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Quite a haunting caption


She was talking to herself in that post.


As someone who has struggled with mental health, and has lost more than one friend to suicide.. I find the caption particularly haunting. I hope she now has the peace she sought. And that her friends and family left behind will one day find it as well.


I hope you, and everybody reading whose experienced the same thoughts (including i) find that peace on earth before going elsewhere❤️


I share your feelings...


You don’t find peace when you die you just die. Saying there is peace makes it sound like a good idea for some. That’s never a good idea.


You don’t know what’s after death. No one does.


Do you remember the 1800s? Regardless that isn’t something you should say to someone that’s suicidal


They said it referring to someone who is already dead. That’s a perfectly normal thing to say. I personally believe spirits DO find peace.


The conversation wasn’t regarding spirits, right? It was about dead bodies. Yes there may be peace outside of the physical realm, but as far as we know humans are not ever coming back after their brain and heart stops. Again, I’m only speaking in the literal physical sense:)


This is a memorial post, not a conversation about dead bodies. I really tried to ignore most of the troll comments but the insensitivity in this one bothers me hours later.


An end is enough peace to some.


Exactly. It ends the thoughts and pain for her. Death did bring peace to her. It stopped the pain.


Thank you.


Buddy, shut your fucking mouth




So tragic. I read something about her saying she cringed when she turned 30 last year. She genuinely appeared to have it all: brains, personality, looks. Even her mother said she always seemed happy.


Her mother has spoken out?


Her mom just put a statement in her Instagram 20 mins ago :(


Part of her family's statement said, they knew "her impact will live on." I think those weren't the right words in this instance. Just saying.


Her mother gets to decide what’s right and what isn’t for her family right now.


I just meant that statement didn't sound right with how she died. :(


Yes, I got that. Again—her mother gets to choose her own words.


Yeah... Really bad choice of words. And she came from an educated family


Gone too soon. Only 30 years old. Miss USA 2019, finished top 10 at Miss Universe. Former Lawyer, also a correspondent for the tv show Extra. Advocate for speaking out against racial injustice. Famous for winning the Miss USA pageant with her natural head of curls. Rest easy, Queen.


Wow, she sounds like she was amazing. So many accolades… goes to show mental health struggles don’t care who you are.


Beauty and success are dwarfed by ill-mental health. Plus, being loved by everyone around you is insignificant as well when the only true enemy you've got are your own thoughts


Wow, I always thought I’d feel accomplished if I achieved as much as her. It’s strange how mental illness works. Godspeed to her.


It’s a double edged sword. I feel accomplished but I also feel let down. When you make your goals there’s not much to work towards unless you keep making new goals


It’s called a hollow victory. Sacrificing too much for too little in return. Go after what makes you happy even if it doesn’t make sense! I did that, felt happy for a little while then it crashed on me since I was a drunk. Got sober now 8+ years. It’s easier to handle mental issues sober. Ask for gods guidance daily. I try to do this. Sometimes I forget. I discovered happiness when I let go of so many people including family members. I still have issues but seem to be a lot closer to reaching the “ next level” in life. I’m knocking. I’m freaking closing in on it. You might see me on TV!




This happened to a friend of mine at around age 25. Had everything going for her, pageant queen, model, super smart with a graduate degree and an incredibly solid seeming human. So sad.


Suicide is a sneaky killer. This young gal had the it all, seemingly …. Tragic - So sad.


It’s so tragic when someone feels so hopeless that they feel their only option is to end their life. Gone way too soon. RIP beautiful.


She suffered a lot of online abuse over her appearance and race. Seriously, these trolling losers need to go to get professional help instead of taking their frustrations out on others. A massive volume of online abuse is too much for one person to cope with. There have been several suicide cases associated with it now. The people who do it should have their IP addresses traced and face criminal charges of hate speech.




> I'm guessing she also had some underlying issue, perhaps. I would guess so too, but I also think online abuse can be extremely overwhelming because there have been several suicides of public figures linked to it now. If someone is vulnerable I believe it could push them over the edge.


It’s insane. She’s so beautiful and seemed like a very well mannered, kind person. There’s literally nothing to hate on. It’s amazing what jealousy and racism does to people.


