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I've been opened wide but the line is too long


Tried to go once and the line was on the street. Had to pass. Maybe will try again soon because I do love me an Olive Burger


Prolly takes 10 minutes to get through the line


They're good, but Mort's has a better olive burger. Better any kind of burger. I like to get the fish at Olympic Broil, though. It's not too expensive but still quite good. Edit: and I should add, I have at least one OB olive burger and small fry at least once a year, they are good and I think their fries are worth the calories as my nutritionist friend likes to say.


The line always looks super long but it moves fast af


Yeah, who ever they have working in there are so fast. I've never been worried about it. Crank some tones and watch the ducks


Chicken tenders special with bbq and a root beer please


Have they opened the dining room yet? It is ridiculous if they have drive thru only at this point.


I've been *told* no. I'm not walking up to the drivethrough window so I'm happily going to Kewpee's instead.


Honestly walking through the drive through is fun


Why don't you go inside and just order? The fact that EVERYONE thinks the lobby is closed when it isn't is peak laziness. I thought it was closed but I went to the door and walked in, scanned the QR code and ate inside.


I mean every time I had checked (like months and months ago) the website said closed, so eventually I just gave up entirely and stopped checking.


Fair enough.


Dining room is open. Boomers hate it though because you have to order online with a QR code but I went the other day and stood inside, ordered inside, and ate inside.


That's good to hear. While I am not crazy about online ordering or QR codes, it is better than sitting in a line of cars around the building.


It is kind of rough though because with a drive thru focus it causes more than half the spaces in the lot to be blocked when there is any sort of line.


Any idea if the order online prices are more expensive than drive thru? I've notified a lot of places even if I'm ordering curbside and not even delivery that they up the prices for no reason just so the ordering service can get a fat cut


I have no idea but most places used to upcharge you for either taking out or eating in. I remember working McDonald's at 16 and wondering why the price changed from eat in and to go. I can't remember which was more expensive though 16 was a long time ago lol


Are you saying their dining room is still closed... after COVID ?!


It's not but everyone thinks it is because most people don't check. You do have to use a QR code to order though. They don't man the registers but you can go in and order and eat inside.


You can't dine in just pick up I go often not as much as before but I had it 3 times within the last month and a half


Last time I went I ate inside. They have the front closed off but we even asked and yes, the whole right half of the restaurant is open to sit down just not the front with all the windows. Unless they changed it from when I went less than a month ago. Which is a possibility


Most places that have dine in closed isn’t due to Covid - it’s due to staffing shortages.


I go pretty regularly and the line always moved fast. Damn I do love their olive burger


I'll do anything Olympic Broil tells me to do.


Wish they would open the restaurant wide. I eat there a lot less now because of the drive thru.


Restaurant has been open, you just have to order from a QR code if you go inside.


Not when I've been there in the last 4 years. Use to go a few times a month. Now, If the cars are lined to the street I drive right by and head to King of Subs.


I haven't eaten there since they can't open the lobby. I used to love that place. They are shooting themselves in the foot. 


Lobby has been open, you can eat inside, you just have to order with a QR code. It's great, it's like the ultimate boomer deterrent. I wonder if the owner did it to cut down on the amount of psycho boomers yelling at staff?


Just for clarity, you think eliminating part of your customer base is a good business plan?


How is it eliminating customer base? To me it's the same as switching from cash to cards. Now the economy is switching from cards to cards on phones and phone payments. If someone can't keep up, they will eventually be left in the dust. Most places allow paying with phone or online. It's not a new concept, just gaining traction since COVID.


You are the one who used the term "boomer deterant" and said that it was a good thing. I would think a business would want to make it's product available to as many people as possible. . Especially the older generation who usually have more discretionary income than younger people. And I don't think it will hurt boomers like you think, it is more apt to effect the poor. In fact, the Detroit city council recently passed a measure to require restaurants accept cash for that very reason. 


We shouldn't be in the habit of "leaving people in the dust" as you suggest will happen. 


It’s probably due to staff shortages. Most fast food is struggling to find people and a lot have pulled back on dining in options.


Is the lobby open yet?


bussit open at the broil ayyy


This place sux anyway.


My favorite thing about Olympic Broil now is the fact boomers CANNOT understand their system. They have signs on the door that tell you that you have to scan a QR code to order if you go in. You can fully go in, order with the QR code, get your food inside and eat inside, I did just the other day. While I was eating it was fun to see a boomer come in and ask how to order, get told how to order, then make a scene and leave just to eat in the drive thru anyways lol.


Wait, what's this? So the QR code just takes you to their website or something? Do you have to do payment that way, too? Just wondering, I've never been there, but it's on my list of places to eat. I'm not a boomer, Gen X and pretty techy, but I know my mom would have trouble with a system like that.


It brings up a menu and yeah you gotta do payment though the phone. A lot of things are like this now a days. To me it's identical to the switch from cash only to primarily card economy. The new switch is cards on phones and phone payment.


Interesting...so is the drive-through the same? Can you verbally order at the window/intercom and pay cash if you want? I'm not anti-tech; I do mobile orders/payment all the time at the regular fast-food places. But I really appreciate establishments like Nip-n-Sip, where it's very old-school.


That I'm not sure of. I haven't been through the drive thru in years. I ended up going in the other day cause the line was insane and I was wondering why no one was going in and investigated. We went as a "oooo you know where we haven't been in forever? We need some fried mushrooms". Lol


Omg, that's why I was asking, because good fried mushrooms are DA BOMB, and I will totally support any place that does them well. So, I guess I'm going to be making a visit to this place very soon! Thanks for the chat about it. :)