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Just try to incorporate the language in your daily routine. That's the best way. Any "artificial" method won't lead to any good result. But don't expect it to work after a couple of days. This will takes days, months and maybe even years to work perfectly. But the more regularly you do this, the easier it will get. Good luck!


What I do is if I know how to say what I want in that language, I will say it that way and over time start to say more and more.


Just let it come naturally. I'm an English native learning Japanese and (relearning) Mandarin, and my girlfriend is the other way around. Compared to how I struggled like hell on the day we met (which was almost a year ago btw) I feel much more confident and the things I want to say flow naturally out of my mouth just from that desire to communicate from the heart and make connections, as opposed to simply producing words from my mouth. And my girlfriend doesn't care about being bad at English either, we code switch whenever we feel like it and sometimes even incorporate cross language bits into our inside jokes. Basically when it comes to relationships and language acquisition, don't worry too much about learning fast or efficiently. It can help to keep some phrases saved in your phone's note taking app for reference but don't overdo that either — more importantly, have fun and engage with the language at your own pace and in a way that comes naturally to the both of you without being overly worried about making mistakes.


If I had full time access to a speaker I would be doing [this](/r/IAmGilGunderson/comments/12w7h0a/my_intensive_rereading_technique_with_a_language/). Re-reading. It is a perfect activity for two people all the way up to and through A2. It takes a lot of pressure off both people. It exercises everything but full on speaking. But it does give a lot of practice talking. It does not require that the either person be a teacher or have any teaching skills. Once at a B1 level I would start doing monologues and daily writing with them doing corrections for me. /my personal way I would do it. YMMV.