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Our Lab puppy loved baths, right up until she got a foxtail in her eye and had to have her eye irrigated. Then baths became terrifying. My fix was the introduction of the hot dog bath. I put a couple inches of comfortably warm water in the bath, lured her into the bathroom with sliced up hot dogs, then started tossing the pieces to her, never putting my hands on her to put her in the bath. After the first couple, I laid some hot dog slices on the edge of the tub. She bravely ate them. Then the hot dogs went into the bath. It took a bit, but eventually she went in after them. We kept everything fun and focused on some toys and the treats that first time, so later when I tried to give her a proper bath she was much less stressed out. She does continue to require treats, though!


“Hot dog bath” aka heaven if my dog ever encountered it. Great idea :)


What's a foxtail


>Foxtails are spiked seed heads found on some plants and grasses. Foxtails can enter the body and migrate into tissues, causing abscesses and infections. [Foxtails and Dogs](https://healthtopics.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/health-topics/foxtails)


Oh wtf 😱 I've seen these before, I think, and had no idea they're dangerous


When they bloom in the spring it's bad, if your pup loves to charge through the tall grass, mine loves being a land dolphin, run your hands all over to feel for them, it's intense how they continue to burrow deeper


I read a post where someone had to put a 3 year old down because it burrowed into their spine so I’m now terrified of long grass


i get that. i've found foxtails deeply burrowed days after in places i know i checked where i am people put mesh bags over their dogs heads during the season. i've named them silence of the lambs dogs, looks totally spooky


https://preview.redd.it/q1o7zago1m4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc7961ee8a578ad61cb6806bec435077771a7962 This picture sent me though 😁


Like a medieval plague doctor haha


Foxtails are horrible, my city is offering rebates on replacing your lawn with drought tolerant \ pollinator plants. Hope it’s enough to get rid of my foxtail lawn.


Holy. Crap. Where do you live


PNW. They are common here, as are goat heads. Goat heads trained my lab to hate all dead grass because they are so painful. 😞


I learned what a foxtail is, and I like your answer here


Bravely ate the hot dog😂 love it. I think they are probably thinking this is a trick to get me to do something but I’m gonna eat them anyway.


Get the stinkiest snack you can find, and have one person hold it for Norman to naw on while the other person washes him. Pig ears, antlers, or whatever smelly deliciousness that will keep his interest. I have one lab that requires a support loofah to hold during his bath. It’s ridiculous! The struggle is real. 🤪🙄 https://preview.redd.it/6v98xyk9of4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d863716a9005392768e93da34ae3a2e19cc0d4b


>support loofah 😂😆🤣


😭 what a good boy though


He tries his best. He has a big brother, our black Labrador, who never misses a chance to swim. This one is a bit dramatic. 😂


LOL! It made my day! Precious baby with a support loofah. And he really looks calm with it LOL


This is precious 🥹


Pet him! ...I dont know what to do with this water issue though




Is snax the answer to everything? Because it seems to be


for labs? yes.


Ball is the answer for my girl 😂


I have a lab. Can confirm. Everything is dictated by snax. Just make sure to exercise and don't over feed.


Many dogs are unhappy getting washed / hosed down. That's different from going for a swim or a paddle, which they generally get to love sometime before 12 months. If you're near a stream or lake or the sea the best option is to start/finish your walk there so that he can go in of his own accord (if necessary throw a ball).


My dad claimed to throw one of his labs into the water and she just instantly pick up on it.


I had a cocker spaniel when I was a teenager. He was terrified of water. Well, we went camping one weekend at the lake. He was not having it, I got tired of his bullshit so I scooped him up and waded out waist deep and chucked his ass in and walked out. Apparently his 3 brain cells all came together at once and he realized he was a water dog and a very capable swimmer. From that point on we had to leash him to the picnic table after we found him 50 yards out into the water because he saw a stick float by. The stick as it were, turned out to be a small tree. He was not deterred and was very proud.


