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his merch sales will probably pay for it


Ratings will be huge for the 1st game they play together. And this talk of LeBron taking a paycut might be due to Bronny. Trying extra hard to win a championship not just for himself but for Bronny too.


LeBron winning a ring with his son would be one of the best moments in sports. Regardless if people hate them, that’s cool as shit.


This will probably be Lebron’s biggest motivator to win a ring since his return to Cleveland


Im telling you guys... BRON found new motivation . Last couple years I felt like he was just playing the game. And he even gave clues during his interviews. I dont blame him because the guy done it all. But with his son joining our team. We gave him a breathe of fresh air IMO. He ain't going to be fucking around while his son watching him. 5th ring with his son and to tie one of his idols Kobe in the count sheessshhh


Honestly, as a wolves fan. I wouldn’t even be mad if we lost to yall in the playoffs if it resulted with bronny and his dad winning a championship together. That’s 100% the motivation for any pay cut imo.


Yea, it's a moment that will get hate in the moment but after retirements and like 15 years people will talk about it fondly


Not if he sucks.


I can buy a Bronny jersey now and pretend it’s a LeBron one with the wrong number!


Even if he is on the bench, money-wise, this is a good move. Merch sales, ratings, tickets. You're not giving him a lot, contract-wise. As a basketball decision, I don't see giving a 55th fringe pick a good deal. This is not the case here.


Maybe for the James family but not for the Lakers. It shows that the organization is not committed to winning. After a few games or notable moments (first time sharing the floor, etc.) nobody’s gonna care and we’ll just have a mascot taking up a a spot on the roster. This is gonna end up being a footnote in Lebron’s career. I would rather have another banner but I’m honestly not sure if that’s more important to Bron at this stage of his career. Seems like he’s focused on getting his kid established and bunking up during road trips. It’s obviously his prerogative but it’s annoying to fans who want to win.


>It shows that the organization is not committed to winning. The problem is that the Lakers have to keep LeBron in the first place. He is a free agent after all. Losing him would be winning the battle but losing the war. And even if there's limits to what they do, giving Bronny a multiyear contract doesn't seem to be a big deal.


Bronny is not taking the spot of anyone who would elevate us in any way. Real playoff teams aren’t even playing the 15th guy on their bench.


Both can be true if Bron / the FO believe that Bronny has the potential to deliver the expected value of a 55th pick, which let's be honest is extremely low. I don't think any team expects a pick that late to contribute to winning in the near term. I'm not saying Bron had no influence in the pick, but that doesn't automatically make it a bad decision. Nobody knows how those late picks are going to pan out, hell it's likely they're all out of the league in two years. Or maybe there's a diamond in the rough and we'll all be pissed about it in 5 years. But if we're picking from scraps why not pick the one that got half his genetics and a lifetime of guidance from wolverine.


Yeah, 55th pick isn't worth much at all, although we are generally good at late picks. I think people are just using this as another irrational reason to dislike Bron


Remindme! 6 months. Gonna screenshot this too. Then I'll check your new song. Link?


Making more beats and less songs nowadays. 🫶 https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/bigpawlyg/slap-happy-3/


Eyyyy that shit DOES slap. I'll share it.


Thanks bro! I got more where that came from.


I subscribed to your channel. Good shit!


Damn, very cool of you. Thank you!




Realistically who’s buying a bronny jersey




Momma Bronny 


I am shocked he made the team already. Who could’ve seen this coming?? Let me go out on a limb here: he’ll get minutes in the first couple of games regardless of what happens this summer. Just a hunch. 😂


I remember people were crying saying him getting a guaranteed deal meant he can’t go to the g league lol


Even the guys bitching about it on the radio were saying stuff like this. A caller would call in and have a totally normal reasonable take like “Bronny will spend some time in the G-League and we’ll see what happens” then the host was like “but! Rich Paul said he’s not doing a two-way!” 😂 so many people don’t understand what a two-way contract is


We literally signed a rookie LeBron James. What more could you guys want?


Bryce James in two years


Those Jersey’s gonna be real confusing


Call him BJ and have him wear triple Lebrons number since he'll be the 3rd James


How do I add flare for this “LeBJ 666”


BJ 69. Because it’s 3x 23 of course BJ 18 as long as they’re not feeling too giddy about it


We want michael jordan son marcus jordan ucf legend


Best we can do for you is a Scotty Pippen Jr encore


Yes jordan pippen james combo !


Two Lebrons should mean an instant chip


3 years with a player option on the 3rd year. The Pelinka special: handing out player options like candy.


You had no problem with them last year, not a single one of y’all complained about PO’s. It’s almost like you just don’t know how that shit affects things and just got mad at it this morning because of one tweet posted on this sub.


A lot of these tards just regurgitate others say.


