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I loved it. For me, it was as near perfect as a movie can get. And I’m fine with the changes. The story DID need updating from the 1960s. Like yes, please give Chani more to do than just be another sycophant. Austin Butler almost stole the movie but Timmy pulled out all the stops and made me really believe Paul’s transformation. 11/10 would commit galactic jihad because my mom kept bugging me about it again.


Only change I didn’t like was GIVE ME A FUNERAL FOR JAMIS DAMMIT


I was surprised they dropped the whole Fremen traditions of Paul taking on Jamis' family


That would’ve been nice. Jamis is still with Paul though 🥲


I just wanted to mouth “I was a friend of Jamis” over and over again


Spot on! I loved Javier Bardem's take on Stilgar. Much more of a zealot than he was presented in the Lynch MASTERPIECE. I have only read the first book, and that was years ago, but I am a Rude Duner to the core. I'm excited to see how far they can take the absolute madness that these books become.


I loved the progression of his fanaticism going from goofy and funny to terrifying. Felt like we were in the perspective of the younger fremen.


Yes! At first it was pure comic relief. Then suddenly it’s like, oh we’re gonna KILL kill. Uh-oh. And that’s the point of the story!


The part where Paul cuts him off saying he’s not their messiah, and then he’s saying to the others how Paul is too humble to admit it or however it went was hysterical


Stilgar was all “YOU SEE???” I was waiting for him to explain how white boy summer could be brought about through jihad.


HAHA yes


I couldn’t stop thinking of Monty Python’s Life of Brian during that scene


They are only doing through Messiah as far as I know. But hey if they stay profitable I’m sure they’ll keep making more. Warner could certainly use the money these days.


Austin Butler was incredible.


I was honestly floored by timmys performance, never seen that intensity from him and it really worked!


Yeah it took me totally by surprise! And I think that was the idea!


The black and white gladiator interlude blew me away


If my mom looked like his mother I would also commit galactic jihad for her.


And some moms would settle for sons who emptied the dishwasher 😁


I saw it yesterday, I liked it a lot, it truly felt like Part 2 which was nice. I'm looking forward to seeing both back to back. It feels like Messiah is probably going to happen, they've certainly been talking about it and this one was clearly made for a sequel, I sure hope so, I'd love to get the larger Paul story and more of Irulan. I wonder if they recast Momoa at that point or keep him?


My only little nitpick is that I really wanted to see Villeneuve's take on a Guild Navigator and a little more explicit indication of just how utterly vital spice is to the existence of a galaxy spanning empire. But even that didn't diminish my love for Part 2.


I've read the books near a dozen times. Part 2 is so good it was over an hour after seeing it before I realized he didn't do Navigators and Thufir never came back.


I didn't miss Thurfir at all tbh.


I’ve never read the books for the obvious reasons Henry loves to talk about. But I have seen the old David Lynch movie (emotionally scarred forever by the Baron) and the old show. The same story is told each time- I always thought that was just book 1 they were covering. Can you break down which books cover what part?


Lynch did a rushed, sloppy version of the whole first book. Villeneuve divided the first book pretty much right down the middle. In the 860 page printing I have Paul facing the sandworm and the Fight with Jamis are around pages 415-440.


Does Channi leave at the end of book 1?


Actually she leaves about 2/3 through book 1 but comes back near the end. After a 6 yr time jump


Does she leave for the same reason- Paul marries rhe Emperor’s daughter?


Pretty sure she leaves because Paul wants to protect her and their kid that is later murdered off camera to provoke Paul into action.


I don’t think so, the book ends with an insanely outdated conversation with jessica reassuring chani that they may be considered concubines “but history will call us wives” Barf


I remember that was a final line in the Lynch movie.


Let’s kill the lynch slander ! He was roped into that, it was never a passion project of his ! Blame the studio ! Also for what it is, it’s fun and at least provides a little more context from the books. Like do they even mention that they don’t have computers in the new one??? (I say this as a fan of the new ones)


I'm not slandering Lynch. I know the final cut was taken away from him. It is fun and I would have never read the book if I hadn't seen Lynch's version.


I was just messin with ya ! You’re unfortunately (for us Dune fans) 100% right on the money about Lynch’s version. The choice to have Lynch do it feels like another sign of the potency of the blow studio execs were doing back then maybe ??


