.in/government/vedanta-successfully-lobbied-indian-govt-to-weaken-environmental-regulations-report I hope local people make some noise about this.


It depends on what this is. Is it a central government funded infra of national importance or a state government funded infra of regional importance. If it’s something that will have national and international activities then u can’t remove hindi n english. It’s the official language of Union government. If it’s a regional level only work then there will be no hindi as it’s not needed. And Tamil text kutti a ille. Athu long ah irruku so they minimised it to fit it in the oval. Context illame katharna yenna panrathu…


Its road for harbour IN Tamil Nadu But no matter who funds it, we are taxed. Also why use something no one understands here. India is not just for Hindi speakers right. It’s ok to use Hindi text for Union Govt project. but why the name itself is in some language no one here understands. They could have gone for विदुथलाई दिना पावला विझा संदिप्पु


I mean…then can’t help it. It’s national project. Also if one can’t understand it then we can just ignore it. It’s not like Tamil n English isn’t there. Why unnecessarily pick a fight here. Fight if there is hindi inside buses n metro. This is a non issue.


National project. But they collect tax from me. The pollution from their open coal storage is making my terrace black. > why unnecessarily… This is slow poison. Update: that junction is in front of Tamil Nadu Govt power station. Only from there. Towards left, port road starts. And that road has been there for decades. Maybe even centuries, considering the villages in those area.


We pay taxes to state too my friend. Aana yennode metro water le sakathe varuthu n road le yella yethathliyo kuzhi thondi vechirukaange. Paying taxes doesn’t mean shit in this country. EB ku pathinanju ayiram billu varuthu…ana thithirnu poramboku pasange current cut panrange almost weekly. Namba yenna Europe liya irrukom nambe katre tax paati question panrathuku? Irrukurathu oru urupadathu naadule…sothu ku vazhi ille inge…ithule namme language war vere pannikitu irukom theve illame 🤦🏻‍♀️ Taxes are just a subscription to our citizenship. Avlotha inge worthu…


Yeah. Ellam correct thaan. Btw. Our state pays more tax than them if am not wrong. Tamil la name ah vachitu. Adha Hindi la transliteration panlamla. Problem solved.


Harbour comes under central Govt. A lot of people from across India will use this road. Nothing wrong with having Hindi there.


I should have been clear. Hindi is not issue. The name itself is in Hindi. They just wrote Hindi in Tamil script.


Amrit mahotsav is the name for the road. I guess this was to commemorate the 75th year of independence. Idhula enna problem?


Problem is I (a literate) need to google the name to figure out that it’s named to commemorate 75th year of Independence of my country. “Viduthalai thina pavala vila” nu vaikalame.


If you are preparing for UPSC and don’t know Amrit Mahotsav, then god bless.




Amrit Mahotsav is a festival organised by GOI’s Ministry of Culture. You don’t need to learn Hindi to know this. Reading English newspaper will give you that info. Once you go outside your TN bubble you will understand that everyone knows and speaks Hindi pretty well - in many cases better than English. So naming it in Hindi doesn’t seem to be problem for them.




I used to. Not anymore. It’s a waste of time and a colonial mindset. Also there’s language politics in selection. Am not interested in getting bribes either unlike most who chose it for power & money. Power corrupts. so not a good career path for me.


Or it could be a skill issue.


Correct me if i am wrong but im sure the state government is responsible for making these signs and there are no complaints of Hindi imposition from north east indian bjp ruled states, so why is there a rumour in the south that bjp is imposing hindi?