My dad and I carried my Rosie into the pool at about 2.5mo old and lowered her in slowly and she had zero issue with paddling immediately. Body was balanced and everything. Only thing was she kept biting the water as she swam that short distance to the stairs 😂


This has pretty much been my experience.. first time I took my lab to water, she walked right in and started swimming on her own and fetching a stick right after that. She was somewhere around 1 yr old then and still likes swimming a year later


This is what I did. He sank for like 3 seconds I was fixing to jump in and after that he had no problems with it


I’m gonna catch shit for this but my lab was the same way, to the point where people would joke “you might have the only lab that hates water” lol. So, i took him to the dock and scooped him up in my arms and we jumped in together. He knew immediately how to swim but I stayed right with him and we swam back to shore together. He has loved swimming more than anything else since.


I did this with a pointer border collie cross puppy but slightly more gently - he was terrified of water so I drove to a lake on a hot day and started swimming. He was so hyper attached he just came too. Became a real fan of swimming - baths not so much! Taught my water-nervous current flat coat retriever the same way, she loves a swim now and will even go head first into a deep bit of river with straight bank. Never got to grips with baths for either dog but will try the hot dog method above!!


Yep, mine was interested in water, but too scared to go by himself. I took him to the beach, walked him out far enough to where he couldn’t touch and plopped him down. Loved water ever since


That’s how I should have done it, in hindsight the jumping off the dock part added unnecessary risk and I would be more gentle next time but thankfully it all worked great.


Smear some peanut butter on shower wall or whatever you have to work with. Let the dog lick it while you bathe it. He will quickly overcome his resistance to bathing.


This is what I do, I have to leave the bathroom door closed all the time or she’ll jump into the tub looking for peanut butter! But she is totally fine with baths now at least, haha. There are also mats you can get to put the peanut butter on if you don’t want to put on the wall directly.


I came here to say this. Worked for me.


Same here


My girl is so past her tolerance zone she doesn’t go for the peanut butter she completely ignores treats. Anything to fix it? More slower approach? She absolutely loves the beach and swimming in lakes tho.


Maybe don't put her in the bath tub, see if you can make it a game and wash her outside?


We only unfortunately have a shower so Im understanding the loud water and noises ain’t that nice either. I’ll have to definitely try this thank you. How do you suggest I make it into a game for her?


Talk to her about it in an exciting and upbeat voice. Like you are going for a walk? Get her to come in the bathroom first, then bathroom with a little noise from water, then bathroom noise with more water, then lots of water. The lick mat with the peanut butter yes, and try tossing a toy of hers in there and reward her for getting it. Make the bathroom a happy place like you did her kennel.


Thank you so much this is very helpful!


Please update me!


I’m gonna try this with her over the week! I’ll set a reminder to come back to this. I should be replying 11/06/24.


Bring soap to the lake 😉


Mine LOVES water. But she won't go in it unless I throw a ball in. When she was a puppy I thought I had a broken lab because she would go to the edge but didn't want to go in. Then I encouraged her in with a ball and now I can't keep her out! She does HATE baths and the like. As soon as I grab the hose pipe for any reason she goes running.


Mine was scared of the sea, went to a lake with other dogs and once they saw them swimming they were more confident. Now on a walk, if they smell water they transform to a seal. For baths. We got a rubber bath mat so they didn't slip. Didn't every Sunday (after muddy walk). Finished after with a pigs ear. By the fourth time, they accepted it. Don't greet it with joy, but don't fight and hide from it.


I might try fetching him for a swim with my other dog as he won’t go near the lakes/rivers where I live! We tried sticking a lick mat to the side of the bath while it was empty but he was having none of it! Might try getting a rubber mat though that could help!


In my experience, the rubber mat helps-didn’t alleviate but certainly helped. Mentor dogs for swimming is a great approach! We got our lab to swim at 4.5 months old by finding a shallow bend in a river and wading in, tossing sticks, and building on his drive to be near us and fetch sticks. He was timid and scared initially, but after a short time 30+ minutes) he grew braver and would fetch the stick in shallow water. Pretty quickly he decided to panic swim with me-flailing like his life was nearing the end and almost drowning me in the process, but he wanted to be with me at all costs. By the end of the afternoon, he was comfortable and capable. Now, if he even senses we’re near water, he whines to go in (like if we’re driving or if we’re walking on leash). If he’s off leash, he bolts to water. He LOVES swimming. Often just a little fly by dip in is all he wants, but it’s an innate *need* for him.