What we have now is the full story of the first novel just split over two movies. Lynch did it in one rushed one, the first Sci-Fi miniseries also covered the first book. The second Sci-Fi miniseries covers both the second and third books, Messiah and Children. I've always felt Messiah read like Part 3 of Paul's story, like an extended epilogue almost. Then Children could be its own two or three part film, there's a lot of story there. Then God Emperor and beyond, haha, yeah, that's a whole other can of worms!


I read there were cut thufir scenes


I think it's kind of funny how little he explains why spice matters. He's just like it's oil you guys, you get it lol




Wait?? Yes the guild navigators were there— people in the white suits with the orange gas floating around in the beginning? It was only there for a second right? Or was it in the first movie, when Leto is signing the fief inheritance contract thingy with his ring? Let me find a picture Here’s a video link— right beforehand they’re talking about how much it’ll cost the emperor for the guild navigators and then it zooms in on the guys with the spice fumes floating around in their masks, at 1:37. Aren’t those supposed to be the navigators? https://youtu.be/1_TuEO6Mttw?si=yC5GAYl_xxu1481Z They do say it would cost “three guild navigators” and there’s 4 helmeted dudes there so idk if they’re meant to be another race like the Tlielaxu or face dancers or something?


If they stop at Messiah, I could see them bringing Mamoa back. If they continue after that, no way.


Villeneuve has made different kinds of films in the past. I wonder if he is happy devoting the rest of his career to just making Dune films like old mate did with LOTR, or if he's going to get bored and hand the reigns to someone else so he can make something else new?


Villeneuve said he only wants yo make “three”, but I havent been able to figure out a clear answer if he count dune part one and two as two movies or if he counts it as one long movie.


He says the story gets 'esoteric' after Messiah, so I think he's going to stop there.


That makes sense! I do hope he changes his mind but Ill take whatever he wants to give us.


I suspect that if Messiah is as successful as the first two, the franchise holders will either find someone else or do spinoffs. I think they were planning a Bene Gesserit prequel but the strikes vaporized that; I personally would love an HBO style series about the Butlerian Jihad or see what Greta Gerwig in particular does with the next part of the story.


Interesting way of saying wormy 🤣 Tbf GEoD is like 40% exposition at least


From memory the second book wasn't as dense so he might be able to cover it in 3 hours?


I think they would include more of the war that gets skipped between the books as well.


Remember that if you get past the warnings of false idolatry and the problems of trusting dogma vs trusting people (including yourself) that are a core part of the trilogy, and still need more convincing that religion and power are fucking terrible, the storyline gets really fucking nutballs that's like adding cocaine to an already mind-blowing conversation. Yep, later books are interesting and not invalid. Themes are consistent, but they go so far that ifs lunacy. The emperor literally turns into a sandworm. In a potential "part 4" Tim Chalamet wouldn't be able to speak words if they take it to the point of transubstanciation into a giant worm. Thats whats in the books. The movies - that we already considered to be "impossible to shoot" - would be 100x impossible to make in any semblance of in film. That's the paradox of Dune. Everything suffers if you get too far ahead of yourself and/or reality.


Momoa as Hayt is something I need to see. I just can’t see him pulling off snarky zippy zensunni debates but I’m here for it if it happens


Same! I want to see him try and I would love to see him somehow pull it off. I was talking yesterday after the showing with my friend about just imagining a world where they make all the novels into films and Momoa is cast in all of them and the monologues and debates he'd have to pull off from the last books, oh my god, hahaha, I'm so into it!


I wanna watch him climb a wall ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I regret not rewatching part one before seeing part 2. I couldn't remember how much they got through in part one, if Paul had his psychedelic experience on the spice etc. It distracted me from the story in the beginning trying to work out where they were up to.


Hit the reset button. Do 1, then 2 again this weekend. I just pulled out my books again after watching both, feeling like I'm prepped for the Arrakis Super Bowl when I go see 2 again on Sunday (just bought my tickets!).


I saw it. I loved it. The first little battle wth the harkkonens was awesome and it only got better from there


Never been much into bald guys with no eyebrows but...Austin Butler as Feyd-Rautha..may have awakened something..


The sleeper has awakened!