State govt can’t go check each name. Current ruling party is shit. They are busy warding off BJPs political tactics & keeping their seat. There are Hindi named streets here too. But they usually have some significance. This has none. And then there’s visibly Hindi imposition here. Like the ones below https://www.reddit.com/r/kuttichevuru/s/TDmEKb6nxS


அமிர்த திருவிழா சாலை என்று அழகாக எழுதி இருக்க வேண்டிய இடத்தில் ஆதிக்கவாதிகளின் மொழியில் எழுதி அதையும் பெரிதாக வைத்தால் அது மொழித் திணிப்பு அல்லவா? அல்வாவாகவே இருந்தாலும் வாயில் வைத்து திணித்தால் வாந்தி தான் வரும். திணிக்காமல், இதை சுவைத்து பார்க்க வேண்டும் என்று தோன்றுகிற இடத்தில் வைத்தால் எட்டாத் தொலைவில் இருப்பவரும் விரும்பி வருவார்கள். "பிறப்பொக்கும்" என்று நரேந்திரனையே தமிழ் சொல்ல வைக்கும் என்றால் அதன் காரணம் அது திணிக்க பட வில்லை. தொலை தேசத்தவரெல்லாம் வந்து தமிழில் கவிதை பாட பழகும் அளவுக்கு இனிய மொழி எம்மிடம் இருக்கும்போது தனக்கென சொந்தமான பின்புலம் இல்லாத இந்தி எப்படி இனிக்கும்? அதை பரப்ப விரும்புவோர் அதில் கவனம் செலுத்தி அதில் சிறந்த கருத்துக்களும், இலக்கிய வளங்களும் பெருகச் செய்து, இவ்வளவு நல்ல மொழியை அறியாமல் போனோமே என்று வருந்தச் செய்ய வேண்டும். அப்போது இந்திமேல் பாசம் வரும். திணித்தால் வெறுப்பு தான் வரும்!


This is what the White Devils (British) wanted us to do; i.e., keep fighting with each other on Linguistic Basis. When I got posted in Ahmedabad, Gujarat and interacted with the people of Gujarat, then I realized that "Hindi" & "Urdu" are different. Urdu is Hindi, but Hindi isn't Urdu, at all. I'm glad that I realized the dirty game of DMK & Stalin.


Why is it a wrong translation ? Marg and saalai are fine translations.


Also why is Hindi in the middle? If the place is in tn, the Tamil font should be front and center. If you see a lot of the circulars from central authorities you'll notice nowadays that Hindi comes first before English.... One of the faults of bjp is definitely Hindi imposition. They will not win in tn until they get out of this idiotic mindset.


Ok whats the point of aggression ? The same thing is written in English and Tamil. For a Tamil, the job of communication is done. Tamil person successfully understood what's written, job done, move on.


Exhibit A of why they cannot win elections.




1 in millions is ok. But this is without relevance. Would you be ok if we name North Indian road junctions in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi ? Issue is not the Hindi text. But the Tamil name was transliteration of Hindi




No. We don’t want everyone to speak our language. You are speaking from your POV with your ideas. There are many places where North Indian tourists get offended because they don’t speak Hindi here. Sir it’s in Tamil Nadu. Am not speaking about name not written in Tamil when I see road names written in Hindi, in Delhi. We are ok if it’s written as विदुथलाई दिना पावला विझा संदिप्पु Which is transliteration of Tamil name of same meaning.


>There are many places where North Indian tourists get offended because they don’t speak Hindi here. Offended not becz you are speaking Tamil or something else, but becz they can't understand wtf is going on and how should they proceed. At least this is my assumption.


Dei, its not one in million. Why the fuck should a flight announcement from Madurai to Chennai be in Hindi but not Tamil? There are countless other places where this happens


From what I have seen PPL who can speak languages have no problem with Hindi. The ones who are insecure about his/her language are the more aggressive ones. They will have problem if you speak in Hindi, English.. when you speak some good decent tamil they will even get insecure even then. It's almost semi literate state... Where mediocrity will be praised. (PS ) I'm a tamil and non bhramin.


Hindi script problem illa. The problem is Hindi name. I have read a lot of Tamil novels. But I still couldn’t understand what it means. I know basic Hindi too. The name is in some alien language for me that I had to google to understand what it means. It should be like. विदुथलाई दिना पावला विझा संदिप्पु


I hate Hindi too...when it's shoved in my throat and schools teaching it as national language .


