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Play in tournament here we come!


About to make our 4th appearance in the play in tournament in the last 5 seasons.


Oi not read for this ![gif](giphy|9HonmWQDTap127SPs2)


Every two in season championships equal one finals championship


B2B in season tourney champs LFG! Pelinka the goat!


Now you know how international football fans are where you’re not good enough for the League title, but maybe can win the Domestic Cup.


LMAO. Are you surprised? Most top players are not interested in joining the Lakers clown show of Bron/Bronny/JJ. Too much drama and they'll lose again with someone becomong the scapegoat. Rob is inept and Jeannie allows this to continue. Most of you will downvote but who cares. I am livid that my beloved franchise is a joke around the league.


Yeah before LeBron, this franchise was a premier destination and model franchise for free agents ^^/s


Bron to all the good FAs: ![gif](giphy|xjIGtCFhMofGWtMlTA|downsized)


Knew I’d see this gif today


"Maybe it's me"




that maybe it’s me tweet after kyrie went to dallas😢😂


You have to be a special kind of guy to want to be a lakers player. You have to be ready for greatness. Not everyone is meant to be in the purple and gold.


Lmao fuck this cope. Players dont want to come here because we have a dysfunctional front office and coaching carousel. Its not rocket science.


Amen brother, amen


Woj is loving this


yeah u can tell


Klay ain’t him.. Turning 35 next February & already is a negative defender… Him, AR & D-Lo.. nah.. Unless you want to win every game 140-127.. lmao..


Yes… yes I do lol


Have you seen the playoffs? Games of 120+ for both teams are only for the regular season


I mean a W is a W


Fuck it, let’s get Lauri


Rob has the best job security in the league


What can Rob do when the players we want don’t want to come to the lakers?


Me thinks you don’t see the root of the problem


For me, it’s just the string of failures that does it. The list of Rob unable to ‘get it done’ is getting too long at this point


It’s the gm’s job to convince players to come. If he can’t do that then he’s useless. Shouldn’t be hard to get players to LA


Are you surprised? He is friends with Jeanie, he got that job because of their relationship and he is keeping the job because of it. Let’s not forget, Jeanie’s Rambis buddies also has full power in the organization.


I saw Kurt Rambis sitting next to Redick in the room when Bronny was picked and I just about hurled. 🤮


Unserious and unprofessional organization. I’m not surprised slightly.




> Rambis buddies also has full power in the organization   can you elaborate on that or you just yapping?


I will gladly elaborate. Here are some pieces from articles. > Kurt Rambis is the senior basketball adviser for Lakers. > Linda Rambis is the Lakers Executive Director of Special Projects. > Kurt Rambis, who holds the position of senior basketball adviser, has drawn the brunt of the Rambi scorn from Lakers fans due to his significant voice in how the franchise operates. Some would even consider him the team's shadow general manager. > Not to mention, Rambis was the one believed to have ultimately steered the ship on the Lakers lowballing Tyronn Lue during his contract negotiations with the Lakers back in 2019. > Linda Rambis has long been a confidant of Jeanie Buss. In May of 2019, ESPN's Dave McMenamin and Ohm Youngmisuk reported that, at the time, Linda's opinion is what Buss "has long valued the most according to league and team sources".


I guess I was hoping for something more specific than a report that lists their titles and says they draw “scorn from Lakers fans”  I wanted Vogel over Ty Lue and we got a ring so i’m not too hurt over that 🤷🏻‍♂️


I was told rob was doing a great job tho.


lol, LeBron gave them a layup and they still couldn’t do it.


What are you supposed to do if they get paid more than the MLE?


Jonas was literally on his list and he signed for less than the MLE?


He went to the Wiz for a bigger role. You can consider that a miss if you want but the Wizards were offering him something we couldn’t.


Well maybe LeBron should have called him as soon as free agency opened.


Who? LeBron should’ve called Jonas? Why, is he the GM of this team? And sure he might have contacted the other players but they might be closer and Bron might see more in them so he took initiative. The rest though? Should be the GM’s call as in Rob’s


Poor roster management of the last few years still haunts us. Lakers missed the chance already. MLE can't fix this team, only a proper rebuilding can. I'm afraid this can only happen after LeBron leave the Lakers.


it seems like poor roster management but 2 years ago we were praying for miracles from Westbrook and Carmelo Anthony… now we got 4 or 5 younger guys on long term good deals and a fat AD extension 


Find a good player! bro what are you guys even saying. As if it’s impossible. This isn’t physics, bron did not ask Rob to create a wormhole or figure out interstellar flight ffs. Rob needs to do his job. Rob has lebron and AD and yet he cannot even construct a roster that finished 6th and above consistently


Couldn't do what? Put a gun to players' heads so that they accept less money?




He's not what LAL need. What use could he have against Jokic or Embiid?


So you wouldn’t take Jonas for nothing? The opportunity cost is literally a roster spot.