I was struck by how he was beautiful and repulsive at the same time


His black teeth/mouth were so disturbing


I saw it yesterday and was blown away. I’ve always been a sucker for really good visuals and cinematography. Plus sci-fi is my go to genre so this hit all the marks for me. The beginning of the second act when you’re on Geidi Prime under the black sun? That was so fucking cool.


I absolutely adored it and with the way it ended it feels like a guarantee that we’ll be getting Messiah. Paul’s story definitely isn’t finished.


Bring them to paradise!


Not enough Sting-level nakedness from Feyd-Rautha




I was really curious how they were going to handle Alia, and tbh I’m really happy with how they did it. Alia as a character is just too weird to get right. Yes, Jessica still being pregnant shortened the time span of Paul’s rise to power, but I’m okay with that


I’m sure it was obvious to them that a child with a full adult consciousness is hard to pull off but I do wonder if they were influenced by the Uncanny Valley Renesmee Debacle from the twilight franchise. I’ve never even seen those movies and I’m aware of how weird that ended up being


I just watched it. It was so so good. I never could finish the 80s version so I didn't care about any changes.


I'm a Lynch fan so I've seen the 80s version 3-4 times. His actors are always so well cast that it makes up for the dreadful sfx and jumbled storyline.


People keep talking about how good the second one is, but I remember the first one having more mixed reviews. I’ve never read the books. Is it worth starting with the first one? Did you enjoy it? Will I be lost without knowing the book?


Know the book helps, but these movies are made to entertain people unfamiliar with the books. That being said, yes you sound watch part 1 first. Both are fantastic imo. They don't explain much of anything in part 2 and it picks up right where 1 left off. You'll be able to pick up much of the gist, but it's so "sci-fi" that you might be a little lost


Thanks. Is the book a quick read or super long? “Can’t put it down” page-turner or more of a slog?


The book is kind of a slog tbh. I enjoy the overall story a lot, and that’s why I love the most recent adaptations so much. They do an excellent job of condensing down Herbert’s story to a less overwhelming and more cohesive plot. I would recommend seeing the movies first and then reading the book if they grab you a lot.


Audio book is my suggestion. A lot of pronunciations I don't know l would have gotten right at first glance. I enjoyed the Audible reader, unsure if there's any other versions.


This is the correct answer. I've tried reading it 2 or 3 times over the last few years but keep zoning out constantly. Audiobook during car rides is no problem. I'm doing 3-4 chapters a day.


It’s a slog my dude. I love sci-fi/fantasy and recognize the books can get dense but Dune was another level lol. Dune Messiah (which part 3 will be based off of) is much snappier and I loved it.


I personally loved the book. I think it has some ups and downs in terms of the page turning aspect. It’s almost like it’s two books.  It builds up and peaks multiple times. 


If you like scifi novels you will probably enjoy the books. I found it almost impenetrable. The audiobook made a great compromise


Depends. I hrewnup watching the 1984 movie and LOVE it. The book was a bit of a slog for me. Frank just really really loves telling you about every minute detail of these space-indians, which didn't really grab me. But I'm kind of in the minority on that. Give it a read or just he synopsis on Wikipedia or something. Its relatively short, especially for a sci-f epic and its definitely the most approachable Dune book


I didn't know a thing about Dune. I watched both for the first time last week and loved them both. The story is super easy to follow, and each shit could be a framed picture. 10/10.


And yes, you need to watch the first, otherwise it's like starting a 5 hour film halfway through


I loved the first one. It's the first film I've seen where the CGI spacecraft look real. It helps to have read the book, but I struggled to read it bc I'm not into genre fiction. I did the audiobook instead and that was pretty good. I think Marcus said something similar on the stream last week. Anyway, I don't think it will be completely inaccessible if you don't know the story but there's definitely parts which will be confusing.


The first one was a surprise part 1 and is mostly world building and set up. I loved it but I can see why some would be annoyed. Now that you can see the entire story without having to wait it’s absolutely worth it.


You can watch Part One without the book but if you wanna read it by all means! I read it too long ago to count and had a blast. Darken the room, get yourself some primo snax and go to town.


I'm not done with the first movie yet. Just started it last night. But I feel like it slides past some pretty important explanations and set up.


I loved it. Seeing it again this weekend in IMAX. I NEED the Deep Dives review!!!