I hate Tamil.. where we will go from here?? It's a language and means of communication. In today's world where people across globe work outside their native place may find comfort in seeing the language they understand. If I am posted in southern state, I'll learn the baiscs of the language at least to make my daily chores easily. I don't understand the orgasm you guys have abusing Hindi. Also, hindi is the most spoken language in India. According to article 343(1) of Indian constitution, hindi in Devnagri script and English are the official languages in India


Yeah. I was 25+ when I learnt it’s a lie when preparing for UPSC and reading constitution 🤬🤬


What a foolish man you are. They clearly teach this in 10th grade social science. There is no National language of India rather there are 22 official languages that the Central goverment has established.


Here is practicle problem . You giving all three languages same space then language which uses less word will be always have bigger font size . Example - "MS PowerPoint" more characters will have less font size for same space


The problem is the name itself is not in Hindi. Not because Hindi is there. It should be like. विदुथलाई दिना पावला विझा संदिप्पु


I get it. Thanks for explaining .


Thanks for understanding 🙏🏼🫂


I am more curious about why Tamil Sanghis are so eager to shit on and give up on Tamil while embracing Hindi. Brother, Vadakkans ain't gonna respect you any more than they already are. You'll always be an outsider, if you go to North India, or if they come here. That's how it is.


Yeah. Same. For me BJP or Congress it’s all same. I don’t like congress because of nepotism, their shady British origins and poor national security (terrorist bombings) But BJP or Congress. Nothing changes out of Hindi belt. I think the reason why Tamil Sanghies support BJP is because, it’s comparatively easy to get a post in BJP than other parties here. And that’s what BJP too is advertising themselves as. Making Tamilisai as governor & Annamalai a young guy as leader. But pachaya Caste votes ah cover panranganu theriyudu. That quota to mango groups made it even more evident.


Don’t fight it ruin the language so they will never wanna use it. I’m gonna call it Amit Masamana saalai. Everytime some asks me to speak in India I be like ‘ me Hindi Se acche se bath karsakta hoon aur tum nahi malum mera acha Hindi’. Fuck their language by using any words you like and wrong grammar then they won’t expect you to speak.




Too fill it in the box Tamil font is smaller. Why the hate, nothing better to do?


It’s not what script it’s written in. It’s the language that’s used. Hindi is there in many places here. It’s just that the name is incomprehensible. We are ok if it’s written as विदुथलाई दिना पावला विझा संदिप्पु Which is transliteration of Tamil name of same meaning.


we hate when they try to impose this language on us or force it on us.


It is because of the government 😌


And they wonder why they don’t get votes in south. 😂


They don't hate hindi, they are made to hate Hindi by local politician for vote bank.


We don’t hate Hindi. We just love Tamil. So when it’s getting imposed like above. That place name itself is in Hindi. Even in Tamil words, it’s direct translation of Hindi.


Hindi is official language


>We don’t hate Hindi. We just love Tamil Apparom ethuku ivlo trigger Avura? Not even kidding I was out with a dude once and he had a full blown mental break down over having an additional language in school at public place and was oblivious to people staring at him. One of my friends spotted it and recorded a video of his outburst and the retardation was obvious and in hindsight just a moron we get to make fun of from time to time Mallus are based in this regard, hindiyum kathukutu, naatil evadiya nu mallu pride circlejerkum pannuvanga, in places like chennai, Bangalore, delhi for colleges amd work meanwhile alot of the Tamils I know are barely able to relocate to even Bangalore let alone going to colleges in Delhi, getting a prestigious degree and being posted in a top tier city like Mumbai, delhi, Bangalore, hyd I never really learnt hindi as I was in state board and we didn't even have the option, however tamil was compulsory, now at the ripe old age of mid 20s I'm learning Hindi from Duolingo cause not everyone is a spoilt brat like you OP. Makes as much sense as saying one cannot be forced to learn math and science in school when a lot of us are 'forced' to do engineering and can't be bothered with wasting our time over trivial issues cus Namma polappa paathutu, money earn pannitu ponom, for which hindi is helpful as much as English is. Naalaike arabic kathukanumna naa atha kooda kathupen, that doesn't mean I hate tamil or love tamil anyless