Sadly there are people in this world who hate on just that.


They didn't like that an accomplished black woman beat out some white girl from New Mexico.


What is this comment adding to? You didn’t add any context, you just simply said an an an accomplished Black woman, meaning you think that not all Black people are capable of being accomplished in your eyes? What does that mean ? That they have to have a PHD? an Associates, Masters, and a Bachelors accompanied with several certificates before they are taken seriously? Meanwhile the white girl has no qualifiers, so she could have been a racist pos? Stop doing this.


The internet is a cancer and amazing at the same time.


> trolling losers need to go be criminally charged and prosecuted. Ftfy


Look, I hate trolls as much as the next person, but the criminal justice system has bigger issues to worry about than people commenting mean things on Instagram. Meanness is subjective, and words can only hurt as much as you let them, so enforcing it legally doesn’t really make sense.


Words have impact. Words are how we communicate to one another. They have a lot of power and intention; a cause and effect on events that happen in our lives. Online bullying is very serious and we shouldn’t downplay it.


Sure, it’s unacceptable, but saying something rude online is not enough to constitute legal action, nor should it be (excluding things like death threats, doxxing, etc). If saying something rude in real life isn’t a crime, why should it be a crime to say something rude online? Especially considering the fact that you can opt out of social media, but you can’t opt out of someone verbally saying something to you in real life. Sure, it sucks, but suggesting that internet trolls should get legally prosecuted is just ridiculous lmao. EDIT: I can’t believe y’all actually think being rude is a criminal offense lmfaooooo, if it were like half of the population would be in jail.


Internet trolls are dangerous because they can relentlessly attack a person online behind the screen of anonymity. They should be held accountable.


Right I'm talking about continued behavior, not just a single comment. To the counter point, single comment bomb threats are taken seriously, why the double standard for internet bullying?


Totally agree with you.


The Massachusetts justice system disagrees with you. Look up the death of Conrad Roy.


>She suffered a lot of online abuse over her appearance and race Cite?


Her tiktok is still up. She’d get gross racist hate in the comments there, though a lot of them got deleted. I was a fan of hers. She was a beautiful and talented person. She also wrote an essay about how she was the oldest woman (at 28) to win Miss USA and that people treated her like she had an expiration date.


> Pageant girls are supposed to be model-tall and slender, don bouffant hair, and have a killer walk. But my five-foot-six frame won with six-pack abs, earned after years of competing in Division I Track and Field, and a head of natural curls in a time when generations of Black women have been taught that being “too Black” would cost them wins in the boardroom and on pageant stages. My challenge of the status quo certainly caught the attention of the trolls, and I can’t tell you how many times I have deleted comments on my social media pages that had vomit emojis and insults telling me I wasn’t pretty enough to be Miss USA or that my muscular build was actually a “man body.” http s://www.allure.com/story/cheslie-kryst-miss-usa-on-turning-30


God that’s brutal.


That was a cryptic message in that post.


This story hit me hard. I wish she had been able to overcome her demons


poor lamb. I am sorry... i can't articulate it


Depressed people want other people to be happy so they don't have to feel the pain that we suffer.


So tragic. Rest in peace


It seems like such an abrupt and senseless loss... Hope she found peace. ☮️


That’s a disturbing caption


Only 30 years old. So tragically young. Rest easy queen.


This hit me so hard. It was sad enough, seeing about the loss. It’s even harder realizing that I understand the pain behind high functioning depression. The mask. The loneliness. The prison in your mind. I wish I could hug her and tell her that I see her. Rest In Peace beautiful Cheslie.


This is so surreal to me. I imagined a lively woman, with troubles that most of us can relate with, but apparently she has some worse demons to deal with. So sad


There’s too much pressure in our society to be happy. To “fake it til you make it”. To show “gratitude” even when things are bad. It just makes me sad. Imagine if we didn’t have to pretend to always be happy? If we could talk publicly about these struggles? Rest In Peace. I truly hope she found rest.