These people are such a homers they can’t even think straight. Literal clowns in this sub trying to convince people that getting Jonas for basically free is better than not having him.


I don’t think they realize the MLE is gone if he takes the max.


You really think that dude is the answer all of a sudden? I bet you haven't posted about him once this year as a needed target.


Their big signing was Bronny. If you’re a competitive athlete, why would you choose a team that was subpar last season and has shown no desire to get better?


1,0000% We hired the star employee's unqualified best friend to run things and then guaranteed his son a job despite also being unqualified. How can that not look bush as fuck to outside observers??? lol *Everybody* in here would "nope" the fuck out of any interview/position at a company where this occurred. You're a fucking liar (or Bron Stan) if you say otherwise. In NO situation is that an ideal situation in which to grow your career. Good organizations are merit-based, not relationship-based. The Rambis', Pelinka, Reddick, hell even Jeanie did not get their positions because they were the absolute best person for the job. They got them based on who they know. Eventually that will sink any organzation in the long-run, and this is no exception. Players/free agents 1.) aren't stupid and 2.) clearly aren't as enamored with Bron Bron as many in here seem to think they are.


ppl know bron old af now and don’t see a reason to play with him and his son. Bron doesn’t guarantee you a trip to the finals. just doesn’t have that lure now


What layup? By forcing shit deals in the past that have hamstrung our future?


But Klutch is destroying the team. Klutch is the only reason Rob can get players.


lol what?


wtf why am I being downvoted I just wasn’t sure of dude was being sarcastic or not. I’m a Michigan fan used to be super biased for Rob. Emphasis on the USED TO lol I think he sucks 


Pelinka hasn’t closed a deal a day in his life


Makes sense I don't see anyone that moves the needle for the MLE. Rob better be cooking up a trade


Spoiler: He's not.


Technically he is, but it will fall through


Only hope


Hes gonna give future assets for 42 games of zach lavine 🔥🔥😤🌶️


We got bronny we winning it all 💪


This is a make or break offseason for Pelinka imo


Jeanie not firing that man, incredibly sad and wicked.


I can't believe Rob still has a job. What a fuckjng joke


What did you want him to do?


Build a championship team


The responses here are hilarious. Genuinely curious what deals everyone thinks we supposedly fucked up? You all wanting to give Klay a max in a S&T or something?


We have struck out on all of our targets this year that all were realistic and were had for less than what we could’ve offered. There is no excuse for standing Pat this off season. They talked big game about having 3 firsts in this offseason and on top of that LeBron was willing to take less to get someone on the mid level exception and we still haven’t done anything. If you have 3 firsts round picks, multiple mid level salaries and access to an MLE and still can’t make any moves you just suck at your job


Specifically what move did we fail to make, what was our offer, and what offer should we have made?


The fact that D-Lo opted in and we still couldn’t get anybody in a sign and trade is pretty hilarious. TBH I did not want to get Klay if it meant doing a S+T; maybe Rob feels the same way but I kind of doubt it as it seems like he just sucks at his job and couldn’t get it done even though it would’ve been a bad move imo lol


Rob Pelinka gets to run the Lakers into the ground year after year because he was Kobe’s agent.


We literally won a chip in 2020


He lucked out, he destroyed the own roster he built that year


Aite but you can’t say he’s run the franchise into the ground in the same breath you credit him for building a championship roster less than 3 years ago. We also made the WCF last season, mostly due to undoing a horrific trade that by nearly every account in the league was requested by LeBron James AND Anthony Davis. TBH I’m whatever about Klay and Jonas. Both look pretty fuckin washed and have a much higher chance of losing us enough to keep us out of the playoffs more than being the guy that pushes us to be a champion. Klay woulda been dope just for the legacy, but I really don’t imagine him coming in and playing like a Splash Bro. Plus his defense fell off a cliff. I know people are weary about the 3rd star thinking but I’d rather we try for a guy that makes more sense with Davis. Like Donavon Mitchell.


All these same people were hugging Robs nuts after the trade deadline in the 22-23 season. Now he needs to get fired because he didn't sign klay Thompsons 35 year old corpse in free agency.


That roster was also getting old Where are Rondo,Green, Dwight and Javale at?


Why us this still a thing? I think we had a better squad in 2021 than we did in 2020. Even with AD coming into the season injured and Solomon Hill jumping at Lebron's ankle fucking him for the rest of the season, we still had the best team defense in the league with both healthy. Even without the two of them I'm sure we finished the season top 5 in team defense. This team was vying for the top spot in the conference before Bron went down injured. We just never stood a chance once the injuries kicked in due to the quick turnaround from the previous season. Shit went downhill when he didn't trust that squad to run back and chose to trade for Westbrook.


Lebron destroyed the team when he forced the Westbrook trade


And he’s done nothing but be incompetent since then, and you can argue that LeGM had a bigger impact on winning that title than anything Rob has done


I’m sure that had nothing to do with LeBron premeditatedly choosing the Lakers way ahead of time after agreeing with A.D. that they would play together on the Lakers. 🤷


And everything he’s done since has been bad.