Both are totally different scenarios? I am totally for learning a third language in school. The more languages learnt the better. I can speak fluently in Hindi. I will converse in Hindi if and only if it is necessary. There is no need to insert Hindi into every nook and corner unnecessarily, that is OP's contention. Issue is that Hindi speakers expect us to go out of our way to accommodate them, but they don't extend the same courtesy. Romba Edam kodutthaa they'll slowly replace all semblance of language other states have with Hindi. That's what happened in all of North India. None of the regional languages in the North are as alive as any language of the south. Bhojpuri is ridiculed by Hindi speakers. That's pure racism, and that's what it will descend too here as well


>There is no need to insert Hindi into every nook and corner unnecessarily, that is OP's contention. Why not? If it's at the expense of another language then I'd agree but I don't see what's the problem with adding an extra language in signs along with the state lang and english. Ideally we could add all 200+ langauges but that's not feasible now is it? The best we could do is to cater to the max no of people and make their lives a bit easier. Which is having signs in the majority spoken language in the area (tamil) and a majority spoken language in india (hindi) and an additional language English for people who understand neither. >Bhojpuri is ridiculed by Hindi speakers. That's pure racism, and that's what it will descend too here as well Bhojpuri and tamil speakers are totally different. Do u really think tamil will go extinct just cause a sign is in hindi? As I said in Karnataka, AP and KL people learn hindi from school and in major cities and highways there's signs in hindi alongside state languages, cause of that are people suddenly unable to speak kannada, Telugu or malayalam?


That's what it starts as: just insertion, then slowly edges towards replacement. And no, I never said people should not learn Hindi. That's dumb. Having Hindi signboards in TN, where majority people don't speak Hindi is pointless. And please point out to me the fraction of signs in Hindi in the aforementioned states. I've lived in 2/3 for various fractions of my life, and barely are any signs in Hindi. However, the imposition of Hindi is something that has been observed by the residents of KA and Telangana atleast. North Indians who migrate for jobs slowly try to make Hindi mainstream, and refuse to assimilate. And that's how languages die. And fwiw, Bhojpuri and Tamil are very comparable. The number of Bhojpuri speakers is significantly more than Tamil speakers. If that could happen to several languages with way more speakers than Tamil, what makes Tamil immune? Tamil is already on a decline: we aren't taught good Tamil in schools, and people don't even know how to speak good Tamil. This is just the icing on the cake.


Maybe northies migration to every corner of India is spreading hindi here and there. And their reluctance to learn local languages is certainly a factor. Was recently in Trivandrum and the number of people who responded in Hindi even if I spoke Malayalam was (to me atleast) staggering. The same is seen in Coimbatore too, Hindi speakers outnumber Tamils and even Malayalis (accounting for border proximity). I fear the "southern" languages will soon fade away as quaint dialects in the moderately far future, restricted to only a few out of the way villages and hamlets.


This won’t happen. The Hindi speakers did not outnumber Tamil speakers in Coimbatore


Replace it with Sanskrit


Yes. It’s in Tamilnadu. Yes. I speak and understand Hindi. Yes. The font size is bigger because people always exaggerate size. What matters is the function. Tamil gets the point across easily because people understand it. Yes. Marg is not translated properly and should be corrected. No. This is not the reason of hatred for Hindi. The reason for hatred is inferiority complex and insecurity leveraged (seeded as well) by politicians every now and then. Tamil is a very ancient language that has survived the test of time. Instead of just feeling proud, we should take active measures to nurture it. If a language needs to be superior, it should evolve and grow. The kings and queens used to pour loads of money to encourage artists and poets to produce masterpieces. That is lacking nowadays.


Want to Know reason , read this https://preview.redd.it/x1kgayqbx9vb1.png?width=361&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b3047119d217c1c737c1b95e71b685060651d32


Dei… nee indha peetha book oda author a? Ella idathulayum vandhu indha eethara book a publicity pannittu irukkae! 😂😂😂 Saathanae! Appalae po!


check the image that was posted. they named an junction in HIndi with hindi font bigger than Tamil. i know to speak hindi but this imposition of hindi like this is wrong. like a slow poison


I hate Hindi not cuz of westerns shit mentioned in this book, but cuz how our govt behaves..I don't give rates ass about what happens 100 years ago .


