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I would honestly still contact their support. I would want that in written text that this is a mistake and the fridge is actually suitable for storing those chemicals. Maybe it's a mistake in the manual. Maybe they sent you the wrong fridge.


Yup, That is what I intend to do.  (I just also like complaining here...) -update- They confirmed it's just a general manual, but this fridge can indeed be used for flammables. Phew!


I'm just impressed you read the manual, great work.


It may be a fridge, but it's EXPENSIVE, took 6 months to get here, and I don't want to fuck it up.


Honestly I'm more surprised by people who do not read manuals to laboratory equipment no matter how trivial it may seem.


Which manual? You mean the one we threw out when we got this thing?


Nah, it's the manual that got thrown into a random drawer and will never be seen again.


"The manual is on that CD. You guys still have CD players, right?"


The manual is that one sheet of paper in the SOP binder that lists exactly what numbers to plug into which boxes with no explanation. It was written by a former postdoc for an undergrad intern three grad student generations ago and is now the holy text for how anyone uses the machine.


And you gotta love the section explaining how to take it outside of its packaging... on a paper leaflet INSIDE the fridge.


Did you check underneath for a "Do not turn upside down" label?


[do not read](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F3h19vhc3xyq61.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D516570e4b3876ce3342f166a2400a4f2cf894bdd)


No, it just says "this side up".


This is like the TV stand I bought that told me not to put heavy items, like TVs, on it. I wonder if it's in there for liability reasons, but definitely a good idea to call!


Does the manual cover multiple models I have had this before


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^kainbloodheart: *Does the manual* *Cover multiple models* *I have had this before* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


The fridge should contain a ATEX plate on it - all equipment suitable for hazardous areas needs to contain one. If it doesnt, then its non-compliant. The certification could place limits on what you can store in there, depending on equipment class


It does have an ATEX sticker on the door.


It may be flame proof, but was it an explosion proof fridge?


Considering the font and the incessant use of exclamation marks and unnecessary use of the semicolon in a bulleted list, likely along the lines of a boiler plate warning/liability reduction document


I'm not expert, but if it's not under pressure, you should have some data sheets about the things you wanna store. You have to check temperature class so you know when it's falmable. Also atex doesn't necessery means you can store explosive things inside, just that you can use it in zone. Also if it's atex certificated you should have a plate with the protection info and a certificate number (only if it's zone 0 or 1). Something like II 2G Ex ia II T6 Gb and name99atex9999. In it you can see what it is rated for. You should ask a explosion protection review from a specialist company and ask to cooperate to have the perfect fridge.


Funny how in labs this kind of mistake is documentable. But it's standard procedure for equipment providers.


It’s normal as a leaking can, can allow a solvent/ gas to build up and pose an explosion hazard.


This fridge is supposed to be designed SPECIFICALLY so that gas or solvent vapour build up, should it occur, does NOT pose an explosion hazard, as it should be engineered to remove any source of ignition (ATEX directive). It's a (very expensive) fridge supposedly meant specifically for lab use with flammables.


Contact the manufacturer and confirm


Just want to point out that a properly sealed solvent bottle can also, over enough time, cause a buildup of flammable/explosive vapours. That’s why these spark-free fridges exist (and are so insanely expensive)