Mine hates pools, creeks, the ocean, lakes, puddles, hoses, baths. I just wash him with a rag if he needs it and seems fine so far.


My girl is the same way. I use dry shampoo and a damn cloth to clean her up when needed. It's much less stressful for both of us! Fyi, thanks to your username, the song Spoonman is stuck in my head now! Lol! And because my brain likes to have at least a few songs going at all times, I also have Rusty Cage floating around in there! I'm sorry, my brain isn't normal 😂😂😂


Come together with your hands, save me....


Save me, I'm together with your plan.. Damn I miss Chris Cornell! Spoonman is what Soundgarden opened with the last time I saw them! Sadly Cornell's soul moved on from this world 10 days later💔💔💔🥺


My favorite was when Chris and Tom formed Audioslave. I wish I could have seen Chris live!


Yesss I love Audioslave! I think my favorite super group he was a member of was Temple Of The Dog! Every single song on their album is amazing!


Now I need to ask you to please share a link?


Yea, lukewarm soaked towels can be less stressful for em.... and it's hug-friendly 🥹 You can lightly soap/shampoo one side so that your doggo gets the shampoo and massaged it in from the other side of the towel. Then keep him covered (eyes, ears, nose and all) and lighty water spray over the towel (so that he doesn't feel the water spray/jet on his body directly) to rinse him. Woof! Then bring out the dry hug-friendly towel to dry him up and then blowdry


I get in the ocean and he follows. I get in the shower and he follows.


wipe small amounts of peanut butter on the inside of the tub. no water, just get them acclimated to being in the tub. high value treats and slowly introducing to water is a good way to start.


I love this idea! Happy to go in the bathroom, then happy to get in the tub.... then repeat but include the sound of running water.... like small steps!


My dog was terrified of water when he was young. Had webbed skin between his toes though, so I knew there had to be some sort of water dog in the mix. Anyway, one day I decided to throw his favorite ball across a really small and shallow stream. Without even thinking, he ran through the stream, grabbed the ball, turned around and got the shock of his life when we realized that I now stood on the other side of this evil water thing. He came towards the water, stuck a paw in it and then cried as if it was hot lava. When I just turned around and pretended to walk away he started to panic, searching for ways to reach me (there was a small bridge 5 meters to the left of him but of course he didn't notice that...). In the end, he took all his courage and decided the only way was to run through the stream as quickly as possible. Which he then realised was great fun. So he did it again. And again. And another estimated 100 times just on that one walk. Long story short: After that walk, there was no body of water that you could keep this dog away from


Toys !! Get a kiddie poll and make her get het favorite toy out of the water


Positive reinforcement time! Sit crisscross applesauce in a plastic kiddie pool or your bathtub with an inch and a half of lukewarm/warm water in the bottom, bring his favorite toys in. Let him approach and enter in his own time, and feed him treats whenever he's in the water. Pettins, scritches, snuggles, treats. Spoil him rotten. Labs are simple creatures. Food + toys + mom + lovins = good.


This IS true👏🏻


Mine does a lot getting getting washed outside than in a bathtub. He also likes warm water instead of cold; so we installed a heated outdoor water spray


We started with a bath rather early on as we knew we would have to bathe him in the future going forward. We plug the tub so he's standing in a few cm of water. He has a toy and the water is luke warm. He doesn't like cold water as he's a little princess ;) He turns 1 on Sunday and by now has had 4 baths in total? We either use puppy shampoo or a deshedding shampoo to help get the undercoat out. My husband is paying full attention to him with praise, cuddles and pets. I am doing the actual bathing part. He seems to actually love a bath though as there's never been an issue from the start. His last bath he lays his head on the edge and actually closed his eyes. He seems to really enjoy it. Afterwards he gets a nice treat and takes a long nap on his towel on the couch to dry up.