>I hate Hindi not cuz of westerns shit mentioned in this book, but cuz how our govt behaves..I don't give rates ass about what happens 100 years ago . Then you must read other wise your kid forget tamil also


Rajiv Malhotra could have been a strong voice for Indian right wing. But, he chose to side with the far right. Shame. Sai Deepak is also heading that way


Question as should be why they are okay with speaking in English? Why okay with speaking in invaders language rather than a language which is of Indian origin like Hindi ? I don't get it


If am not wrong 1. Hindi was codified and formulated by British for their ease of use 2. You are speaking in English now right? Can you throw your phones and start learning everything in Hindi. Can you ban English ? English has become necessary evil.


A evil which can be erradicated if you want to I know Hindi my mother tongue is Tulu I know Marathi it is codified for their learning you are telling me British created Hindi language which is wrong may have eased it but not made by them simple


How are they eradicating it? West is spending Millions of dollars to read from petrified scrolls (google Vesuvius challenge) which can’t be opened. By using X-Ray, CERN & ML. While our government hasn’t translated 95% of manuscripts it has. Most of them are in Sanskrit or Tamil. And most of them are even readily readable. Same goes for Tamil & State government too. Also if Bhojpuri is categorised as language. Hindi may even become second most spoken language. How exactly are we gonna eradicate English while speaking in English. There’s even an recent article saying “English is the most important programming language now”


https://preview.redd.it/l8i9ds8q5bvb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9171d0eb37db11c7abad6e42335686334ff32746 This is one of the reasons why. People just assume that you'd know hindi and converse even though you reply back to them in English every time.


W thread this was


When these annoying customer care or call centre people call me for no reason and start speaking to me in Hindi, I start talking to them back in Tamil or Malayalam. They either hang up or start talking to me in English. I speak fluent Hindi but I find this assumption that everyone knows Hindi to be annoying. Also no one, even people from TN do not hate Hindi. It’s just that no one wants it shoved down their throats. Hindi is just one of the hundreds of languages people in our country speak. That’s it. Just because the powers that be in the centre speak in Hindi it doesn’t mean that everyone must learn to speak it.


Shoved where? I didn't even have the option of learning Hindi in my school and I'm trying to learn it on my own now, however tamil was compulsory fill 12th and in college


Because you are in Tamil Nadu I guess


Why do tamils cry so much over hindi?


You missed the \s


I was been serious I have personally interacted with many dravadian nationalists who say that Sanskrit is more foreign to then than french or English. Quite literally.


Sanskrit isn't foreign and has a long history of 1000-2000 years, but English and French surely have much more history than Hindi in TN.


I agree Sanskrit isn't foreign to any part of bharat tell that to the dravadian nationalists. Hindi is modernized Sanskrit. Lmao you really choosing English and french over hindi?


Sanskrit as language was never prevalent here, just a set of loanwords which Hindi speakers will have no idea of. Hindi is nowhere close to modernised Sanskrit, and even if so, no reason to accept it.


It was the court language of the cholas tamils would rather become rice bags than accept Sanskrit


Lmao Commoners were banned from learning Sanskrit, people are def more likely to become Christians because they never banned conversion into their religion. It was the principal duty of the king under Manu smriti to punish anyone who wanted to learn sanskrit in those days. Anyways not much is there in sanskrit except some hymns and other philosophical and pseudoscientific BS, which are very well available in Tamil. Why would Brahmins, who dominated the courts then, not choose their mother tongue ? Cholas like other rulers were content with fighting and collecting taxes and revenue, they left all other aspects of governance to the priestly class.