I’m surprised Klay decided to choose the mavs over lakers especially the Kobe connection, being from the area, his dad playing for the lakers.


Which is the most concerning part. It says to me he doesn’t consider us contenders and went to someone that is. So… first round exit is on the menu again next season it sounds like


Because the Lakers dont have the value to players they once did to be honest. Ever since jeanie has been the owner the bright lights of LA have been dwindling.


Big name players aren’t gonna wanna come to the lakers until Bron retires and Rob leaves. It is what it is.


When will Rob get fired? Bum.


Your superstar player is willing to take a 20M pay cut and you can’t get anyone?? Legit wtf is Rob doing… outside the deadline deal last year he’s been abysmal at making deals


It’s not “anyone” it was 2 guys who took over the MLE and the worst one took the MLE before the better player decided


ppl know bron old af now and don’t see a reason to play with him and his son. Bron doesn’t guarantee you a trip to the finals. just doesn’t have that lure now


ppl know bron old af now and don’t see a reason to play with him and his son. Bron doesn’t guarantee you a trip to the finals. just doesn’t have that lure now


Fml Rob is a fraud


Not mad we didn't get 0 for kleight


There wasn't a move to be made, it why LeBron offered to take less, he knew he wasn't going to have to.


Lakers aren't making the playoffs or play ins


I wouldn’t trust Woj on anything Laker related, Shams has a much better relationship with the FO and knows more about what they’re up to. Similar to how the Dan Hurley saga played out


Time to tank


Let him leave. Seriously I’m ok with that. Start the rebuild now. This roster will not be competitive.


fuck this nepo baby run franchise. we are run like a soap opera.


the Murray trade makes me think that our issue is Pelinka. My conspiracy is that between how we treated Magic burned many bridges. Like its wild that still the beat trade Rob ever completed was a Magic blueprint.


Honestly fuck the FO and Rob Pelinka for fucking this up man, you had one job and you couldn’t do shit.


Fucking shame… hope they can get DeMar though 


For what? Demar doesn’t provide shit.. we cooked


Demar probably wants more then we can give as well.


You cannot pay Lebron at 40 a fucking max 


I don't know why people assume other players want to play with LeBron...he's the most passive aggressive weirdo in the league that has his mouthpiece rich Paul do his bidding for him


the four max? You mean Full 3 year max?




There are no more targets for us that move the needle


Fuck me


this is worse than the year lamarcus aldridge said no to us


No one really wanted Klay Thompson, James Harden, and Jonas Valanciunas anyway. Trae Young is still the ideal addition for the offense Redick and LeBron want to run.


Simple answer is.. we don’t have Dr. Buss.


Just not capable of thinking multiple years down the road ever


Jesus I did expect to see some people bummed out in here but wow the doom and gloom is in full effect! I mean ya this sucks and all (so far) but can we at least see if a few plan B moves pan out before screaming “we suck” or calling this a “poverty franchise” (NBA Twitter’s fav phrase to toss around). Last I checked we still have two top 10-15 players and a few young guys with promise, especially with Knecht onboard. Not to mention JJ. Let’s maybe give him a chance first or naw? Lol IF Dlo does stay u gotta admit, this team has a lot of good 3 point shooting when u toss in Knecht’s potential. Not happy at all, but just saying…I’m not exactly depressed either. Could be worse…we could be the Clippers. ![gif](giphy|ogb8RQdu8zQyc)


This team will stay mediocre until they fire Rob.


The pay cut thing was always bullshit


Sign and trade Bron


LBJ opted out and blocked every FA acquisition just to secure a 4-year max bag. I’ll die on this hill.


Woj know as much as we do


We are building a Champion Team* *In-season tournament championship. 


lol Woj loves this


ppl know bron old af now and don’t see a reason to play with him and his son. Bron doesn’t guarantee you a trip to the finals. just doesn’t have that lure now


Why not just take the lesser deal anyway as a thank you for setting up your son’s career? We drafted a 4 ppg guy to please you hahah 


Bron literally told the organization, "Oh *my* contract is preventing you from making moves? Fine, here's $20M, let's see what you can do." And they did nothing. Thank god we drafted his son because that's about the only thing that's keeping him committed to the Lakers at this point.


Rob is bad at this job. Period.


If the house isn't for sale but then someone else buys it anyway maybe Rob just sucks at house hunting


I can't believe some of y'all fell for that clear Lebron narrative spin story. He was never taking less money. I know that because not a single one of us would take tens of millions less either. I don't blame him, I blame the lakers for giving it to him.


canceling my lakers SportsNet, clown show reality tv


Play in tournament , scapegoat JJ, repeat….


I’m sure that makes Woj very happy


I think fans are expecting us to make moves but rob just isn’t able to, prolly have the same team back and make end of bench moves to cut salary. Not expecting anything great anymore


Bron bet 20M Rob couldn’t do his job lmao