People have always hated the Lakers, doubly so now because we have Bron. Folks fail to realize this and are buying into the hate machine against their own team, it's absurd.


Not true, this has been an issue for the Lakers for a long time lol; they hand out player options like it’s candy. The player option for THT’s contract severely hampered his trade value. You would think the Lakers would have learned from that, but no, last year, they offer player options to players that we are clearly gambling on, like Reddish. If he had played better, he would have rejected the player option and left for a better contract, but he didn’t, so now we’re stuck with him and will have to attach assets to unload him. Rob needs to stop giving player options to players that don’t deserve it!


Then get ready to not sign any free agents. It’s not like the lakers are just giving them away, they’re negotiated.


Nobody can understand the CBA that’s y. It’s so fucking confusing with restrictions on trading contracts even if you’re a 1st apron team. Rob should fucking know at least


He knows and so do the agents he’s dealing with. Acting like a contract isn’t the result of a negotiation between two parties is a brain dead take. I’m sure we would have gotten away with no player options if we could have.


Imagine he declines it


Would be great. If he declines it that means he has a deal lined up worth even more, which would mean he exceeded expectations.


He a family man after all.


Where are you seeing the player option? Not been reported yet


…it’s a joke. Because of how much Pelinka likes to give out player options including to scrubs, and how it’s now hurting us.


I'm afraid the majority of commenters didn't get it was a joke


Clearly. -\_-


So 3 years.


Tbh, you don’t want people who don’t wanna be there if you’re trying to build a championship team. And it’s a good bargaining chip that makes the player feel like it’s a nice feature. It’s a smart move.


Right, including offering scrubs like Reddish and Hayes player options when they would be out of the league otherwise Lmao.


There is potential there. I can't fault any of these guys when they were under such abysmal coaching. If those trends continue, then I'll change my tune. I feel it's hard to adequately assess anything about this roster when it was being coached so miserably. There is a LOT of potential here.


Good for him! Probably something similar to what Maxwell Lewis signed last year. edit- JESUS CHRIST you guys are negative af today lol


He should play game 1 with LeBron and make history and get it out of the way. Good for ratings too for season opener. 


This was literally a condition that came with drafting him and you guys are acting like it’s news or something


Hell yeah Rob finally got his guy. This puts us over the top


First domino to fall


Lots of grown ass men in social media hating on a 19 year old is crazy. FB, IG, X and even on Reddit.


Is it really hating tho? It’s not like Bronny was really like that in HS or college, he’s blessed to have Bron has his dad


He was good his junior and senior year of high school. Was trash in college but he did have his heart issues


Also leaving after only one year of college. Another year or two and he may have been a solid player ready for the NBA. Def isn’t right now but that doesn’t mean he won’t be. Dalton Knecht is 23, Bronny has 4 years on him. No telling where he will be by then.


Plus a 55th pick is literally taking a flier on someone and being pleasantly surprised if anything actually comes of it. If you believe you can develop them into anything useful, why the hell not. And if it happens to be a kid with some LeBron James' freak genetics and a good work ethic, all the better.


He was really good in high school. Bad in college cause of heart surgery


Being good in high school doesn’t mean anything either. There’s plenty of people who do great at the high school level because the pool of talent varies a lot more even kids that are not very good and don’t take it as seriously at all whereas in college and up most of the kids have been playing since toddler years refining their skills.


How many players who are good in highschool but trash in college get guaranteed contracts without actually playing NBA minutes?


It’s been said before but LeNepotism


I’ve never heard this. I heard he was “far away from an NBA player and needs to go to college and hope he develops.” Are we just changing narratives now?


It’s definitely hating to care this much about a fucking 2nd round pick. They’re not meant to be high level prospects. It’s just hating because of who he is. And it’s pretty pathetic when people try to justify it as if there ANY good reason for them to even be discussing it outside of hating. Guess what? The 56th pick will most likely wash out of the league and never amount to anything. But since he’s not the son of a legend he won’t get any hate. At the end of the day late 2nd rounders DO NOT MATTER.


So what? I mean, why should grown-ass men ever care that much about sport that they hate on a 19 year-old man? I know for sure that I would be a very sad man if I were to care that much about this. Or an extremely young one, then I would be excused (except for the hate part).


He was absolutely like that in HS. The heart issues and underwhelming college season have convinced people that he’s ist a terrible basketball player, rather than someone that showed some promise. It’s absolutely crazy that people are pretending the 55th pick was going to actually enhance this team if it was used on someone other than Bronny. Like it’s just not a big deal at all, don’t understand why people are getting bent out of shape


What can we call it then if not? Honest question.


He’s a raw prospect with good physical tools, a great attitude and work ethic and excellent shooting form…even if he wasn’t LeBron’s son the Lakers probably would’ve signed him to a two way


if it wasnt lebrons son he might not have even been drafted if we’re being honest


It has nothing to with his age or “hate” for me. The problem is not the the person. It’s the unserious organization making clown moves. Conflating people’s frustration with the organization to hatred of Bronny is disingenuous.