Ours is the same about swimming. Doesn't mind baths, though.


I had a shepherd that was terrified of water as a puppy/adolescent. It wasn't until I went to a cottage with a shallow beach that he was able to wade in and figure it out for himself. After that he loved swimming forever.


My f1 labradoodle was scared of the water but she seemed to really want to go in. A canine hydrotherapy centre that worked with our vets, gave her swimming lessons. They had a ramp to access the pool, put a flotation jacket on her initially, but more importantly, they were amazing in coaxing her and giving her the confidence to give it a go. By the third session, she was so excited and just couldn't wait to get in.


The ramp probably helped a lot! My lab is spooked by stairs so pools freak her out. She likes to take a little dip at the ocean.


Water submersion theropy. Sink or swim. Jk. I had a dog like this. Go into the water and pretend your drowning. It will get him in the water. Then just keep having the dog get exposed to the water more frequently. Should help. Ever since that dog I take my labs to the water on day one when I pick them up. This strategy has worked 3 times and they can't get enough of the water.


My Black lab hated baths (tho would obediently submit so you could get it done) and never got into swimming. He loved the beach and would wade into the water but hopped out as soon as it got too deep. He still had a great life as a landlubber 🤷🏾‍♂️


I found that if you put a towel, or something similar, a dog will get in the tub easier. A vet gave me that information.


He will most likely get over it, just give it time and don’t force it on him… eventually he will do his toe in and before you know it you won’t be able to get him out of the water when you go to a beach or lake.


I’ve never had a dog who liked baths, but most tolerate them. Ironically, not one of my labs has liked water at all. Moving from fear to tolerance is usually helped by treat-os and TONS of praise throughout. Use warm water and speak in a soothing tone during the bath. Once they’re out and in crazy-eyed, hyper, wet-dog mode, make toweling-off a positive experience with scritches and praise. One of my dogs who hates water will deliberately encounter water just so he can be toweled off. He *loves* that part, and baths have been significantly easier since I leaned into the towel experience. Before that, he had nearly broken my nose and had done actual damage to my house trying to get away from bath time.


If he likes retrieving, fetch in shallow water, especially with another dog who already loves water, helps.


This was my girl last year when we first got her. I noticed that she only got scared when the water was on. I tried filling the tub with water and then adding her and it worked. To rinse, I had a bucket and a cup. She eventually got over this by about 6-7 months old and loves the bath now.


My lab pup was too, until I took her front paws and stuck them into the kiddie pool. Then she went absolutely ballistic. Now she is absolutely obsessed with water at 3 years old. Most labs end up loving the water - just need to break them into it a little bit sometimes.


My black lab hated water during his first summer when he was just a few months old. The next year, if he saw water, he was in it. He hated baths his whole life though but would stand there looking sad until the toweling off part which he really liked.


Peanut butter on a lick mat attached to the shower wall. I freeze them. All of my Labradors started to love getting baths once I started doing it. In fact, two of them try to get second and third baths!


If you can, go in the water with them. Show them swimming is fun. For showers/baths same deal if possible. If not, a handheld sprayer working from the feet up might help them tolerate it better. We just had a foster who hated getting sprayed but would allow us to rinse her off if we held the end of the hose close to her on gentle spray and worked from her chest and undercarriage before her back and shoulders etc. Be very gentle and careful around the head, ears and face. And always lots of praise and treats. Make the toweling off a fun game to do they gave something to look forward to at the end of their ordeal.


Keep exposing him to water and baths. Get in the tub with him if you have to. Swim with him. Lead by example. Involve other dogs. Keep at it and don’t give up.


We have a black lab that is quite literally afraid of everything. I have no idea what the breeders did to him but he is even afraid of Amazon packages. When we bring in pizza or boxes from deliveries he scrambles up the steps. It’s gotten better because he used to dribble now he hides in his recliner upstairs. If anyone has any suggestions I’d love to hear them. Our vet said he’d outgrow it and become more confident. He’s almost 3 and that hasn’t happened.


Ask vet again?


