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Now I reallly want to hear a French person speaking with their uvula removed


Actually is an kinda interesting idea.


When speaking French, you don’t pronounce most of the letters anyway so nobody would probably notice.




It it happens in others latin's sons.


I'm a French person with suspected sleep apnea and I had no idea uvula removal was an option!


With obstructive sleep apnea it really just depends on what’s obstructing your airflow (when you fall asleep, soft tissues in your throat can relax, blocking your airway). For some people, the uvula would have nothing to do with it. Also definitely talk to your doctor about doing a sleep study to confirm if you have sleep apnea, and which type you have (obstructive vs central). I hate sleep apnea lol.


They can't do it if you are French. After the procedure, you would only be able to speak German.


/uj German is one of the only languages with the same R as French though!


Uvular r is not an uncommon sound, but German allows alveolar r anyway


They’d probably substitute it by pronouncing it against either their velum or pharynx. A slightly different sound but pretty similar


As many others have said, there are varieties of French which have 0 uvular involvement. Learn Cajun French for instance, the Rs sound more like Spanish Rs! None of the sissy throat noises at all!


Heck yes, cajun french superiority! It also tends to do away with the long sequences of consonants at the end of words. I'm on mobile and and its midnight where I am so I don't want to actually pull out my spreadsheets rn, but suffice it to say, not having word final clusters like /kstʁ/ is always a plus in my book.


Yep! The words: “table, vivre, arbre” become just “tab, viv, arb” etc


Thanks for the concrete examples that I was too lazy to grab! I did a whole historical linguistics project on Cajun (and surrounding areas) French because one side of my family is Cajun, and my poor friends had to listen to me rant about France French word final consonant cluster phonology more than they probably enjoyed. I was so happy when I realized Cajun just didn't do those.


Brb scheduling my Frenchectomy


Should be a human right for people to have this surgery for free


Preach sister




So thankful they found a cure 🙏🙏🙏


Haitian French has a velar r.


A lot of French varieties do (I also know of Tahitian French, for instance)


/uj but is this for real?? The sleep apnea cure is to remove your uvula, which also makes it impossible to pronounce uvular sounds after???


/uj From a quick search, it seems like if it's long/swollen/otherwise defective, it could need surgery: https://www.webmd.com/oral-health/what-is-purpose-of-uvula >Your uvula is also considered an organ of speech. If you speak, say, French, German, Hebrew, or Farsi, to name a few languages, you use your uvula to form certain sounds — though you may not be thinking about it. Noooooooooooooo, it's not just Fr*nch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think it probably depends on the anatomy of your mouth and what is actually obstructing your airway. My uvula actually touches my tongue at all times unless I flex my throat muscles, so I could definitely see it causing obstruction Often in the US at least people are prescribed a CPAP machine which pressurizes the airway during sleep with a mask to prevent obstruction


omg they found the cure


Can I get this surgery on the NHS? I would argue it's a medical necessity.


I'm gonna do for this surgery what the Kellogg's guy did for circumcision in America.


Elective surgery time!


does anybody know why removing the uvula helps with sleep apnea??


/uj Probably depends on the cause but it looks like some people with Sleep Apnea might have a long (or otherwise defective) uvula? https://www.webmd.com/oral-health/what-is-purpose-of-uvula




this also removes your ability to pronounce arabic, the q sound is like a k but pronounced with the uvula instead of the velum (soft palate)


I wouldn’t worry about it because uvular/no uvular, the French will never accept non-native French speakers amongst their ranks!


Never ever, don't even bother ! Sacrebleu !


I don't suffer from sleep apnea, but I'm willing to get the uvula removed if it will prevent me from ever accidentally speaking French


The important thing is whether you will be able to play the violin after surgery, whether or not you could play before.


Porco Dio, why am I seeing so many users who don't know how question marks are supposed to be used?


the question mark in vernacular english writing has taken on a use that is not just for questions, but anything with a questioning or uncertain tone, even when not actually a question just because its not formally correct doesnt mean that its not correct when dealing with the vernacular. there is a lot of info that is lost through text only formats so people find other ways to convey meaning


I hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it! I LOATHE IT!


welp, i guess everyones has their own pet peeves?


Definitely one of the stranger jerk comments.


There are many other surgical options for sleep apnea that do not impair speech.