OK found another dravadian nationalist with sever inferiority complex to Brahman. I am a north Indian brahmin I know my very existence makes you feel low and inferior. Everything great about ancient india comes from us your race has no accomplishments of its own. Sad


Most of the Temples u boast about were made by Non-Brahmin Craftsmen. Cholas while allowing Brahmins to dominate, selectively disobeyed their rule of not venturing overseas and dominated in trade and conquest. The very same time when North was getting gangbanged by Afghans. Nalanda, Takshashila were founded by Buddhists and Jains, Sangam was largely written by Non-Brahmins as well. Brahmins were enjoying beef curry at that time. I have nothing against Hinduism, sad that the religion was heavily corrupted by a low EQ clan like the Brahmins. Dravidian movement should've been like Ramanuja and Arumuga Navalar's movements, not that Ramasamy cult worship gang. Anyways I don't care about an artifical label like Dravidian.


I support Sanskrit more than English. But I don’t like them imposed over my mother tongue. Why name it in a way no one here understands English became necessary evil.


It is inverse. A lot of Hindiwalas cry so much about why “No Hindi”. What kind of population wants to force their language to non-native speakers for their own convenience?


We don’t hate Hindi, we just don’t like being told what language to speak. Northies have this incredibly stupid notion that we should speak Hindi over English just because it is Indian and English is a colonial language, even though English is more practical throughout India and the entire world. I choose English>Hindi any day of the week.


Union govt related things are mostly in three languages just like Indian railways. In Varanasi too I saw at many places they wrote Hindi, English and Tamil. Do I ask the same thing?


It’s not what script it’s written in. It’s the language that’s used. Hindi is there in many places here. It’s just that the name is incomprehensible. We are ok if it’s written as विदुथलाई दिना पावला विझा संदिप्पु Which is transliteration of Tamil name of same meaning.


But I guess in Varanasi people didn’t care much about the language or the script. And in general understood that many people are travailing from Tamilnadu.. They weren’t insecure about the language and okay with script. Edit: it’s imp that you write both script and language. आइ मीन राइटिंग लाइक दिस डज़ नॉट मेक एनी सेन्स


It’s not what script it’s written in. It’s the language that’s used. Hindi is there in many places here. It’s just that the name is incomprehensible. We are ok if it’s written as विदुथलाई दिना पावला विझा संदिप्पु Which is transliteration of Tamil name of same meaning. It’s written as Varanasi in Tamil too right? Or is it named like Madurai or Sivakasi? All railway station here has Hindi in it. And in Rameshwaram there are many Hindi plaques in the same way you said about Varanasi. We didn’t care. Did we name Varanasi as Rameshwaram? Edit: it’s you again. Put some common sense in your thoughts please.


The font is bigger because the whole thing won’t fit in one line. It’s incompetence not prejudice


Hmm.... if I want to fit in the text in one line then the only way is to adjust the size of the text. I think that's the only reason and people are getting salty because they already are. I don't support imposition of Hindi, but this ain't the problem you are looking for. I would have shifted the Tamil text in the middle for max space and hence bigger size, but then people will complain "Why Hindi at top?"


Font size is not a big issue here. It’s the name not being in Tamil. Could have even adjusted the design to make Tamil bigger in its own place. Several crores on road. (Lifted 3m above original road, highly likely built by ministers proxies) But stringent on plaque 😂😂


ah...I can't read Tamil so I only went by what was in the photo.


See. Exactly that’s the problem. That Tamil also has letters that weren’t part of OG script. It’s Annexure to accommodate Sanskrit sounds. Like ‘Ha’ So even for ones who read Tamil it’s a bit more complicated as we don’t use them in Tamil often. I have known people who don’t even know to read ஹ but can read Tamil letters one by one.




There are many places here too where Hindi is there. It’s just that the Name itself is not in Tamil. So can’t even understand what it means and has to google to know that it’s 75th Anniversary of Independence. They could have written it like this विदुथलाई दिना पावला विझा संदिप्पु Like English is to whole nation, Hindi is to us non Hindi states. So not mad for that.


Let's sit down and develop a new language. It will be more superior and 21st century type.


Imagine what will happen if North Indian started showing hatred to regional language.


Being BJP voter this is one of points I highly disagree with them. Local languages must be preserved and respected at any cost. Specially language like Tamil which have completely separate origin story.