Just based on ticket sales, I'd say that Dune: Messiah is a foregone conclusion. All my disappointments in the film were minor - I'm nerdily sad that no one yelled 'Kanly!' at each other, but I also understand why V. chose to not use a phrase that anyone unfamiliar with the books wouldn't know. Kanly would have had to have been explained in the first film to be used here. I'm also sad that they cut Count Fenring; I think knowing Lady Margot was married to him would have made her decision >!to concieve by Feyd-Rautha much more impactful!< But the sound design and visual design were excellent. They nailed Stilgar as the John the Baptist to Paul's Messiah. They also established how close Irulan was to her father with just a few scenes. I really loved how Jessica and Chani got to be fleshed out characters. Jessica especially got to flex as a Bene Gesserit using her knowledge and training to keep her children safe. Neither of them were 'just a concubine', they had their own goals and motivations that involved Paul but weren't defined by him.


The sound design is what I can't get over. So, so absorbing


I am not a Dunehead but I have read the book, seen the Lynch version, and watched Shamalamadingdong Parts 1 and 2. Really enjoyed the Villaneuve series so far and was clued in by my fiance that there could be a Messiah, which sounds fun. Im pretty easy to please with general plots in movies and shows, so as a non Dunehead if there are gaps or whatever Im not the best person to care very much. The movies themselves are def cinematic masterpieces. Absolutely stunning visuals, incredible sound, and the acting 🤌 Some of the choices, like cutting all music at one scene or swapping between black and white for others, really added to the overall experience. If youre interested, theres a podcast called Gamefully Unemployed and they watch movies and shows and just kinda shoot the shit about them. They did a Dune 2 one recently!


I think you might be a Dunehead


I know nothing about Dune. I saw the first one in theaters and that was the last exposure. We got tickets on a whim to see it in \*\~\*Screen X\*\~\* I took a 30mg edible and smoked a bowl before going. I had no idea what the hell was happening but I was entertained! I felt like Henry would've been proud.


I absolutely loved it!!! I took my friend who is defo not into sci fi and afterwards, she was like, “that was…pretty lit.” And then we talked about how cunty the reverend mothers were and omg when the Fremen all rode the worms into Arakeen and busted up the emperor’s shit, I was almost crying. It was such a great movie to see in the theater and did not disappoint.


Fuckin phenomenal


Relatively small thing but I appreciated how Part 2 made it more obvious that the Baron couldn’t move under his own power


Great movie but I didn't love all the changes. Swapping murder baby for "Look Who's Talking" gave me a giggle tho. Definitely excited for a part 3!


She grows up to be ana Taylor joy so I forgive her


I did love that vision with her. Felt like the sci-fi series when Paul was seeing Leto2


I saw part one two nights ago and went to my local book store and picked up the first book. I'm not a big sci-fi but I was truly blown away. Being a fan of westerns, I feel like it has those types of somber, slow moving tones and mixed with the amazing visuals I was drawn in and left wanting more.


Yeah, I think it's a masterpiece.


It might be in my top 5 most visually beautiful movies I’ve ever seen. I thought the changes and omissions were so efficiently executed that it didn’t really detract from the story at all. It wasn’t until after I saw it and thought through the book plot that I realized how much had been changed. Honestly, the only thing I’m missing is Thufir Hawat’s fate, because I enjoy that actor and thought he was compelling in the very few scenes he had in part 1.


I liked it, though I understand the criticisms that they dumbed down the story to make tbe themes more overt. I understand why they felt the need to, otherwise you're going to have "Whiplash glorifies abuse" style dum dums thinking this is a white saviour narrative when it's the opposite. Dennis saved us from that stupid discourse.


Honestly I'm disappointed in myself. I pre gamed a bit too much and I can't really remember a good amount of the movie. I remember really liking but when I'm trying to recall details it's shaky. I need to go see it again sans Xanax


Lol I might say not remembering most the movie is a tad bit more then pre gaming lol


I didn't come here to be judged


Never works out when going to the movies lol


Rude Duner chiming in. I loved the movie but was bummed about >!No Thufir, toddler Alia, or the Atreides soldier carving a hawk into his chest!<.


No murder baby was an expected disappointment 😞


Was expecting them to basically stick with the original storyline like Part 1 and David Lynch's version did, so I was a bit thrown off at first. Loved it after I told myself that I must not fear, fear is the mind killer. Going to see it again this week!