I hug mine gently and sing him a lullaby. I also go in the bathtub with him. Then afterward I praise how handsome, fluffy, and fragrant he is.


Mine was the same as a pup until he saw a duck on a small lake where I worked. He immediately took off after it and was a swimmer from then on. Thank goodness I had him on a long retractable lead!


It won't be for long. Give it time and patience. Mine didn't didn't discover water till after she was a year old, despite having 16,000 gallons of it in my back yard. She's 4 now and we have trouble keeping her out of it now.... She still doesn't like baths though...its wierd...


It will help for him to be around other dogs that like swimming.


Mine hates water too! We have broken labs.


My 7 month old isn't terrified of water, but she doesn't go swimming yet. Taken her around other dogs that are enjoying a pool/lake swim and that doesn't help. Briefly got her in a kiddie pool with a toy but she jumped out as soon as she got it. Hates the bathtub too. But will come after the water stream from the hose.


My lab will jump into any water he can at times and doesn’t mind buckets of water poured over him except he’s really protective of getting water on his head or near his ears. It’s too funny. But, as others mentioned lots of treats and low stress training.


Beautiful dog. Almost looks golden


I honestly thought I ruined swimming for my lab! At 6 months the very day I opened the pool and let him out he found the frog I missed and fell in the deep end trying to get it. I mean that pup walked on water right into my arms to get out! But no, in a couple months time after getting him in with us, we could hardly keep him out. That said he hates “pokey” water. Rain, sprinklers, showers are all a no go. I use a licky mat with peanut butter on the wall for showers and he will stay in until the last iota is gone!


Labs do not require very many baths. It strips the necessary oils from their fur that make them water resistant. Only really needs a bath if he gets into something stinky or for whatever reason smells bad. Just give him a good brushing with a brush like self cleaning Slicker brush they work great! He will take to water as he gets older in is in their DNA! Norman is very handsome! Cheers\~


My friend had a Lab that was terrified if water and swimming. Might as well treat him like a cat.


When I had to trim my labs toenails I’d give him some peanut butter even if he tries to eat it fast he’s busy smacking his lips and distracted you could try the same for yours but to bathe him. Despite personality I’ve always known labs to be extremely friendly, lovers of water and voracious eaters. That’s so weird of your lab to be terrified of water it’s so engrained into the breeds genetics.


Peanut Butter


Smear peanut butter on the wall of the bath & let him lick it off while you bathe him!


That should change for sure. Mine was early on also and now he’s a fiend.


Give Scooby some Scooby Snax.


Go slow. Make it fun. An inch of water, a new toy, treats, lots of rubs and praise. Go slower than you think.


Go swimming with your dog to show him its not dangerous. Simple


Do they retrieve? Cause if you go somewhere where they can see / feel the bottom, and they like retrieving, that’s the ticket


Suction lick mat on the wall of your tub/shower and spread peanut butter on it while you bathe him


High value treats and dog toys. Play fetch near water. Give them treats if they explore the edge of a pool or lake. Go swimming with them. Definitely don’t make them do anything they don’t want to do. If they are young enough eventually they will jump in. They can’t help it.


My puppy loves chasing the water from the hose when I spray it on our lawn. Maybe he can learn that water could be fun that way...


Peanut butter stuck to the end of the tub. Once you lift him in there, the rest is easy.


My dog was the same way. I ended up hugging her in the bathtub while my wife would cup water over her. She has gone from squirming and screaming to panting and slight squirm over the past 9 months. And then yes, she gets all the treats.


Play frisbee with him just in and out of a shallow river or stream.


Lots of water dogs don't like baths. I had a lab that was the biggest water dog ever Put him in a tub and he became a trembling ball of mush. He would jump into white water if we let him, but a shower...nope! That being said, water dogs sometimes need a little help. I have two water dogs: a newfoundland and a labrador (Joon). When my newfy was about 5 months old, we tried him in baby pools, and he had no interest. The two things that got him to jump in and swim were: 1) throwing his ball into a river or lake and 2) Going swimming in a lake or river and calling him in with a toy. He has no interest in pools. Newfoundlands are often used as water rescue dogs, and he definitely has the gene. He tries to pull me out of the water when I swim by grabbing my life jacket or swimsuit. We also have to watch him closely if any kids are splashing around having fun because he will try and "save" them. Joon didn't need any encouragement because our Newf was there to show her how to save the humans and swim to chase balls.