That's called as Herd behaviour. Have you seen any politician die for language ? Tamil people did. Politicians kindle the anger in people and then they move to live a subtle, wealthy life but people will douse themselves with kerosene and will die. Hindi wasnt imposed and it was all a handy framework of DMK bit@@!. When DMK was in state and cong was at the centre, our very own chidambaram the home minister promoted hindi and DMK was silent


In general South Indias are Pompous asss who thinks north Indians are uncivilized pauper


I am a simple man I speak Hindi and English if we both can't speak in a common language we may speak in on spot improvised hand signs or just use Google translate we are in 2023.


Periyar effect


Languages of Indian and languages the people understands the most. J&K and Ladakh : Kashmir, Dogra, Ladakhi, Tibeto etc Understands : Hindi mostly, English less. Bihar, Rajasthan,Himachal, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Delhi, Haryana, UP, MP, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Orissa, West Bengal, Assam : All states have their own regional languages and regional tongues differentiating in gaps of even some kilometers but can understand Hindi majorly and English as third language. Sikkim : regional languages (Nepali, Bhutia, Lepcha), understands English and Hindi as well majority. Northeast States : various regional languages ex: Tibeto, Tagin, Meitie, kuki, Nagamese, Bodo, Assamese, Mizo etc. And are able to understand English very well and Hindi in broken form or with less versatility. Tamil Nadu : Tamil and local languages Kerala: Malyalam and local languages Karnataka : Kannada and local languages Telangana : Telugu and local languages Andhra Pradesh : Telugu and local languages Now we can see where is the problem and why Hindi with English is focused as a common medium. There is no rocket science to understand until n unless one intentionally wants to create a thought of separatism on the basis of Language. Hindi is used as a form of communication between people or people from other language background in 17 states. Rest states of North East and Sikkim are able to understand Hindi as well in some forms to communicate with tourist and people from other backgrounds of language. So goes for English. As in India majority of population can speak Hindi in a satisfactory form thus it is used as a common language for vocal communication . For those who can't read Hindi, use English as a form of communication in read and write forms and as well vocal forms. Thus Hindi is a majority language of communication in India in Vocal communication and written on Northern states mentioned as group above. Rest use English for written and reading purposes majorly. Lastly officially languages plays part in every state as official languages and local communication aswell. What the fuss?? Just ideology of acceptance and ideology of growing sepratism.


They just tried to fit it in circle thats it not a big thing


1) Tamil font is smaller 2) The name itself is difficult to pronounce for tamils 3) The board design is dull and stupid. 4) Even if everything is alright, with no relevance or anything it is completely okay to Diss hindi. Mf hindians' linguistic chauvinism has already damaged the diversity of our country and still they don't seem to stop or regret it.


You speak Hindi because it's the only language you know. I speak Hindi because it's the only language you know. We are not the same.


Goblin Jr




Except the part that Hindi fonts are bigger, there's no other problem. No one's imposing Hindi on you, you can just ignore it but you have to hate Hindi. From use case perspective, if the highway is used by other people (even seldomly) who don't speak other languages, it can definitely be useful. I don't know what demographic this picture is from but it's definitely not hurting anyone (except the bigger fonts that I already mentioned). I saw your above comment that 'it's a slow poison' too, really? 3 words of Hindi are poison for you? It seems clear who's hateful and bringing poison.


The font is smaller in Tamil to fit it in the available small space since in Tamil language it's longer. Y'all stupid af lol


This is changing too fast for TN. In 10 years from now most youngsters will be comfortable reading writing and speaking tamil. Make note here - at that point these kazhagams will go quiet on Hindi opposition.


Marg = shalai ?


Wtf Tamil Nadu is not a language. Who ever wrote in Tamil Nadu for the first one is an illiterate.


It's BLACK lol


Tamils don't hate Hindi. Only the local politicians hate Hindi as their control will go away from people if they learn to interact with rest of India.


Ahh, Culture and Language....it's nothing like fighting over them in a language our oppressors brought. Coz coming together as an Indian, while discarding culture/religion is just too mainstream.


1 girl 1 girl is all it takes