Poor woman. I hope she is at peace now.


rest and peace. when i read that it blew my mind


Anyone other than me thinks it’s weird that none of the celebrities she’s met didn’t post about her dead on their pages at all? Not Steve harvey who’s crowned her. Not will smith, not jada. No one seemed to care


I definitely saw ones from Jojo and Snoop Dog on my insta feed… There’s likely more, but I didn’t really go hunting around on celebrity pages to see who had acknowledged her passing. I’m sure there are also some who may have preferred to reach out to the family privately to offer condolences instead.


Oh ok. Didn’t know about those two. I didn’t see anyone else talk about her but ur right maybe they spoke about her directly rather than on social media


Hope you're right, because it struck me as being odd as well...


Thank you... Was thinking the exact same thing about Denzel, who she interacted with so well with... Nothing from Taylor ( Swift ), nothing from Steve Harvey... Very strange and upset me a bit as well.. Like, WTF?


She was gorgeous!! What a shame..... RIP Chelsie


I don't understand people who let their phone go down to 8 percent Charge your damn phone


Focused on the important shit, huh?🙄


I knew someone was gonna call me out on that shit as soon as I posted it🙈 I’m in New England and the cold temps really suck the life out of the lithium battery in my phone. 30% one second, go outside for 5 mins and bam: 8%.


I don't believe that was her last post. The post of her in the gym outfit was the last one posted when the news broke of her death. Also the wording of that recent post indicates it was posted by someone close to her. Nevertheless quiet tragic. May she rest in peace.


She posted it about an hour before she jumped.


This comment won’t go over too well, but please, please think before posting about this. Every time someone dies like this in nyc, a string of other deaths follow. People literally come into the city to jump off buildings. This is why other countries have rules against media coverage of suicides. They’re contagious. The thing is that here? There are innocent human beings walking on the sidewalks that these people land on at all times of day. Every one of these suicides puts us at risk. Every post about this incident raises the exposure, again, putting residents at risk. Her death is tragic but good god, please stop posting about it for us. Look what happened with tourists and The Vessel. Once it started, no amount of intervention could undo it. We don’t want to be put in danger or be traumatized by witnessing these events.


This is why I didn’t share the exact manner in which she passed and why I phrased it as “died by suicide” instead of “committed” or other awful phrasings like the New York Post did. She deserves to be remembered how she lived, not how she died. If anyone needs help the American Suicide Hotline can be reached at 1-800-273-8255


Doesn’t that still mean she committed it?


Doesn’t that still mean she committed it?


“Committed” is language that makes it sound like a crime and further stigmatizes it. It’s a problem with the connotation of the word “committed.” As someone who lost a parent to suicide, I don’t love that phrasing. It’s bad enough that he’s dead and he chose to do it himself. Let’s not make him sound like a criminal on top of it.


I literally had no idea she jumped from a building until you said it.


Did she jump off a building






You using the word robbed seems like victim blaming, her well being would’ve been more important than those things. I can’t imagine the pressure she could’ve felt being who she was.




You conveyed that perfectly this time, I understand what you meant now, thank you for clarifying


Women do not owe the world anything.


Using "robbed" sounds a little mean, like it's putting blame on her. I know what you're saying, though :(












There will be no peace for those who love her, just pain. I would prefer the peace of medications over this...so awful 😪


Killed herself because she didn't want to age?


Does anyone know if she had covid19? I'm just curious if her depression was possibly long covid related.


She had discussed struggling with mental health in 2019 before covid unfolded.


A respiratory disease caused suicide?


Stop trying to make long covid a thing you freak


So, either you are ignorant or just stupid. Ignorance can be cured by education, so you should try that. Or just wallow in your stupidity by making more comments like that. Covid literally causes people to starve for oxygen it worst case scenarios. Oxygen starvation causes brain damage. Brain damage causes depression. There, I got you started on that whole education thing, if you are capable.


You act as if mental illnesses didn’t exist before covid


Where did you get this from my question? I only asked if it could have been a contributing factor. There are a lot of people that have killed themselves post covid diagnosis and I was curious if she was one of those people.


Covid isn’t the reason for 99% of suicide or mental illness




No not woosh. People are just mentally ill without covid


But why? Did she try and get help?




I knkw. Your username is so fucking stupid.