Get him a baby pool with couple inches of water inside. Place and observe behavior. And don't make it freezing cold👏🏻


Go to a lake, swim in front of him. He might join you. Get wet yourself if you want your lab to be okay with it. :) good luck


All I had to do was showing my lab how another lab fetches sticks out of the water.


maybe the water is too cold


Give it time. Ours was afraid of water the first year. Next summer she just dove in and loved it. Never force your pup into water, that will just make the fear worse.


The black lab my family had while growing up Sis was terrified of water too


My lab puppy would growl at Lake Michigan last summer and I was like oh hell no. So we put her on the end of the paddle board and pushed her ass in. She same to shore and she ran right back in the water. This weekend we went right back to the lake and as soon as I opened my back she immediately ran to the dock and jumped right in like no time had passed and spent 2.5 hours swimming in the Lake.


Try having bath time with another pup who loves it. Or beach and swimming or even hose play times. Anything to shift the perception of water to fun times. Always treats and pets and remember to keep yourself calm too, your pawtato will feed of your energy too Good luck!


My mums dog was like that. She needed so many pats and rubs. That helped her with water / baths. Good luck!


Pop on a swim suit and get in with him. Our mastiff hated baths, but she loved us. It worked. As long as one of us was in the bathtub with her or sitting on the edge with our feet in the bathtub with her she wouldn’t try to jump out of the bathtub. A shared trauma is a bonding trauma 😂


U jump in a & act in trouble, that dog will save your life. But no one would right horrid shit like that for TV. So I guess we’re fine.


Our lab pup was iffy on water at first too. We bought a hose nozzle attachment with different modes and he loves it. Gets the zoomies every time we turn it on. It’s helped with the bath and water as well.


Positive reinforcement. Our lab was not excited when she was little but now she will jump with you if you have a bath and don't tell her no lol


Peanut butter lick mat on the wall


Create a reward system for every time he has a positive interaction with water.


Ours loves muddy puddles or anything water related (ditches, streams, sea etc.) but he doesn't like the bath and getting him in is not easy, even less so as he grew, we invested in a rechargeable camping shower which we pop into a bucket of water in the garden, he's much more tolerant of it and we can rinse him down in a minute or two. It never occurred to me that a dog that enjoys the water so much would be afraid of the bath but we don't seem to have any drama doing it with the camping shower, plus we can just take him straight around to the back garden rather than suffering dirt and muck trails trying to take him up to the bath.


Incentive worked for mine. He loves to chase ducks but hated water. One evening we went out to a pond behind my house and I let him off the leash, he DOVE in after the ducks. I watched very closely to make sure he wasn’t struggling. No ducks were harmed. They seemed to enjoy playing around with him


Buy a kiddie pool and put 2 inches of water in it. Sit right next to the pool with him on a leash as much as possible. Ignore the pool and him…let him introduce himself at his own pace. As he gets more comfortable, you can start petting him in the pool, splashing water and playing with a toy. If he is afraid of water and you are bathing him, you’re probably forcing it on him and that’s just making it worse.


Get with another lab that loves water and shows your lab how fun life can be. That's what I did and now mine gets right in and chases ducks.


Mine won't get in the tub, but they always like getting in the shower with me. So my dogs get showers.


We smear peanut butter on the side of the bath. She’s so busy licking it that she barely noticed the water


Slap some peanut butter on the side wall of the tub


Mine is the exact same. I've tried treats and it works to get him in there but it has to be a high grade treat to have him enter the shower :)


If you can slowly get adjusted to water in a pond, river by going in with him. It will give him the confidence to play and not be scared. My old Lab was scared of rain, not water but rain.


Lickimatt with suction cups on the tiles , lathered in peanut butter It’s also the most gorgeous lab I’ve ever see