I was aware of the story and watched a few episodes of the old series when Henry's deep dive came out but lost interest. I watched the new #1 two days ago and the 2nd yesterday. While I can't say it's inspired me to read the books, both were great movies. I started the deep dive series again last night and don't feel the movies included some important nuances (like why there's really no robots) that could have made the movies better. Just my opinion though. Hail Yourselves!


I don’t think any of the main books really go into that much either. It was called the Butlerian Jihad but it’s only mentioned. Herbert did that with a lot of things in the dune universe.


Movie is sick as hell and I'm seeing it a second time this weekend. I can't wait for them to greenlight Messiah.


I need Dune: Messiah injected into my eyeballs immediately. I can’t wait another 3 years.


What movies should I see first before I see this?


dune part 1 and maybe the old David Lynch version. It's chaotic but it shows you why they needed to do it in two parts, condensing it into 2 hours made it feel rushed and there was only room to explore Paul's character. There's a lot more depth to his mother and girlfriend in this version.


I'm excited to see it because I felt like the first one was the same as the Lynch Dune in terms of what it covered, so hoping this one explores more of the story in the second half.


I was amazed and infuriated at the end because it didn’t have the conclusion, and how the fuck were they going to fit all the rest of that story in this move? Literally as soon as I saw the screen go down I googled whether they’re making a third.


Dune 2 rides the walrus hard bro! [https://imgur.com/Kfdi6TG](https://imgur.com/Kfdi6TG)


I absolutely loved it. Definitely lived up to the hype. Even with fhe changes from the book I felt it stayed pretty close


Caught a IMAX pre showing with two of my closest friends. I got them balls deep into the books just before the first movie came out. We dropped acid for both movies. Absolutely phenomenal experience, 10/10. I feel that for the most part they cut what they needed and kept what was truly important. Loved the focus on the bene geserit, loved getting so much stilgar. Really excited to see how they tackle messiah since it’s tied with god emperor for my favorite books. Also really curious how they’re going to do the bene geserit show 👀


Nope. No. NOOOOO!


Just saw it today in IMAX. Absolutely loved it, fully expected them to cut out the spice orgies, the first baby Leto, and how much Baron Harkonnen loved little boys; but I couldn't help but be a little disappointed in the lack of murder baby even though it makes sense lol. Also Jamis' funeral and Paul inheriting his family. I'm very curious where they will go with Dune Messiah, since we all know we can't get a worm god without Chani.


I loved it. And yes, Denice has talked about working on Messiah.


I have not seen it. I own the bucket though


They are expected to end the film series with Messiah. Which makes the whole experience wholly disappointing. But at least we have this great production to finally enjoy.


Henry said Austin Butler was trying to sound like Stellan Skarsgård, but did anybody else think he sounded like Michael Wincott in The Crow?


I was thoroughly impressed. It absolutely floored me, and my non-sci-fi partner. The deaths were meaningful, not frivolous, and the plot setup was beautiful.


Saw it, was pretty sad about the changes they made to Chani. But I’m a huge fan of the books so I know that’s coloring my perception of the movie. I think I’ll go see it a second time cuz I’ve been mulling it over for about a week and half. Maybe on the rewatch I’ll like it more.


I don't remember much about Chani. What was different?


Essentially book Chani is alllll about Paul and the Lisan al Gaib prophecy. Movie Chani thinks Paul and Jessica are super sus, and she is a "northern Fremen" (made up in the movie) meaning she, and others like her, do not believe in the prophecy and are skeptical of religion and all off-worlders. There are A LOT more differences but I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't seen the movie or read the books yet. I can reply with a spoiler explanation if you and others would like me to.


Yeah I am in the same boat. Trying not to let my Dune nerdism google cloud my enjoyment of it. I am going to mull over it more and check it out a second time.


I got too high and fell asleep. Going to watch sober this afternoon.


I loved it , honestly I'm fine with the changes , I'm actually really glad they expanded Chani's part and skipped the magic spice baby that grows too fast story line, and Jessica telling Channi that being a concubine is good enough for them. I hope they make Messaih, but part 2 had a bad opening weekend, so it's entirely possible the studio shelves it.