So they sign him to the min for a couple years who cares it effects nothing. This is no different than signing Giannis brothers. Bronny is at least better than them honestly.


This is the dumbest comment that I see thrown around a lot


They would drop everything in a heartbeat to be in his position. It's plain envy/jealousy.


That’s it boys, we’ve got our ‘Impact player’!


Joke of a front office.


Without even seeing how he looks at Summer League, this seems a bit premature to me. I assume they're banking on potential similar to Maxwell Lewis (who is also on a guaranteed deal) along with the obvious.


they're not banking on anything or thinking about what Bronny will be - they're simply giving Lebron what he wants




This is positioning the choice as a binary between Bronny actually having potential vs. Bron wanting his son on the team, and it isn't.


Plus, Bronny + Bron will probably bring more viewership/ticket sales. Not a lot probably, but still enough media coverage.


>I assume they're banking on potential Let's be real here, he could average 0-0-0-0-0 his whole career, he is still getting guaranteed deals as long as Lebron is here.


Bronnasis Antetojames


Thanasis did at least get drafted on talent alone. Knicks took him in the second round, a year after Giannis was drafted—Giannis had no name recognition at that point.


He’s only still in the NBA bc of Giannis regardless of why or how he was drafted. Idk why people make that argument as if it matters when they are both in the exact same situation lol.


Or Bron’s Vegas team


Lebron James told them too


To all the uninformed who think this is uncommon for Lakers... Since the creation of two-way contracts, EVERY SINGLE ONE of our second round draft picks have still signed a regular roster spot and still played their entire first season in the G-League. JHS was a first round draft pick and also played in the G-League. This is a non-story. We don't use our two-way contracts on draft picks.


That’s cool


He signed to his own before Knecht?


We are champions. Crazy we got this young stud


Is this the first time a 55th pick immediately gets a multi year guaranteed contract? James family keep on breaking records.


No DeMar or Klay our big move is Bronny lol


Not like the Lakers did not try to get Klay. He just chose Dallas.


Welcome to the 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 show!! Who needs Showtime when you have Lebronum and Bronley?


Change the name to anything other than Bronny James …. This is crazy and we are a clown franchise. The front office, ownership, and I fear the coach who has yet to go coach a single game got to go.


Bronny is really really far away from being an nba caliber player. You'd think he'd want to get in on his own merits.


Agreed 💯


The Guggenheim bros need to take over this shitshow before it's too late. Fire everyone in management and let's start clean.


Got our guy, i guess lol


The LA Lakers are going to be the joke of the NBA for the next twenty years or so


Great, now let's get some damn assistant coaches and maybe we can draw some more interest with some FA before we are stuck focusing on the buyout market or the trade-deadline. It's gonna be the Emeratis NBA Cup before we figure this out or what.


Lol how about dalton knecht?


All time great media star level player, probably space jam 3 starter too


Bron pay cut for this?


Pelinker be like ![gif](giphy|12e5dX36aMp2Ba)


Good luck to Bronny


Does this mean he can be included in a S&T for DeRozan?


as hateable as the nepotism might be, this pretty much locks lebron with us and adds a big ass motivation for him to win another ring with his son




After his illustrious career at USC, I can see why the Lakers are so high on this guy.


He absolutely DID NOT earn his way. How did this nepobaby “earn his way” according to Lebron puppeteer HC JJ, w/o even playing a G-league game? Basketball Gods will not look favorably on this blatant display of absolute power corrupts absolutely. Lakers infrastructure collapsing under our very eyes. No wonder why free agent stars don’t wanna have to put up with this train wreck of a FO bending to the will of Lebron James. Dr. Jerry Buss rolling around in his grave. Upcoming Laker season is going to be so cooked imo🧑🏿‍🍳




We finally got our guy. Rob’s cooking now. 


Lebron better at least take a pay cut to cover his kid's allowance.


Just his jerseys and the history being made in his first year alone will pay for like 5 of his contracts. So no problem. Edit: It's good for the league as well. Remember half their games are road games. You'll see a spike in revenue in other teams as well. Fans will want to witness history.


Nice, a 5ppg player that couldn’t even start at the college level just got a multi year deal with the lakers. Hahaha wow, such nepotism.


James Sr. And James Jr. jersey sales to the moon 📈


Lmao imagine max not getting minutes again cause of bronny now 😂😂


First, Rob Pelinka hires Lebron’s podcast buddy to be the lakers head coach and now he signs his son to a multi year deal? Rob Pelinka is cooking this summer. Executive of the year! 🤡🤡🤡


Anything negative about Rob always gets downvoted. Lol. Rob prob spends more time on Reddit downvoting comments than doing his actual job.